There are 5 pages

What is your opinions on $CUB and $POLYCUB? will it go anywhere?

It will rebound after we build up the other areas of Leo.

It will be a result of activity in other areas in my opinion. This all feeds into itself.

Since it pretty much has zero value at this point, I'm hanging on to mine... who knows, they might decided to pick it up again. If not? It's already a 99.9% loss...

@taskmaster4450le is doing better motivational speech than 90% of the motivational speeches I heard.~

It comes from passion.

60-70 threads a day... 🤔 the #beattask challenge?

Go for it. I believe you can do it.

I'm just counting it in my head, but it's achievable.

Thanks so much for the encouragement. Let's do this. 💪

If you get into engagement and some "conversations" with others, it isnt really that hard.

Also join some of the initiatives such as newsonleo and memeonleo. There are other things on here.

Yes, that's true. Getting into conversations will help achieve that.

Thanks so much.

Thank you, I am very glad that you believe in me, and I believe only in God :)

Question. What is the secret of Taskmasters never giving up attitude? Military or management experience?

LOL I will have to think on that one. Good thing I have 2.5 hours before the show.

Question: Is there a way to transfer "Account Creation Tokens" to other accounts on HIVE?

Maybe not yet

If you got a chance to re-do you career in the current time. What field would you have picked? Going into IT-security, Ai or something else?

Question: What actually makes a hiver a Whale?

it's around 550,000 $HIVE Power

Wow! That's HUGE! Guess they've been on Hive since day one. Games also influence this number right.?

Around 500K HP

It's really huge. Takes years of consistently dishing out quality contents.
Does Splinterland add to this number?

This is only Hive Power. Splinterlands are completely separate assets.

Oh! Okay. Thanks. 👍

Oh! I arrived late 🤦‍♀️
Guess I missed a lot.

It is 67608 hours !~

Since I have registered on Hive ( Steem)

What is this about? By earthly standards this is a lot, but you need to understand where this figure comes from :)

You are out of jokes for the day!

Level up by buying more $LOLZ so you can share more jokes per day!@barski you can call @lolzbot a maximum of 10 times per day.

Congrats, that's a lot of hours!

Thanks so much Jongo and Tasksmaster. It was a great shshow

Thank you for showing up and tuning in. We appreciate the support.

You're most welcome. Thanks so much for the support as always. 👍


Doing it live!

That is how we roll.

JonGo doesnt really understand transparency. He gets it a bit confused, putting it all out there.

I recently staked more $LEO so I could have 2000 LEO Staked, wonder how much that translates to in LEOADS earnings...

  • People who stress over their Plan B.
  • People going all in with their Plan A.
  • People going all in without a Plan! <- Me.

Best plan...just start in a direction and see where it goes.

Hmm should I take it as a hint that Google serve me an ad to become a Wolt courier? 😂

Does working with your passion ruin it? My gf went back to school to become a baker but that actually ruined her passion for it and now she has taken a completly new career.

"If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking til you do suck seed.“

Jerry Howard

Curly in Movie Maniacs, 1936

#jerryhoward #curly #quotes #quotesonleo

while being in the other threadcast already preparing gor the next one.

From one to the other. Great way to spend the day. Glad you are adding to the threadcast to help us get to the top of the page.

always trying to do my part!

You are the standard by which we all strive for.

taskmaster? who‘s that? ah, maybe it’s jongo’s partner at jongoHUB 😜🤙🏽

Its his world. He is kind enough to let me into it.

Thanks guys! Good stuff as always ☝

Off to grab lunch. Got to hurry to make it back so I don’t miss the whole show!

Run Forest run!

Yeah should be a good discussion today. It was my first town hall today and it was a good listen for sure.

Without a doubt. They can cover some good topics.

We need to keep promoting different aspects of the ecosystem.

Once Jon starts on job, I suppose going late on canadian timezone for show would match up with us Asians on daytime.

LOL it might be late enough that you can catch it live waking up.

Jongo can set up a stream from his truck, I am sure!

Nice to listen to this while cooking. Too bad I can't spa... write so often.
Wen $OLIVE on H-E? Wen?!

Is this Long John Silver a reference to the classic Treasure Island?

Gonna head to bed now. But thanks for the show guys! Great as usual

Question to Jongo: what was the reason to get out of online businesses? Would you still recommend to create an online business?

hey @jongolson where‘s that inleo t-shirt from? you diy? or is inleo merch restricted to the cat‘s shop only? 👀

ok, so it’s not the one motif the cat‘s offering 👍🏽

Can you decline rewards for some tokens? Like if I post on Inleo, can I decline all other rewards except Leo?

"How to lose your Mind, but keep your Sanity™."

I never bought $HIVE either, and I spent from it when I needed to. I reached what I have now of HP with my consistency on the platform alone.

I'm a loyal sub to Jonny Coin 😅

A friend who majored in marketing in college, told me once that people are more likely to buy if the price has 7 or 4 in the first digit on the right.

If you want to make millions found a religion...

Speaking of Coffee, here:

That sounds like a nice gig! Congrats man

81 pageviews currently. Let's go to 100!

Jongo: "I'll be able to buy a house due to my efforts here."

Waiting for when my efforts allow me to reach a similar level!!

Always keep a moonbag! 😀

A lot of money does not make you a good business person

Happy #hpud everybody!


What did you power up today?

"Jongo is going back to the slavery"

That's a hilarious line.

@jongolson, you have my condolences.~

i'm actually the most free dude around these days lol

Nice! WHat's your screen name, Jon?

Long Jon Silver?

Why is Jongos YT channel called Jonny coin? 😅

I missed the announcement. What's Jon's new gig?
EDIT: OK, I read the blog post. Way to go.

If you want to earn more on HIVE bring more people! Put buy pressure from outside on HIVE!

The old CoD games are great, used to be a big gamer before as well. But nowadays there is no time 😅

You should definitely try Kompete! That is so amazing!You can play it on android

Here on Time!!!

Good day/night guys!

“Death to all fanatics.“

Robert Anton Wilson

#robertantonwilson #fanatics #quotes #quotesonleo

Oh btw I started a service where you can turn your Blogpost into a video. If anyone is interested ;)


Hey jon, do you remember old service called blogtalk Radio? It used to be podcast and space before it used to be a thing.

I used to use BTR. Great service unless you're an audio snob. They got pricey, however.

There was, and still is, Talkshoe.

Its been amazing to listen to you guys!

With Jongos change we need to move this to early mornings? Then I will never have to miss. Like 8 am EST? Are you all early risers?

LOL you are trying to mess with me.

Taskmaster everytime when Dalz releases a new report of the top weekly thread's

Are you a gamer?

Yes, not a typical one as I'm using an underpowered machine and mainly play RPGs but I self-identify as a gamer.

One hour and half, it seems...

Now 1 hr 8 minutes. LOL

Another contest we could have is for someone to guess how many #playlists we will have for February.

we should have a contest for people to post #playlists for #musiconleo

A good turnout for the town hall today.

The best bald guys on chain #cryptomaniacs

A lot of stuff to talk about with the town hall and Le Olive.

Looks like I have a town-hall to recap tomorrow at work :D

Does Jongo's new gig mean that you won't launch you course on "How to be successful"? 😅

The maniacs are coming 👉🏽🤪👈🏽

Saw that you generated 142 pageviews on town-hall, but here are we already at 62! Let's show that #cryptomaniacs is the best and largest show on Inleo!

Will the Bills win the next Superbowl?

Wen $HIVE mars?

Read Jongo's post about his next adventure. How much are you planning on powering down and what is going to be your future goal for Hive and all related coins?

The decrease of $HIVE price lately made me really think that HIVE is really an inflationary assest with a huge sell pressure... @solymi reminded me of that, and his words stuck in my mind.

Inleo plan A. Plan B, keep at plan A until we reach the moon! 🚀🚀

thanks guys, was fun, bye bye from berlin 🤘🏽😎🤟🏽

Drop your comments in here.


Western time apparently expires faster due to Western mentality? :)

I am so sorry for your loss.

Sorry to hear this sad news, I present my heartiest condolences to.
May her soul rest in peace.

Thanks for your condolences

Sorry for your loss. It is part of life unfortunately...all living beings come to an end.

Keep her alive by cherishing the memories and speak fondly of her often.

Thanks very much!

I am sorry for your loss, a lot of strength is needed at this kind of moment.

My sympathies. Keep her in your heart.

I'm sorry, may God comfort the hearts of your entire family.

Thank you.

I'm so sorry for your loss, Reverend. From what I've seen you write, it seems that she was quite the person - and she did a great job raising a great son. You are continuation, and she'll live on through your actions. Keep her alive this way.

I wish you a lot of strength during this time of grieving. Reach out to us if you ever need a shoulder to lean on.

Thanks so much for your condolence and encouragement.

How are you holding up now, Reverend? Wishing you a lot of strength. 🙏

I am planning to burial her in the month of May 2024. But in our area it is always very costly to do such. That's why I scheduled it that time.
Thanks for your concern.

My condolences to you, I wish you and your family strength!

Thanks for your condolence.

A quote from @spinvest latest post: Lucky me I was an OG investor and got a couple hundred #SPI! Maybe the best investment I ever made. 🤑 #leofinance #crypto

I am very happy with my investment there.

It has served me very well and it keeps paying out each week.

Yeah, those numbers kind of surprised me. Wish I hadn't been so crypto/fiat poor back then.

Can only do what we can. So jump in where you can with the opportunities that align with your time frame.

But yes the numbers are strong. SPI is a good token to hold in my view.


#outreach #threadstorm

In our life, we directly or indirectly had been linked with different projects. In all of these projects, we can't give our 100% commitment. Sometimes, we have to give up in a project and sometimes our project crashed our hopes.

#hivelearners #freecompliments #aliveandthriving


Our projects didn't bring success always for us. Sometimes, we have to give up with a big lesson. We should be ready for learning and result is never in our control.


In Pakistan, there are several types of running projects. Some projects are about training of students. After graduation in IT, I also participated in one Student Punjab National Star Sport Project.


This project had a aim to train school students about IT especially online gaming. But due to some bad factors, we have to face disappointment.


To read about my experience in IT project, read following post.


Wait, what? I thought there will be a billion COLONY tokens... TWENTY FREAKING ONE BILLION TOKENS? O_o 💀

That's over 20 years though. A lot of those will be burned before we ever get to the end.

Nice to know, but the data right now is what it is. However I trust Matt ability with tokenomics, proven already in the DEC/SPS flywheel

Posted via D.Buzz

That's basically one billion per year.


Posted via D.Buzz

once I heard there would be a Fork.
I stopped listening

Lots of things that doesn't make any sense, let's see. They are really good at creating hype and know game mechanics well, but to tame a 25 billion token behemoth.. I think they want to go AXIE model with the SLP. Really interesting to watch.

Posted via D.Buzz

A fork of the GLX code though. Not Hive.

yes. but that still turned me off

Big number. But I guess it makes more when you think it's a platform for multiple games.

Agree but its always the same, compare Axie's SLP to RON or AXS. I rather own the latter than the former. Is true that the speed of emission is really low. We will see! I have some SPS staked so I will get loads of that stuff, I hope. rofl

Posted via D.Buzz

You need to launch yourself and seek new air, new seas, set your private world in motion. No movement without evolution, always seek to improve, today better than yesterday and tomorrow better than today, make that your motto! #freecompliments #goodvibes

#hivebr vamos participar e demonstrar nosso interesse na governança e futuro da Hive...

O tema de hoje é web3 games algo que interessa a maioria de nós...

Great job in re-threading the threadcast.

this just shows the nature of Hive.
@town-hall Hive gaming panel without @spiritsurge and/or myself. this is why I am full #leo now

i will listen later when I get off of work.

why are you not on that space? I think everyone has a say.

Well 2 things:

  1. they put out a long form hive blog post with a list of guests. I was not asked to be on that list
  2. just showing up. Last time I did that at a town-hall I was told. I don't recognize you so I don't know if you are actually on Hive. So you can't speak.

So basically if I am not asked to attend. I am just going to build.
As I would rather get to the future quicker.

I have also reached out many times to many different teams and no one wants to work together or share knowledge, but then I listen to things like this and they all seem buddy / buddy.

So I just keep building.
Honestly I don't care but I find it funny, plus most of what they say is sooooo Crypto 2017.

Well you still have the $LEO support. I would like to hear more from you. When do you go live again?

I am getting a new test build on Saturday.
So I am going to stream Saturday and / or Sunday.
If you follow me on twitch (simplegame2) you should get a "go live" alert.
More than happy to answer any questions during those sessions this weekend.

I think I have a twitch account somewhere. Might have to look it up after lunch. I supported a buddy a few years ago.

If not. I do post on here.
I also duo stream on Vimm.

I can tell you, there was nothing done in secret to 'not allow' or invite specific people.

The post literally said, hit up Eric and let him know. I don't know if you did that or not, but there was literally nothing done behind closed doors to keep anyone out of the town hall roundtable.

I took a back seat and left the team this week, but I guarantee you, there was nothing ever said to not include anyone. The entire purpose of town hall is to be an open door witness.

I would agree no one is trying to do things in secret.

On that note. Spiritsurge did respond to the post and never heard back. Knowing his was going to reach out and speak. I decided to not reach out as he would represent my view point if he was on.

All I can say is the goal of town-hall to be open to everyone is a great goal. I support it but my experience over a few different interactions has not been one of openness.

Not wanting to talk ill of the project, I will stop there. As I feel your vision is a good one, but the execution is projecting something else.

Yeah I was wondering why you were not there. Let’s get you on next time. There were a couple moments where I thought your perspective would have been great and different. I only heard the woo and part of craft inks presentations though. I missed most of it.

Not sure but people have been over looking my work for so long on this chain. I just chuckle and move on.
What we are building now is so exciting. Real Games / Real Ownership.

Success achieved!

I completed the 31 days of January with daily publications!

The #HPUM badge and Monthly Author are on the way! #hpud #freecompliments

Boa mano, parabéns pela conquista! #freecompliments

Duce: What's the difference between toilet paper and a shower curtain?

Trey: I don't know.

Duce: So you're the one!

#jokesonleo #humor #funny

LOL that is funny. Good one.

Thanks for the chuckle. C'mon people start posting #playlists. We can hit that number and surpass it if everyone pitches in

I already made my first one for the month. LOL

CNN reports that more than 100 Palestinian detainees including women released from Israeli custody and sent back to Gaza via Kerem Shalom crossing on Thursday. It is a developing story.

#newsonleo #middleeast #gaza #war

I need two more people to from hive to have lunch with me. Who's coming? 😇

#mydiary #hive

I will be right over.

It would be nice to have you! lol!

I was gonna say me, but I just had lunch. It was pasta too.

How nice! 😁💛

what a beautiful day to Hive around the world.its Time for tea, do enjoy your day

Street Level View of My Town During the Annual Quilt Show - Jul 2019

Click pic for best view

#photographylovers #photography #silverbloggers #mydiary #oldmansphotos

Well, I went to check out the game just now and from the score, I realized that the game was tight.

Is this why living in Germany is so cool ?

I wonder how the US compares. Germany

Let's see..

Thanks for this map, @onealfa ! Its data goes in the opposite direction of what most people imagine about countries like Germany and Switzerland, hehe.

France, a nation known for having strikes when workers have hangnails or wake up on the wrong side of the bed, has more annual hours worked per person than Germany? How can this be?

Could be! Frogs in Kekestan don't seem to werk. The whole idea may be an imaginary werk though.

Wow, some of them got more hours than expected.

'Among demographers, 2023 will be remembered as the year Brazil “shrank” by almost 5 million people. A new census put the country’s population at 203 million people—well below the 208 million previously estimated'

#newsonleo #leofinance

Holy crap. That is a large contraction.

That is even more than China and Japan.

5 Green Monthly Candle on Bitcoin Price Chart #gosh #hive

Success achieved!

I completed the 31 days of January with daily publications! The #HPUM badge and Monthly Author are on the way! #hpud #freecompliments

EPL #football #threadcast

Manchester United is against Wolves today. They are on to save their spot in the European championship next season. Share your thoughts you footy fans.

#Engagement and #upvotes.

i am here to bring this threadcast to others!

LOL you are everywhere today.

The Master Threadcaster.

Do you get a hat for that?

i am more a hoodie person, but shure I will take a hat!

We will have to talk to the powers that are about getting you a hoodie for being the threadcast king.

Good job. Let me know if you see the updates. #epl

By the way, you need to edit the main thread and get the tag threadcast in there.

I was wondering why the feed was backwards.

If not, it will not appear on the top of the page.

got you

lol they are a joke!

well, they won the match 4-2 #epl

Good to see it at the top of the page. Easy to forget that little tidbit.

Thanks for the reminder. I was aware of the tag requirement but missed it anyways.

Easy to do. I did that once. How do you think I learned that editing it would get it to the top of page?

By missing it myself. LOL

A lessons learned :P

So far I only did it once so I learned it.

We will see how long this goes.

I hope I do it right and do not make the same mistake again.

Support this threadcast or fast very bad karma in your life.

7 or 8 knowledgeable futbol fans can make this the top threadcast for the day.

I wish there are more football fans are threading actively. Man United have so many global fans. This game should have garnered attention.


I will be updating the information from the other game as well. Look out for all the stat.


Let's put this threadcast in the home page for greater visibility.


These two side are separated by 3 points in the table. A win here and Wolves will have equal points.


Manchester United have this unusual record. They have not lost their February EPL games for 22 games. They need to maintain the record.


There are rumours flying around that #mourinho will come back to United to replace Eric Ten Hag. I do not believe them.

Take a look at this #epl

#epl #wolves

O'Neil has been instrumental to the team. His words are positive. Will they win tonight?

Take a look at this beautiful image the wolves X handle posted ahead of the #epl game. Warming up for a great game tonight.

Does embedding twitter work here?

Another beautiful shot #epl

I hate Bruno Fernandes. There is no reason. #epl

Nothing significant Bruno #epl #games

No comments #epl :)

Why is #ronaldo trending on twitter? #alnassr #intermiami

Take a look at this post on X

Share your predictions if you are in the threadcast. #epl

Raise your hand if you are in the threadcast :) #epl

bournemouth is leading 1-0 . A couple of mins earlier

Back in the threadcast. It is already 2-0 for Manchester United. #epl

29 mins

34 mins

It does not look like Wolves are returning a favour anytime soon. I missed both goals as I was away to pick up my son from school. Life happens. :) #epl


We all know how vulnerable is United's defence. Wolves can score if they believe in them. United looking counter and score more goals. #epl

37 mins

42 mins

That was a good move from Wolves. United ultimately managed to send the ball out. It is still 2-0 for United.


That was an offside goal. It was almost 3-0 for United.


What can O'Neil do in the second half to get the goals? #epl

The second half starts now.

Man United leading 2-0. United looking for more goals while Wolves looking to make sure they are not defeated at home. #epl

Bruno missed that opportunity. It should be 3-0 to be honest. United making the impact 10 seconds into the second half. #epl

Martinez fouled. A free kick for Wolves. Can they make an impact here? #epl

47 mins

OMG. How was that not in? Martinez made a save of the season. Wolves are unlucky today for sure.

#epl #martinez

Wolves scored a goal to make it 2-1. The game is lively as it only requires a goal for the home side to snatch a point. Can they do it?

#epl #wolves

Sarabia who came in as a sub in the second half score the penalty to make sure that Wolves are not out of the game yet. #epl

United are attacking in response and almost made an impact with a deflected shot. A corner kick for the away side which went in.

3-1 to United.


Two goals cushion restored for United with McTomiany goal. Bruno with the assist.


This game is swinging like a pendulum where the home side is unable to hold on to their game plan. United is definitely claiming all three points. #epl

Rooting for Wolves to still make it. Let's go in the pack :P #epl

81 mins

Wolves are ready with the double change. let's see what they are planning here.

Wolves are sending out the striker to make sure they are attacking in the last 15 mins of the play. #epl

The drama continues. The horrible UTD defense and Wolves made it 3-2. #epl

Kilman with the glory. Can wolves make Utd pay? #epl

Maguire to save United now #epl

It is FULL time. United made it 4-2. The last goal in the 97th mins sealed the game for them.

20K votes distributed. I am officially fairy of inLeo now with this lol. It feels safe so far on Hive as long as I stay on InLeo. God please keep this for one more year and don't jinx.

congrats on this one, i like these updates by hivebuzz

Yes, it kind of reminds you how much we invested here :)

Wow! That's a big number. Congratulation on your achievement. 🎉

After my health silence, I'm back with more spirit! #HPUD || Luego de mi silencio de salud, estoy de vuelta con más animo!

The Daily Leo 429

  • Digital Currency Revolution Begins
  • What did India’s Interim budget 2024 do for crypto?
  • Celsius back from bankruptcy

Link 👇 #thedailyleo

#gmfrens Good morning everyone, today's motivational message: There are two types of people: those who have a negative attitude and those who have a positive attitude. And this makes a difference in their lives. #freecompliments

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

#feedback #inleo: reading replies on inleo is cumbersome, not all replies are opened/expanded automatically, one has to click on every post in a thread individually to expand the replies.

Yep, trying to read a conversation here's quite painful :/

yeah, deters ppl from reading longer threads :/

What do you mean exactly?

That you have to open a Thread to read the replies in it?

Have you tried clicking the "Show More Replies" button?

Screenshots would help!

That you have to open a Thread to read the replies in it?

yes, nested replies are not immediately visible when a thread is viewed, just open a thread with many nested replies like this and you will see what I mean.



An emergency in the sense that the U.S. needs to mine more Bitcoin, or to mine less of it?

to "list" the bitcoin miners

Knowing how is the Biden administration, it must be to blacklist them, lol. Meanwhile, in Texas they've understood how Bitcoin miners are crucial for the electric grid flexibility, and are crying for more of them to open operations in the State.

is the electric consumption of the biden administration also an emergency?

Aparently not 😂

This might be an add on to the foodie collection. !PIZZA

damn she thicc

#woo #wrestling

We need to build Wrestler pages for #leoglossary.


I am adding @randumb for info.

Yeah. It is something that we can do. I have an idea with it.

What information do you need and will you create single page bio of wrestlers?

Gud ideas as always! Sumone wanna add Pepe (and tings) lol

I'm one of the few to have the badge for HPUM! #hive #hpum


That is a great achievement.


Thanks! How was your Hive day?

It is awesome!


Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(18/50)@rimurutempest! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @beststart.

Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(16/50)@rimurutempest! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @beststart.

Congratulations! This badge requires dedication and consistency. Great job!

Thanks! I'm going to try this month too... Let's see how it goes.

Join the #hive Town Hall!

I'm upvoting all the good comments in this Threadcast!

I am upvoting you :P

The trouble with the world is not that people know too little; it's that they know so many things that just aren't so.

Mark Twain


Do you think social media has made this better or worse?

I think it has helped and hurt depending on your attitude and research. It is easy to fraud people though online though. !PIZZA

Very true, research is key IMHO. Have to fact check the things that are being put out there.

With Actifit, your fitness journey is filled with rewards. Seize challenges, earn AFIT Token, and celebrate your achievements!✨💪

#hive #actifit

OH yeah 👍👍👍, !AFIT all the way 👍👍👍


For more info about tipping AFIT tokens, check out this link
Hey, you just received 10 AFIT tip from @caleb-marvel!

The Washington Commanders are hiring Dallas Cowboys defensive coordinator Dan Quinn as their new head coach, multiple reports stated Thursday morning.

#newsonleo #sports #nfl

Hate this a lot lol

LOL well good assistants get grabbed.

Of course, history shows they also have a tendency to end up back as assistants.

Yup and it happened to Quinn. He did take the Falcons to a Super Bowl his first year then it was downhill from there. Just hate that he stayed in the division.

Yeah and we cant count on Snyder anymore to fuck the Commodores up.

Good move! I have a weird feeling that the Commanders are going to be a future powerhouse. Weird.

Participated sucessfuly at the HPUD too! 10 HP more. #hive #hpud

Parabens pelo esforço! É muito importante aumentar nosso HP, isso mostra nosso comprometimento com o crescimento da Hive e nossa visão de longo prazo!

!LUV #freecompliments

rimurutempest, crazyphantombr sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/10) tools | trade | connect | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

The biggest problem for HIVE are those spreading the FUD. If you are unhappy with the status quo you can work on changing it.

Many people simply complain but don't work.

It is much easier to complain than to take action

It's HIVE POWER UP DAY, folks!

Join the force.

Less than half the number we had in the second day could make it to the end! #hive #hpum #crypto

Here is the highlighted list (image) of my activities on Thursday.

Tomorrow is my weekend! Yay!

How was your Thursday?

#aliveandthriving #liotes #mydiary

It is moving along at a pretty brisk pace, Doc.

Enjoy your weekend


"Moving along" is better than "being stuck" somewhere!

Thanks, John :)


beststart, hafiz34 sent you LUV. 🙂 (7/10) tools | trade | connect | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

That is very true.


Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(15/50)@hafiz34! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @beststart.

Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(14/50)@hafiz34! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @beststart.

Did You Know

1/ Hive offers encrypted messaging between users?
To do this, you can send as little as 0.001 HBD or 0.001 HIVE to another user, consider it cost of postage.
In the Memo section, you start your message with a # sign, a space, and then your message.
The recipient can read that message in their wallet if they have their Memo key.

2/ Encrypted messaging on Hive is useful, obviously, for exchanging private messages. But this can also be useful for privately sharing your wallet address for trading other cryptos for HIVE or HBD with another Hive user. For example, you could buy 1 HBD of Monero by sending the 1 HBD with a private message containing your Monero address.

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Does still exist? Has it been replaced? Have asked a couple of times in discord but never been answered. #question

leodex will be built into the new UI afaik.
So far it just redirects to inleo.

I used it to take monthly screenshots of my token balances but it sounds like that's not possible at the moment.

Thanks. I used Hive Engine. Didn't think of tribaldex and didn't know I could see my wallet on beeswap. Plenty of choices it seems.

And I just discovered that HE tokens can are in your wallet on inleo as well

Last AMA Khal said it‘s offline now, because they‘re working on it, as far as i remember …

Any Twitter space and threadcast today?

Lol, seems you're missing spaces already 😂

There should be one, I guess Cryptoholics bbut it's late in the night here, hope I'm right @taskmaster4450le

Oh yes, I love listening to these things, It reminds me of those old radio days.

Alright. Seems the threadscast is live already because I saw a ring on Task profile

We will have Cryptomaniacs in 3.5 hours.

Alight, that should be around 9pm here. Cool

I will have to take your word on that.

Take everything on that

Do I have moron stamped on my forehead? LOL

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