There are 6 pages

New Binance CEO Richard Teng feels that the lawsuit by SEC and recent $4.3B recent settlement was a result of lapses in compliance which were evident in the years that Binance growth boomed from 2017.



richard Teng strongly believes that the situations that led to compliance issues of Binance could have been avoided. But then, these were historical mistakes that led to this huge settlement.


While the current changes Binance is facing is of a huge magnitude, the new CEO believes strongly that Binance will continue to grow strong and build on its vision and historical successes.


Given the nature of the litigations and settlement against Binance, CZ would no longer be involved in running the daily activities of Binance after his resignation. But the new CEO is confident of carrying on and really making sure that Binance remains a top crypto exchange.


Learn more about the thoughts of New Binance CEO in this article below:

Bienvenidos al #threadcast oficial de la Curación en Vivo de @hispapro , hoy 03/12/2023, CONVERSACIONES Y ESCRITOS ENTRE AMIGOS, con @crisch23, Iniciamos a las 6:00 pm hora Venezuelan Los esperamos.

lo mejor de Diciembre uff las #Hallacas y sobre todo porque son de mi tierra #Venezuela 🇻🇪

Buenas, recién entro al canal y me reciben con canciones típicas de mi ciudad, cuanto amor 😘

bienvenidos a todos nuestros amigos, ya dentro de unos pocos minutos daremos inicio al programa en vivo, mientras tanto escucharemos unas gaitas que nos anuncia las navidades, fiesta, hallacas, pan de jamon...

Yo me siento decepcionada de mi, hice power down y bajo mi cuenta tanto que deje de ser minnow

a mi me paso lo mismo, pero eso se recupera, yo estoy haciendo PD porque necesito pagar el internet y demás cosas.

Yo antes de venirme de Venezuela mi madre me preparo unas hallacas de Dioses, que hasta hora me quedo el saborcito rico. quiero maaas!!!

ah me equivoque, igual es valido, hoy es conversaciones entre amigos, pero tambien stuart puede participar, asi que no hay novedad 😍


Recuerden darle play a los videos que eso ayuda mucho a quienes hacemos contenido para 3speak, compañeros.Visto tu video amigo @soldierofdreams

Felidades @buiitre eres un minnow!

Buen cumpleaños el que paso @morenow aqui los volvemos a saludar y agradecer ser tan buena gente #hispapro

@morenow es tremnendo pana , colaborador, divertido y tiene algo que los demas no tienen: ni un pelo de tonto 😍

Pecesito el corrector jsja@buiitre

@karelysk89 los #threads se basan en comentarios limpios y claves. Puedes ser libre de expresarte, pero si le metes la chispa de #Hive junto a #Leo. Mucho mejor

Ok amigo @yeral-diaz muchas gracias por guiarme por este mundo de #threads en #inleo, vamos a ver que tal me adapto, estoy más que activa en esta curación de @hispapro con la fabulosa @crisch23 #hive siempre mandando.

@karelysk89 es por aqui, llegate es muy facil

aqui amplificas los atacas de magia y espinas

ese juego es demasiado genial y la estrategia que usaste fue muy buena con ese tanque

Llegué tarde, tenía otro compromiso ya me pongo al día dándoles apoyo #hispapro

Bienvenida @sacra97 lo bueno es estas ya con nosotros.


bueno ya sabes por todo el tabajo que pasamos quienes hacemos videos @wuildariablox , yo hago todo eso que tu hicistes y mucho mas, pero varias veces a la semana 😀

A mi me gustaria ver alguna foto de Manaos que comparta @karelys89

Claro amigo, tengo varios post donde aparecen imagenes y lugares maravillosos aquí en Manaus, te invito a que le heches un vistazo e incluso hay culinaria Amazonences.

ya voy para allá porque eso me interesa, sobretodo de parte de una ciudadana local, de alguien común, y no de algún influencer sesgado.

Lo mejor de todo es que conocemos de los #threads, aprendemos de #Hive acompañado con #leofinance y facilito con nuestro grupo de #hispapro. Nos vemos a las 6 🙏🏽.

No importa lo difícil que haya sido el año, siempre hay algo que celebrar en navidad.

jaja crisch se va a volver loca

hace rato esta enredada @crisch23 jajajaja

@maykxz estos dias son de rumba hallacas pan de jamon y la familia de hispapro

Feliz tarde para todos gente lindaaa!

buenas tardes, saludando al mundo de ideas con @crisch23 y por supuesto su mejor mascota: stuart! #hispapro

Hellooooooooooo Gracias por esta invitación, estoy activa @crisch23


omg voy de ultima

a mi me puedes quitar de la lista, vengo solo como espectador querida cris, mi post ya tiene mas de 24 horas XD.

Desde ya escuchando buena música mientras esperamos.
Saludos a todos .

Saludos a esas personas especiales a quien tanto quiero, y estan en el gif.

es que huele a navidad...

Que Este día este lleno de Bendiciones para todos #hispapro

esta vez @manclar es conversaciones y escritos entre amigos, jajaja

si, ya publoque por alli jajajaja, pero igual es la misma gente, lol. XD

traten de dejar lo que puedan del tema hablado por aquí. Los #leo 👀

muy buena sugerencia

Let's go 😁

los comentarios aqui son recompensados asi que todos ganan

ay dios yo todavia estoy acostumbrando a comentar desde aca...

Yo desde ayer empecé con las hallacas, aunque no soy muy fanático de ellas, me van a quitar mi nacionalidad 😭

Mientras tanto , escucho y veo un videito

Activo ya en el programa #hispapro

ponche de crema

es mi bebida favorita

por si acaso yo estoy hoy solo como oyente y apoyando la comunidad

jajaj nooo que no tenga licor que este suavecito

el ponche cream es muy sabroso, yo lo se hacer casero.

Aquí en Maracaibo dicen que es raro porque uno de los platos navideños favoritos se trata de la Lassaña o como la conocemos aquí “pasticho” , aunque no lo cambiaria por nada 😘

La verdad se me antoja un buen pan de jamon, con ensalada de gallina. Espero obtener buenas recompensas en hive para poder disfrutar de eso. #hispapro

Desde que comenzó dicienbre tengo unas ganas de comer hallaca, que alguien me invite a una halliquita vale

Toma aqui tienes una

Felicidades @buiitre ya eres un necesito 😁

Gracias por el espacio chicos #hispapro

estas en manao

Si, ya estoy de vuelta, como había dejado mi lapto, hoy es que me estoy activando en #hive

Se me fue el internet, qué bellezas suceden con la fibra óptica. 😍

uy que feo, aqui paso eso pero solamente cuando estabam tirando el cableado en la av ppal, pero despues de eso todo ha estado bien, afortunadamente.

a mi me encanta la navidad por la comida y las gaitas, la decoracion es lo de menos para mi

@andrearojas55 claro yo te anoto de ultima tranquila

que mayor seguridad podria tener David que el mismo, es el propio super man omg

@manclar es tu turno

yo solo vine como publico, te dije por inleo y por aqui hace rato, y varias veces @crisch23

@wuildariablox que bueno que paso un feliz cumpleaños

Traigan los capybaras que yo pongo las gaitas y armamos la fiesta de la mejor manera posible. 😁

jaja mi nombre es todo un trabalenguas, asi que no los culpo

jaja de verdad que muchas gracias a Soldier por ayudarme tambien :'3

@wendyth16 saludos y bienvenida

es costoso en verdad
las medicinas
es que se comen todo #hispapro

Yo creo que eso de la gripe que uno la saca en la playa es verdad, una vez mi hermana estaba enferma y estabamos en la playa y se le salieron todos lso mocos, asqueroso pero lo bueno es que luego de eso no tenia gripe JAJAJ XD

que fotos tan hermosas del golfo @andrearojas55

El poco tiempo que tengo conociendo la familia de #hispapro me ha abierto las puertas al mundo de la creatividad en darme una oportunidad de unificarme con el resto de los hivers ♥️, junto a #Inleo para compartir con vosotros igualmente.😊

llegaron las guacamayas con @rosmiapure

@rosmiapure saludos desde apure y saludos de puerto ayacucho

En estos momentos. Te saludo desde Apure mi querida crishc.


Ell orinoco, que buenos recuerdos me trae, tan majestuoso, tan regio. Espero algun dia poder regresar y volver a disfrutar de su grandeza.

Buenas noches a todos

Estuvo muy divertido el programa. Gracias Crisch por tu tiempo!

Diviertete amarrando hallacas jaja

me despido de todos, gracias por su participacion

Que la pasen bonito, ahora a ver la película/serie del domingo, que en mi caso es la fabulosa serie Recursos Inhumanos que esta espectacular.

Un programa muy bueno y la pase de maravilla, además cada una de las participaciones del día de hoy fueron buenas, la cual aportan mucho valor para hive. Además siempre es gusto compartir con la comunidad y en la casa de @hispapro

Over the years technology has made our frozen moments more pleasing to the eye. By this I mean photography, an art that began in 1826 with the world's first camera.


Over the years much has been said about the threat that technology can be to the human element in the case of photographers.

Is a professional photographer no longer necessary?

However, as a hobby photographer I have seen that in the last few decades, even though there are mobile phones with good cameras, nothing replaces the feeling of a professional camera and its pixels.

Therefore, rather than thinking about the end of the photographic profession, the technology seeks to improve our experience and create new things never before thought of with a computational photography system.

Do you want to know more about this new technology?
In the following thread you can get information on how technological advances make the life of a photographer more efficient in time and creativity.

BREAKING NEWS: Chelsea back to winning ways after 3 games

Chelsea vs. Brighton at Stanford Bridge has just ended with a hard-fought victory for the home side that could have slipped away.

1/ 🧵

2/ 🧵

With a two-goal lead Chelsea saw Gallagher sent off after a reckless challenge. I thought it was a bad decision by the London manager not to make any changes at halftime. But in the development we saw why.

3/ 🧵

Brighton did make changes that freshened up and we could see some seagulls stepping more frequently into opposition territory. Despite their 2 goals, they were unable to catch up and take advantage of their numerical superiority.

4/ 🧵

A possible handball in stoppage time sent shivers down the spine of the crowd. But the VAR certified to the referee that it had hit Colwill's face and not his hand. The match was extended until the 112th minute 😅

5/ 🧵

If you missed this electrifying match, you can at least watch the highlights in the sportscasts and see the stats at the following link:

🧵 1. A thrilling game for the neutral finished with a scoreline of Manchester City 3 - 3 Tottenham Hotspur.

A game which ebbed and flowed. The fact that Man City did not win should not come as a surprise. #epl

🧵 2. Son Heung-min scored his 50th Premier League away goal for Tottenham, but he also scored the opener for Manchester City.

He also had an assist for Lo Celso to make it 2-2 in the 69th minute #epl

🧵 3. Haaland did not score for Manchester City. He did get an assist though and will be remembered for losing his temper. The big viking could well be in trouble with the FA for his verbal attack on the Hooper the referee. #epl

🧵 4. Kulusevski made it 3-3 right at the end of normal time, but Haaland was furious the referee blew for a foul and did not play advantage.

The game well it was all attack attack and attack! #epl

PUBG mobile is back with PMGC , 4MV one of the best team has qualified with it’s best roaster to perform. The prizepool is approximately 3 million 🤯.

🧵 2. indeed 4MV is one of the best team because they have made a great placement has qualified for PMGC. Grand final starts from 8th December.

🧵3. 4 Merical Vibes got South Asia fall #1, they are on board to play this tournament on stage of ulker sports.

read more at:

🧵1/3 Travel news report on W. Mainstreet on a vehicle that caught fire after the driver step out of it. It was said that the vehicle onconce had hit and run before the oocurence of the fire.

🧵1/2 However, before the vehicle caught fire, the tyre in the vehicle was flat. So, if you are close to Sante Fe, be very careful along that area.

🧵1/3 The whereabout of the driver is unknown, so be careful out there, especially if you are a traveller in that area. Here is the full gist

Twitch Revenue over the last month

I earned 24 cents on my best day!

I miss @vimm

better than zero.
what do you stream?

Mostly a game called Apex Legends

I have a buddy who makes a couple bucks a month on twitch. I keep tellin g him his earnings would grow on this platform way faster.

twitch paying out the big bucks lol need lots of viewers for that ad rev to really make noticeable difference.

1/ 🧵 Ukraine's National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine has managed to seize the 1.5 m worth of the crypto assets and they have also caught the govt official behind the scheme.

#outreach #threadstorm

4/ 🧵 Check out how the NABU of ukraine has managed to seize the 1.5m crypto in a war fund scam.

Interesting, but Ukraine is distroyed in war, to do all this, Govt. functions, investigation...anyway

2/ 🧵 NABU is the body that does the watch over the money laundering, forex scams, and the crypto scams and they have managed to catch one war crime level scam within the ukraine govt.

3/ 🧵 If we consider the amount of scam which 1.2 million of usdt and the 6.5BTC which goes to show that govt officers have learned how to do this using tech now. They know the tech just like the consumers.

The best statement I've seen in the last 48 hours:

wow! It's excellent and very true. Bitcoin and crypto somehow fits to this.

I think you are very right. We are in a world where the truth is vetoed by a group of media that control the matrices of opinion.

South Africa, I would love to live there for a year.

An old friend of my family lives there and I always get jealous when I hear his amazing stories and see the most beautiful photos.

(Like this one he sent☝️.)

Especially those of the Kruger Park. 🐘🐘🐘

Not to mention the many cultural events, the people who are friendly and welcoming and the excellent weather.

How about you @joanstewart & @iamchimary?

I invite you to participate.

#crossculture #southafrica

I have had some friends from there. The racial divide makes me sad but there seem to be great people there from both cultures and I really like GQOM music.

That's nice to know. Sadly, there are divisions In South Africa. Good people are there to overwhelm and spread peace and love for all without any discrimination. The culture is amazing and diverse and it makes it worth visiting and living.


my elder brother visited south Africa two months ago and he couldn't stop telling us how awesome the city is

Lucky him. You also for having heard many stories from him, plus the lovely photos. The nature is so serene and the beaches in Cape town are splendid. Hopefully, we see it someday soon.


No argument about the beauty of Africa, one needs to be aware of safety when visiting cities. As a local we check roads and destinations before adventuring out to reach wildlife parks.

Once within park it is safe from human problems, still need to remain in your vehicle where instructed to do so. You never know what is lurking in the bush...


What a beautiful photo. Thank you for the guideline to keep in kind while roaming there. The nature is attractive for both humans and their friends from the wildlife.


Hope you visit one day soon.....

I totally agree with you, South Africa is so beautiful, I also want to go on a vacation there too.

Where you from though?

Here we go, $BTC

woah, looks like a wick on Bittrex..

Binance is showing #BTC today's high at $39841


I expected it to be today, though. It was going up for the past few days.

Today I passed the 3000 threads mark.

When I joined, I didn't know that I'd like being a part of the awesome Leo community so actively.

I appreciate all the honorable members who motivated me to show daily and keep me engaged spending time on threads.

It's only the start and sky is the limit.


Thread On!

#ladiesofhive #threads #leofinance #leo

congrats on the milestone!

Much appreciated!

congratualtions dear.🎉❤️

wow that is a great number to have reached congratulatins

Thank you so much. happy Monday!

Happy Monday to you as well




Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(3/20)@meraki7578! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @ericburgoyne.

Thank you

Congrats. Keep filling up the pipeline with information.

Thank you

Congrats, Your threads are nice and glad you're having fun here.. it's really amazing to engage and spend time with community.

5k threads Soon!

That's a great milestone. I wish you the best of luck to hit it soon. Thank you for the kind appreciation. Yes, it is very nice to be on threads.


You remind me of those days when I was so active here.

Congratulations friend, keep it going

Thank you, my friend. I hope and look forward to seeing you active again like before.


I hope so too, thank you 🥰

You are most welcome. Have a productive December, and may you end the year in style.



Hehe, thank you so much to Merak, I wish you the same 🥰

View or trade LOH tokens.

@meraki7578, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @hopestylist and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (2/4 calls)

Use !LADY command to share LOH! More details available in this post.

Congratulations and wish you more and more threads and progress. 🎉

Much appreciated!

That’s awesome. Congratulations

Thank you

I'd like to invite you to the #freecomliments community

If you would like to join, don't forget to tag and mention me in a thread
or post.

We support and complement each other and grow together.

Enjoy your Sunday!

Submit the music you listen to and we will add it to the database.

Submit to the music on leo tag and then you can listen to all you want right on Leo.

Done. Thank you sir.

Blood sausage. I always link it to the traditional food you eat in winter. 🥶☃️

In winter, you eat more food that gives you some extra energy to keep your body temperature up during the cold. 🔋

Therefore, I only buy blood sausage in these cold winter months.

Deliciously fried in a pan and then on a slice of bread, finger-licking good. 😋


Yummy Yummy... just missing the White Sausage. :smirk:

Thank you for the kind words. That'll be soon.

It doesn't look very nice, but it probably tastes good. Bon appetit.

Thank you. I bet you like the taste of it.

lol I was going to say uuhhh they look a little burnt 😂 but when I read what they were it makes sense

Sometimes looks don't serve the best scenario. lol tasty they are.

I have never tried this dish, ummm the name puts me off but that's just me. I'm sure it must be good as it is very popular.

I suggest you try it someday. Hopefully, you will like it too.


Sometthing so cool just happened to me! @findingfreedom just sent me some SATs, on Hive, via the! These guys are building something special! It's simply amazing, and I'm looking forward to what they have in store for us!

Losses in #trading hurt allot less when:

You expect them to happen...
Know it's just part of the game...

Properly managing #risk... and have a solid trading #plan...

Make sure you have these things in check before you even open a #chart or try to place an order! #logicaltrading

I need 3 more receiving yards from Bijan Robinson



#outreach #threadstorm

Keeping $HBD in savings or buying $HIVE for HP? Which one do you prefer most and which one can be the smart one to keep in your Hive account?


It's a very common debate and confusion for many people at the current time. HBD saving is giving 20% APR but the HIVE token price is very cheap and it also can give a huge return.



I have written an article about it and I shared my thoughts an strategy and I hope you will enjoy reading. I am inviting you to read my article.

I like to have HBD but if the bull comes it is better to be in hive. But HBD is has been my rock

Thank you for your witness vote!
Have a !BEER on me!
To Opt-Out of my witness beer program just comment STOP below

BEERHey @cflclosers, here is a little bit of from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

HIVE .We love your support by voting @detlev.witness on

I'm doing both :) Although I still buy and power up HIVE while saving a bit of HBD.

So, the first thing I did on Hive was an ok intro, then posted random stuff following an initiative bc I didn't even know what to do... now I'm reading info from the blockchain using HiveSQL

Hahaha very basic stuff and I got help but, a long way from where I started to where I am now

Way to go!! I hope to be where you are one day.

Have to get onto that intro 🙂

Thanks!!! Haha and yes! Here we have many opportunities to growth, we just have to take it and no let comfort deprive you of better options. I have been taking all opportunities that present and forgetting about the things that don't work, and here I'm now.

And my mindset is to keep that way, and now actually grow my stake, which before I couldn't really do because I had to use my coins to live.

right? I used to think the government should just keep printing money to help people cause I had no idea how money worked before I got into Hive.

In my country #Venezuela one of the traditional foods are arepas. They are made with corn flour. They are my favorite for breakfast


🧵 1/2

The preparation of arepas at home is a work of art. To be enjoyed, of course, with a good coffee.

#silverblogger #venezuela

🧵 2/2

What a delicious breakfast, enjoy your arepas!

The arepas!! They cannot be missing from the Venezuelan table, a companion for everything.

I still want to try and make Arepas, sounds so good!

Anyone know how to claim rewards from liquidity pools ?

There is no claim button, look below red circled. Or Is it auto compound?

The rewards contract is automatic.

It's not auto-compounded but should be auto-claimed and appear as liquid on your account.

Over here in my country, the most common season we see fireworks is during Christmas season.
Infact, it's the fireworks that announce Christmas more than Christmas medley.



The day I captured this particular photo, I almost ran away from my house at night because the bangers were hitting my door. They were so loud.

This was 24th of December 2022


One thing I am grateful for this year is how I have stayed consistent on #Hive and being part of the amazing friends I have made all along. With my earnings on Hive, I've been able to support my dad and siblings in the university, gift them something they desired and making them happy while realising the kind of big sister they have in their lives.

Nothing than that gives me the Joy I wanted from my family.

You are a blessing to your family.

Bitcoin at $40k, still no BTC etfs in sight….etf mirage was real

fill them pls, $SPS 😂

SPS up in price, looks like it is rising again.

Me encanta tomar una taza grande de café,oscuro pero no tanto, sin azucar y disfrutarlo en cada momento del día. Cuando llegué a Cuba, llevaba en mi maleta mi filtro de tela

🧵 1/3

#hivecuba #coffeetime

Cuando entro a mi taller a trabajar, necesito mi fiel compañero, el café. Tengo una taza favorita, pero mientras sea una taza sustanciosa soy feliz

#hivecuba #coffeetime

It is great to see your love for coffee, and I am very fond of coffee. Nice photos and delicious coffee. Enjoy your coffee.


Thank you...come and I'll buy you a cup. Cheers!

That would be so sweet of you. I'll stop by someday. Have a great evening.


mis vecinos llegaban a la hora de la merienda a tomar cafecito cubano- venezolano. En casa nunca falta un buen filtro de tela para mantener la tradición.

#hivecuba #coffeetime

🧵 2/3

Es mágico a los que lo consumimos , no nos puede faltar , nos ayuda a emprender el día con energía

La energía que necesitamos 😊👍🏼

Que bien, estamos iguales, a mi igual me gusta una gran taza de café!

apuesto a que no probaste el café de filtro de tela? Un día te prepararé uno 😊👍🏼☕

Glad i was able to publish an article today despite tight schedule.

I will be going to bed early tonight, an as usual, awake at midnight to do my one hour night threading.

See y'all later.

kee it up

what is the article you published today, talk about it here and promote it!!!!

You can check my profile for threadstorm to my article for today. I always promote my Articles daily here

Quick question Threads...

How can I add value to your journey today?

Teach us what not to do on Hive so the journey becomes lot easier if not smoother. And what you do differently that helped you here level up?

I wish I had the secret sauce, but for me it was this:

  • Engaged with people every day
  • Powered up as much as I could
  • Invested fiat, even though it was not much
  • Did a ton of live streams, videos, so people got to 'know' me

But above all else....Had and continue to have...Infinite patience :)

HSBI token headed your way for asking the question, I appreciate it!!!

Great Q @esmmemith! Good lesson, @jongolson! Preach the good stuff!

I've done much of these 4 things, as advised by friends I made at @hivefest and now, validated by you.

I'm still Hive young but, WOW!, what a difference it's made in my Hive experience in just 2 months time.

That's awesome to hear!

Yeah there is no quick way here unless we have a few million in HIVE to power up lol

Thank you much appreciated :) I am doing the engagement part and daily 10 people comment part as much as possible.

It really works. Seems like an uphill battle, but time invested here is so valuable. It really adds up and starts to snowball.

It does.. commenting and now threads gets one in front of more people. :)

Oh absolutely. Top of mind. The more you are seen, the more people notice you which in turn, gets more followers, and potential upvotes.

I try to beat this over the head in my Discord lol But only a select few take it to heart.

Tell me wise one, is there a limit to how many times a person can "edit" a post on the HIVE blockchain before the the blockchain won't allow it anymore?

ha great question.

I have edited posts before a lot, but seems to be a time limit. After a certain time, it's locked and loaded.

HSBI headed your way!

What are the most important aspects for you to stick around and what is it you spend the most time with in the Ecosystem?

I'm trying to get data on this question.

Most important aspect, and I say this with huge confidence....It's been the most important since day one...And that's the people. The community keeps me here.

The promise of an actual blockchain with all these amazing social elements to it, is a no brainer for me. I gladly invest my time and effort here to create as much value as I can.

It begins and ends with the people!

HSBI headed your way!

Cool, would mind looking at this and giving us feedback?

Trying to put together a survey to deepen down on effective on-boarding measurements.

Everything is up for change

Hey I filled up the form, but why to you need our email address, I mean crypto is about anonyminity, we should be able to vote and express our views without giving off such details na!!!

Yeah people told, I have to use a different form next time. Was just assuming everyone has some burner Google accounts. I got like 50 of them.

It's just how google is trying to keep it spam free I guess, wasn't an explicit choice by me.

Bro you already added value to my journey with hive. You taught me about HBD saving and making that free divies. Thanks bro.

Appreciate you man, thanks for the kind words.

HSBI headed your way!

Just catching up. The question is: did you already add value to my journey today by leaving this very thread?
I think so.

If I did, mission accomplished :)

Thanks for adding to mine.

HSBI sent!

I watched commando and some Indian movies on this vhs player. I was like 5years old

Commando was awesome! They probably shouldn't have kidnapped his daughter...

lmao. It’s like John Wick was rebranded commando

😀 Yeah! People like that kinda way of sorting things out

now we got VLC 😅

Being in the midst of people who discuss financial growth is very important, for me I see it as the best means of growing your financially life steadily, you need to focus more on #finance talk.

If I could live somewhere for a year, it would be in the city of Amsterdam. I have heard a lot of great things about this country including Rijksmuseum, suitable for a culture lover like me #crossculture

you want Amsterdam , can I join you but am scared because of cold

Hahaha 😂
Get your jacket 🧥

is ready lol

Great place... and venue for last year's HiveFest!

Exactly 💯🥰

I’ve also heard great things about Amsterdam. 10 years ago it was a place many Americans just went to smoke weed but I think there’s a lot of cool art and music there too. And maybe good pubs and restaurants.

Yea, according my friend who resides there, she said there are cool things to enjoy in the city, Good infrastructure healthcare and other service etc..
I have gone to a tour with her virtually to their national museum, a famous landmark of the city.. it's just too nice to behold the awesome art-work over there, and yes, nice restaurants too.. enjoying unique cuisine

Amsterdam is a good place to live in.

Epic Game Store listed 69 Web3 Games in October.

#Web3Games #Web3Gaming

What kind of games or web3 games you loved to play this coming year 2024?

Waiting for some addictive strategy games to appear on my radar! :)

yow Brando what kind of strategy game? card game or the same with Clash of Clans?

Perhaps something like CoC! Man, I wish that was a P2E game 😅. But yeah, imagine something like Civilization with full ownership of assets, tokens, markets... damn, I'd ape in at once!

I know one but it's under RONIN blockchain and it is still in the trial and error phase but you can already play and earn some of their tokens, the token doesn't have a price as of now. The name of that game is "Wild Forest" You can download it on playstore it's a strategic game like COC

Cool, thanks! I have to check that out. I'm currently looking out for blockchain games anyways. I have a feeling that GameFI might much bigger in the upcoming bull cycle that many think...

Civ P2E is never happening. in fact P2E is dead.

I've heard that before! lol 😂 Let me guess, "Bitcoin is dead" too? 😀Crazy stuff.
But yeah, probably not gonna see crypto implemented on existing games.

Share your top 5 Web 3 games that you are playing today or Web3 that you invested this past bear market.

Little roar into the dark, gm lions

Hey good morning my friend.... I can remember you, did you find wife already?? 😂😂😂 That is our longtime discussion. Hahaha

No, still on the list of thing to achieve. Crazy

hahaha 🤣🤣🤣 don't worry you'll get a big boobs girl soon my friend

Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(1/5)@manniman! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @adedayoolumide.

Your words are too kind!

awwwwn you're also a good friend.

A user describe in details a topic that involves finance which is really interesting and I will love to all to read and learn from it, this finance topic centers on hive which is a decentralized network.

Bitcoin ($BTC) current update

Bitcoin is currently trading at $40,000. Which is highest in last 1 year. Now the chart is Technically and Fundamentally strong. So we can expect more pump from here.

2/🧵 The market makers liquidated 60 million dollars in last two days. Sellers are currently facing a crucial moment with the crypto market.

3/🧵Let's see if if we can see a R/S flip at $40k to switch to long or if this is going to be another failed attempt to the highs before dropping.

4/🧵 To learn more about the current situation of the crypto market, click the link below 👇

🧵1. Las personas con rasgos de personalidad como la meticulosidad, la extraversión y el afecto positivo tienen menos probabilidades de ser diagnosticadas con demencia que aquellas con neuroticismo y afecto negativo, según un nuevo estudio.

🧵2. Dicho estudio fue llevado a cabo por investigadores de la Universidad de California en Davis y la Universidad Northwestern, en Estados Unidos.

🧵 3. Según ellos, La diferencia no tiene que ver con daños en el tejido cerebral que sufren los pacientes, sino con el modo en que dichos rasgos de la personalidad ayudan a las personas a superar la discapacidad provocada por la demencia.

🧵 4. No se trata de que personas con dichos rasgos disminuyan el riesgo de padecer la enfermedad, sino de que con ellos, será más fácil resistir a sus efectos y llevar una vida más funcional.

🧵 5. Para ampliar la información, les dejo el enlace al artículo que habla sobre dicho estudio. Espero les resulte interesante.

A week ago I had just finished watching the first season of "The House of the Dragon" the prequel to Game of Thrones.


I have learned that there is not only a date for the premiere of the second season. HBO Max has given us a sneak peek with its first trailer that gives a lot to think about.

It could be affirmed with this first trailer that this season will not be as smooth as the previous one. There is a fire to fire confrontation between queens and kings of the 7 kingdoms.

No doubt many fans like me will be happy to know this new news, as we demanded more action for this prequel saga.

1/🧵 Athletico Paranaense just confirmed Vitor Roque will be playing his last game against Santos for the club as he heads to Europe to continue his footballing career. Vitor Roque has been a sensation for Paranaense this season. #football

2/🧵 Roque was the top goalscorer for Paranaense in the Brazil Seria A league. He got the attention of FC Barcelona director Deco who made quick plans to seal the deal between Barcelona and Paranaense for the signing of Roque last summer.

3/🧵 There was alot of doubt if Barca will bring in Roque this January and register the player in Laliga because the club is on a strict spreading cap by Laliga FA. Roque will join Barcelona this December and will train with the team.

4/🧵 Not sure when we will get to see him in action but my predictions will be mid January next year. Happy Roque is a culer and hopefully he will help the club to win many matches in the future.

5/🧵 For more information check the link below.

~~~ embed:1731046514426786116?t=t5yzX8er6K_YsmK3CZdXdw&s=19 twitter metadata:QXRobGV0aWNvUFJ8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vQXRobGV0aWNvUFIvc3RhdHVzLzE3MzEwNDY1MTQ0MjY3ODYxMTZ8 ~~~

Do you know that ChatGPT and other language models cannot interact with Twitter Api? And you also agree that Twitter is home to an enormous amount of data? Why else do you think Elon Musk created Grok for?

if Grok can sync all type of data on Twitter, and people know that Twitter has access to more quality unbiased data, perhaps people will want to use Grok more, another thing is that if Grok can successfully parse data from Twitter accurately, shhheeeeez bro, the depth and amount of information that can be queried will be crazy. Imagine making Grok your Twitter analyzer, that will deliver accurate stats and facts and figures about you or your business or brand, imagine, navigating Twitter with accuracy and precision?

Thank you for your witness vote!
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BEERHey @mistakili, here is a little bit of from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

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The Future of Transactions: Why HIVE is the Perfect Fit for the Digital Age

Major industries and companies around the world are leaving nothing behind to prepare for the future where things can be done with just a finger snap.

#threadstorm #outreach


Considering the above, a cost equivalent to the speed of a robot while measuring boundaries and borders is inevitable. HIVE can serve as a powerful payment tool ready for this future.



I think I'm all set up at, but needs some SATs! Who will be so kind to send me some?


GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

1/🧵the Nigerian government recently sent a whooping 1411 delegate list to attend the ongoing COP28 in Dubai... A total waste of finance...

#finance #threadstorm

2/🧵 Nigerians are not happy with this decision because they could have sent a lesser number of people, as our finances and economic situations are below part and povertyty rate is high

3/🧵the worst part is that majority of those in the Nigerian delegation to COP28 are either non relevant civil servants or relations, friends and hangers-on of high government officials

4/🧵just like the Nigerian lady who has no knowledge on climate change, claims she was picked and we all know it was favoritism at work. She is not in the government parastal but a mere podcast owner or something

5/🧵at the end it's the masses that suffers for these expenses and fraudulent moves

~~~ embed:1731254470346940604?t=g0j6qBQMsHwo-zWhU1VdVg&s=19 twitter metadata:UGV0ZXJPYml8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vUGV0ZXJPYmkvc3RhdHVzLzE3MzEyNTQ0NzAzNDY5NDA2MDR8 ~~~

Our home is particular, located in a beautiful rural region battered by wind and clouds.

Second part of this story. #WritingCommunity #LiteraturePosts


you ever just look at nature and want to keep memories of it, thank goodness we have photography to remind us of those little things about nature, like birds on tress, or bees in flowers #photography


beautiful isn't it? to want to just be one with nature, I think we don't really appreciate photographyers enough. To capture nature for memories purpose is really a work of art. It's a skill worth the praise.


always wanted a camera for such purpose, just to walk around and take pictures of anything and everything. That's a beautiful dream of mine.


i hope before next year beginning I will also get a camera and also be seen as someone who takes beautiful picture and learn about bees, not just that also learning how to position myself while taking pictures.


1.Just as we have writer’s block we also have art block. Art block is when an artist doesn’t feel he can create anything. #art


  1. As an artist it is very normal to experience art block once in a while as it is part of the creative process and there’s nothing you can do about it.


  1. There are some factors that can contribute to art block, they are: self-doubt, tiredness, laziness, lack of inspiration etc.


  1. Getting over art block starts from accepting that it is normal and inspiration comes in waves and also accept that it is psychological.

$684,000,000,000 in Unrealized Losses Hammer US Banks As Fed Reveals Surge in Underwater Assets #threadstorm 1/🧵

I would like to live one year in #Cuba. I really miss the country that welcomed me one day and allowed me to form a beautiful family.

🧵 1/2


My husband and daughter are from Cuba and we currently live in my country #Venezuela.


Awwwwww I pray your wish comes true🥰


ahhh awesome! International family! It can be tough but it’s worth it 😃 I feel such a rich culture inside my home from our little culture differences. I wonder if there are any big differences btw two Spanish speaking cultures though. If you ever make a post about that please send it to me

Cuba is good city

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