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What is your opinions on $CUB and $POLYCUB? will it go anywhere?

It will rebound after we build up the other areas of Leo.

It will be a result of activity in other areas in my opinion. This all feeds into itself.

Since it pretty much has zero value at this point, I'm hanging on to mine... who knows, they might decided to pick it up again. If not? It's already a 99.9% loss...

@taskmaster4450le is doing better motivational speech than 90% of the motivational speeches I heard.~

It comes from passion.

60-70 threads a day... 🤔 the #beattask challenge?

Go for it. I believe you can do it.

I'm just counting it in my head, but it's achievable.

Thanks so much for the encouragement. Let's do this. 💪

If you get into engagement and some "conversations" with others, it isnt really that hard.

Also join some of the initiatives such as newsonleo and memeonleo. There are other things on here.

Yes, that's true. Getting into conversations will help achieve that.

Thanks so much.

Thank you, I am very glad that you believe in me, and I believe only in God :)

Question. What is the secret of Taskmasters never giving up attitude? Military or management experience?

LOL I will have to think on that one. Good thing I have 2.5 hours before the show.

Question: Is there a way to transfer "Account Creation Tokens" to other accounts on HIVE?

Maybe not yet

If you got a chance to re-do you career in the current time. What field would you have picked? Going into IT-security, Ai or something else?

Question: What actually makes a hiver a Whale?

it's around 550,000 $HIVE Power

Wow! That's HUGE! Guess they've been on Hive since day one. Games also influence this number right.?

Around 500K HP

It's really huge. Takes years of consistently dishing out quality contents.
Does Splinterland add to this number?

This is only Hive Power. Splinterlands are completely separate assets.

Oh! Okay. Thanks. 👍

Oh! I arrived late 🤦‍♀️
Guess I missed a lot.

It is 67608 hours !~

Since I have registered on Hive ( Steem)

What is this about? By earthly standards this is a lot, but you need to understand where this figure comes from :)

You are out of jokes for the day!

Level up by buying more $LOLZ so you can share more jokes per day!@barski you can call @lolzbot a maximum of 10 times per day.

Congrats, that's a lot of hours!

Thanks so much Jongo and Tasksmaster. It was a great shshow

Thank you for showing up and tuning in. We appreciate the support.

You're most welcome. Thanks so much for the support as always. 👍


Doing it live!

That is how we roll.

JonGo doesnt really understand transparency. He gets it a bit confused, putting it all out there.

I recently staked more $LEO so I could have 2000 LEO Staked, wonder how much that translates to in LEOADS earnings...

  • People who stress over their Plan B.
  • People going all in with their Plan A.
  • People going all in without a Plan! <- Me.

Best plan...just start in a direction and see where it goes.

Hmm should I take it as a hint that Google serve me an ad to become a Wolt courier? 😂

Does working with your passion ruin it? My gf went back to school to become a baker but that actually ruined her passion for it and now she has taken a completly new career.

"If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking til you do suck seed.“

Jerry Howard

Curly in Movie Maniacs, 1936

#jerryhoward #curly #quotes #quotesonleo

while being in the other threadcast already preparing gor the next one.

From one to the other. Great way to spend the day. Glad you are adding to the threadcast to help us get to the top of the page.

always trying to do my part!

You are the standard by which we all strive for.

taskmaster? who‘s that? ah, maybe it’s jongo’s partner at jongoHUB 😜🤙🏽

Its his world. He is kind enough to let me into it.

Thanks guys! Good stuff as always ☝

Off to grab lunch. Got to hurry to make it back so I don’t miss the whole show!

Run Forest run!

Yeah should be a good discussion today. It was my first town hall today and it was a good listen for sure.

Without a doubt. They can cover some good topics.

We need to keep promoting different aspects of the ecosystem.

Once Jon starts on job, I suppose going late on canadian timezone for show would match up with us Asians on daytime.

LOL it might be late enough that you can catch it live waking up.

Jongo can set up a stream from his truck, I am sure!

Nice to listen to this while cooking. Too bad I can't spa... write so often.
Wen $OLIVE on H-E? Wen?!

Is this Long John Silver a reference to the classic Treasure Island?

Gonna head to bed now. But thanks for the show guys! Great as usual

Question to Jongo: what was the reason to get out of online businesses? Would you still recommend to create an online business?

hey @jongolson where‘s that inleo t-shirt from? you diy? or is inleo merch restricted to the cat‘s shop only? 👀

ok, so it’s not the one motif the cat‘s offering 👍🏽

Can you decline rewards for some tokens? Like if I post on Inleo, can I decline all other rewards except Leo?

"How to lose your Mind, but keep your Sanity™."

I never bought $HIVE either, and I spent from it when I needed to. I reached what I have now of HP with my consistency on the platform alone.

I'm a loyal sub to Jonny Coin 😅

A friend who majored in marketing in college, told me once that people are more likely to buy if the price has 7 or 4 in the first digit on the right.

If you want to make millions found a religion...

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