SPK Network - Final Testnet Sprint is Live!
The SPK Network is a decentralised Web 3.0 protocol. Over time, the SPK Network aims to offer decentralised storage, Token Creation, NFT creation, Immutable Breakaway Communities and direct digital ownership of the creator's account and digital assets on a Web 3.0, DPoS protocol where the creator cannot be censored by centralised gatekeepers.
Will you be participating in the final @spknetwork test sprint?
Not really sure how to, and will likely dedicate my leisure time to other Hive-related stuff :)
Sounds good 😎 They do explain it pretty well in their latest post, if you want to have a look what it entails
Won't be participating, (my internet isn't fast enough,) but I'm really happy 3Speak has reached this far!!!
Really! The importance of this infrastructure cannot be understated. I'm planning to give it a go after work today.
Yes, I hope so.