Still going to be ~50 per day minted. That's only $3.5M/day at $70k, but at $150k it real money. Over $50M a week, $200M a month coming into the float. It's certainly less but it's not insignificant yet...
No it will not make it fully deflationary, rather it will enter d zone of "tendency to saturate" with a flat contour which hitherto has been a rising contour
I love #spotify $SPOT and it gained big over the past year. I recently took a sizable position in #pinterest $PINS as I believe they are at an inflection point.
WHen I look at different colors of flowers it makes me reflect on the power of creation, and the beautiful aroma of those flowers are always good to the health.
KuCoin said it has become the first global crypto exchange to comply with India’s FIU. KuCoin said it will support local banks in India and other fiat entities and will invest in educating the market about the potential of crypto.
cafezinho para começar bem o dia e sabado geralmente fico em casa, dou uma geral de leve na casa para ajudar a patroa e tento dar uma atenção maior pros meus filhos
Em relação à refeições: 500ml de água em jejum, depois, nos dias que eu vou pra academia, duas bananas amassadas com canela. Se eu não for pra academia, um copo de suco com couve, abacaxi, hortelã e gengibre.
Se eu for cedo pra acad, acordo 5h, me alimento, academia, volto, uma cochilada e começo a trabalhar 8h. Se n tiver acad, já levanto e vou direto trabalhar
Eu não sei vc, mas sua imagem está com baixa qualidade...
Isso já está me incomodando há um tempo na plataforma... A gente tenta fazer algo legal, algum design bacana e ao carregar a imagem, se torna algo que se vê embaçado...
É mais simples do que parece! INfelizmente meus grupos já estão cheios, senão te convidadva pra vc ver
Da pra comrpar as moiniaturas lá sim mas dependendo da forma que voce for jogar, nem precisa! Eu jogo online porque cada pessoa mora em um lugar, aí fazemos tudo por sites especificos pra RPG.
Sim! Da pra jogar estilo tabuleiro tambem mas no meu grupo tem gente que mora até fora do pais, entao tem que ser online
Tem gente que prefere jogar na forma física porque gosta de rolar os dados de verdade e tal, mas o online é mais simples e mais barato porque não precisa de praticamente nada!
Aqui em casa a gente desligou um chuveiro e praticamente so toma banho frio a noite, ai na parte da manhã como geralmente ja ta mais frio minha esposa e filhos usa o chuveiro quente e eu continuo no frio kk
I couldn't get onboard immediately due to other engagements but in December of same year with his guidance I registered and have enjoyed every bit of my adventure on Hive.
I was onboarded immediately but I was reluctant to partake in it cos I felt it was a scam but gradually through the ladiesofhive contests, I began to enjoy hive.
If not for hive, I won't have met a dear friend like you😁
I didn't see it as scam because I already had an idea about Web3 platforms It was LeoFinance now INLEO that I joined first and started engaging on threads. I was really crazy about threads that I can stay the whole day there, that's how the name #threadsaddict came about😂😂
Yes oo, I'm privileged to meet you on Hive. Hive has given us opportunity to meet good friends and we will still meet more in the coming days.
I'd highly recommend reading the books though (or even listen as audiobooks). They're SO good. Haven't watched the show yet, but I have a strong feeling it pales in comparison
I'm looking forward to reading the books. I've enjoyed the Netflix show so far but I like pretty much all scifi related stuff. Just saw there was a Chinese version of the book on youtube. May have to give that a look.
The author is chinese, so that makes sense. I'm probably gonna watch the series too. Just gotta finish the entire triology that I'm currently reading for the second time first xD
Express gratitude to your spouse daily by mentioning anything they do well. As time goes on, it is easy to overlook the positive aspects of a relationship. Avoid this pitfall. Shout out to the positives!
I doubted Npower program the first time it was announced for graduates. I was doing NYSC in Enugu that year 2015/2016. I never believed it was real and didnt apply. Surprisingly, it was real and some of my friends that applied were part of the first set. I lost the opportunity. It was after 2 years that the next set were invited to apply. You'll imagine how fast I applied and fortunately, I got shortlisted.
I learn to always have an open mind to all opportunities and give them a try. Who knows the one that would be real.
Yeah, that Npower program. I heard about it, tried applying but couldn't get through because of age. I was even advised to go get affidavit but no I can't do such.
It's good to always have open mind and take advantage of every opportunity that comes our way, although it's not always easy.
Money I was saving for my rent. It was on a Friday and he promised to refund it by Monday after business over the weekend which he didn't till date.
The painful part was that his closest pals refused to help out and I did out of trust cos he was a colleague's friend.
That time if I ask him for it, his reply was always I will pay when I have the money
I've realized that he has made up his mind not to refund the money because of his actions and replies. I have left him to fate but this taught me not to trust blindly again and if I have to lend money to someone, it has to be the amount I can easily let go incase they decide not to pay back again.
My dear, that's human for you. Such happened to me to the extent that the guy started hiding when he sees me. But I just gat to let go because I was feed up of please I will pay you 😭😭.
So I have discided that if any person ask me to lend him or her money, I will check me self very well, then tell the person that I will be helping him with any amount of my choice, not to pay back, but just helping. Because I can't start calling you for what I know that you are supposed to be the person calling me.
I don't borrow, if I have I give, if I don't have, I don't give. And not every body I give.
Yeah, of course, there's risks involved like in anything crypto-related but it's a pretty foul-proof way to sell not-yet-launched tokens. Smart contracts are awesome!
She's not just a sister to me, she's also my best friend. We're so inseparable and our bond is really admirable. Oh did I forget she's also my partner in crime? This girl has saved me from a lot of trouble both at home and outside.
The best thing about her is how she's effortlessly funny and how she tries to cheer me up even in my low moments. We can spend the whole day making fun of each other without tiring out.
I used to think I knew so many communities and posting in the right community was a walk in the park until I joined the Inleo monthly prompt and the various prompts proved to me that posting in the right community can sometimes be difficult
Diary of my siblings and I. I'm blessed to have so many siblings. The fun of singing together, cooking together and doing the house chores together. Let me not forget gisting too.🥰🥰🥰🥰#hivelearners
Dude two teams I never really hear about much is playing a very entertaining game and the crowd is going nuts in Arizona. Frickin Grand Canyon against Saint Mary's how many times have you uttered that match up?
Have any of you been using Gina the bot? Did you get the message that it will stop operating? Have you done the process? Shall i make a guide? (have not done the process yet)
As long as $BTC does not break 60k, it's always buy.....and I am quite hopeful the next HH will take it to beyond 80k and possible make it visit 100k level.
Will the halving next month make $BTC fully deflationary ?
I don't know exactly.
Still going to be ~50 per day minted. That's only $3.5M/day at $70k, but at $150k it real money. Over $50M a week, $200M a month coming into the float. It's certainly less but it's not insignificant yet...
No it will not make it fully deflationary, rather it will enter d zone of "tendency to saturate" with a flat contour which hitherto has been a rising contour
Nobody can tell how many BTC is lost forever. Nobody.
I am in crypto space every day for the last 12 yrs, and I have a reasons to believe that qty is far more tham 4M. My guess 6-7M
True Sir. That also implies that BTC is far more deflationary than the actual math.
The lost BTC means a slight gain to each HODLers.
What’s your favorite #stocks right now?
I love #spotify $SPOT and it gained big over the past year. I recently took a sizable position in #pinterest $PINS as I believe they are at an inflection point.
#inleo #news
Natural flower plants make the home look more beautiful and it's also a good way to preserve nature.#hivediy
I enjoy flowers a lot. They add so much beauty to the environment. Natural flowers are my favorite.
The best thing is you don't have to worry about changing them regularly as the artificial ones. They're just there.
Exactly. They are always there for you and sparkling!!!!
Flowers are lovely. From the smell down to how they beautify our surroundings. Truly it's good to preserve nature.
That's right.
WHen I look at different colors of flowers it makes me reflect on the power of creation, and the beautiful aroma of those flowers are always good to the health.
There's this refreshing feeling you get when you smell flowers. It just calms your spirit
Oh my goodness 😲!! These flowers are beautiful. They are good for healthy nature
That's true.. we're encouraged to live healthier.
Woah, I love nature and also flowers, these ones are fresh and beautiful, lovely.
They are just pleasing to the eyes
Yeah green plants are beautiful either in the form of flowers or edible plants or just trees, green is beautiful 🤩
This is to be remembered.
I deeply believe that LOST BTC QTY is significantly higher than 3.7M. Most likely 5-6M.
Most likely 5-6M, and the rate of losing New BTC per day very soon (30 days) will exceed the rate of newly mined Bitcoins per day.
#bitcoin will become deflationary next month.
It will enter a new phase of a greater tendency to become deflationary.
Yes, more than 5 million, and mostly they were held by the indivduals, naive users who out of ignorance lost it.
Good news for Indians
#newsinleo #news #india
Bollywood should make a film dedicated to this day, there will be a lot of Italian songs :)
Love you Lions!
Have a fantastic weekend and I'll see you tomorrow evening!
Oh yeah, buy lots of $LEO and save some unicorns!!
Hello 🙋
Wish you fantastic weekend...
That unicorn reminded me of UNI Coin, what a coin...what an airdrop it was.
Have a great weekend.
Happy weekend! see you tomorrow.
Daily wise words from dani-asi
#wisdom #inleo #hive #aliveandthriving #inspiration #motivation #lifefacts #learning
HiveBR Thread Day #37
Chegou o sábado e vamos cantar o hino de todos os sábados:
"Sábado de sol
Aluguei um caminhão
Pra levar a galera
Pra comer feijão
Chegando lá, mas que vergonha..."
Jiu-jiteiro chegou para proteger vcs. 😂 😂
Salve TMJ Oss!
@xlety @michupa o amigo de vcs ai
meu nada, do @michupa kkkkkkkk
minha amiga já abandonou a gente
Que merda em. Quando hive estiver em 1 dolar ou mais vc fala pra ela voltar mas não ajuda em nada só pra irritar kkkkkk
tadinhaaaaa kk
aeee bem vindo
bem vindo!
Ola amigos. Como vocês estão?
bom dia!! por aqui, estou de plantão no trabalho. E você? Quase fluente em português, já.
My Portuguese ended.
Haha, I said I'm on duty at work today. And that you were already almost fluent in Portuguese.
LOL I would say fluent is a long way away. But I will work at it.
Ola Task, aqui tudo bem, está passando uma chuva de leve e o frio está agradável.
Yeah right. LOL
You didn't understand something I said. LOL
Everything after Task.
Okay :D
Muito bem, e você?
Já estou tomando uma cerveja
Task, você já pode se considerar brasileiro. 🤣
kkkk ele ta craque no português já kk
Vai ser condecorado logo mais, haha!
Tudo bem, graças a Deus!
hoje acordei igual esse GIF. Dormi mt mal...
eu bem assim no meio da madrugada kk
vou aproveitar pra tirar meu horario de almoço hoje... plantão tenho 1h pra descansar e vou dar uma cochiladinha
O pior é que essa uma hora passa voando né?
demais. mal deitei e já levantei de novo
Eita :(
sabado de frio bom pra ver x-men igual quando nao tinha responsabilidades
Bons tempos
Melhor época, e X-Men '97' é tudo de bom!
Já vi os dois episódios e aproveitei pra começar a rever os antigos
Bons tempos...
kkkk boa
só tinha maconha, os maconheiro tava doidão, querendo meu feijão!
Que isso, jovem! 👀
Threadear hoje tá fod@!
sabadão frio do jeito que gosto
Como sou sem cultura, desconheço essa música.
não é possivel kkk
mamonas assassinas, hoje seriam cancelados ate falar chega
Ata kkkk
gen Z
Com orgulho
entregou a idade lince kkk
Não tem problema kk
A tag #hivebr acabou perdendo uma posição :(
Vamos recuperar isso. #hivebr
Blink-182 pagou a dívida com os fãs brasileiros no Lollapalooza. Só que depois de tanto tempo, poderiam ter feito algo ainda melhor.
eu acho que aquele choro do Tom no final foi de alívio de -1 dia na LATAM kkkkkk
"Tô indo embora dessa merd@." 😅
Bom sábado, hivers! #hivebr
e vamos de plantão até 16h
Bom trampo aê!
o temporal no estado do Rio já deixou 6 mortos em menos de 24h... a maioria das vítimas, em Petrópolis, que sempre sofre muito com as chuvas
Tenso demais.
Tenso! Por aqui ainda está relativamente tranquilo... nublado e um pouco de vento, mas nada como tenho visto nas notícias de outros locais
aqui não choveu muito também, grazadeus. mas no RJ e no ES o negocio ficou mt feio
O certo é alguém fazer uma boa proposta para comprar toda porcentagem da 777...
Pior negócio que o Vasco fez nos últimos 30 anos.
Mas o Vasco ainda existe? 🤣
Boa pergunta kkkk...
Surpreendentemente sim.
Sério... Para vcs percebem o quanto estou por dentro das notícias da Seleção, nem sabia que Jogão Gomes tinha sido convocado.
Mas ele merece uma chance mesmo.
mano eu estou o dia todo respondendo pessoas do meu ultimo post que isso kkkk
ahazou d+
ta famosão
Essa é nova para mim...
Alguém tem alguma dúvida que esses 4 aí por mais que queiram perder suas almas, a Rússia não irá deixar?
Vão ser torturadores demais.. É capaz de lembrarem até do café da manhã do dia 7 de agosto de 2003.
Da até uma sensação de famosidade XD
famosinho da
Caramba, minha ultima postagem deu bom demais, que tanto de comentário! Assim que eu gosto!
cheguei em casa pós aula de manhã, agora de tarde um basquetinho pra ligar a serotonina
joga demais kkk
top man, eu preciso largar de ser sedentário, ta tenso kkk
bugleo continua inbugado pra formatar texto com html? :(
Sim, mas pode fazer de boa que nos outros frontends fica formatado do jeito certo. Quando arrumarem isso deve ser corrigido automaticamente também.
eu postei ontem pela inleo e parece que ficou de boa, é fazer igual o lince falou, cria a postagem em outro frontend e depois joga aqui
é, fiz isso
to bebado familia, e é isso
cachaça é so alegria kkk
tomei umas aqui tmb so alegria
agora sabe pra onde eu vou 'vou pro mundo'
meia noite é com vcs a criacao da thread senao amanha comigo, kkkk
Tomei uma inbugada agr que pqp. Postei 3 vezes uma thread e duas deu erro, ai quando deu certo na terceira, apareceram as outras duas kkkkkkk
essa eu odeio quando rola
InLeo sendo InLeo.
Vou dormir, mas deixo o Cão de guarda.
Uma pena que a """""cinebiografia""""" dos Mamonas Assassinas é uma verdadeira atrocidade cinematográfica. 👀
@michupa kd vc? Bora animar isso aqui, agora com proteção 24 horas jiu-jitsu na veia.
Twitter foi de vasco ou é só aqui mesmo que eu não tô conseguindo acessar?
Desde hoje cedo isso.
Aqui parece normal... curti alguns tweets, comentei e fix re-tweet sem problemas
Vou checar se eu preciso fazer alguma atualização no notebook aqui.
Vlw pelo feedback.
aqui tá normal
Vlw pelo feedback.
aqui parece estar normal
Vlw pelo feedback.
Anyone else happy to see me?
Well yes, but not THAT happy lol
Task, are you looking forward to seeing the solar eclipse on April 8th?
I saw that in the United States you can see this eclipse very well.
Qual a rotina matinal de voces?
Eu já vou direto pro cafezinho, senão nada mais funciona
cafezinho para começar bem o dia e sabado geralmente fico em casa, dou uma geral de leve na casa para ajudar a patroa e tento dar uma atenção maior pros meus filhos
nossa, eu precisava dar um trato em casa tb hahaha
ta osso
É tenso pelo cansaço, mas tento fazer o que é possível kkk
Em relação à refeições: 500ml de água em jejum, depois, nos dias que eu vou pra academia, duas bananas amassadas com canela. Se eu não for pra academia, um copo de suco com couve, abacaxi, hortelã e gengibre.
Show, parece uma rotina bem saudável
eu juto que tô tentando kkk
Banho. Café da manhã. Escrever. Trabalhar.
Parecido com a minha
Você trabalha com o que?
Sou professor de Inglês.
Você dá aula remoto ou trabalha presencial?
Atualmente, 70% remoto e 30% presencial.
nao to postando dia de sábado, mas to querendo voltar a fazer isso, postar umas coisas mais diferentes porque tenho um tempo maior e tal
deixa em schedule post
Se eu for cedo pra acad, acordo 5h, me alimento, academia, volto, uma cochilada e começo a trabalhar 8h. Se n tiver acad, já levanto e vou direto trabalhar
Nos fins de semana varia de acordo com o q tô com ânimo pra fazer kkk
Café com bolo de milho que a patroa fez.
um café nem resolve. Tem que ser 2.
prefiro as minas do voley
mulher + volei = so alegria ^^
top demais kk
E futebol feminino em?
tbm não gosto. Nem futebol americano, que tem mais pausa do que jogo
ruim (polêmica)
Se até vcs mulheres concordam... 😅
concordo plenamente kkk
esse ta mais pra comedia xD
kkkkkkkk pior são as narradoras, não consigo ver um jogo com elas narrando
Concordo rsrsrs
Sabadou bbs!
sabadao de boa e muita chuva!
Quem sabe dessa aqui... É muito difícil:
Essa eu sei pq eu conheço o livro kkk
Assim fica mais fácil.
Isso aqui é novo? Nunca tinha reparado... legal
Um pouco...
Inclusive eu notei isso e já tem 3 dias já...
Eu não sei vc, mas sua imagem está com baixa qualidade...
Isso já está me incomodando há um tempo na plataforma... A gente tenta fazer algo legal, algum design bacana e ao carregar a imagem, se torna algo que se vê embaçado...
Começou o D&D
Estamos lutando contra 10 clones de um dos personagens do grupo. DOidera
Eu sempre tive vontade de jogar D&D, mas nem sei por onde vai...
Quando a minha situação financeira melhorar um pouco, acho que irei me dedicar um pouco neste jogo e apresentar ele para as crianças aqui tbm.
Vi que é possível comprar as miniaturas em 3D na Shopee.
É mais simples do que parece! INfelizmente meus grupos já estão cheios, senão te convidadva pra vc ver
Da pra comrpar as moiniaturas lá sim mas dependendo da forma que voce for jogar, nem precisa! Eu jogo online porque cada pessoa mora em um lugar, aí fazemos tudo por sites especificos pra RPG.
Tai uma coisa que nem sabia. Está jogando online?
Pensei que era no estilo de tabuleiro e tal.
Legal! Então acho que vou pesquisar no YouTube como seria da forma online.
Sem dúvidas deve ser "melhor" pq deve ter alguns efeitos no jogo onde o tabuleiro não é possível fazer hahaha... Vlw!
Sim! Da pra jogar estilo tabuleiro tambem mas no meu grupo tem gente que mora até fora do pais, entao tem que ser online
Tem gente que prefere jogar na forma física porque gosta de rolar os dados de verdade e tal, mas o online é mais simples e mais barato porque não precisa de praticamente nada!
Agora fiquei realmente interessado, mas realmente eu teria que aprender primeiro, pois como disse antes, quero apresentar o jogo para os meus filhos.
Online não seria possível todos jogarem aí mesmo tempo rsrsrs... Mas aprender primeiro é importante.
Vlw pelas dicas mano!
Misericórdia. Te cuida.
Lembro da minha epoca de adolescencia, tinha um amigo que era mestre de RPG e a gente jogava o RPG de "mesa" de pokemon kkkk, altras trelas
Algumas imagens de perfil começaram a sumir de novo
Ainda estou vendo a sua e a minha.
Eu não vejo a sua mais
Ainda vejo a sua e os demais.
Tentei sair e depois volta... Sei lá... Até agora está "normal".
acho que sou um dos poucos br que não gosta de futebol
Hahaha... talvez sim...
prefiro natacao
golf é mais divertido
ping pong e as cruzadas
bolinha de gude
empinar pipa, ou quadrado, ou raia, peixinho, maranhão
mountain bik
nascar e F1, opa, f1?
sabão cra cra; sabão cra cra...
Não deixa os cabelo do saco enrolar 🎵
Bom dia galera
BOm sábado pra nós
Hoje tem sessão dupla de D&D então não sei se vou conseguir interagir tanto
kkk hoje vai ser nerdice pesada
... Só tinha maconha
Bom dia pessoal!
Que todos tenham um ótimo final de semana!
pra você também!!
E a Seleção da CBF hj?
Quanto será a partida?
Acho que vai dar ruim pros brazucas, hein?
Incrível como chegamos nessa situação... Éramos destemidos.
Brasil nem seleção tem mais.
eu amo futebol mas não consigo gostar de assistir seleção, copa do mundo...
Eu te entendo..
Infelizmente isso vem desde muito tempo... sei como é isso.
Para quem está trabalhando, tenha um ótimo dia de serviço.
hoje choveu bastante
Verdade, acho que parou agora aqui.
As plantas agradecem hahaha...
kkkkk com certeza, elas estão bem frescas e de boa agora
Tô ouvindo Blink-182 enquanto escrevo o review do show de ontem no Lollapalooza.
Hora de compartilhar algumas notícias para a gente interagir um pouco.
Estamos perto de 100 comentários .
Seguimos em frente!
100 comentários! #hivebr
Agora é dobrar a meta para depois deixar a meta aberta.
Alguém arrisca?
só mais 2h30 de expediente... felizmente tá bem tranquilo hoje
Não fala isso, haha!
Mas que diabos de música é essa? KKKKKKKKKKKKKK
Mandaram lá embaixo a música, é do mamonas
O conflito de gerações se fazendo presente kkk
eu to assustado a galera nao sabe quem é os mamomas, eu estou ficando velho mesmo kkk
É meme né? pfv me diz que é
lili cantou!
lili é sua cachorrinha? eu nao lembro kkk
lili = liberdade kkkkkkkk fim do expediente
eu pensei nisso kkk, porque a expressão é justamente essa "liberdade cantou" ai vc falou lili fiquei na duvida kk
kkkkkkk eu sempre ouvi lili cantou mesmo
oxe kkk, por esse termo eu realmente nao conhecia
Meu HD (cerebro) ultimamente nao lembra de quase nada, acho q é tanta coisa na minha cabeça q eu fiquei assim
kkkkkkkkkkkk tipo isso huahuauhauh
#hivebr hoje está tranquilo, tudo calmo, recuperando as energias, semana que vem tem feriado ^^
num dia o liquidificador estraga, no outro a resistência do chuveiro
kkkkkk ta parecendo aqui em casa, todo dia estraga uma coisa kkk
pior que a resistência desse chuveiro daqui é cara pra cacete
só queria tomar um banho quentinho e lavar o cabelo
Aqui em casa a gente desligou um chuveiro e praticamente so toma banho frio a noite, ai na parte da manhã como geralmente ja ta mais frio minha esposa e filhos usa o chuveiro quente e eu continuo no frio kk
eu não consigo tomar banho frio. Só se tiver muito calor o suficiente pra água sair morna já direto da encanação
How Did you Find Hive Frens?
My knowing Hive was thanks to @fokusnow, the boss himself and that was in November, 2022. He had organized a seminar about Hive and invited me.
#oliodibalena #hive
Wow lucky you. I found hive through a colleague of mine at school. She onboarded me before resigning from work.
That's kind of her. I hope she's still active on Hive
Yes she is very active.
Oh, beautiful
I couldn't get onboard immediately due to other engagements but in December of same year with his guidance I registered and have enjoyed every bit of my adventure on Hive.
@beckyroyal @dwixer come tell us
I was onboarded immediately but I was reluctant to partake in it cos I felt it was a scam but gradually through the ladiesofhive contests, I began to enjoy hive.
If not for hive, I won't have met a dear friend like you😁
I didn't see it as scam because I already had an idea about Web3 platforms It was LeoFinance now INLEO that I joined first and started engaging on threads. I was really crazy about threads that I can stay the whole day there, that's how the name #threadsaddict came about😂😂
Yes oo, I'm privileged to meet you on Hive. Hive has given us opportunity to meet good friends and we will still meet more in the coming days.
Of course o, my #threadsaddict😁
Let's play a game Lions!
SPOT 3 Differences!
..and comment them below, I will 100% vote the first right answer!
Should I do more?
#askonleo #polls #inleo #puzzle
cloud top right size, fish angle, diver ear missing 🖖🏼👁🤙🏼
amazingly amazing! You guessed them all right! Let's see if others can do it a well (without peeking here 👀 ) 😆
💪🏽😎👍🏽 thx
welcome moretea :)
Swimmer girl is missing an ear, cloud is smaller in right pic and fish is trying to bite ass in right picture.
thanks for the detailed explanation
Already correctly gotten by Moretea
yup tea is chai after all ;)
Fast and serious!
I found 3.
They are Cloud, fish, ear.
yup you are right!
Can't upload the image but I see MoreTea already got it :)
yes farm he was the fastest this time :)
nice, you got them all!
Hope for the best and expect the best too. Time to forgive and move on.. Good morning my people
Good Morning.
Hope for th best...prepare for the worst....
forget....forgive....move on.....
I'm watching 3 Body Problem on Netflix.
Do you believe there's alien life in outer space?
#polls #moviestvshows #askonleo
There's no doubt about it in my mind.
I'd highly recommend reading the books though (or even listen as audiobooks). They're SO good. Haven't watched the show yet, but I have a strong feeling it pales in comparison
I'm looking forward to reading the books. I've enjoyed the Netflix show so far but I like pretty much all scifi related stuff. Just saw there was a Chinese version of the book on youtube. May have to give that a look.
The author is chinese, so that makes sense. I'm probably gonna watch the series too. Just gotta finish the entire triology that I'm currently reading for the second time first xD
I believe that life only exists on planet earth
Every time I publish a #thread here, I stumble upon this error.
Are you guys also getting this?
#polls #askonleo #feedback's a kind of perennial error. I hope Dev will fix it on a priority basis
yes milaan I also hope the same!
Do you have any more details on which page you're on when this is happening?
Also what's in the thread? Links? Images?
Actually when I post a new thread I get similar kind of error. I think the OP has also shared the simillar screenshots
However, I think in d last 2 hours, app is woking smoothly, I hope it does not become a recurring issue again. Thank you
Yes, facing the issue... even i can't upload pictures on threads since 10days... tried everything but nothing working out...
yes i tried uploading clicked photos earlier but it isnt working, hope it gets sorted soon.
hopefully soon... i have lot of pictures to share on thread..
Did you try logging out and back in
Which page are you on when this is happening?
whenever i click the reply button khal but now its working just fine!
I get it a lot...I mean always lol
This is one of the very busy places in Aba. We call it the cemetery market.
Which marketplace do you visit the most in your area?#askonleo
New market.... Ahia Ohuru. One of the busiest market in Aba
That's true, I've seen you a couple of times in Ahia ohuru market
Gole Bazar...Sambalpur, Odisha, India
That's lovely.. what do they sell there mostly?
food, ingredients, textiles, etc.
I feel so embraced dancing in the public.The last campaign we did for world oral health day. I just couldn't dance. #emotionsfeelings
I am averse to dancing.....I find it very unconfortable and embarrassing.
But a good dancer behind closed doors
👍 👍 👍
Sometimes I just feel so shy 😑
That's quite natural.
Express gratitude to your spouse daily by mentioning anything they do well. As time goes on, it is easy to overlook the positive aspects of a relationship. Avoid this pitfall. Shout out to the positives!
I am not married yet 😅.
Get her soon
Where you would love to live?
Would love to try living in all of them if only... Lol!
Monaco is more than twice the cost of living in Singapore.
Canada is okay for me
UK would be my first pick
North Korea is more expensive than Germany !LOLZ
I didn't even know they were catholic.
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of ben.haase
What is the #mistake you made that taught you great lesson. Mine via #threadstorm
#hivenaija #askonleo
I doubted Npower program the first time it was announced for graduates. I was doing NYSC in Enugu that year 2015/2016. I never believed it was real and didnt apply. Surprisingly, it was real and some of my friends that applied were part of the first set. I lost the opportunity. It was after 2 years that the next set were invited to apply. You'll imagine how fast I applied and fortunately, I got shortlisted.
I learn to always have an open mind to all opportunities and give them a try. Who knows the one that would be real.
Yeah, that Npower program. I heard about it, tried applying but couldn't get through because of age. I was even advised to go get affidavit but no I can't do such.
It's good to always have open mind and take advantage of every opportunity that comes our way, although it's not always easy.
Money I was saving for my rent. It was on a Friday and he promised to refund it by Monday after business over the weekend which he didn't till date.
The painful part was that his closest pals refused to help out and I did out of trust cos he was a colleague's friend.
That time if I ask him for it, his reply was always I will pay when I have the money
I've realized that he has made up his mind not to refund the money because of his actions and replies. I have left him to fate but this taught me not to trust blindly again and if I have to lend money to someone, it has to be the amount I can easily let go incase they decide not to pay back again.
@fashtioluwa @caleb-marvel come and share yours. #hivenaija
I no go gree o if na me. Ehnn for where. You will pay that money unless we would enter one trouser
He will pay in one way or the other. Nemesis will catch up with him
Omo, I’m the nemesis here o. And I’ll catch up with him really good and fast 😎
Lol, leave nemesis to do it's work abeg oo 🤣
My dear, that's human for you. Such happened to me to the extent that the guy started hiding when he sees me. But I just gat to let go because I was feed up of please I will pay you 😭😭.
So I have discided that if any person ask me to lend him or her money, I will check me self very well, then tell the person that I will be helping him with any amount of my choice, not to pay back, but just helping. Because I can't start calling you for what I know that you are supposed to be the person calling me.
I don't borrow, if I have I give, if I don't have, I don't give. And not every body I give.
Thanks for your invitation @luchyl
It's really bad how people behave like that because of money.
Exactly what I do. I always try to manage the much I have so I won't be tempted to go borrowing.
I appreciate your reply.
Exactly 🥂🥂🥂.
That's why you are our manager 🤣🤣.
Manager ke, lol 😂 😂
My lady 🥂🥂🥂🥂.
Ha! Finally, this was explained to me. Was chatting about this with @nonsowrites a while ago, check it out 👇 Link to X thread in the comments
so both buyer and seller are putting something down. Interesting concept. Risky? Yes.
Somewhat risky, yes. But to think of it, a smart contract like this is the only way to make it work.
Damn, this was really troubling me for days! 😅
That's quite interesting. At least the seller gets the collateral if the buyer does not fulfill the agreement.
Yeah, of course, there's risks involved like in anything crypto-related but it's a pretty foul-proof way to sell not-yet-launched tokens. Smart contracts are awesome!
Threadstorm 1/3
A lot of people think we're twins but we're not, can you guess the older sibling?
She's not just a sister to me, she's also my best friend. We're so inseparable and our bond is really admirable. Oh did I forget she's also my partner in crime? This girl has saved me from a lot of trouble both at home and outside.
The best thing about her is how she's effortlessly funny and how she tries to cheer me up even in my low moments. We can spend the whole day making fun of each other without tiring out.
The one on orange grown is the junior one. Hope my guessing was right
oYou failed beautifully 😂
Haha who then?
owThe one on orange is me and I'm the older sibling.
Really? And she looks more matured than you
Na differences in body physique
Lovely pictures. The one on orange should be the eldest. Let's say with four to five years 🤣..
Why not make it 10 years😄
wow, why do I admire this bond alot? Hehe
This is sweet
Aren't you the eldest? The one on orange dress? Haha
That's me.
Did you do abracadabra here? 😂
The way you just guessed right.
Haha 😆😂😂
It's kinda obvious 😌
Your eyes sharp well well 😀
At the airport, my friend suggested we disguise ourselves as luggage.
I said, “Just as long as we don’t get carried away.”
😁 😁 😁 😁 😁
lol, good one!
Woke up quite late today.. another day of fasting and went out to get some food for tonight..
Hope your day is going well.
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Good morning...
I'm participating on a National Music Festival in Venezuela.
The videos have been published on their YouTube Channel. You can support me by liking, commenting and sharing my video.
GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!
GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
Could you drop a link to their channel? I did a quick search, but didn't find the video for this.
That worked well enough for me to vote, good luck!
Thanks a lot
All too damn cold!
Why go in January to a place where it’s cold enough without us? :)
They are the romantic places....for love birds, couples.....
for.....Romantic...Fantastic and bOOmbastic.....people....
Antarctica probably isn't THAT cold in that time of year... 🤔
Anyone know of any free software that can make a page turning video from still images?
Thanks. I'll check it out.
Kentucky, Auburn and now Wisconsin facing elimination. Man, them upsets 😮 ❗ #ncaam #sports
where do I find something about current curation function? I remember the curve was dropped while a back. #question
BOOKPAD--A Dapp on the TON Blockchain is running an airdrop task based initiative. This is limited so take action now.
P.s TON has set aside $140m to reward it's community. It is money printing season on TON. Don't fade.
Find the link to the task in the next Thread.
I never agreed with February, I love warmth :)
For Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam...absolutely ideal month.....
Not bad start to the day - earned my first million coins at TapSwap!
#solana #tapswap
join my team:
#poll #polls
March is almost over and there is no point in talking about it :)
India...aways Feb and March the most ideal time....In fact Feb I would say the best time to visit.
I used to think I knew so many communities and posting in the right community was a walk in the park until I joined the Inleo monthly prompt and the various prompts proved to me that posting in the right community can sometimes be difficult
Where is my crystal ball?
Larger concentration in $BTC and $ETH ????
Diary of my siblings and I. I'm blessed to have so many siblings. The fun of singing together, cooking together and doing the house chores together. Let me not forget gisting too.🥰🥰🥰🥰#hivelearners
That's lovely. It must be lovely singing together with lots of siblings.
That's the best part of it.
Getting to do things together is one of the many perks of having siblings
Exactly. I love how big we are
I would have loved to see you and them singing. I have enough siblings too
Lol, it's melodious. One of the reasons why I miss home 😔
Eyaah!! When are you planning to visit home
Not yet
see that you do things with your siblings creating bond as well...that's the way to go
Yea, thank you
#BBH drips from @bbhbot done. A recordd 1427 drips where sent. Off to write my long form post of the day. #gmfrens
Oh I's actually Satur-Drip.....
Have a great Satur-Drip sir.
well done
Thank you sir :)
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(7/50)@melbourneswest! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.
that is awesome

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!
GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
Good morning everyone on INLEO.
#thoughtoftheday #quotes
Have a nice weekend.
GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!
GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
Been spending more time outdoors before winter strikes... the sunsets around here are...
Nice sense of motion here; I imagine the moon setting between the peaks.
Let me share my today's focus rewards in #splinterlands!
Almost 400 SPS, amazing!
Do you like the rewards ?
#polls #askonleo
Who does not like rewards!
haha indeed, I like these special days even more!
Mke it special when it spikes.....
haha that is the day I am looking for in sl lol
👍 👍 👍
Only 13 days left for my Inleo premium Sub to end.
Should I resub Lions?
polls #askonleo #gmfrens
GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!
GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
If u r regularly producing long form content...u should consdier renewing your subscription.
yes I do write blogs most of the days and I will resub for sure!
The go for premium...and enjoy juicy votes from leo.voter.
of course, leo.voter supports me a lot and thanks to the sub I get more limelight on me :)
Those juicy votes in Bull cycle are not less than a task based airdrop.
exactly right! and they are helping me build my hive and leo power better over time!
I know you will renew it... You are active user of inleo 😜
Dude two teams I never really hear about much is playing a very entertaining game and the crowd is going nuts in Arizona. Frickin Grand Canyon against Saint Mary's how many times have you uttered that match up?
Have any of you been using Gina the bot? Did you get the message that it will stop operating? Have you done the process? Shall i make a guide? (have not done the process yet)
1/2 Tarjeta con girasol 🌻 •• Tutorial | Card with sunflower 🌻 •• Tutorial @mariajcastro28 #hivediy
What time zone is followed by the schedule feature on inleo?
#feedback #help
We're working on an update for the scheduler. I'd recommend not using it right now until we push a better solution
Got it thanks for update
Inverted head-n-shoulders picture is still building...
As long as $BTC does not break 60k, it's always buy.....and I am quite hopeful the next HH will take it to beyond 80k and possible make it visit 100k level.
Coriander is the soul of my salads and soups #plantpowervegan #foodie
That aroma is inalienable part of the salad.
The aroma is a good part of its charm.
That aroma is the major attraction and the essence of salad.
There are two of us now, it's a special flavor. 🥰
I like cilantro in the salad dressing. It gives it a special flavor.
Is their any way to check scheduled posts on Inleo?
#feedback #help
We're working on an update for the scheduler. I'd recommend not using it right now until we push a better solution
Got it thanks for update
Shop until u drop
That's what they all want us to do.
That's their business modelll.....Basics of personal economy is saving....not shop till u drop...
I hate shopping
Indeed shopping is good sometimes.
This is HUGE
Just think where it's pointing all us.
Watershed moment for crypto and decentralized finance!
#poll #polls
July is dangerous for sunburn, sit under an umbrella :)
To visit France...Spring or early Summer is simply the best July is the ideal time.
France can be really something in July. Young people do tour like this, drink cheap wine, polish their school french and enjoy the weather.