Original ~~~ embed:1802334342632685792 and reaction to it https://x.com/CryptoLush_/status/1802354454273872207. This just approve how things can go with JPthor plan... LFG twitter metadata:SlBUSE9SODl8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vSlBUSE9SODkvc3RhdHVzLzE4MDIzMzQzNDI2MzI2ODU3OTIgYW5kIHJlYWN0aW9uIHRvIGl0IGh0dHBzOi8veC5jb20vQ3J5cHRvTHVzaF8vc3RhdHVzLzE4MDIzNTQ0NTQyNzM4NzIyMDcuIFRoaXMganVzdCBhcHByb3ZlIGhvdyB0aGluZ3MgY2FuIGdvIHdpdGggSlB0aG9yIHBsYW4uLi4gTEZHfA== ~~~
La historia sobre la aparición del ser humano en la tierra es más que grandiosa, pero no podemos acudir solo al conocimiento científico-empírico para explicarla, aquí necesitamos de la #filosofia. #outreach #threadstorm #humanitas #spanish
En este sentido, existen algunos planteamientos filosóficos interesantes de los cuales nos podemos servir para satisfacer esta curiosidad tan común sobre el momento en que ya podemos hablar de un ser humano sobre la tierra.
Customer experience in the U.S. has declined for the third consecutive year, reaching its lowest average score of 69.3 out of 100. The decline was influenced by inflation, shrinkflation, and ineffective customer-service chatbots. Companies that hastily implemented AI chatbots have worsened the situation.
Sooo many people, and I include myself in that, don't want to do those jobs anymore. One of the reasons, that I see it that way is because they keep people in the automated loop for so long that by the time they get to speak to a real person they're so angry that the customer service person gets an earful. And being on the customer side, I don't want to deal with the automated answering service whose choices don't include my issue. Or they keep you on hold for so long that by the time a real person answers you've forgotten what you want. Or they're hoping you hang up. When I get put on hold I envision them sitting in a call center taking bets on how long I'll wait before I say F' it and hang up.
I have been wearing glasses since middle school. I have a very heavy prescription so I get the lenses made as thin as possible or they'd look like coke bottle bottoms.
I tried contact lenses on and off a few times. Could never get any that fit my eyes well enough to be comfortable for extended periods of time. And it's too expensive to maintain them properly anyway. It wasn't worth the bother.
you lose friends, facing financial crisis, having dreams but cannot fulfill them, you fall, you fail, you hit reality, make mistakes , you lose yourself
.you see your parents getting older, then in the end everyone hates you
1/🧵The best time to buy into an asset is when it is at All Time Lows. Past week has been one ATL after the other for SPS. This is great news for anyone looking to invest for the long term.
2/🧵I do not have enough fiat at hand to create inflows for @splinterlands and have to satisfy myself by moving around the assets I already own.
I burned most of my excess Chaos Legion Reward Cards to get more Glint and spent them to get more Legendary Draws. There is a good chance that I will be able to get a set of Max Level Legendary Cards.
It is important to have financial goals set in all of our lives because not only does it help us to stay on track, but it also helps us to analyze our performance and how to tackle any hurdle that comes or makes us realize whenever we are behind our goals.
If we currently look at the bleeding crypto market and especially focus on the hive, things are looking scary Red and in these types of volatility, many of us start panicking and often make Wrong decisions while getting captured by emotions.
If we currently look at the bleeding crypto market and especially focus on the hive, things are looking scary Red and in these types of volatility, many of us start panicking and often make Wrong decisions while getting captured by emotions.
1/✍️ Thales, a leading French defense contractor, is set to increase its production of mortar shells fourfold. The company will ramp up production from 20,000 pieces per year in 2023 to approximately 80,000 shells per year by 2026.
2/✍️ The 120-mm ammunition will be delivered under these contracts in stages from 2024 to 2029, with the first delivery scheduled for the last quarter of this year.
Please if you are new to the party room, any music that you saw rate this song or rate, please click on the song and you will see different rating section, click on any one of your choice and approve it. Thanks and welcome to the party time on leo.
Pergunta: O HP(Hive Power), é baseado em HIVE ou HBD? Por exemplo, se eu der power up de 10 HIVES enquanto o preço estiver a 20 cents, eu vou receber a mesma quantidade em HP se o preço da HIVE estivesse em 40 cents?
Hive Power é sempre Hive Power, o preço não afeta o seu power up. O que acontece é você gastar por exemplo 1 hbd e compra 5 hive a 0,20 cents, no caso sai muito melhor porque com 1 dol vc comprou 5 hive para fazer power up e assim ter mais 5 de HP.
Agora se o hive custa 0,50 o mesmo 1 hbd vai comprar apenas 2 hive (0,50 + 0,50) e consequentemente seu power up será menor, apenas 2 hive. Por isso que quando o preço derrete assim, é a melhor hora para comprar e fazer o power up.
Se ficar nessa faixa de 0,20 cents é bom demais, 60 dol vai dar 300 hive, ontem ja fiz power up de 58 HP, então vou dar uma adiantada boa, praticamente confirma meu objetivo de 10k esse ano
Mano o tempo trás consigo a experiencia, geralmente eu perdia tudo que era oportunidade, ai comecei a deixar 10 dol liquido em hbd para comprar alguma coisa de supetão ou o inleo premium quando acabasse, por isso que consegui aproveitar ontem a 0,22 eu acho e gastei 12 hbd (os 10 + 2 e pouco q tinha) e ja peguei 58 hp.
Ai agora amanha eu acho que cai o 60 hbd do savings e se der certo vem mais aqueles 300 pau la de hp. Experiencia é isso, ja começa a postar e se tiver como vai deixando sempre um pouco liquido.
Ah mano... Aproveitando a oportunidade, apesar de eu não está verificado ou ter "passado" ainda pelo crivo lá no Hive learners, eu posso criar algum post para essa comunidade?
Pq lá na iniciativa do #juneinleo era pra criar um post nesta comunidade e como eu não fui verificado ainda (e pelo que vi, parece que tem uma segunda etapa e é em vídeo, meu inglês é péssimo KKK... Mas não sei se são todos que devem passar por isso)... Será se pegaria mal já que tô esperando ser verificado?
Só não queria me queimar na comunidade. Aí deixei passar a oportunidade de fazer o post.
Acredito que você pode postar lá sim, a verificação seria mais para participar dos temas dia de segunda, quarta e sexta que ai o lazy-panda faz o voto para curar os membros da comunidade, no caso você vai postar apenas para participar do juneinleo então nem vai "desejar" os votos do lazy-panda.
@gwajnberg pode confirmar aqui se tem algum problema? Acredito que pode postar de boa né?
Faço muito também a divisão, por exemplo recebi 5 hbd de um post, gasto 2,5 com qualquer coisa, token, boto em jogo sei la algo assim e os outros 2,5 vai pro savings, por isso cheguei em 280 hbd, praticamente tudo tava dividindo meio a meio e tal.
É uma forma de investir com calma em algo e ainda ter um din din guardando rendendo.
Task, here in Brazil, inflation is destroying the economy and our currency doesn't have much purchasing power.
This current government is destroying the country. The curious thing is that today I saw again how the last election turned out, just 2 million votes gave victory to this communist government.
Many voted null and also did not vote, so these people are to blame for this. Diapers aren't cheap here. LOL
Good idea, I've even talked to my wife about it. I've been trying to increase my activity here because I intend to use some of the HBD I receive to help my family.
A Brazilian here at Hive developed a website that makes this exchange both internally and externally and this is helping me take a little from here and transform it into local money to buy what I need.
When things improve, I will start leaving HBD in savings. This will help me in the future.
Eu to torcendo para a $HIVE fica em 0,20 ou 0,21 até meus 60 hbd cair na conta e na real, torço até para cair mais ainda. Já vi muitos perfis dos mais antigos falarem que já viveram a hive a 0,10 centavos ou menos, então isso é algo normal, é saber aproveitar a oportunidade!
O louco, tipo da um medo pensar nesse valor, mas para crescimento do perfil deve ser estrondoso. Tipo daria para aproveitar muito com os retornos das postagens e comprando com hbd ou algo assim.
tô cobrindo uma operação policial que envolve política aqui desde 8h da manhã. naõ consegui nem comer ainda, bgl tá tenso. agora parei pra respirar e fazer um lanchinho
vish, a treta é mt grande! desvio de verba da educação e saúde, mais de R$ 6 milhões. Operação policial no estado do RJ e MG. aí calhou que no RJ que foi a cidade dos desvios, é pra onde trabalho, e em MG é na cidade q eu moro kkkkk
Eu estava obcecado, passava 80% do meu tempo falando sobre a Hive e nos outros 20% eu torcia pra que alguém falasse dela para que pudesse falar dela mais um pouco
Pra mim é os dois kkkkkk um ótimo momento para comprar, ao mesmo tempo que me liga um sinal de alerta. Se o $BTC continuar a cair nesse ritmo(isso que é apenas uma correção de uma forte alta), a $HIVE provavelmente vai também. A diferença é que a HIVE já estava em queda enquanto o BTC subia.
tava aqui o dia inteiro penando pra descobrir o endereço de uma ocorrência. peguei um foto que aparecia só a calçada, mandei pro meu tio taxista e ele me deu o endereço em menos de um minuto 🤡
Caraca mano kkk, o processador é meio devagar mas pelo menos o banco de dados é gigante kakaka, cara olha pra calçada e acha o lugar ta maluco, da um desconto xD
Que dia merda... além de tudo, fui retirar uma medicação que tinha encomendado mas não consegui porque um ônibus bateu na fiação elétrica perto do local e pegou fogo (ninguem se feriu).
Dear Lions You can submit your daily news-based #inleo post under this thread. The chosen posts will be highlighted on Daily LEO, receive curation support.
ChatGPT was down due to major outage — here's what happened
Find out the status of ChatGPT, as the AI tool went down on Monday
By Mike Prospero last updated 2 hours ago #newsonleo #artificialintelligence #chatgpt
Might be a Hot Take, but, War is an essential human feature, the only way to stop wars is to eliminate Free Will and I don't think that's worth it. #freecompliments #infowar
SPK Network - Final Testnet Sprint is Live!
The SPK Network is a decentralised Web 3.0 protocol. Over time, the SPK Network aims to offer decentralised storage, Token Creation, NFT creation, Immutable Breakaway Communities and direct digital ownership of the creator's account and digital assets on a Web 3.0, DPoS protocol where the creator cannot be censored by centralised gatekeepers.
Will you be participating in the final @spknetwork test sprint?
What a devilish plan this is by @JPthor89 of Thorchain... wow. Looks shady, but who knows :-)... twitter page links 👇
What is going on now? One defi site gets all the others? Or what?
Yes, JPthor wants them all. He wants 100bn Thorchain (that would be like 200 USD/RUNE).
Oh, wow :-). It will be tought.
Original ~~~ embed:1802334342632685792 and reaction to it https://x.com/CryptoLush_/status/1802354454273872207. This just approve how things can go with JPthor plan... LFG twitter metadata:SlBUSE9SODl8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vSlBUSE9SODkvc3RhdHVzLzE4MDIzMzQzNDI2MzI2ODU3OTIgYW5kIHJlYWN0aW9uIHRvIGl0IGh0dHBzOi8veC5jb20vQ3J5cHRvTHVzaF8vc3RhdHVzLzE4MDIzNTQ0NTQyNzM4NzIyMDcuIFRoaXMganVzdCBhcHByb3ZlIGhvdyB0aGluZ3MgY2FuIGdvIHdpdGggSlB0aG9yIHBsYW4uLi4gTEZHfA== ~~~
More capital can not make you a better investor.
If you can't invest $1000 wisely
You cannot invest $10000 wisely too.
I'm pretty sure the first "can" should be "can't."
How many of you know about @kryptogamers on #hive? Just checking...
Play responsibly! I will leave my referral link bellow. Yes this has referrals!

I do, if keep it in mind, I play regularly the wordle game.
💰 12,700 $BTC were sent to accumulation addresses in the last 24 hours, worth around $840 million!
#newsonleo #leofinance #bitcoin #btc #crypto
Does any one know if we prematurely withdraw HBD savings, do we still keep the earned interest for the month?
Yes we do get the interest
I guess not.
I think interestes are accrued every blocks, i.e. 3 seconds.
I don't have HBD in saving, but I thought the earnings are given every day. Right?
yes, that is correct
USA, of course it's the first place!!!! #cent #freecompliments
⚡️ NEWS ⚡️
Customer Experience Gets Worse, Again!
#marketing #customerexperience #newsonleo #news
Sooo many people, and I include myself in that, don't want to do those jobs anymore. One of the reasons, that I see it that way is because they keep people in the automated loop for so long that by the time they get to speak to a real person they're so angry that the customer service person gets an earful. And being on the customer side, I don't want to deal with the automated answering service whose choices don't include my issue. Or they keep you on hold for so long that by the time a real person answers you've forgotten what you want. Or they're hoping you hang up. When I get put on hold I envision them sitting in a call center taking bets on how long I'll wait before I say F' it and hang up.
👉🏽 SOURCE 👈🏽
I've never seen #hive price as low as it is right now
From first day on this Blockchain till now it was always higher than this
So I'm buying more and more hive as long as I've #stablecoins.
It's not the All Time Low, but it's the lowest it has been in a really long time... Wish you good luck in your buying journey.
Lowest since 2022....
It's my first time seeing it at 20 cents too. It might be our chance to grow our holdings faster hehe. All the best
same, yea sounds like that's our chance
But wait, isn't our earning in hive decreases when price decrease?
Like Hive Price decrease = upvote value decrease.
I thought we grow more fast when hive price is increasing..
It's about to reach 3 years lows.
But it has been much lower, if you look further back.
What's hive 3 years lows?? I joined back in 2022.. so not sure of how it did before that.
Everyday's tool.
Specs is spectacular!
I have been wearing glasses since middle school. I have a very heavy prescription so I get the lenses made as thin as possible or they'd look like coke bottle bottoms.
I tried contact lenses on and off a few times. Could never get any that fit my eyes well enough to be comfortable for extended periods of time. And it's too expensive to maintain them properly anyway. It wasn't worth the bother.
You use glasses too? I started using them in college, and now they became my second nature!
It's your personal gadget to live a better life.
which is that one bad habit that you want to quit so badly?
bad habits? I don't have any bad habits. LOL LOL
haha, if you dont have any bad habit then probably you are lying ;)
Eating junk food 😊
That is one of my bad habits too ;)
Eating more than metabolism rate of my body
@taskmaster4450le @khaleelkazi #leoshorts
You can add @mightpossibly to that list. He is ready to fill it up.
I am interested to write about it.
We are waiting too so eagerly.
Yipper ;)
LOL. Are we there yet?
lol. SOON
GM Lions, it's a sunny Tuesday here, and I am outdoor fixing a shop for my Li sister.
at age 20, 21
you lose friends, facing financial crisis, having dreams but cannot fulfill them, you fall, you fail, you hit reality, make mistakes , you lose yourself
.you see your parents getting older, then in the end everyone hates you
Just keep pushing, get back up and maybe at 22, you will do better and find yourself again :)
Thanks I'm going to keep pushing. hopefully I'll.
1/🧵The best time to buy into an asset is when it is at All Time Lows. Past week has been one ATL after the other for SPS. This is great news for anyone looking to invest for the long term.
#threadstorm #outreach #splinterlands
2/🧵I do not have enough fiat at hand to create inflows for @splinterlands and have to satisfy myself by moving around the assets I already own.
I burned most of my excess Chaos Legion Reward Cards to get more Glint and spent them to get more Legendary Draws. There is a good chance that I will be able to get a set of Max Level Legendary Cards.
3/🧵If anyone is looking to earn more from the game, buying some SPS and staking could go a long way. The crash will not last forever.
i don't know why some haters just hate someone without doing anything to them.
Some haters don't need reasons to hate another. They just do :(
you are right...
someone said that to me and I was surprised because I haven't talk to the person before. Unseen haters are real
Yes. Maybe you unknowingly stir their demons, hehe
but, I don't hurt people
It is important to have financial goals set in all of our lives because not only does it help us to stay on track, but it also helps us to analyze our performance and how to tackle any hurdle that comes or makes us realize whenever we are behind our goals.
#threadstorm #outreach

If we currently look at the bleeding crypto market and especially focus on the hive, things are looking scary Red and in these types of volatility, many of us start panicking and often make Wrong decisions while getting captured by emotions.
If we currently look at the bleeding crypto market and especially focus on the hive, things are looking scary Red and in these types of volatility, many of us start panicking and often make Wrong decisions while getting captured by emotions.
If you are interested, Please read my full blog post below!
Link - https://inleo.io/@mango-juice/it-is-important-to-set-financial-goals-kea
#inleo #hive
Ladies Ladies Ladies on #ttt today!!!
Watch out for my post...
What's your latest muse about #artificialintelligence?
let's hear it...
Let me bookmark this thread. I will get back after working something out for a post.
It is not that things are actually becoming expensive.
The fact is that the value of money is decreasing each day.
Element rises to prominence with a high class camera.
Beautiful shot!
It looks like something from China.
tik tok tik tok tik tok goes life
Good Afternoon all..
Hope everting is good a your end..
Nuke fans...
USA, of course!
As a Pakistani I would say we need more employment and public support projects then nuclear weapons
More nukes please
was watching a video where one nuke (rocket) launch as test was costing about 800K and they were firing those off like it's peanut money.
Made me feel so poor seeing where tax money is actually going lol.
And those are only the official numbers.. I am scared to know what the real ones would be. 😱
Nuclear powers and the number of their operational nuclear warheads … (pink is operational)
One of the examples that show the distorted values of the most powerful society nowadays.
Little bit surprised that UK has invested that much.
Good time to move $HBD to $HIVE
That doesn't sound like a bad idea to do.
Where the hell is @taskmaster4450le this morning?
He's on a walk so he'll be late 😅
I never gave him permission.
You are either feeling very lonely or are bitchy and need someone to yell at.
Which is it?
So you want me to comfort you by you slapping me around?
That would be awesome my friend :)
French Company Thales Increases Mortar Shell Production by Fourfold — Press Service:
#Newsonleo #Weapon #France #Freecomplimentsi
1/✍️ Thales, a leading French defense contractor, is set to increase its production of mortar shells fourfold. The company will ramp up production from 20,000 pieces per year in 2023 to approximately 80,000 shells per year by 2026.
2/✍️ The 120-mm ammunition will be delivered under these contracts in stages from 2024 to 2029, with the first delivery scheduled for the last quarter of this year.
Bring your #meme #jokesonleo and #polls to the party room.
click on the tags below to search for music:
#luckydube #boneym #kellyclarkson #jimmycliff #dollyparton ...
#threadcast #partytime
The dancing bears know it is AMA day.
We need a bull dance in the party room 🤣🤣🤣🤣.
Bulls dont dance. Only bears.
And cats
What is a sad dance?
Do you know what this is from?
Waylon Jennings - "Good Ol' Boys"
Just hanging out with @winanda
But she gat a small..... ..... ..... that the only thing with her..
You know what am talking about Task
Ping pong balls.
Really? Where are they?
Hey! Caleb, make the sentence complete.
Hahaha 🤣🤣🤣, don't worry my dear, I don't need anything that will be used against me in the court of law.
Lol. It has already been used in the court of law
Please take away the L"aw" and replace it with "ove"
I haven't seen your votes in the party candy contest 🤔🤔🤔.
Hello #partytime gang.
I hope your day is going well.
Good music always helps.
@caleb-marvel @taskmaster4450le @coyotelation @mightpossibly @sandymeyer @misterc @kiel91 @ifarmgirl @winanda @oldmans.
You are welcome to the party room sir, 😉😉😉😉😉..
Hello @beststart
My day is going well. How about yours?
Busy, but going well, thanks.
That's good. You're welcome.
Cool and the gang 😎😎😎😎..
Hello John! May your day be very nice and with music, it will get even better.
Thanks, Tiago.
Indeed it will.
Scandal - The Warrior
Here we gooo
Hello friends👋👋, it's time to "Get Down On It" with M.C Black "@caleb-marvel" host, in collaboration with @taskmaster4450le @coyotelation @mightpossibly @sandymeyer @winanda @misterc @beststart @kiel91 @ifarmgirl @oldmans. Lets go!!!!
Let the music play.
You are welcome my dear friend 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽..
party harder 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶.
Hello my friends!
Hello @coyotelation
Was @caleb-marvel in the party room posting naked pictures of himself again?
Naked we came, naked shall we return. I wonder why people put on their clothes all the time
So poetic.
Are your poems published?
I just published it here on Leo 😂😂😂😂.
You are wise beyond your years.
Thanks for your #freecompliments sir.
Since the last time you gave me such, I haven't heard it from anyone else 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰, am so humbled 😂😂.
Feel free to launch it for me with any amount of Leo 😂😂😂.
Pirate has taken my rocket, @coyotelation
Please send some alien ship to stop them!
I was kicked off the Internet as a result of low data, but lest me see how far it goes!
😂😂😂, this is quite okay for the boys 😂😂😂.
What about the girls?
This is so dangerous, I think she is an extended family of @winanda, because they love things like this.
i used to do this with my brother in our childhood So much! So nostalgic ❤️
I hope he (or you) werent the target.
Where is @coyotelation hiding out?
He should be in his usual location 🤣🤣🤣.
Maybe. Or maybe he found a new hiding spot.
Perhaps the cops finally caught up to him.
HAhaha, I trust my fellow 😉😉😉. As long as he remain a dude, they can't get him down 😂😂😂.
HEllo @coyotelation
Lets goooo..
This is the first threadcast going for all football fans.
We visited them not quite long 🙏🏽🙏🏽⭐⭐⭐.
We helped out.
And we have threadcast #2 on the day. Time to get that to the top of the page.
We need to fill it up and make it a regular occurrance.
Let see what we can do.
Music News.
if Martin's appears specially, how are we going to appear?
Poor Drake.
I know. You feel bad for the guy.
Hey how were the crabs?
And how are your crabs doing? Did the ointment help? LOL
Here is the #hivebr threadcast. give them a few comments to help them out.
Greetings 🤣🤣
You already greeted me today. How many times are you going to do it?
Reminder. This is today
Ama all the way 😂😁😂😁😂.
We should get an AI generated song for that.
Music news
Oops forgot the link:
For the Dukes of Hazzard fans.
John Schneider's "Phantom Of The Grand Old Opry"
Do you know that song?
Am tried to assimilate 🤣🤣🤣.
Music news
Crime in the party room?? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Run oooh
Goodbye - Night Ranger
Another one
Lets visit the AMA station, I hope it won't be a setup to catch me and @coyotelation...
Yeah! 😁😅
Its another day to roll around 😉😉😉😉..
You have lots of typing to do.
Is this an alien?
Johnweak's dog?
Please if you are new to the party room, any music that you saw rate this song or rate, please click on the song and you will see different rating section, click on any one of your choice and approve it. Thanks and welcome to the party time on leo.
Where is @winanda and @luchyl?
@luchyl should be somewhere on the blockchain. 😀
Luchyl! O Luchyl! Come out, come out wherever you are!
If you enjoy watching cartoons you will know that line. Lol.
Lol 😂
I'm running away from @caleb-marvel, he doesn't want me to drink water and drop cup on threads, hehehe.
#freecompliments #thread2earn
Don't you run from me please 🥺🥺, am just a country boy 🤣😭🙏🏽.

Lol. Caleb is having fun.
He should avoid me, hehehe
I do watch
Oh! Okay. I wrote that for Luchyl.
Alright 👍👍👍..
So what's your favorite cartoon?
Tom and Jerry was my favorite when I was little. Don't have a favorite one at the moment. I watch any good cartoon.
Oh yeah!!! Its another party day on threads, Let's Get Down On It..
Party party all the way!!
Greetings to you @lisamgentile1961, how is your day going? 🥰🥰🥰🥰 Its a pleasure to see you around 😊😊😊..
Scientists Forge the World’s Thinnest Metallic Wire From Copper and Carbon Atoms #newsonleo #science #tecnology
Article in Comments
Checking sentiment around here.... not a lot of posts about the HIVE price :)
We‘re all just busy buying 🤑♦️$HIVE♦️
Gotta keep building 👷♂️
No whining - just building value.
People maybe busy in buying, 😊 fell so drastically, almost steem price now.
I definitely like his idea btw!Inspired by @selfhelp4trolls, would there be interest in a threadcast to learn Dutch?
Thread Day #97
Terça-feira e HIVE em queda. Será o momento perfeito pra comprar ou momento de alerta? O que vocês acham?
Comprar (pra mim).. porque o #bitcoin ainda não subiu tudo...
E eu acho que isto foi os maremelos da koreia a fazer o inverso do que custumam fazer... mas posso estar enganado.
Os coreanos precisam fazer algo direito!
Enquanto fizerem volume, ate e bom para todos... mesmo que existam estas coisas de ir pra cima e para baixo. Para quem nao vende pelo menos...
Exatamente, melhor hora para comprar e aproveitar. Quero melhorar bastante o meu HP, acho que vou sair com mais de 300 HP nessa queda de 0,20 ~ 0,22
Pergunta: O HP(Hive Power), é baseado em HIVE ou HBD? Por exemplo, se eu der power up de 10 HIVES enquanto o preço estiver a 20 cents, eu vou receber a mesma quantidade em HP se o preço da HIVE estivesse em 40 cents?
É baseado em Hive
Se você fizer power up de 10 HIVE você vai receber 10 HIVE POWER, independente do preço
HIVE POWER continua sendo Hive, é apenas o nome dado a ele quando está em Stake
Hive Power é sempre Hive Power, o preço não afeta o seu power up. O que acontece é você gastar por exemplo 1 hbd e compra 5 hive a 0,20 cents, no caso sai muito melhor porque com 1 dol vc comprou 5 hive para fazer power up e assim ter mais 5 de HP.
Agora se o hive custa 0,50 o mesmo 1 hbd vai comprar apenas 2 hive (0,50 + 0,50) e consequentemente seu power up será menor, apenas 2 hive. Por isso que quando o preço derrete assim, é a melhor hora para comprar e fazer o power up.
aqui vc foi mt didático! até eu entendi kkkkk
kkk Professor shift ao seu dispor, o que eu sei eu ensino o que eu não sei a gente aprende junto :)
com esse slogan já ganha tudo kkk
Bom dia, brazucas!
HIVE em queda = Novas oportunidades.
Se ficar nessa faixa de 0,20 cents é bom demais, 60 dol vai dar 300 hive, ontem ja fiz power up de 58 HP, então vou dar uma adiantada boa, praticamente confirma meu objetivo de 10k esse ano
É isso
Só acontece isso comigo... Só aparece oportunidade quando não tenho grana kkkkkkk
Mano o tempo trás consigo a experiencia, geralmente eu perdia tudo que era oportunidade, ai comecei a deixar 10 dol liquido em hbd para comprar alguma coisa de supetão ou o inleo premium quando acabasse, por isso que consegui aproveitar ontem a 0,22 eu acho e gastei 12 hbd (os 10 + 2 e pouco q tinha) e ja peguei 58 hp.
Ai agora amanha eu acho que cai o 60 hbd do savings e se der certo vem mais aqueles 300 pau la de hp. Experiencia é isso, ja começa a postar e se tiver como vai deixando sempre um pouco liquido.
Vc está certíssimo.
Ultimamente estava pensando sobre isso e vai ser uma boa estratégia deixar uns HBD de lado para aproveitar essas oportunidades.
O ruim é que, pra ajudar aqui em casa, tudo que tô conseguindo juntar tô retirando... Apenas o LEO eu tô empilhando.
Mas se Deus quiser as coisas aqui em casa financeiramente vão melhorar e vou poder fazer essas estratégia. Vlw!
Isso vai te ajudar bem pra aumentar teu poder em HP.
Ah mano... Aproveitando a oportunidade, apesar de eu não está verificado ou ter "passado" ainda pelo crivo lá no Hive learners, eu posso criar algum post para essa comunidade?
Pq lá na iniciativa do #juneinleo era pra criar um post nesta comunidade e como eu não fui verificado ainda (e pelo que vi, parece que tem uma segunda etapa e é em vídeo, meu inglês é péssimo KKK... Mas não sei se são todos que devem passar por isso)... Será se pegaria mal já que tô esperando ser verificado?
Só não queria me queimar na comunidade. Aí deixei passar a oportunidade de fazer o post.
Acredito que você pode postar lá sim, a verificação seria mais para participar dos temas dia de segunda, quarta e sexta que ai o lazy-panda faz o voto para curar os membros da comunidade, no caso você vai postar apenas para participar do juneinleo então nem vai "desejar" os votos do lazy-panda.
@gwajnberg pode confirmar aqui se tem algum problema? Acredito que pode postar de boa né?
Blz então.
Na próxima estarei mais atento.
Faço muito também a divisão, por exemplo recebi 5 hbd de um post, gasto 2,5 com qualquer coisa, token, boto em jogo sei la algo assim e os outros 2,5 vai pro savings, por isso cheguei em 280 hbd, praticamente tudo tava dividindo meio a meio e tal.
É uma forma de investir com calma em algo e ainda ter um din din guardando rendendo.
Vc me deu uma outra boa ideia. Sua estratégia é boa.
O lance é continuar criando conteúdo pra gente ter esses HBD pra organizar. Vlw!
Comprem sem parar, não o deixem morrer...
Faltam 3 dias para o grande dia...
Tá chegando.
Any football fans? Here is a threadcast to add to regarding the football matches going on today.
Drop by and throw them a few comments.
I don't follow much these days, but I remember that @coyotelation posts a lot about football
Yes. Seems like he is a fan.
But he is likely on diaper duty. He feeds that kid too much.
lol I believe so, see, it's not a toy, not 3 children to take care of 😂
Yep. 😅😁
Task, here in Brazil, inflation is destroying the economy and our currency doesn't have much purchasing power.
This current government is destroying the country. The curious thing is that today I saw again how the last election turned out, just 2 million votes gave victory to this communist government.
Many voted null and also did not vote, so these people are to blame for this. Diapers aren't cheap here. LOL
Have to get your holding into USD denomination. HBD helps with that
True, to give you an idea, 1 dollar is worth R$5.43.
Remembering that the "R" is not in ruble but in real. 😁
have to get your holding out of your local currency and into USD. HBD helps with that
Good idea, I've even talked to my wife about it. I've been trying to increase my activity here because I intend to use some of the HBD I receive to help my family.
A Brazilian here at Hive developed a website that makes this exchange both internally and externally and this is helping me take a little from here and transform it into local money to buy what I need.
When things improve, I will start leaving HBD in savings. This will help me in the future.
Thanks my friend.
When the Copa América starts, I will also create a threadcast.
Let's threadcast until we've had enough kkkk
For sure hahaha...
Liquidação, oportunidade...
Melhor momento para adquirir!
Tentando desenrolar verba para isso, mas está tenso, tem que durar até o final do mês.
Acho que vai ficar assim por um tempo, tentar ver se vai ter retorno de algum post e pega hbd e compra hive
Pior que mal fiz postagem esses dias, se durar até o pagamento eu faço a festa.
Entendi, vamos ver, eu acho que dura kk, to louco pro meu HBD sair logo do savings
@shiftrox gritando por aí.
kkkkk virei feirante da hive 😂
kkkkkkkkkkkk boa, só falta a grana.
Lembrem que nossa postagem de sexta feira deve fortalecida pela tag #td100
Sexta-feira isso aqui vai tremer!
Com certeza.
Hora de sentar o dedo no BUY e comprar sem medo, vamos todos sair mais fortes do que entramos!
O bixo tá empolgado mesmo.
Eu to torcendo para a $HIVE fica em 0,20 ou 0,21 até meus 60 hbd cair na conta e na real, torço até para cair mais ainda. Já vi muitos perfis dos mais antigos falarem que já viveram a hive a 0,10 centavos ou menos, então isso é algo normal, é saber aproveitar a oportunidade!
Só não pode cair muito senão ativa os mecanismos de segurança e aí derruba o HBD
Eita, conta mais essa história ai, como que funciona isso? Eu vi ali por cima no discord mas não entendi bem, o que exatamente acontece?
O HBD para de ser impresso e ele perde o peg de 1 USD
Já vi hive a U$ 0.10. Tempos obscuros. 👀
O louco, tipo da um medo pensar nesse valor, mas para crescimento do perfil deve ser estrondoso. Tipo daria para aproveitar muito com os retornos das postagens e comprando com hbd ou algo assim.
The threadcast for todays AMA
LFG! 🔥
Esse negocio ta no raio ou não? Bugou de novo?
Tá enraiado
Enraiados estamos.
Vou dar choque no seu sistema
Tá raiado aqui
que doideira eu tava roxo mas nao tinha nada ali em cima kkk
Did this show make it to Brazil? Do you know what it is the theme song to?
I don't know of any of his shows in Brazil.
It is from the Dukes of Hazzard.
Yeah. I know. :)
#hivebr showing up each day. Good to see.
Don't mess with Brazilians.
Marking presence!
tô cobrindo uma operação policial que envolve política aqui desde 8h da manhã. naõ consegui nem comer ainda, bgl tá tenso. agora parei pra respirar e fazer um lanchinho
Castigo que chama, né? 👀
bom por ser polícia, ruim por ser política kkkk
Falei pelo lado da política mesmo, haha!
Só imagino aquele video dos reporter no meio do tiroteio que tem altos memes kkk
meu sonho era fazer isso, sabia? minha vó endoidava qd eu falava kkkk
kkkk ta maluco ai tem que ter coragem demais, ir pra dentro de uma favela por exemplo acompanhar os cara, adrenalina vai a mil
Vish. Já desenrola a treta aí pra dar umas threads kkkkkk
vish, a treta é mt grande! desvio de verba da educação e saúde, mais de R$ 6 milhões. Operação policial no estado do RJ e MG. aí calhou que no RJ que foi a cidade dos desvios, é pra onde trabalho, e em MG é na cidade q eu moro kkkkk
Vontade de trabalhar nenhuma. Quando to no trampo eu so penso em mexer na hive kkk
Tu, na sessão de terapida logo mais, haha!
essa foi da hora huauhauhahuahu 😂 dei trela de rir kkk
Pra mim é os dois kkkkkk um ótimo momento para comprar, ao mesmo tempo que me liga um sinal de alerta. Se o $BTC continuar a cair nesse ritmo(isso que é apenas uma correção de uma forte alta), a $HIVE provavelmente vai também. A diferença é que a HIVE já estava em queda enquanto o BTC subia.
Temos sempre que ficar de olho mesmo, se cair de tudo tmb pode ser bem mal para todos
Bom dia
Tardezinha de sol maneiro por aqui.
tava aqui o dia inteiro penando pra descobrir o endereço de uma ocorrência. peguei um foto que aparecia só a calçada, mandei pro meu tio taxista e ele me deu o endereço em menos de um minuto 🤡
Ele tem um Google Earth na cabeça kkkk
eu fiquei mt chocada. se eu soubesse, tinha perguntado antes kkkkk
Caramba mas com esse super poder de geolocalização tem que aproveitar e perguntar de tudo mesmo kkk
16 fucking minutos! isso pq ele ainda demorou pra ver a mensagem
Caraca mano kkk, o processador é meio devagar mas pelo menos o banco de dados é gigante kakaka, cara olha pra calçada e acha o lugar ta maluco, da um desconto xD
Alguém comprando muito HIVE?
Esperando 60 hbd sair do savings para comprar, se ficar no preço de 0,20 é mais 300 hive pro hp kk
Muita coisa hehehe...
Acredito que vc irá conseguir comprar.
kkk valeu mano, vai dar tudo certo eu espero!
Boa tarde galera!
oportunidade, o que me falta é dinheiro pra comprar mais hahaha
Greetings to you all 👋👋👋👋
Hello, have a good day! How are you?
AM doing great and you?
All quiet too, good day for now.
HAhaha 🤣🤣🤣, lets keep it rolling 🍻🍻🍻🍻.
Lets go! 🚀😀
Hello there!
Greetings to you sir, how is your day going?
Hoje minha vozinha foi para o céu. Já estávamos esperando e nos preparando para esse momento, mas nunca é fácil perder alguém querido
Eita mano, meus pêsames para você e sua família, nunca é fácil o momento da dor da perca. Agora ela está em um lugar melhor.
Valeu man
😥 meus sentimentos
valeu maninho
meu sentimentos. :(
Meus pêsames, e força pra tu.
Valeu mano
Primeiro do dia.
Bom dia galera
Pra mim é hora de comprar
Bom dia, bora comprar tudo! Ficar fortinhos haha
O momento tá muito bom mesmo.
Hive derreteu, carteira compareceu xD
Dinheiro sumiu. HP subiu.
KKKK vcs estão cada dia mais insanos 😂
boa kkkkkkkkkkkkk
valeu kkkk
Que dia merda... além de tudo, fui retirar uma medicação que tinha encomendado mas não consegui porque um ônibus bateu na fiação elétrica perto do local e pegou fogo (ninguem se feriu).
Agora só amanhã ou talvez até depois
Eita mano que tenso, que história doida, espero que todos os envolvidos estejam bem como você disse. Foi so o susto
Dear Lions You can submit your daily news-based #inleo post under this thread. The chosen posts will be highlighted on Daily LEO, receive curation support.
Submit your post link below. Use #dailyleo hashtag👇 Focus: #artificialintelligence
ChatGPT was down due to major outage — here's what happened
Find out the status of ChatGPT, as the AI tool went down on Monday
By Mike Prospero last updated 2 hours ago #newsonleo #artificialintelligence #chatgpt
I was out with bike to clean the forest
Kudos to you for doing that. Those are lots of bottles.
Great thinking, cleaning the planet we all need to contribute.
Damn thats a lot of bottles
Good job
Day 11: start 21,511HP today 21,513HP. LP yesterday 25.572 I strengthen by 3.754LEO Total 29.326LP #cent #photography https://img.inleo.io/DQmPpNhYkUCQCWbi92DhW7mTHaVsQAuLLZKv46KcfGJXmu9/11IMG_20240611_160544_440%20(1).jpg
When I finished the drawing I felt like I was building an ark with Noah. #photography #cent #freecomplimentshttps
Excellent drawing.
Thank you :)
Fantastic artwork! It must have been a journey for you to finish this piece.
Yes, it was the flight of a bird flying parallel to the ark :)
Impressive ❤️
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Beautiful... I think this arc is too small for being Noah's Ark, though.
Engineering aspects are important, as is the fact that I wanted to show the viewer not only the wooden boards, but also the landscape :)
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Price $HBD #hive #threads #cent #freecompliments
Surprise chicks #homesteading #farming #nature #chickens #gardening #weather #gmfrens #dailyblog #ecotrain #pimp #life https://peakd.com/hive-114308/@flemingfarm/surprise-chicks-climbing-gear-rain-storms-concert-creek-monday
GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!
GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
Ok, I'm not a fan of Maths. 😅
Current APR on Cent/Pob liquidity pool is 74%
#cent #pob #defi #crypto
A great opportunity to brains on cents =)
The morning should be kind and clear day and in fog! Good morning, lions!
#photography #cent #freecompliments
what a scene!
Yes, it was beautiful there, I tried to find mushrooms there, but I didn't find any :)
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!HUG 😃
I sent 1.0 HUG
(3/3)Dear @mightpossibly, you just got hugged. on behalf of @barski.
Nice picture taken in the fog, good day!
Thank you, it's the merit of the foggy morning :)
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Might be a Hot Take, but, War is an essential human feature, the only way to stop wars is to eliminate Free Will and I don't think that's worth it. #freecompliments #infowar
Quick #coffee break. Have some more photos. Will be editing and posting a review later or tomorrow! #photography
Gotta get that caffeine fix!
For real. Always much needed
More of a tea person. Looks tempting though.
spoiler alert. This coffee is horrible.
Hope the crypto market has not stolen your happiness?
No it hasnt. It wont. I believe green days would come after this red red market. Seems like we have been here before.
Many times
This can happen because after all, we are human. Although we are capable of overcoming disappointments.
Cheer up man!!!! Take coffee if you like it. Take a walk if you have the time or energy. It helps
I am doing my best. I assume you have not read any of my long form posts lately.
Not yet. Going to check them out.
If you have long term goal, short-term noise can not steal your happiness.
You are right!! We can and should always look into the future and see success beyond disappointments.
Exactly....the shoort term kinks should not upset and can not upset if you have long term goal. Rather they are opportunities on the way.
Many are buying the deep and its smart to do that. Once the market recovers, they gain.
Yeah...the best part about $HIVE is that you can put into workable assets(HP) to earn right from the day one apart from speculative gain.
Thats so true. I even bought hive at $0.27 when I thought it was a great price. But no regrets
New generation.
15 meters from my couch 😀
What is the name of this fruit.
I love the deep blue background.
It's not a fruit. It's pine cones. On a pine tree.
We do not eat them.
But squirrels do.
Cool! What are those?
Watch out! Don't sit or step on one of those :-)
Wow! Pretty amazing, can hit badly sometimes if nearby.
Never seen this before. What are they?
That's nice. Wild nature so close to you.
What the hell am I looking at here😂😂
I want to say pineapple but it looks weirdly shape and I know pineapple's don't grow on trees
What is one of the most healthy, medicinal and mostly cheapest liquid there is?
Water. Drink a lot of it. Drink healthy water. Dehydration is real. It kills!!!!!
COCONUT Water in my locality, costs about 25 cents per coconut.
I drink this once every 2 days. Its another precious liquid that is vastly overlooked by many.
Surely it's precious liquid.
It surely is.
#newsonleo #polls
Will you be participating in the final @spknetwork test sprint?
Not really sure how to, and will likely dedicate my leisure time to other Hive-related stuff :)
Sounds good 😎 They do explain it pretty well in their latest post, if you want to have a look what it entails
Won't be participating, (my internet isn't fast enough,) but I'm really happy 3Speak has reached this far!!!
Really! The importance of this infrastructure cannot be understated. I'm planning to give it a go after work today.
Yes, I hope so.
#aiimages #natureonleo #cat
Rate this image:
hahahahahahahaha love it.
I know you gonna use it for some jokes or meme
maybe. lol
just did
Am gonna bring more for you 🍻🍻🍻🍻.