🧵 1) White Sox game in Chicago should have been stopped or delayed after two women were wounded by gunfire near Section 161 of the stadium. #sports
🧵 1) White Sox game in Chicago should have been stopped or delayed after two women were wounded by gunfire near Section 161 of the stadium. #sports
🧵 2) Miscommunication on protocol for notifying MLB resulted in the game against Oakland A's continuing without interruption, says interim Supt. Fred Waller.
🧵 3) Steps taken to avoid a repeat incident, ensuring correct procedures are in place to delay or stop a game, according to Waller.
🧵 4) Police unsure if shots came from inside or outside the stadium, investigating video footage to determine. No suspects yet identified.
🧵 5) White Sox chairman Jerry Reinsdorf believes shots couldn't have come from inside the ballpark. Police continue to analyze surveillance footage.
🧵 Read more at: https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/38456285/chicago-top-officer-says-white-sox-game-where-2-were-shot-stopped-delayed