#feedback - Edited threads don't appear to show the changes in re-threads, they just show as they did when initially posted.
This one for example has a video which I changed from the embed code to the url and appears when opened but not here. It's not just video as it's happened with others too.
Hit the road this past weekend to attend a family wedding and found a dope meadery in Ohio! I’m a wine drinker and over the past few years I really got into mead. For those that don’t know, it’s a wine made from fermented honey instead of grapes…I hear this was tho go-to in the medieval days. Sampled plenty flavors and brought a couple bottles home 🍷#amazingdrinks #freecompliments
I purchased a Wild Pass for another season with 2000 DEC tokens and renewed my card rentals on the Peakmonster website. This helps me manage my game assets and prepare for the new season.
I was inactive for two weeks due to traveling and missed playing the game and writing articles. Now back, I'm catching up on the crypto market and game updates.
Over the past week none of my threads are showing up on InLEO when I post from my Mac via Brave Browser. I see the posts as comments on PeakD but they are not displayed on InLEO feed or my profile page. Posted this from mobile but tried to share the actual post again and still no luck #feedback
In my efforts to stop drinking coffee every day, I decided to give some herbal mushroom coffee a try. I added a tablespoon of coconut oil and grass-fed butter to enhance the kick. It’s actually pretty good…has a cocoa type vibe #cinnamoncupcoffee #coffee
DiscussionThis is the #threadcast for of the #foodtalk on Leo. Let's get into the discussion and learn from others. Don't forget to use #foodtalk in your comments.
What is that food, fruit or vegetable you can have for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Share with us. You can include a picture and indicate if it's yours or not.
More about food with tips and tricks will be dropped in the threadcast. Upvote the comments you find interesting, engage and connect with others. Let's have fun. #foodie
This is what's for dinner in our house tonight. My husband started the tomatoes cooking this afternoon. Will add the eggs shortly before we are ready for dinner and have some garlic bread on the side. #foodie
Eggs In Purgatory || Cara Di Falco || Cara's Cucina
Leafy green vegetables
Leafy green vegetables like spinach, kale, and collard greens are well known for their wealth of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
In particular, they’re a great source of vitamin K, which helps protect your arteries and promote proper blood clotting .
They’re also high in dietary nitrates, which have been shown to reduce blood pressure, decrease arterial stiffness, and improve the function of cells lining the blood vessels.
The American Heart Association (AHA) notes that an increased leafy green vegetable intake was associated with more significant benefits to cardiovascular health and a lower risk of heart disease than other fruits and vegetables
Whole grains
Whole grains include all three nutrient-rich parts of the grain:
Common types of whole grains include:
whole wheat
brown rice
Refined carbohydrates increase the risk of coronary heart disease. But whole grains are protective. An extra 1 or 2 daily servings of these foods increases or decreases risk by approximately 10-20%.
Multiple studies have found that eating more whole grains can benefit your heart health.
Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries are jam-packed with nutrients that play a central role in heart health.
Berries are also rich in antioxidants like anthocyanins, which protect against oxidative stress and inflammation that can contribute to the development of heart disease. Higher anthocyanin intake may reduce your risk of coronary artery disease, including heart attack and hypertension.
Eating blueberries daily may also improve the function of cells that line the blood vessels (vascular function), which help control blood pressure and blood clotting.
According to a review of research, berry consumption may be an effective intervention for metabolic syndrome by helping reduce oxidative stress and inflammation while improving vascular function.
Avocados are an excellent source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, which have been linked to reduced cholesterol levels and a lower risk of heart disease. Eating at least two servings of avocado each week was linked to a 16% reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and a 21% reduced risk of coronary heart disease.
A comprehensive review of studies determined that avocado may help improve (11Trusted Source):
LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, including levels of small, dense LDL cholesterol
triglyceride levels
vascular function
Avocados are also rich in potassium, a nutrient essential to heart health, and can help reduce blood pressure. One serving of avocado (150 grams) supplies 725 milligrams of potassium, or about 21% of the amount you need daily, based on the adult male daily adequate intake
Fatty fish and fish oil
Fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, sardines, and tuna are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, which have been studied extensively for their heart-health benefits.
Omega-3 fatty acids from fatty fish may have a protective role in the risk of developing heart disease and slightly reduce the risk of CVD events and arrhythmias.
Eating fish over the long term may support lower levels of:
total cholesterol
blood triglycerides
fasting blood sugar
systolic blood pressure
Fish consumption is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, depression, and mortality.
If you don’t eat much seafood, fish oil is another option for getting your daily dose of omega-3 fatty acids.
Fish oil supplements may reduce rates of all-cause mortality, cardiac death, sudden death, and stroke
Beans contain resistant starch, which resists digestion and is fermented by the beneficial bacteria in your gut. Resistant starch can potentially exert a healthy impact on the gut and certain members of its resident microbiota.
Multiple studies have also found that eating beans can reduce certain risk factors for heart disease.
In one study of 73 adults with elevated LDL cholesterol, eating canned beans significantly reduced total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol.
One review found that eating beans and legumes can decrease LDL cholesterol, improve glycemic control and blood pressure, and may reduce the risk for cardiovascular disease, especially in people with diabetes.
Dark chocolate
Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants like flavonoids, which can help boost heart health.
Consuming chocolate in moderation (less than six servings a week) may decrease your risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.
Remember that though some studies show an association, they don’t necessarily account for other factors that may be involved.
Additionally, chocolate can be high in sugar and calories, negating many of its health-promoting properties.
Be sure to pick a high quality dark chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 70% and moderate your intake to make the most of its heart-healthy benefits.
Tomatoes are loaded with lycopene, a natural plant pigment with powerful antioxidant properties.
Antioxidants help neutralize harmful free radicals, preventing oxidative damage and inflammation, which can contribute to heart disease.
Low blood levels of lycopene are linked to an increased risk of heart attack and stroke.
Increasing the intake of tomato products and lycopene supplementation positively affects blood lipids, blood pressure, and endothelial function (27).
A review of research noted that one serving of raw tomatoes, tomato sauce, or tomato sauce with refined olive oil may lower blood cholesterol and triglycerides and raise HDL cholesterol (28Trusted Source).
The body absorbs lycopene better from cooked tomatoes and tomato products than fresh tomatoes.
Higher HDL (good) cholesterol levels can help remove excess cholesterol and plaque from the arteries to keep your heart healthy and protect against heart disease and stroke.
Almonds are incredibly nutrient-dense, boasting many vitamins and minerals crucial to heart health.
They’re also a good source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and fiber, two important nutrients that can help protect against heart disease.
Research suggests that eating almonds can have a powerful effect on your cholesterol levels.
One study involving 48 people with high cholesterol showed that eating 1.5 ounces (43 grams) of almonds daily for 6 weeks reduced belly fat and levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol, two risk factors for heart disease.
The research also shows that eating almonds is associated with higher levels of HDL (good) cholesterol, which can help reduce plaque buildup and keep your arteries clear.
Remember that while almonds are very high in nutrients, they’re also high in calories. Measure your portions and moderate your intake if you’re trying to lose weight.
11-13. Chia seeds, flaxseeds, and hemp seeds
Chia seeds, flaxseeds, and hemp seeds are all great sources of heart-healthy nutrients, including fiber and omega-3 fatty acids.
Numerous studies have found that adding these seeds to your diet can improve many heart disease risk factors, including inflammation, blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglycerides.
Hemp seeds are high in arginine, an amino acid associated with reduced blood levels of specific inflammatory markers.
Supplementing your diet with milled flaxseed may lower cardiovascular disease and cancer risk and help other conditions like gastrointestinal health and diabetes.
Chia seeds are another great food source for heart health, as they contain dietary fibers, antioxidants, and omega‐3 fatty acids. Eating them may help reduce blood pressure, blot clots, and LDL cholesterol.
Garlic has potent medicinal properties that may help improve heart health.
This is thanks to the presence of a compound called allicin, which is believed to have many therapeutic effects.
A meta-analysis of 12 trials noted that garlic supplements lowered both systolic and diastolic blood pressure and were as effective as a common prescription drug at reducing blood pressure.
Garlic can also inhibit platelet buildup, which may reduce the risk of blood clots and stroke.
Be sure to consume garlic raw or crush it and let it sit for a few minutes before cooking. This allows for the formation of allicin, maximizing its potential health benefits.
Olive oil
Olive oil is packed with antioxidants, which can relieve inflammation and decrease the risk of chronic disease.
It’s also rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, which many studies have associated with improvements in heart health.
One study from 2014 involving 7,216 adults at high risk for heart disease showed that those who consumed the most olive oil had a 35% lower risk of developing heart disease.
Furthermore, a higher intake of olive oil was associated with a 48% lower risk of dying from heart disease.
Olive oil is high in oleic acid and antioxidants and can help prevent and treat hypertension.
You can drizzle olive oil over cooked dishes or add it to vinaigrettes and sauces.
Edamame is an immature soybean frequently found in Asian cuisine.
Like other soy products, edamame is rich in soy isoflavones, a type of flavonoid that may help lower cholesterol levels and improve heart health.
Including soy protein in your diet may lead to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.
If combined with other changes to diet and lifestyle, even slightly reducing your cholesterol levels can greatly impact your risk of heart disease.
One study showed that including 30 grams of soy protein daily in a lipid-lowering diet improved participants’ blood lipids, reducing the risk for cardiovascular disease.
Edamame and other soy products are also a good source of other heart-healthy nutrients, including dietary fiber and antioxidants.
Green tea
Green tea may have several health benefits, from increased fat burning to improved insulin sensitivity to cancer prevention.
Its polyphenols and catechins can act as antioxidants to prevent cell damage, reduce inflammation, and protect the health of your heart.
Many studies have shown green tea increases leptin, a hormone that regulates our appetite, and reduces LDL (bad) cholesterol. Green tea extract may also improve blood pressure and glycemic control.
A review of studies found that taking green tea extract for 3 months reduced blood pressure, triglycerides, LDL (bad), and total cholesterol compared to a placebo.
Taking a green tea supplement or drinking matcha made with powdered whole green tea leaves may also benefit heart health.
The food you eat every day can make a difference in your health. Diet affects your risk of getting some cancers, heart disease or type 2 diabetes. Diet also affects the risk of low bone density and loss of muscle strength with aging.
Nuts eaten whole are considered a protein, in the same category as seeds, meats and eggs. They may also be processed into an oil. But nuts have more than protein and fat going for them. They're filled with vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants.
Almnds are a good example. They are tree nuts and can be used whole or ground into butter and everything in between. Almonds add crunch to snack time, salads and dishes that range from appetizers to desserts.
Almnds are a source of magnesium, calcium and folate. Just 1 ounce of almonds meets a large amount of the daily need for vitamin E. And most of the fat in almonds is in the form of monounsaturated fatty acids. This type of fat, when it replaces saturated fat, is linked to heart health.
Nuts are a strong adition to a healthy diet. But they can pack a big calorie punch. So watch portion size and make sure the nuts you chose fit into your daily calorie plan. Choose unsalted whole nuts or nut butter without added salt/sugar.
Most people could use more fruit in their daily diet, according to surveys. Apples are a handy and reliable way to check that box every day.
Different apple varieties can satisfy tastebuds that lean toward tart or sweet. And apples are a good source of fiber. Apple skins have fiber that doesn't break down in water, called insoluble fiber. The inside part of the apple has soluble fiber, which becomes a sort of gel as it travels through the intestines.
Soluble and insoluble fiber helps keep food moving in the digestive system and may lower the risk of getting some cancers. Soluble fiber also may lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Like other plant foods, apples have phytonutrients. These are things like vitamin C, and in apples, flavonoids, as well as many others. Together these chemicals seem to support the body's cells against damage from day-to-day living.
Tomatoes, cucumbers, spinach, beets and carrots are some examples of vegetables that may be juiced. The juice of vegetables often has most of the vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients found in the original vegetable, depending on processing.
The juice will not have the beneficial fiber found in those vegetables. You could add some pulp back to your juice, or just use juicing as a diet boost. If you're buying vegetable juice, look for 100% juice from whole vegetables. And check the amount of salt, which is called sodium on the Nutrition Facts label.
But the good news is that vegetable juice is often a low-calorie, low-sugar, convenient way to add nutrients to your diet.
As both a vegetable and a source of protein, beans are a good addition to every meal. Each type of bean has its own profile of nutrients, but all beans are low-fat sources of protein and fiber. Beans also bring thiamin, magnesium, iron, zinc, folate, phosphorus and potassium to the diet.
With so many options, it's hard to find a meal where beans can't play a starring role.
But American diets are often low in average intake of beans, peas and lentils. To boost your intake, consider replacing higher fat proteins with beans. And if you're looking at canned beans, go for low sodium.
Another great fruit to add to the daily diet are blueberries. Alone, in yogurt, or added to salad, blueberries are packed with phytonutrients. One example are anthocyanins, which give blueberries their color and are linked to memory health, among other benefits.
Blueberries also have vitamin K. This vitamin supports the body’s cells, healthy blood flow and calcium processing. Vitamin K works together with manganese, which also is found in blueberries.
And blueberries are a low-calorie source of fiber and vitamin C. About 3/4 cup of fresh blueberries has 2.7 grams of fiber and 10.8 milligrams of vitamin C.
Fresh or frozen, blueberries can add color to your plate.
But a note of caution: When it comes to blueberry treats, such as muffins or bagels, the calories may cost you more than you gain, so read the nutrition information.
Broccoli is called a cruciferous vegetable. That means it is in the cabbage family and has phytonutrients linked to immune health and detoxification.
One example is a phytonutrient that contains sulfur, called glucosinolates. Another is lutein, a compound similar to vitamin A that is linked to eye health. And broccoli also is a source of vitamin A, which supports healthy vision.
Broccoli boosts the nutrition of meals with grains, beans or eggs. That's because broccoli's vitamin C helps the body absorb more iron from those foods than it would otherwise. Broccoli also is a source of calcium.
In the fridge, broccoli stays fresh longer than many other vegetables. Roasted, shredded in slaws, or added to vegetable soup, broccoli is a bold flavor that can be enjoyed raw or cooked.
Seafood in general, and salmon in particular, is a good choice for protein in the diet. If you can use salmon in place of a higher fat meat, that's even better.
Salmon is probably best known for its omega-3 fatty acids. Called EPA and DHA, these fats may support heart health, brain function and healthy joints.
Most Americans could add more seafood to their diets, and salmon is a good choice. Salmon can be used fresh or canned. If you buy canned salmon, get it packed in spring water instead of oil.
Salmon can be used in place of tuna in mixed dishes, such as a casserole. Or salmon can be the main protein, as in a salmon burger or taco. Salmon, along with sardines and trout, tend to be lower in mercury than other types of seafood.
Spinach is a leafy green vegetable sold as a bunch. Frozen or fresh, spinach can be part of many dishes, such as those that include eggs, stews or pasta. But fresh, it is a great addition to salads or can stand alone on the dinner plate.
Spinach has vitamins A and C, potassium, carotenoids and folate. Some of the carotenoids found in spinach are beta carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin. These phytonutrients support healthy vision, and proper functioning of the body's cells. Spinach also is a source of iron.
Add spinach to salads, use it in place of lettuce on a sandwich or gently steam it.
Baked or mashed, sweet potatoes are a dish that brightens up any plate. Sweet potatoes have a deep orange-yellow color. That color tells you sweet potatoes are high in the antioxidants known as carotenoids. One of the most studied is beta carotene. It's a substance the body can use to make vitamin A, and it helps cells manage day-to-day wear and tear.
Sweet potatoes are a source of potassium and vitamin A. These veggies also are a source of some B vitamins. And like many vegetables, they are a good source of fiber and relatively low in calories. One-half of a large sweet potato has just 81 calories.
Keep sweet potatoes out of the fridge but in a cool area that is dry and has good airflow.
Whole grains are foods like oats, popcorn and brown rice, where all the edible parts of the grain are still present.
These parts are the bran, the endosperm and the germ. Each part would help a new plant grow if the grain was planted. The germ is where a new plant would sprout from and it has vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and some fats.
Wheat germ is an excellent source of thiamin, and a good source of folate, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc.
Wheat germ can boost the overall nutritional value of a meal. For example, some people sprinkle wheat germ on fruit or in hot cereals such as oatmeal or cold breakfast cereal.
Favorite fruit are definitely cherries, especially now as it's the season of the cherries where I live. It's a pity they are rather expensive but ohhh, I could keep eating them!
i second that! threadcast can be updated over time and become containers for certain topics that stay and need to be easily found like a wikipedia page for example…
For onboarding I find great to introduce people to threads, since the time between creating an account and writing an introduction posts as people is usually asked can cool them down
Also people on threads are active. A lot of people on posts just drop the posts and leave. Haha I know someone that never sees the comments and have been accidentally ignoring our favorite owls 😂
When a new feature comes I start clicking everything to report, and click more to find the workarounds... if everyone gives veeery detailed feedback those can be fixed faster.
The new dev is really fast with them, there are just too many related to different devices or connections
Always proud to be a Premium member and cant leave these amazing perks for anything! We are already so much for 10$ and now on top, #leoAI is getting launched soon!
Seems quite logical to me! I've heard of curators who check if people keep their power of just power down, if the latter, they stop curation on these accounts
There is so many things to learn. I started as someone that didn't even knew what to write about and have been working my way up, or more than up, into the system
Heard a study that giving an external reward for something people are used to be internally motivated to do, makes them less likely to do it when the external reward stops.
Meaning: Having a monetary reward for comments is a double-edged sword!
The past 2-3 days were hard for me, one of my teeth broke by itself (no pain) and every time I talk, eat, it reminds me that it's probably gonna be gone... I'm afraid of even going to a dentist.
Longer answer: If you're Premium you'll be curated more and have higher upvotes, but if you're not Premium you'r content will still get chance to get curated as long as you meet the minimum quality.
Actually it is the inflation adjustment. Curation only determines where the reward pool goes, which is out of inflation. If you dont vote, the pool is distributed, just not based upon your stake.
The inflation adjustment happens regardless of what you do, or do not do.
15 sec videos can pass a complete message that makes sense, I think it's not bad idea..
Some shorts are not lengthy but still pass message across either comedy videos etc
I think premium and non should be treated equally and should be base on choice not compelled to because of post votes dont know but saw a thread about this earlier
Longer answer: If you're Premium you'll be curated more and have higher upvotes, but if you're not Premium you'r content will still get chance to get curated as long as you meet the minimum quality.
You can make 1k, I have done that before, but it's recommended that you don't just spam but comment other threads, mix up your own threads with comments to others
Some people likes to tag the whales for upvotes, so don't do that, but even tho there are some whales with bad attitude, most are just regular users and want you to genuinely engage with them, not just beg for votes
As a matter of fact, one can even pull out an interesting topic from social media, bring it to threads and it can even be a threadcast to get peoples opinion.
Many of the threadcasts are being focused upon specific content. So if you like something check out the threadcasts and you find things about technology, food, travel, etc...
I just got an error page earlier... Too bad I didn't take a screenshot. (I was on this threadcast page, and suddenly it crashed. Linux, Brave Browser.)
Imagine I am a simple person. I want to share my simple thoughts, random snapshots, and perhaps even mobile videos. What is the chance I will be able to do so with no glitches, say in August?
Will LeoAI's capacities all be accessible to Premium users only? I have the feeling you're mentioning AI-driven changes that apply to the whole U.I. as a "base layer component", independently of the Premium status.
#feedback since so many people have been asking in the latest feed. There should be a timer or something indicating how long a threadcast will be on top of page.
I am in a group on FB where people from my hometown, Kenosha, WI share photographs they've taken of places around the city. I going to share some screenshots of posts here. #photographers
The big red she refers to is the Lighthouse in the background.
I'll be kind of away for a while and not dropping as much comments. But I am still curating here and in the hashtag. In the meanwhile, you guys make closer connections with each other.
Yeah. Well it is tough. That is what I said. It requires the dedication of the one who posts the threadcast daily because others interest ebbs and flows.
For sure. But I have not been spending as many hours here on these past couple of days... and even on the number of hashtags used.... all are dropping :(
Binance: Binancecom will remain accessible from Turkey. But Turkish language selection will be turned off gradually within 3 months. All direct marketing activities for Turkish users will be completely halted. We are taking all necessary measures to ensure legal compliance in Turkey.
Wow, you needed to see how excited I am today, even though it's supposed to be a stressful day as I have been in the clinic with my son. Moving from one department to another for his treatment and paying bills upon bills. While still in the hospital, I got an alert of #10,000 from this friend, and he said, For being a true friend always, take this... I was speechless and, at the same time, happy 😊
Hoje o Brasil joga às 22:00 contra a Colômbia. Será o último confronto do seu grupo para poder se classificar para as quartas de final da Copa América.
2024 NBA free agency roundtable: Debating the top questions after two days
The NBA free agency period began Sunday, and we've already seen several big moves that will shake up the 2025 title pursuit, as several contenders retooled their rosters in attempts to knock off the defending champion Boston Celtics.
🏀 WNBA All-Star alert! Rookies making waves: Caitlin Clark (IND) and Angel Reese (CHI) set to debut in the 2024 showcase. Clark leads fan votes, while Reese breaks double-double records. The future is bright for women's basketball!
In the last two games have scored a total of 11 runs in the tenth inning. They have won two in a row after losing the weekend series to the Astros. Good to see them bouncing back despite Diaz still on suspension, a thin bullpen and Bader leaving the game with an injury and Martinez out of the lineup with a sore ankle. The team continues to play their asses off and after an 18-8 June they are already 2-0 in July.
Copa América: USA captain Pulisic 'can't accept' ref's calls
United States captain Christian Pulisic was clear in stating that he did not believe the officiating was to blame for his team's group-stage exit at Copa América.
I saw this, he was outraged by the arbitration. At the end of the match, he even went to the referee and told him to celebrate with the Uruguay players. LOL
You're right, they were supposed to beat Panama. Even this defeat against Uruguay wouldn't affect you. Well, Brazilians don't think that the United States is a rival like Argentina hahaha...
I noticed, if I'm not mistaken, I think I told you that July is vacation here so I think some people are traveling and enjoying the cold period in some regions of the country.
Many are criticizing the way Ronaldo was emotionally. Mainly some celebrities wanting to compare him with Messi.
What many don't care about or don't want to realize is that this competition is practically his last Euro, so he has to make the most of any moment and the loss of the penalty made him reflect on that.
I believe he doesn't want Portugal to be eliminated precisely because of his mistake
Sources: Utah State football coach Blake Anderson on leave
Utah State has informed the football team that head coach Blake Anderson is on administrative leave and is unlikely to return, sources told ESPN's Pete Thamel on Tuesday.
Defensive coordinator Nate Dreiling has been named interim coach, sources told ESPN.
Sources - Donovan Mitchell, Cavaliers agree to 3-year, $150.3M extension - ESPN
Cavaliers All-Star guard Donovan Mitchell has agreed on a three-year, $150.3 million maximum contract extension that includes a player option for the 2027-28 season, sources told ESPN.
Oklahoma State RB Ollie Gordon II arrested on suspicion of DUI
Oklahoma State running back Ollie Gordon II was arrested Sunday morning on suspicion of driving under the influence, Oklahoma Highway Patrol confirmed to ESPN.
Basketball players sue NCAA over NIL use in March Madness promos
A group of former college basketball players has sued the NCAA, multiple conferences and Turner Sports for the unauthorized use of NIL in March Madness highlights.
I think all sports have this, even because with the advancement of technology, this in a way contributes to new rules being changed to improve the performance of matches.
Novak Djokovic eases knee concerns, wins opener at Wimbledon
Seven-time Wimbledon champion Novak Djokovic eased concerns about his knee Tuesday, easily defeating Czech qualifier Vit Kopriva 6-1, 6-2, 6-2 to advance to the second round.
NBA free agency 2024: Ranking the top 10 players available
Barely 24 hours after NBA teams were allowed to negotiate with free agents from other teams starting at 6 p.m. ET on June 30, nearly all the top players on the market have struck deals, including Paul George leaving the LA Clippers for the Philadelphia 76ers.
Após a queda de Antônio Oliveira, mais um técnico do futebol brasileiro é demitido. Essa cultura particular do Brasil mostra que não vai terminar tão cedo isso.
As pessoas precisam entender que demitindo um técnico não é a solução do problema que muito das vezes pode ser identificado pelos jogadores e pela má gestão do futebol.
Yeah I was trying to explain how in the future game developers can mint items in game and store on chain.
How our goal is to turn a database of nothing into a database of something with "digital ownership"
they said "what you are doing is the same as every one else and it is not a database of nothing"
Also they said " you can't have digital ownership if your game servers are not open source"
I guess it does appeal to a wider audience, wrote a review(link in parent thread reply) yesterday on the movie featuring how some people found the concept challenging when to me it felt very real and original.
You must be killin' it out here! 1.000PIMP@mango-juice just slapped you with , @stekene. You earned 1.000PIMP for the strong hand. They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.
#gmfrens This is a #threadcast for the #freecompliments #mentalhealthinitiative for July 2nd, 2024. Please post links to distressed users/Threads and ideas here, and check in during the day to see whether something has been added. All members answering the roll call below will get curated.
Whatever is being done... is NOT working! New users need to feel that the platform will succeed for them to succeed. Forced positivity doesn't do that. #feedback
Are we live already?
#fourtogo till first #payment https://inleo.io/threads/view/ben.haase/re-leothreads-etnsm91w
#feedback - Edited threads don't appear to show the changes in re-threads, they just show as they did when initially posted.
This one for example has a video which I changed from the embed code to the url and appears when opened but not here. It's not just video as it's happened with others too.
Hit the road this past weekend to attend a family wedding and found a dope meadery in Ohio! I’m a wine drinker and over the past few years I really got into mead. For those that don’t know, it’s a wine made from fermented honey instead of grapes…I hear this was tho go-to in the medieval days. Sampled plenty flavors and brought a couple bottles home 🍷#amazingdrinks #freecompliments
I purchased a Wild Pass for another season with 2000 DEC tokens and renewed my card rentals on the Peakmonster website. This helps me manage my game assets and prepare for the new season.
#threadstorm #splinterlands #outreach
#hivegame #game
I was inactive for two weeks due to traveling and missed playing the game and writing articles. Now back, I'm catching up on the crypto market and game updates.
Sharing my post link in next comment-
Over the past week none of my threads are showing up on InLEO when I post from my Mac via Brave Browser. I see the posts as comments on PeakD but they are not displayed on InLEO feed or my profile page. Posted this from mobile but tried to share the actual post again and still no luck #feedback
In my efforts to stop drinking coffee every day, I decided to give some herbal mushroom coffee a try. I added a tablespoon of coconut oil and grass-fed butter to enhance the kick. It’s actually pretty good…has a cocoa type vibe
#cinnamoncupcoffee #coffee
Hello foodie Lions! Welcome to the show.
Day 8

DiscussionThis is the #threadcast for of the #foodtalk on Leo. Let's get into the discussion and learn from others. Don't forget to use #foodtalk in your comments.
More about food with tips and tricks will be dropped in the threadcast.
Upvote the comments you find interesting, engage and connect with others. Let's have fun. #foodie
I can have bananas for breakfast, lunch and dinner as follows;
Me too. I don't think I should tho, too much sugar, but it doesn't stop me haha I love bananas, I can eat five in a row, no issues
Lol. One day won't hurt. As you eat, it keep pulling you in to have more. At times I add it to my oatmeal.
It's a happy fruit.
That's the thing, I don't do it one day, that's like my everyday snack
I can have plantain for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The good thing about plantain is that I can create a variety of delicacies with it.
This is what's for dinner in our house tonight. My husband started the tomatoes cooking this afternoon. Will add the eggs shortly before we are ready for dinner and have some garlic bread on the side. #foodie
Eggs In Purgatory || Cara Di Falco || Cara's Cucina
This is what Food should look like...
I am #foodie
What is it exactly?
Jellof Rice, Salad and fried chicken
You make enough for two?
It's more than enough.
I'm satisfied and fulfilled.
Time for a nap?
I appreciate the salad 🥗 more to the rice 🥰🥰🥰🥰, thanks for sharing 🤤🤤🤤
Salad is very tasteful and more nutritious too.
I like vegetables and foods
That's good to hear ☺️☺️☺️, same to me 🥗🥗🥰
Second dinner is served
What is it?
some sort of vegetarian version of s traditional Portuguese dish we have eheheh
Thank you Fren. Taste on my screen may need moar salt please and thank you. #freecompliments
The same goes for leftovers, I usually eat them cold as breakfast the next day. Could be Pizza, broccoli with salmon, mussels, steak,..
When you say cold, do you mean cold from the fridge?
Yes, usually I will conserve it in the fridge
Cold pizza is very underrated.
I definitely agree. I usually order a large pizza, which only costs a bit more to be able to eat the rest cold the next day ^^
That is the way to do it. No way to not make it a two-fer.
Hehe, glad to find a think-alike on this one ;p
Without a doubt.
Leftover spaghetti is also amazing. That is actually better than the first time through. I love reheated spaghetti.
Favourite vegetable is beetroot, I love its taste and color. Sometimes I buy a bottle of beetroot juice, yummy!
Did you ever juice beetroot yourself? It is very good.
Should try it. Do you talk aboit putting it in a blender or juicing it? As juicing it myself sounds kind of crazy to me? How would you do that?
Need a juicer but it gives you pure, fresh juice. It is potent.
Will check it out! Thank you for the tip!
Good deal.
Guess Pizza would be my favorite to eat all day, preferably one with several toppings like different kind of meat, mushrooms, bel peppers, onion,...
That's a healthy pizza especially with bell peppers, lots of nutrients there.
This is my favorite vegetable: broccoli
My favorite way to eat broccoli is roasted
You dont like steamed?
Here is a recipe for roasted broccoli
The Stay At Home Chef--How to Make The Best Roasted Broccoli Ever
See how easy that is. This is what we discussed last night. It is easy to start the process of adding more engagement material.
Hell almost every thread could be replied with a YouTube video. LOL
the leaves will be ever green because of where it is planted
Broccoli is nice, it has a lot of nutrients. So do you stir fry it, steam it or eat it raw?
Stir fry and steam.
A lot of different ways to do it.
Yeah, steam is the word, I'm going to edit that.
That's right.
If this kind of broccoli is eat able it sure will be delicious
Lol. That's right.
Thats my Gee.
LOL well I didnt say what else I had with it.
Hmmmm, just tell me is a box of Leo 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.
Very nice. I like the look of the rice. White rice, nice and fluffy, something about it.
you should try south Indian food, I am sure you will love it.
I bet I would. What are some of the dishes you like?
aha good to know sir, if you want to try you should try with idli , dosa and sambar. I am sure you will find the recipe online 😉
17 Incredibly Heart-Healthy Foods
Certain foods, including leafy greens, whole grains, and fatty fish, can benefit your heart health and lower your risk of heart disease.
Diet plays a major role in heart health and can impact your risk of heart disease, the leading cause of death for adults in the US (1Trusted Source).
The food you eat can influence heart disease risk factors, including:
blood pressure
cholesterol levels
Here are 15 foods you should eat to maximize your heart health.
#food #ffoodie #heart
Leafy green vegetables like spinach, kale, and collard greens are well known for their wealth of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
In particular, they’re a great source of vitamin K, which helps protect your arteries and promote proper blood clotting .
They’re also high in dietary nitrates, which have been shown to reduce blood pressure, decrease arterial stiffness, and improve the function of cells lining the blood vessels.
The American Heart Association (AHA) notes that an increased leafy green vegetable intake was associated with more significant benefits to cardiovascular health and a lower risk of heart disease than other fruits and vegetables
Whole grains include all three nutrient-rich parts of the grain:
Common types of whole grains include:
whole wheat
brown rice
Refined carbohydrates increase the risk of coronary heart disease. But whole grains are protective. An extra 1 or 2 daily servings of these foods increases or decreases risk by approximately 10-20%.
Multiple studies have found that eating more whole grains can benefit your heart health.
Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries are jam-packed with nutrients that play a central role in heart health.
Berries are also rich in antioxidants like anthocyanins, which protect against oxidative stress and inflammation that can contribute to the development of heart disease. Higher anthocyanin intake may reduce your risk of coronary artery disease, including heart attack and hypertension.
Eating blueberries daily may also improve the function of cells that line the blood vessels (vascular function), which help control blood pressure and blood clotting.
According to a review of research, berry consumption may be an effective intervention for metabolic syndrome by helping reduce oxidative stress and inflammation while improving vascular function.
Avocados are an excellent source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, which have been linked to reduced cholesterol levels and a lower risk of heart disease. Eating at least two servings of avocado each week was linked to a 16% reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and a 21% reduced risk of coronary heart disease.
A comprehensive review of studies determined that avocado may help improve (11Trusted Source):
LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, including levels of small, dense LDL cholesterol
triglyceride levels
vascular function
Avocados are also rich in potassium, a nutrient essential to heart health, and can help reduce blood pressure. One serving of avocado (150 grams) supplies 725 milligrams of potassium, or about 21% of the amount you need daily, based on the adult male daily adequate intake
Fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, sardines, and tuna are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, which have been studied extensively for their heart-health benefits.
Omega-3 fatty acids from fatty fish may have a protective role in the risk of developing heart disease and slightly reduce the risk of CVD events and arrhythmias.
Eating fish over the long term may support lower levels of:
total cholesterol
blood triglycerides
fasting blood sugar
systolic blood pressure
Fish consumption is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, depression, and mortality.
If you don’t eat much seafood, fish oil is another option for getting your daily dose of omega-3 fatty acids.
Fish oil supplements may reduce rates of all-cause mortality, cardiac death, sudden death, and stroke
Walnuts are a great source of fiber and micronutrients like magnesium, copper, and manganese.
Research shows that incorporating a few servings of walnuts into your diet can help protect against heart disease.
Evidence for cardiovascular disease prevention is strong for some varieties of tree nuts, particularly walnuts.
Diets supplemented with walnuts may decrease LDL (bad) and total cholesterol.
Interestingly, some studies also found that regularly eating nuts, such as walnuts, is associated with a lower risk of heart disease.
Beans contain resistant starch, which resists digestion and is fermented by the beneficial bacteria in your gut. Resistant starch can potentially exert a healthy impact on the gut and certain members of its resident microbiota.
Multiple studies have also found that eating beans can reduce certain risk factors for heart disease.
In one study of 73 adults with elevated LDL cholesterol, eating canned beans significantly reduced total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol.
One review found that eating beans and legumes can decrease LDL cholesterol, improve glycemic control and blood pressure, and may reduce the risk for cardiovascular disease, especially in people with diabetes.
Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants like flavonoids, which can help boost heart health.
Consuming chocolate in moderation (less than six servings a week) may decrease your risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.
Remember that though some studies show an association, they don’t necessarily account for other factors that may be involved.
Additionally, chocolate can be high in sugar and calories, negating many of its health-promoting properties.
Be sure to pick a high quality dark chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 70% and moderate your intake to make the most of its heart-healthy benefits.
Tomatoes are loaded with lycopene, a natural plant pigment with powerful antioxidant properties.
Antioxidants help neutralize harmful free radicals, preventing oxidative damage and inflammation, which can contribute to heart disease.
Low blood levels of lycopene are linked to an increased risk of heart attack and stroke.
Increasing the intake of tomato products and lycopene supplementation positively affects blood lipids, blood pressure, and endothelial function (27).
A review of research noted that one serving of raw tomatoes, tomato sauce, or tomato sauce with refined olive oil may lower blood cholesterol and triglycerides and raise HDL cholesterol (28Trusted Source).
The body absorbs lycopene better from cooked tomatoes and tomato products than fresh tomatoes.
Higher HDL (good) cholesterol levels can help remove excess cholesterol and plaque from the arteries to keep your heart healthy and protect against heart disease and stroke.
Almonds are incredibly nutrient-dense, boasting many vitamins and minerals crucial to heart health.
They’re also a good source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and fiber, two important nutrients that can help protect against heart disease.
Research suggests that eating almonds can have a powerful effect on your cholesterol levels.
One study involving 48 people with high cholesterol showed that eating 1.5 ounces (43 grams) of almonds daily for 6 weeks reduced belly fat and levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol, two risk factors for heart disease.
The research also shows that eating almonds is associated with higher levels of HDL (good) cholesterol, which can help reduce plaque buildup and keep your arteries clear.
Remember that while almonds are very high in nutrients, they’re also high in calories. Measure your portions and moderate your intake if you’re trying to lose weight.
11-13. Chia seeds, flaxseeds, and hemp seeds
Chia seeds, flaxseeds, and hemp seeds are all great sources of heart-healthy nutrients, including fiber and omega-3 fatty acids.
Numerous studies have found that adding these seeds to your diet can improve many heart disease risk factors, including inflammation, blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglycerides.
Hemp seeds are high in arginine, an amino acid associated with reduced blood levels of specific inflammatory markers.
Supplementing your diet with milled flaxseed may lower cardiovascular disease and cancer risk and help other conditions like gastrointestinal health and diabetes.
Chia seeds are another great food source for heart health, as they contain dietary fibers, antioxidants, and omega‐3 fatty acids. Eating them may help reduce blood pressure, blot clots, and LDL cholesterol.
Garlic has potent medicinal properties that may help improve heart health.
This is thanks to the presence of a compound called allicin, which is believed to have many therapeutic effects.
A meta-analysis of 12 trials noted that garlic supplements lowered both systolic and diastolic blood pressure and were as effective as a common prescription drug at reducing blood pressure.
Garlic can also inhibit platelet buildup, which may reduce the risk of blood clots and stroke.
Be sure to consume garlic raw or crush it and let it sit for a few minutes before cooking. This allows for the formation of allicin, maximizing its potential health benefits.
Olive oil is packed with antioxidants, which can relieve inflammation and decrease the risk of chronic disease.
It’s also rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, which many studies have associated with improvements in heart health.
One study from 2014 involving 7,216 adults at high risk for heart disease showed that those who consumed the most olive oil had a 35% lower risk of developing heart disease.
Furthermore, a higher intake of olive oil was associated with a 48% lower risk of dying from heart disease.
Olive oil is high in oleic acid and antioxidants and can help prevent and treat hypertension.
You can drizzle olive oil over cooked dishes or add it to vinaigrettes and sauces.
Edamame is an immature soybean frequently found in Asian cuisine.
Like other soy products, edamame is rich in soy isoflavones, a type of flavonoid that may help lower cholesterol levels and improve heart health.
Including soy protein in your diet may lead to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.
If combined with other changes to diet and lifestyle, even slightly reducing your cholesterol levels can greatly impact your risk of heart disease.
One study showed that including 30 grams of soy protein daily in a lipid-lowering diet improved participants’ blood lipids, reducing the risk for cardiovascular disease.
Edamame and other soy products are also a good source of other heart-healthy nutrients, including dietary fiber and antioxidants.
Green tea may have several health benefits, from increased fat burning to improved insulin sensitivity to cancer prevention.
Its polyphenols and catechins can act as antioxidants to prevent cell damage, reduce inflammation, and protect the health of your heart.
Many studies have shown green tea increases leptin, a hormone that regulates our appetite, and reduces LDL (bad) cholesterol. Green tea extract may also improve blood pressure and glycemic control.
A review of studies found that taking green tea extract for 3 months reduced blood pressure, triglycerides, LDL (bad), and total cholesterol compared to a placebo.
Taking a green tea supplement or drinking matcha made with powdered whole green tea leaves may also benefit heart health.
This is the best pancakes there are.
The food you eat every day can make a difference in your health. Diet affects your risk of getting some cancers, heart disease or type 2 diabetes. Diet also affects the risk of low bone density and loss of muscle strength with aging.
You have dropped a rich article for us to digest.
Thanks so much.
Yes. I broke it up in the threads below it. Added to the database and the numbers here quickly. I will do another one.
Food really keep us alive. We should be careful of what we are.
You are what you eat.
sure. Ways of preparing, processing and storage should be done carefully too.
That is true too.
Of just order take out. LOL
Truly hahaha
Nuts eaten whole are considered a protein, in the same category as seeds, meats and eggs. They may also be processed into an oil. But nuts have more than protein and fat going for them. They're filled with vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants.
Almnds are a good example. They are tree nuts and can be used whole or ground into butter and everything in between. Almonds add crunch to snack time, salads and dishes that range from appetizers to desserts.
Almnds are a source of magnesium, calcium and folate. Just 1 ounce of almonds meets a large amount of the daily need for vitamin E. And most of the fat in almonds is in the form of monounsaturated fatty acids. This type of fat, when it replaces saturated fat, is linked to heart health.
Nuts are a strong adition to a healthy diet. But they can pack a big calorie punch. So watch portion size and make sure the nuts you chose fit into your daily calorie plan. Choose unsalted whole nuts or nut butter without added salt/sugar.
I use almonds in my oats and yoghurt whenever I have them.
That is good. Do you like how this article was broke up.
I so much love it and it also increased the comments.
It does. We can keep adding a few of them each day to help things along.
Most people could use more fruit in their daily diet, according to surveys. Apples are a handy and reliable way to check that box every day.
Different apple varieties can satisfy tastebuds that lean toward tart or sweet. And apples are a good source of fiber. Apple skins have fiber that doesn't break down in water, called insoluble fiber. The inside part of the apple has soluble fiber, which becomes a sort of gel as it travels through the intestines.
Soluble and insoluble fiber helps keep food moving in the digestive system and may lower the risk of getting some cancers. Soluble fiber also may lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Like other plant foods, apples have phytonutrients. These are things like vitamin C, and in apples, flavonoids, as well as many others. Together these chemicals seem to support the body's cells against damage from day-to-day living.
Apple is one of my morning snacks.
That works. What is your afternoon snack?
Hmmm... at times I take pineapple, cucumber, banana or any available fruit.
Vegetable juice
Tomatoes, cucumbers, spinach, beets and carrots are some examples of vegetables that may be juiced. The juice of vegetables often has most of the vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients found in the original vegetable, depending on processing.
The juice will not have the beneficial fiber found in those vegetables. You could add some pulp back to your juice, or just use juicing as a diet boost. If you're buying vegetable juice, look for 100% juice from whole vegetables. And check the amount of salt, which is called sodium on the Nutrition Facts label.
But the good news is that vegetable juice is often a low-calorie, low-sugar, convenient way to add nutrients to your diet.
I have tried vegetable smoothie and it tasted great. I made it with beetroot, carrot and cucumber.
I have also made smoothie with cucumber and spinach. I didn't like the taste but I had to drink it because of the nutrients.
It is very nutritious.
Sure it is.
As both a vegetable and a source of protein, beans are a good addition to every meal. Each type of bean has its own profile of nutrients, but all beans are low-fat sources of protein and fiber. Beans also bring thiamin, magnesium, iron, zinc, folate, phosphorus and potassium to the diet.
With so many options, it's hard to find a meal where beans can't play a starring role.
But American diets are often low in average intake of beans, peas and lentils. To boost your intake, consider replacing higher fat proteins with beans. And if you're looking at canned beans, go for low sodium.
Yeah, beans have a good number of nutrients and adding them to our diet is a good one.
They are very good.
Another great fruit to add to the daily diet are blueberries. Alone, in yogurt, or added to salad, blueberries are packed with phytonutrients. One example are anthocyanins, which give blueberries their color and are linked to memory health, among other benefits.
Blueberries also have vitamin K. This vitamin supports the body’s cells, healthy blood flow and calcium processing. Vitamin K works together with manganese, which also is found in blueberries.
And blueberries are a low-calorie source of fiber and vitamin C. About 3/4 cup of fresh blueberries has 2.7 grams of fiber and 10.8 milligrams of vitamin C.
Fresh or frozen, blueberries can add color to your plate.
But a note of caution: When it comes to blueberry treats, such as muffins or bagels, the calories may cost you more than you gain, so read the nutrition information.
I'm imagining blending some blueberries with yoghurt for an attractive special colour.
Blueberry pancakes are good too.
Okay. Have you tried them before?
Yes I have had blueberry pancakes on many occasions.
Broccoli is called a cruciferous vegetable. That means it is in the cabbage family and has phytonutrients linked to immune health and detoxification.
One example is a phytonutrient that contains sulfur, called glucosinolates. Another is lutein, a compound similar to vitamin A that is linked to eye health. And broccoli also is a source of vitamin A, which supports healthy vision.
Broccoli boosts the nutrition of meals with grains, beans or eggs. That's because broccoli's vitamin C helps the body absorb more iron from those foods than it would otherwise. Broccoli also is a source of calcium.
In the fridge, broccoli stays fresh longer than many other vegetables. Roasted, shredded in slaws, or added to vegetable soup, broccoli is a bold flavor that can be enjoyed raw or cooked.
Seafood in general, and salmon in particular, is a good choice for protein in the diet. If you can use salmon in place of a higher fat meat, that's even better.
Salmon is probably best known for its omega-3 fatty acids. Called EPA and DHA, these fats may support heart health, brain function and healthy joints.
Most Americans could add more seafood to their diets, and salmon is a good choice. Salmon can be used fresh or canned. If you buy canned salmon, get it packed in spring water instead of oil.
Salmon can be used in place of tuna in mixed dishes, such as a casserole. Or salmon can be the main protein, as in a salmon burger or taco. Salmon, along with sardines and trout, tend to be lower in mercury than other types of seafood.
Spinach is a leafy green vegetable sold as a bunch. Frozen or fresh, spinach can be part of many dishes, such as those that include eggs, stews or pasta. But fresh, it is a great addition to salads or can stand alone on the dinner plate.
Spinach has vitamins A and C, potassium, carotenoids and folate. Some of the carotenoids found in spinach are beta carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin. These phytonutrients support healthy vision, and proper functioning of the body's cells. Spinach also is a source of iron.
Add spinach to salads, use it in place of lettuce on a sandwich or gently steam it.
Sweet potatoes
Baked or mashed, sweet potatoes are a dish that brightens up any plate. Sweet potatoes have a deep orange-yellow color. That color tells you sweet potatoes are high in the antioxidants known as carotenoids. One of the most studied is beta carotene. It's a substance the body can use to make vitamin A, and it helps cells manage day-to-day wear and tear.
Sweet potatoes are a source of potassium and vitamin A. These veggies also are a source of some B vitamins. And like many vegetables, they are a good source of fiber and relatively low in calories. One-half of a large sweet potato has just 81 calories.
Keep sweet potatoes out of the fridge but in a cool area that is dry and has good airflow.
Wheat germ
Whole grains are foods like oats, popcorn and brown rice, where all the edible parts of the grain are still present.
These parts are the bran, the endosperm and the germ. Each part would help a new plant grow if the grain was planted. The germ is where a new plant would sprout from and it has vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and some fats.
Wheat germ is an excellent source of thiamin, and a good source of folate, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc.
Wheat germ can boost the overall nutritional value of a meal. For example, some people sprinkle wheat germ on fruit or in hot cereals such as oatmeal or cold breakfast cereal.
Looking at this is probably clogging my arteries.
Lol. This is so funny. Can't help it, still eating. It's his way of crying for me. Lol
He is enjoying and crying.
All for you?
I might share if you are nice to me.
WHy won't I be Nice ☺️☺️🙂
Because you are a meanie. Just ask @coyotelation. He knows.
He is from the alien race that wants to dominate Earth. He's really evil.
Hahaha 🤣🤣😂, that's funny of you. Do you know what?
Alright, let me check out for more smile from my pocket 😁💖.
I have to go grocery shopping tomorrow.....going to have to stock up on some food.
That's great. We would love to see what you'll be making this week.
Simple is often best.
Happy to see the #food threadcast up. Lets get this one to the top of the page also.
Lol. I knew you would dive into it as soon as I published it.
Leg go 🚀.
What fruit can you have for breakfast, lunch and dinner in a day? Share with us.
Dont eat a lot of fruit. More of a vegetable person.
Yea, I love having more veggies than fruits
That is good.
Oh really? If you were to pick a fruit to have for breakfast, lunch and dinner, which would it be?
I like bananas.
Do you like banana pancakes?
Bananas are my favorite fruit.
I'm not sure I've had banana pancake, I mostly make banana cakes and they taste so great.
Hmmm... I will try to create a banana pancake recipe.
That is a good idea. Banana pancakes are the best pancakes in my opinion.
I would suggest you try them. Detail your experience with them on here.
What vegetable can you have for breakfast, lunch and dinner?

What food can you have for breakfast, lunch and dinner in a day?

It's time for another food show.
Probably the only exception is cold soup, I never like that one. Even when it's gazpacho and meant to be eaten cold, I just don't like cold soup
For me, it depends on the type of cold soup and the ingredients used in preparing it.
I could eat all my favorite food at every moment of the day. I usually don't care that much about what could be eaten when.
That's good, it's a choice.
I can also have my favourite food, fruit and vegetable and time of the day but in varieties.
Favorite fruit are definitely cherries, especially now as it's the season of the cherries where I live. It's a pity they are rather expensive but ohhh, I could keep eating them!
Cherries are really good, I bake cakes with them and they add a great taste to the cakes.
Thanks for sharing.
Not foodie related by has ties to this. Might we be able to posts shorts of food?
Yeah, I probably will tag it #foodshorts
That would be awesome.
Sure, I'm anticipating it.
Welcome to the show.
FOr sure, I always delight joy on it. 🥰🥰.
@winanda added another article especially for you.
This threadcast has it 130. Is that a record?
It's a record and now over 166 comments.
LOL older ones...they keep building.
Not as good as banana pancakes.
INLEO AMA | Architecting the Future of Web3 #threadcast
It would be nice to put them on top again if they are promoted paying leo or hbd, or simply by having 25 new replies in the last hour
i second that! threadcast can be updated over time and become containers for certain topics that stay and need to be easily found like a wikipedia page for example…
Is this regarding the new story feature videos or all videos?
Inleo is best Web3 app by far.
I just noticed how the threadcast is arranged. I never thought it to be that way.
LOL. I watched that particular episode.
Are you a Tom & Jerry fan?
Sure I am. I thought you knew.
No. I didnt. You dont tell me those type of things.
@bradleyarrow and I were talking about dirty comics yesterday. It seems he is into that type of stuff (or maybe I misunderstood).
Thanks, Khal. We need livestreaming for threadcast or what is called premiere on YouTube.
I love this 😍 .
Oh! I get it, that will be great to have the shorts displayed that way.
Hello there! Let's go!!!
Khal looks younger today XD
lol I'm on my laptop webcam maybe it drops 10 years 😂
hahahaha this lighting also suits you 😂
For onboarding I find great to introduce people to threads, since the time between creating an account and writing an introduction posts as people is usually asked can cool them down
And our stake when we are little really has a weight here, I rather curate on threads than on posts
A great problem is people considering votes only when someone with a huge stake curates.
You have 300 organic votes! those are valuable too!
Don't act like Hive has to "pay" you.
Also people on threads are active. A lot of people on posts just drop the posts and leave. Haha I know someone that never sees the comments and have been accidentally ignoring our favorite owls 😂
LOL. I noticed some people don't reply to comments on their posts.
It could be something the user set up. If I do many threads I enable that my profile has threadcast and not trending
Also for you has to get to know you... if you don't engage it doesn't have information
Yeah, the UI should not allow you to do anything that isn't allow to be done... if you can do it, it's allowed. Maybe not incentivized, but allowed
A like button is also great for new users that want to interact but have 0 stake...
And not to have to learn about voting percentages and what it all means.
When a new feature comes I start clicking everything to report, and click more to find the workarounds... if everyone gives veeery detailed feedback those can be fixed faster.
The new dev is really fast with them, there are just too many related to different devices or connections
my account here is a brand.
Content creation and engagements is a best way of building my brand.
Keep threading.
With the introduction of this ref system, more people will subscribe for premium.
@khaleelkazi will you stand there and let 'em burn you?!!!
Threadcast sometimes pulls the more threads actually, just engage on threadcast and see the super change .
I only participate in @khal
It gets you on the radar.
Keep up the great work, ui is definitely less buggy lately!
#leoai is going to be huge for Leo Premium.
It is well worth the 10 HBD per month.
That is the major use case and why Premium subs right now isnt a big deal. Bring that out and things will explode.
Always proud to be a Premium member and cant leave these amazing perks for anything! We are already so much for 10$ and now on top, #leoAI is getting launched soon!
Yeah especially when the chatbot feature goes live. The recommend engine will be available to all which is going to be a bit step forward also.
threads should be given more importance though than post cause folks threads more in there
Am not against curation trail but short form contents should experience upvotes too
Translating transcription with AI is an ambitious but realistic plan! All in Leo
I was writing my long form post, then i get notification of INLEO AMA, 'm here, Forget about my post 😜😜
Priorities. LOL
With 90 Threadcasts, we'll maybe need a new way to display the avatars on our screens 🙂.
I would say there is no maybe in that equation.
We certainly will need something different in terms of showing them.
Hell 25 might require that.
Maybe 2025.
I think Communities are like Subreddits... Threadcasts feels more like text based Zoom meetings.
Yeah, and they have their own threads feeds already
Very Important
Threadcasts can be thought as subreddits. This is what steemit was set up for.
We can set up a threadcast for a topic and people can post images, links, videos, and whatever else they want.
Search feeds other things in other than just their threadcasts.
Get rid of trending in the profile and make it threadcast.
So the model is to have enough skinny people to cover the costs of a buffet breakfast :) Hotel managers approve ;)
I haven't really monetized my threadcasts - they are hardly worth the effort.
I always see taskmaster on my for you feed guess am inlove with him and his topic 😀😀
People coming from Web 2 platforms where they never earned a cent, all of a sudden begin to complain and request for more earnings on Hive.
I feel they should be grateful they can earn on their content and through curation on Hive.
I got my year premium.
you can thread a thousand times, it's unlimited due to your capacity.
Please can't connect through on X
try on YouTube. Khal will share the link
Hey look at the calendar......It is July.
Khal said we might see #leoai in July.
Do we see it? Asking for my imaginary friend.
Most people on Leo are just scalpers of rewards anyway.
So no, I am not going to support people who just look to extract.
Sorry but prove you have an owner mindset and you will get votes. That starts with engaging.
Seems quite logical to me! I've heard of curators who check if people keep their power of just power down, if the latter, they stop curation on these accounts
Well that is Hive. There is also Leo holding. We need to start focusing upon Leo more.
Would completely make sense idd. For what it's worth, since I started threading more actively, I decided to keep and stake all my Leo!
That is a very smart move I believe.
I cant disagree with your logic.
Taskmaster4450le and onealfa is the biggest supporter of threads f
KOL => Key Opinion Leaders
That's an interesting way to describe @taskmaster4450le
For me threading is all about suppoting one another you thread you reply then you vote as simple as ABC
Wow Another #threadcast by @khal
Okay, watching on Youtube!!
I usually find it on youtube before I find it on InLeo lol
Taskmaster4450 have a serious impact. A force behind many Threadcast and topic on the community.
Is there anyway to support him to do more?
I finally made it live. I can hang in for 30 minutes.
yeah, khal found the right background 💪🏽😎👍🏽
From what have seen Web2 is a waste of time but web 3 is like a university especially Hive
Yeah. I've literally make more of a career here.
There is so many things to learn. I started as someone that didn't even knew what to write about and have been working my way up, or more than up, into the system
The search button works well for me tried it today on user and community
Exactly, @scaredycatguide just talked about what I was about to type.
Waiting for the new leaderboard impatiently 🔥
Making money = income = user.
Grow the value of the platform. That is where your 5K LEO will become worth a lot more.
definitely going to keep this advice and contribute heavily to the platform. Leo has so much potential and can't wait to see it rise
I agree. We need people to grasp the #web3 mindset and overcome the nonsense about user and being one.
If you have $LEO, you are an owner.
wow then I'm a proud owner and going to do the right thing for this platform
That is the way to do it. You want to get $1 or $2 $LEO and should do all you can to help get it there.
It is what we all have to do.
I really hope it gets to 2 dollars.. and I'm going to contribute to it
If decent upvoting system is introduced on threads, then wait for 5k threads or more per day.
threads curation is my spirit animal. I'm excited.
The love of threading has made me have reduced interest on longform
A lot who still spam the chain. Best to ignore them.
If you reside on Threads, you will be curating on threads. It is really that simple.
Trying to figure out the whole process about inleo I think in the long run one would say the team are brilliant
Inleo will make you forget about your problems am addicted to it
Right now, the most recent posts that show up for me on this Thredcast are 11 minutes old.
Refresh your browser.
That might be the solution.
One thing I have found out with growth is that once there is persistence, changing of patterns, then growth will come.
I'm very interested with my onboarding new users.
Nigeria is a fertile ground for more users.
Onboarding going play vital role...
We need to get threads to over 150K per month.
My 1 thread a week avg is crushing the game lol
Got to up them numbers. That is embarrassing. Low self esteem strikes again.
No worry I have faith in you. I see you are a 3 thread per day guy...at a minimum.
Dig deep son and pull it out of you.
Heard a study that giving an external reward for something people are used to be internally motivated to do, makes them less likely to do it when the external reward stops.
Meaning: Having a monetary reward for comments is a double-edged sword!
yeah, its a bit of an conundrum
Have you seen this?
Good to see you guys together again ✌️
Be sure to check out @winanda's #foodie threadcast.
Do you eat? Then you fit in.
Thanks dear Taskmaster, you sure have some marketing skills.
Just keep talking about it.
That is the best way to spread word about it.
Started stronger in July already 🔥
A lot of threadcasts going which is helping increase activity.
That is always a bonus.
Haha, don't know if to feel happy or sad about that 😅
Well if not alive, the choice is removed I would say. LOL
You just happen to find ways to go deeper on the sad reality 😅
I guess maybe it is time to stop digging.
Cat had to go see his probation officer.
Mitch is audible on youtube
Is this the threadcast? I'm a bit late, but I'm surprised it just started...
Waited for todays AMA right before time but looks like there was an unforseen circumstance
We can hear you clearly ✌️
Looks like X is misbehaving, anyways I will try to connect again and more.
The past 2-3 days were hard for me, one of my teeth broke by itself (no pain) and every time I talk, eat, it reminds me that it's probably gonna be gone... I'm afraid of even going to a dentist.
Best referral system for effective onboarding of new users ever.
I like this referral system!! I'm just awful at referring people to anything...
The subscription model sounds interesting!
Wow! That's a cool subscription model.
Is there any rewards for the toppers of leadership board of inleo threads ??
Need to wait 20minutes for my bus, luckily I got this Space/ threadcast! :D
I can hear cat fine, am I a whisperer? 😌
The real lions are building the leoverse in the bear season
CTRL+ALT+DEL ...That only works on Windows, right?
Haha yep
Having a best way of onboarding and training the new ones is really the future of web3
What topic will be discuss today ??
the incentives model with the onboarding system will be motivational and rewarding for serious activities of getting new ones
Last two INLEO AMA missed by me..
Oh that is bad. You need to repent for that.
A lot of good news today for the Lions.
I can now hear on X, just disconnect and connect again, then there you go.
I agree, the commenting is so much better this month without the bugs. It's very fast
9 threadcasts at the top with 2 more still working towards the 15 minimum comments.
That will put us to at least 10.
Happy new month family, welcome in here, first Ama for the month.
Focusing upon 5K-7K threads per day.
Leoshorts will help that a great deal.
There is always a lot of engagement on short form than long form
I wish I was here for the past 3 days, but I was too down emotionally... I didn't want to talk to anyone.
Wen LeoAI?

I've been trying to get referrals from Torum. Our incentives are so much better. I just have to get them to try.
I think we can still improve with the number of threads per day.
Hopefully, I'll continue threading after this!!!
Alot are being sent, but on little % 🤣🤣🤣
I like threading and I engage more on it than long form.
People who complain about declining numbers should engage more themselves..
More Rewarding, so that people start taking interest on thread...
and it will consider old referrals so we can start before the leaderboard is ready
okay 👍🏻
First INLEO AMA of the month.
With many threadcasts concerning different topics we would grow
Hive really needs promotion for onboarding more people...
Did anyone of you catch the "Monday with Maya" space today?
No, can you tell me (or put on the threadcast) more about it?
No didnt see it.
Any word?
Old school Cat!
That's funny
Cats long form posts arent much more than threads. LOL
After this show, feel free to jump into the threadcast about AI and drop your best creations :)
Haven't checked BTC price for 5 days... Yes, apparently, I've been away for 5 whole days?!!!! Let me check... $BTC
Hey it's more than it was the last time I checked.
My first time on here, and am loving voices being heard. I think am gonna learn quite alot about inleo today
Waiting for leoai come soon..
Must be the lighting...
The referral system that khal talked about is really cool. I support that.
thought the show isnt gonna hold today. was anticipating for it. well thank goodness it came through
When will Inleo AI ??
Or LeoAI.
Looking forward to the video feature getting launched.
Where was I when it started 🤔🤔🤔
Inleo have the best support system for content created and published via the frontend
I have ramped up my curation big time. I focus on threads.
As @fc-leo-curator I curate the #freecompliments tag. Any other specific curation initiatives on threads?
Half a hater, lol, dude couldn't even get full credit for being a hater 😂
How #leoai will work ??
I saw some one recently subscribe for a year inleo, thats super bold. at least the person got two months discount
My first shout out!!!!
I mean, I think only a handful of people are upvoting me too. (Plus their trail followers.) So, it's not a biggie.~
There should be more interesting contest you be sponsor to onboard more people...
Yahh curation on threads will really bring alot of encouragement to thread more
When you are active on threads, your voting power gets blown up.
This is definitely true, especially if you have less hp/lp.
Well depends upon how many times you press the button.
Yes ofcourse and which percentage but still, it vanishes fastly!
Exactly 😂😂😂😂.

You know that.
Curation is a way of activating the community.
It should not be political or religious, but strategy to grow the community
Did you guys find a solution to the Android adding random word to threads bug?
That means threads are being upvoted manually on threads? or is there an auto vote
#premium should give more importance...
If it's achievements you have to display @hivebuzz badges too!
Dear @ahmadmanga
Your support for our previous proposal has been much appreciated but it expired!
Your help will be much appreciated. Thank you!
now inleo UI is bugfree ..
Woukd the referral system affect those that didn't come before the introduction of this rewarding system on ref?
It will consider all the referrals you have on your Inleo profile. Old and new
Rewards = income (users)
People should focus upon equity and growing the value. That is what owners do.
Hearing all this just makes me think I should scrape together my $100 even faster!
Curation should be decentralized and varied.
Over an hour and am still engage on here it's amazing how this AMA makes me feel
The year is halfway over....
So all I have to say is WEN 😂
Khal doesnt make too many top level threads....
Does that mean he doesnt have many thoughts?
I understand.
I definitely don't have many thoughts. BUT lots of opinions lol
Opinions are like garbage cans (or assholes), everyone has them and they all stink (except mine).
I have a good smelling garbage can.
I agree with Khal, incentives are good. For me personally, they already are in place..
Upvoting is a form of engagement.
It should be encouraged, but not abused
Question please.?
Is it a must I subscribe inleo before getting support from inleo itself
you mean premium? Not really but a curator has to find you first to get curated
Short answer: No.
Longer answer: If you're Premium you'll be curated more and have higher upvotes, but if you're not Premium you'r content will still get chance to get curated as long as you meet the minimum quality.
valuable upvote required...
Most the upvotes on all of the chain are low % and low total value.
How high of an upvote could I receive on this thread?
(Just for scientific reasons ofcourse ;)
Well I kinda love the vibe I get I saw alot of community that talk on diff topics especially news it's really smooth
X Calls it liking, we call it upvoting here which is more rewarding
Since whales and big men on hive threads consistently and upvotes I think some of us might not have an excuse not to thread and do same
weekly top leadership users should rewarded with some inleo token to grab the interest of pe
Hmmmm Well I inleo makes more cash than those web2 platform from all have seen so far
We already have our "TaskGPT" model working here 24/7.
Now 24...have to sleep sometime.
The more we grow together, the more all of us will benefit!
As always, people should look at the broad picture instead of being shortsighted...
Instead of spending much time on social media with little rewards, come to Inleo and monetize your efforts.
"Brand Building Exercise" <= I like this line.
Glad I managed to make it this time!
I Think being active on threads has to do with discipline. It's not just a mere stuff.
By the way all these updates on shorts and Ai will it be beneficial and available to all inleo users or just for the special ones
Inleo threading is not so interesting as compare to ecency wave..
Correct me if 'm wrong...
400 threads
Lets Go
Content creation and engagements should be a way of life.
Not just to drop a post/threads for rewards. It's selfish!
It's already said plenty of time, people should consider their Hive wallet as a business...
With or without much upvotes I like being on threads.
Well i think the 10HBD is worth it with all these being listed
@caleb-marvel is interesting in the curation of threads, he is pretty active on threads almost all day long.
Threadcast is down.....
not for me
When I started threading, I was just saying streamlined stuffs but right now, I say random things, reply threads and also join threadcasts
Let's prefer "a reThread a day, instead of a regret a day" 😊
Inleo Features has superlative powers to change engagement levels on hive in addition to MAUs.
That is a great idea. It is very effective. Can press the like button without expending VP.
Hey, a like button separate from the upvote button idea sounds amazing!!!
Any idea to prevent abuse?!
Hows the community battle coming along I heard it's a blast was trying to look for updates on it but couldn find any on threads any got a link?
Yea, Should idea like Button without expanding the Voting power..
Let's prefer "a reThread a day, instead of a regret a day" 😊
@anomadsoul is spot on.
Get the likes making the trending and focus upon likes. That becomes the central focus and we can use the tokenization to spreading the ownership.
A like feature and an upvotes botton that sounds cool
I have to go, thanks for the ama. I am glad I was able to make it!
Hmmmm... I think HIVE is also a blockchain that uses inflation to reward people who staked. Curation rewards, for example!
Actually it is the inflation adjustment. Curation only determines where the reward pool goes, which is out of inflation. If you dont vote, the pool is distributed, just not based upon your stake.
The inflation adjustment happens regardless of what you do, or do not do.
what would be the algorithm effect of LeoAI to Leo performance and optimization?
WENs and SOONs are back!
They never left.
It's nice to hear them from Khal's mouth, though.
Nice for about a day then we will get frustrated with it again. LOL
wrong place
Yeah, LEOAI alone, (as long as it works as advertised,) will be worth the Premium!
These two features don't need Premium to experience, right?
311 Threads guys lets keep erm coming 😘
I think a better feature is "Audience Provided Context" that Twitter has... It'll not be hard for LEOAI to implement it.
Seeing that LeoAI would analyze most data oLeo, would it also detect ai given threads?
LeoAI will be helpful to locate profile, content and threading words.
Waiting for LEO AI 🤖
Recommend engines are crucial. It is what can generate a lot of page views and time on site.
Hey LeoAI: fill all for you feeds with all nsfw content from all over hive 😜
Are there really new contents on hive, maybe just old contents being revolutionalized
Sorry but what is this Jeefs or jif..
A gif threadcast.
That is a great idea.
Along with a meme threadcast.
Alot of people are waiting for this inleo AI hmmmm Its gonna be a blast
Since every prompt have underlying costs.
So LeoAI should be for premium subscriber
Yahh with the feature being listed i will surly be tempted to go premium when all these is launched
Most will.
#leoai makes Leo Premium a lot more valuable.
Likes is for users!!!
Upvotes targets owners!!!!!
Should have both since both people are here.
400 replies 💪🏼🥳👍🏼
ohhh i get it now you get half of the inleo benefit if you aint premium hmmm fair enough
Does it mean that there's difference between like and upvotes?
A critical thinking and better understanding.
Wow, a way forward....
Yeah, that's what it means.
I‘d like to have a THREADCAST tab on the profile page between BLOG and WALLET for example to find one‘s threadcasts easily.
We need to make it happen 🥂🥂🥂..
15 sec videos can pass a complete message that makes sense, I think it's not bad idea..
Some shorts are not lengthy but still pass message across either comedy videos etc
Will it generally be possible to embed any 3speak video in a thread like a youtube video?
But can one really recoup these subscription money after going premium
Yep, you will do at least three times the original amount, if you are somewhat active and have quality posts.
Votes are not granted nor automatic
there's already a button for all the threads published per user's on their profile.
Will it be improved or am l talking nonsense
there is one for threads but not for threadcasts
Thanks for the response. I really understand it now. There's a need to have button for Threadcast o
A threadcast timeline sorted by month/year and filtered by users will be amazing!!
above latest oldest etc! 👆🏽
Liking a content have more social function but upvoting is financial function.
Better way to go....
These AMA's are as much a lab, co-creation sessions with the Lions Community, as they are a mere communication tool 🙃.
Will have to renew my subscription to continue enjoy its services.
Premium service is the key.
I need to do more activities, please @khaleelkazi, please I would love to act in respect to the curation expect because am pretty on in Leo all day.
Just want to point out that when it comes to Like buttons, I said this over a year ago.
Thanks for the AMA. See you around.
Everyone will be actors and engagements will improve too.
Threadcast needs more changes
INLEO is indeed the model of the future.
Thank you guys, see you 👋
What's happening on the 4th of july?
463 coments 👍🏻
thanks for giving us the chance to witness and participate in the making of #leoverse!
hmmm But why would one want to go back to a 2 months comment, i noticed the importance of comment last for just 3 days or so though
because things can become relevant again
Hmmm yahh understood
Any plans on adding to the UI regarding threadcasts?
how about a whole tab for the threadcast right in Inleo or is that a bit far fetched?
That is possible. On the AMA it was mentioned that we could set up that under the profiles...instead of trending replace that with threadcasts.
yes wow this is going to be epic. I really have to start attending these AMAs wow
My first time on here, and am loving voices being heard. I think am gonna learn quite alot about inleo today
I'm very guilty of mostly using the latest tab for my curation. I scroll until i get 10 good threads to vote on.
I do the same 🤷♂️
Thank you for your witness vote!
Have a !BEER on me!
To Opt-Out of my witness beer program just comment STOP below
Taskmaster4450le just published a post during this Threadcast.
He is very workaholic and clever
Does the For you feed always brings something of your interest, cause every thing i see on there is basically about what i want at that point in time
It is based upon the content you interacted with so you should get more of that.
Ohhhh no wonder
It's massive
Really excited for next AMA..
Biee biee lions..
I dislike Autoplay on Scroll!!!
Inner Room threadcast.We are missing @moretea on the
@caleb-marvel wants to veg out.
Hahaha 🤣🤣🤣, why would you think so?
Sorry, no Inner Space today …

You've broken my heart for the night 💔💔🌉😭😭😭😭😭.
Will Leoshorts work on Desktop? Or is it Mobile only?
Shorts is going to be huge.
It will send page views flying. We are going to see the numbers explode.
I vote almost every reply to a thread I get.
If you are not getting votes on threads, it is because you are not engaging. Just throw up stuff on the latest feed isnt going to cut it.
Okay biee 'm going now..
It was interesting to participate in LEO AMA
Will meet you all again in the next the AMA..
See y'all on tomorrow's show lions
The AMA is till next week Tuesday 🥰🥰.
Concerning onboarding, I did one ending of last month.
Any word?
I think premium and non should be treated equally and should be base on choice not compelled to because of post votes dont know but saw a thread about this earlier
I know people which even ignore tas / notifications, like how do they engage?
there should be #inleo app just like ecency to make olit
And what happens if Apple boots you from the platform?
I don't get it people want more upvotes on threads, a lot of upvotes are already being given...
I Might not get it right but constantly sef voting isn't a good idea, it's like milking the system.
We have been enjoying in on threadcast mostly, the are no more jumping threads on the threadcast 🤣🤣🤣🤣.
Incentives runs things on crypto.
Khal is right
Hmmmm.... Looks at how diverse are the votes? Hmmm....
The reason why the WEN should be NOW.
Is inleo supporting new users because am kinda confuse how some folks get higher upvotes and some dont
Short answer: No.
Longer answer: If you're Premium you'll be curated more and have higher upvotes, but if you're not Premium you'r content will still get chance to get curated as long as you meet the minimum quality.
Is the a limited amount to threads can one threads 100 times a day ?
You can make 1k, I have done that before, but it's recommended that you don't just spam but comment other threads, mix up your own threads with comments to others
But come to think of it I was told the whales are like Gods on hive had to stay away from them why is that? Was getting scared hearing that
Some people likes to tag the whales for upvotes, so don't do that, but even tho there are some whales with bad attitude, most are just regular users and want you to genuinely engage with them, not just beg for votes
Threads should be more valuable rewards...
Like in web2, Upvoting should be social responsibility to good content
Monetization is an added advantage
Social Media has a much bigger reach to people, monetization can't top reach, and reach can be monitized too!!!
Besides threads is becoming more fun, there are many threadcast, literally many things to thread about.
Threads are a lifestyle!
If we are spending our precious time for threading, it should be upvote accordingly..
The other day, I asked is there anything like good threads or bad threads .
Engaging on threads doesn't really have to be creating your own original threads, you can just reply threads.
As someone whose replies on some threads got upvoted by Task, I can confirm that engaging can give you some votes.
Separate a like button and upvote button is great Idea..
Glitches still giving me a hard time to thread though but I ain't minding that.
We all have different mindsets and thoughts about something, it can be monetized by turning it into a thread.
I love the fact inleo had to vote on threads base on opinions no discrimination at the end we all see what we like
As a matter of fact, one can even pull out an interesting topic from social media, bring it to threads and it can even be a threadcast to get peoples opinion.
Threads and posts from Khal are mostly updates and replies.
Eric have informed posts.
Mitch have great posts and threads.
Exactly what everyone should learn and do
I think the like button should be an Emoji Reaction button, like with Facebook!
Anything at anytime can be turned into a thread, we all can do it.
Great idea 💡
The motivation from the thread space bar is enough for one to thread more often.
Hmmm am having issues though getting an error frequently when trending on inleo but someone told me its smooth with pc
Just like the leaderboard is being redone.
Activity should be limitless. With upvotes, there is a limit to what people can do. With likes, it becomes unlimited.
People can like everything if they want. Think of the transactions.
Checking the "For You" page now!
Does "For You" currently use LEOAI?
Sometimes threads can be quite funny I've laughed my ass out a few times seeing them all
Separating "likes" and "upvotes" will encourage better content creation and engagements. Not just threading contents with no human impacts.
How inleo AI will work.. ??
If inleo is getting an AI too can someone also use chat GPT in writing post on inleo?
If you want to get downvoted and be blasted then you can.
LeoAI is to enhance what you are writing as a tool like Grammerly.
It is not possible to stay active whole day on inleo threads ...
I'm late. But Inleo does not seem to cooperate today.
What is AI?
Can you explain.
Hmm i was wondering if its any different from the AI i know
LOL I dont know the AI you know. I dont know your friends either.
Or your family. Or pets.
Hahaha good deal everyone has different taste
Yes they do. And that is why the For You feed is for individuals.
Yahh i noticed that
Really looking forward for that AI I but is it only applicable to premium members?
Yeah, as far as they said so far, only Premium users.
Ohh well we getting there
more updates on better posts and threads to be served.
Kudos to the Khal and team
Thats why the rethreading effect is important, sometimes I do rethread threads of 3-4 months ago..
Many of the threadcasts are being focused upon specific content. So if you like something check out the threadcasts and you find things about technology, food, travel, etc...
10 threadcasts going at the same time.
I just got an error page earlier... Too bad I didn't take a screenshot. (I was on this threadcast page, and suddenly it crashed. Linux, Brave Browser.)
Almost bug-free 🔥
How will AI will work on Inleo
It will beneficial for #premium users only...
Yahh the bugs should are going on rebirth this week was burgos
WE do enjoy the less Bugs atmosphere 😉😉😉 on the threadcast...
Now Inleo is bug free 🤗
the UI is better, improved and almost bug-free.
The on-chain speed should improve too.
Speaking about bugs - what is the process? I submit one, using the feedback tag, and then? What happens?
Is it something to be proud about to break a lot of stuff WHILE USERS ARE STILL USING THE APP?!!
Yahh the bugs should are going on rebirth this week was burgos
Its a pleasure seeing that, the order day we where up to 12 threadcast at a go...
Bugs are each new feature's fee-ture.
It's interesting INLEO AMA
LeoAI, the game changer.
Imagine I am a simple person. I want to share my simple thoughts, random snapshots, and perhaps even mobile videos. What is the chance I will be able to do so with no glitches, say in August?
LeoAI would come, I aren't really bothered for it now, I know it will definitely come one day.
My "for you" feed currently sucks, showing me people I've hardly ever interacted with.
yeah mine is not good either, but apparently other people are very happy with theirs. I might be doing something wrong lol
Me waiting for the #leoai
the goal of the team is have frontend 99% bug-free.
Making Inleo better frontend than meta and X etc that still have bugs and
That sounds cool, that's just THE FIRST implementation?!!
For You has great content 😌
Ohh yeah and then we gonna get julyinleo wonder how that works out. Didnt participate on the june cause I got no encouragement though
More threads today, nice one, it's really cool.
When will leoai will take place..
Hey LeoAI, make blue light! 😜
LeoAI is coming.
Personalized data and content will be fetched easily
Will LeoAI's capacities all be accessible to Premium users only? I have the feeling you're mentioning AI-driven changes that apply to the whole U.I. as a "base layer component", independently of the Premium status.
StalkerAI... The craziest type of a Stalker!
Would LeoAI be used for only Leo or hive related stuffs alone or would it bee of use outside of Leo?
Now this why i love Inleo AMA always remove my mind from time
LEO AI integration will open another era on InLEO ✌️
Without a doubt.
This just the beginning 😎😎😎.. lol
Every post published comes with related contents published on Hive ecosystem via many frontend.
It have been for a while
Will shorts be vertical only or horizontal without being squeezed into a vertical container also?
I notice a "jump" when images are loading, so yeah, depends on your internet connection but I notice it.
We did get up to 14 threadcasts at one time.
That was our simultaneous record.
We stated small but here we are active as hell. I and task have been talking about it 😀
What is Gif Threadcast??
Anybody please explain it..
People post gifs instead of text comments.
there's a variety of Threadcast ongoing today.
Keep everyone active
You'll need a better sorting mechanism if you're going to have 90+ threadcasts at the same time!
90 threadcast 😎😎😎.
It would be awesome if you record and upload this with subtitles!
Well most lions aint active on the space but active on threads but at the long run its all about the engagement
Hmmmm... Vertical only...
So my gameplay recordings won't be allowed without heavy edits!
Will it generally be possible to embed any 3speak video in a thread like a youtube video?
uploading video on threads will be welcoming too.
It should be moderate and encouraging
Yeah, this is the way … make the ui bullet proof so you know what went wrong instead of being left in the dark! 💪🏽😎👍🏽
Do you referring to
#feedback since so many people have been asking in the latest feed. There should be a timer or something indicating how long a threadcast will be on top of page.
Please don‘t forget an option to switch INVEO (shorts) autoplay OFF!
Uploading short videos.
will it not slow down the on-chain speed?
Yay!! Tiktok's brainrot aquired!!!
Kidding aside, I'm happy that there's a 15 seconds minimum for videos!
The recommend feed for shorts is crucial.
That is going to be huge.
So much pressure from shorts now.....as cat will have to be careful not to cuss!
having Leoshort in the form of reels like web2 platforms will be helpful to the young and new ones
How many languages does the transcript feature supports?! Does it transcript the text on the video too?
So that means i can post short video of me walking on the street?
We are about kissing the Hell off 400 comments 😂😂😂.
What does that mean?
You wrote in English and I didnt understand a word of it.
We have more than 400 comments on the threadcast 🥂.
With 90 Threadcasts, we'll maybe need a new way to display the avatars on our screens 🙂.
I kinda think the threadcasts take traffic away from the newest feed. Not sure if it is intedned.
Ooooh, didn't know how the threadcasts were ordered before... It makes sense, but I thought it wasn't like that.
No no, it‘s gotta be a special feed on the profile to keep it simple!
459 replies 💪🏽😎👍🏽 cya
Enjoyed the show once more thanks guys
Amazing Community-based Battles and Wars in June so far!
The competition was breathtaking!
#freecompliments #cent #photographers
Congrats all 🔥

Congratulations and well done all who participated!
Looks like @lovinghive needs to step up :)
Congratulations @freecompliments #freecompliments
Amazing to win this twice in a row. Hopefully we'll also win the first war!
Sweet! Won twice now! 😁
Where did you find this?
Congratulations to all the winners
Here are my guesses: @khaleelkazi
Time for the 19th #photocast
Do you get it? A #threadcast to share your photos 📸
This is a space for you to share your own original photos and appreciate everyone's art!
I might not be here but this is space is yours and you are. So take advantage of it.
What we will be doing?
A #photographers community threadcast
I am in a group on FB where people from my hometown, Kenosha, WI share photographs they've taken of places around the city. I going to share some screenshots of posts here. #photographers
The big red she refers to is the Lighthouse in the background.

nice. Looks like a cool place. Maybe you need to tell them to come to inleo
This is a selection of great photos, these people should be here :) !VSC
@barski has sent VSC to @lisamgentile1961
This post was rewarded with 0.1 VSC to support your work.
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Hello dear friend, it's another day to share some photos...
I've seen these in a pet store :) !VSC
Do people use it as pet over there?
Yes :)
Thats cool, which pet do you have?
Hahaha, it's hard to remember everyone, I was the owner of a pet store where there was a lot of life :)
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These are real moose among snails :) !BEER
HAhah, you mean they are smaller?
You get a like from me! :)
#photographers #photography
Lifehack bird feeder :)
#photographers #photography #nature #animals #birds
That's very cool!
Whoever invented this is a genius! :) !VSC
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#photographers #photography #waterfalls
Lifehack bird feeder :)
#photographers #photography #nature
Is this a bird feeder too?
Yes, the orange peel bird feeder that we usually throw away is rarely dried :) !VSC
That's pretty interesting 🤔🤔🤔🤔
This is not my invention, I saw it on a walk and took note :)
Thats pretty cool, it looks special.
How do they make it?
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The Big Race.
#photographers #photography #nature #animals
good eye. :) awesome capture
Yes, I saw a water strider :) great shot !HUG
thx 🙏🏽 huh, that‘s nice and new, a hug bot 🤗
This bot has a beard :) !VSC
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@barski ha enviado VSC a @moretea
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I sent 1.0 HUG
(2/3)Dear @moretea, you just got hugged. on behalf of @barski.
#photographers #photography #nature
Don‘t move, he spotted us! 🖖🏼👁🤙🏼
Two hedgehogs are always better than one hedgehog :) !ALIVE
true true
those have such cute faces ehehehe nice one.
yeah, those two were pretty shy …
Look forward to the next Vegas visit. It’s been a few months since the last one.
Had a great workout at that OTF too!
#photographers #travel
always smashing it. Way to go
Thank You 🙏🏼
When Rambo feels awkward and doesn't show up to the gym :) !PIZZA
Orangetheory is worldwide so it’s always nice when they welcome long time members like my wife and me. More Life 🤘🏽 @barski
A bird that needs no introduction :)
#photographers #photography #nature #animals #birds
Fascinating bird. Love it!
Probably delicious :) !ALIVE
Clouds: Monkey looks into the mouth of a hippopotamus :)
#photographers #photography #nature #animals #clouds
i can see it 😁
Sometimes clouds surprise with their pictures )!LOLZ
I'm the boss here!
#photographers #photography #nature #animals #birds
thank you guys for keeping this space alive for everyone.
Pelican hides from sunbeams
#photographers #photography #nature #animals #birds
When you don't want to go deeper into the forest :)

#photographers #photography #nature #animals #clouds
Whose footprints are those?
That's the thing, when you find tracks like this in the forest, you don't see the autograph of the person who left them :) !LOLZ
Bumblebee dreams... I'm a little tired, friends, see you tomorrow! :)
#photographers #photography #nature #animals #insects #art
When there is nowhere else to swim
#photographers #photography #nature #landscape
Greetings from autumn
#photographers #photography #nature #landscape #stilllife
Was already waiting to drop dat line …
The right motivation :) !ALIVE
and we love to see the world through all different
different what? what‘s going on with you, slippery keyboard, too hectic or is your ai broken? 🤔😜
eyes. Lololol nop. In mobile sometimes it doesn't load the last word if you don't press space eheheh
#photographers #photography #monochrome #life
I'll be kind of away for a while and not dropping as much comments. But I am still curating here and in the hashtag. In the meanwhile, you guys make closer connections with each other.
#photographers #photography #monochrome #life
Fisherman and the sea
#photographers #photography #monochrome #fishing #life
I guess people forgot this threadcast comes daily
@lightofhope come over here and share your awesome photos😉 This is a threadcast for photography. They do it daily.
ohhh you already did. Amazing. Thanks for inviting new people. That's
Pleasure :) Hope he comes around
thanks honey, I will learn more from you and @taksmaster
Those are never the most
Great night shot! :) !ALIVE
100% !LOLZ
Lots of training
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of barski
NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ@mightpossibly, I sent you an
#photography #insect
You managed to sneak up on it too close without scaring it :) !MEME
Yeah, These small insects will not leave without feeling threatened by us, you can do this by walking very slowly :)
When they feel danger they fold their paws and fall into the grass !ALIVE
Welcome for joining us in here :) we keep it coming every d
Thanks sir :)
It is our pleasure. always awesome to welcome new #photographers to the fam :D
tell them to come here
If I were a bird, I would order delivery of such creatures from fast food :) !PIZZA
Haha! That would be a luxury 😅
Dreaming of a beautiful life is not forbidden :) !VSC
Oh that's true so dream on :)
#photography #foodie
Looks like high-octane gasoline for a racing car :) !MEME
looks d
Who poured orange paint on the sky? : ) !LOLZ
Gorgeous. Invite them to join here on the thread cast
Cool street view :) thanks for sharing it here
I will try to snap a few more pics today to add to the load.
Thanks for that. I have been less active but I am still here trying to check it out and at least do the daily curation on the posts.
Yeah. Well it is tough. That is what I said. It requires the dedication of the one who posts the threadcast daily because others interest ebbs and flows.
For sure. But I have not been spending as many hours here on these past couple of days... and even on the number of hashtags used.... all are dropping :(
I like shady streets like this, especially on hot days like this :) !VSC
Yeah. I always liked streets lined with trees for some reason.
Seeing cities without trees, it seems like I'm in a world of plastic rice and soy cheese :) !BEER
A nice analogy. LOL
I want to see eye-pleasing analogies, but some nonsense creeps in everywhere :) !VSC
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remember that I still want to see all your photos and I am still here curating them. So call all the #photographers
You have here another great chance to connect with people that just like you love photography and the inleo community!
After dropping the photos, drops some comments on everyone else photos.
Now I can go write my next post about drawings :) !VSC
nice. it sounds like a great plane
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I'll be sleeping and I hope you will be sharing more photos!
And important, keep dropping comments on each other images! #gn #photographers
Have a restful night. I think most people are on their sleep :)
The current moment is magical. It has the key to unlock a million dreams and aspirations once you decide to work on them
#inspiration #liotes #gmfrens
You are going to want to post this also in the daily motivation/success threadast.
Thanks for the heads up would post it there 👍
We have threadcasts showing up each day on here that are topic specific. Be sure to drop your relevant threads in them. It will increase engagement.
I think it would be good to update this on @dappradar
Aa good suggestion :)
#newsinleo #cent
Where is Khal and the #AMA?
The second part is rather interesting. Do you know who the dad is? Were you visiting @caleb-marvel?
wow. @caleb-marvel can be a great Dad. Hahaha
If he didnt disappear on you. He is not to reliable.
a great Dad should be trusted and reliable.
Why disappearance?
He should be responsible and caring.
He is easily distracted.
Thats not possible 😂😂 lol
HAhaha 🤣🤣, we are great Dadsssss
Glad i saw your thread there task
Yeah. Well there was no warning about it going live.
Yahhh exactly but we still got in
this made me laugh
You are searching too.
Was wondering the same, finally was able to join once again..
Wow, you needed to see how excited I am today, even though it's supposed to be a stressful day as I have been in the clinic with my son. Moving from one department to another for his treatment and paying bills upon bills. While still in the hospital, I got an alert of #10,000 from this friend, and he said, For being a true friend always, take this... I was speechless and, at the same time, happy 😊
#gift #freecompliments #friendship
You're really shining! Keep on rocking, although some hurdles are hitting your life!
Smiles 😊
Thank you
Welcome to the daily sports #threadcast! Here we will discuss, follow and share all the news from the sporting world.
We want to make #inleo the premier destination for the #sports community by establishing #sportsonleo as the hub for sports updates
Edition #6
July 2
#newsonleo #sports #sportsonleo #futebol
#newsoleo #sports #sportsonleo #futebol
Hoje o Brasil joga às 22:00 contra a Colômbia. Será o último confronto do seu grupo para poder se classificar para as quartas de final da Copa América.
#newsonleo #sports #sportsonleo #futebol
#newsonleo #sports #sportsonleo #nba
I know you would like it 😜😜😜
Are these your dogs?
They are.
Haha... Very cool.
🏀 WNBA All-Star alert! Rookies making waves: Caitlin Clark (IND) and Angel Reese (CHI) set to debut in the 2024 showcase. Clark leads fan votes, while Reese breaks double-double records. The future is bright for women's basketball!
#WNBAAllStar2024 #sports #newsonleo
WNBA scores big with Clark vs Taurasi showdown! 🏀🔥
Fever-Mercury game on 6/30 drew 1.9M viewers avg, peaking at 2.7M.
2nd highest-rated ESPN WNBA game ever, only behind Clark's debut (2.3M).
Rookie sensation vs legendary GOAT proving to be ratings gold for women's hoops!
#WNBAonESPN #sports #newsonleo
In the last two games have scored a total of 11 runs in the tenth inning. They have won two in a row after losing the weekend series to the Astros. Good to see them bouncing back despite Diaz still on suspension, a thin bullpen and Bader leaving the game with an injury and Martinez out of the lineup with a sore ankle. The team continues to play their asses off and after an 18-8 June they are already 2-0 in July.
#sports #newsonleo
#newsonleo #copaamerica #usa #referee
I saw this, he was outraged by the arbitration. At the end of the match, he even went to the referee and told him to celebrate with the Uruguay players. LOL
Well the Americans have a few years to be pissed off about it.
At least there is something to complain about.
LOL well if you cant win, complain about it.
Oh! Definitely 😁
I notice the USA lost.
We suck.
It was against Uruguay, so you are forgiven.
I hope Brazil wins today as it is also a difficult game against Colombia.
Nah. We choked on the big stage...again.
The game before was awful. That is where the US blew it.
Are those in Brazil excited about it?
You're right, they were supposed to beat Panama. Even this defeat against Uruguay wouldn't affect you. Well, Brazilians don't think that the United States is a rival like Argentina hahaha...
The Americans isnt even into the sport.
In a few years I have no doubt that the USA will perform better in football.
Need at least 100 in the #sports threadcast today.
Today we will have more than 100. Brazil's match will be the last before the knockout stage.
The Hivebr people should be talking about it. Sadly they are not too active these days.
I noticed, if I'm not mistaken, I think I told you that July is vacation here so I think some people are traveling and enjoying the cold period in some regions of the country.
They can still thread away. LOL
#sports #football
Many are criticizing the way Ronaldo was emotionally. Mainly some celebrities wanting to compare him with Messi.
What many don't care about or don't want to realize is that this competition is practically his last Euro, so he has to make the most of any moment and the loss of the penalty made him reflect on that.
I believe he doesn't want Portugal to be eliminated precisely because of his mistake
It seems like he made up for it. Or am I mistaken?
You're right, Portugal qualified and will play in the quarterfinals, but he missed the penalty.
Who is favored of the teams still left?
Don't take my opinions seriously if you intend to bet. LOL
But I would say that Germany, Portugal and France are favorites for the title.
Of course I could mention others, but I would say that these three have a good chance of winning the title.
I want to see when they will migrate to other platforms like YouTube or Max for example.
Well they arent exactly looking at giving the broadcast rights away. LOL
Yes, it's true, because these things demand a very high price.
Live #sports is going to win for a long time. It cannot be replicated by AI.
True and for now, a form of entertainment involving machines is robot battles hehehe...
#newsonleo #sports #sportsonleo #futebol
Utah State has informed the football team that head coach Blake Anderson is on administrative leave and is unlikely to return, sources told ESPN's Pete Thamel on Tuesday.
Defensive coordinator Nate Dreiling has been named interim coach, sources told ESPN.
#newsonleo #utahstate #football #sports
#sports #nba #cavs #contract
#newsonleo #oklahomastate #dui #sports
#newsonleo #ncaa #marchmadness #basketball
#newsonleo #sports #sportsonleo #futebol #mercado
#newsonleo #sports #sportsonleo #futebol
#newsonleo #sports #sportsonleo #euro24 #futebol
#newsonleo #sports #sportsonleo #olympics
The Miami Marlins have designated two-time All-Star shortstop Tim Anderson for assignment, the Miami Herald reported Tuesday.
Anderson, 31, signed a one-year, $5 million deal with Miami in February, hoping for a bounce-back season that did not materialize.
Through 65 games, Anderson is batting .214 with no homers and 9 RBIs. He has struck out 68 times and drawn only 7 walks.
#newsonleo #sports #marlins #timanderson
Task, in your opinion, which sport has the most complex rules among Baseball, Basketball, Football or Hockey?
I believe that despite not following everyone, you should have an idea of each sport out there.
NFL Football most likely although I dont know the rules of hockey.
I already imagined it, because until today I didn't understand 100% of these rules hahaha...
If for you Americans they are a bit complex, imagine for us here that we don't have much culture in this sport.
The rules are and they keep changing. So hard to follow at times.
I think all sports have this, even because with the advancement of technology, this in a way contributes to new rules being changed to improve the performance of matches.
#newsonleo #sports #sportsonleo #nba
We are making sure everyone sees this news. LOL
Sometimes you are very funny, Task. LOL
If you have any questions, just convert reais to US dollars hahaha..
#newsonleo #djokovic #wimbledon #tennis
#newsonleo #sports #sportsonleo #nba
#newsonleo #sports #sportsonleo #olympics
#newsonleo #sports #sportsonleo #olympics
#newsonleo #sports #sportsonleo #nba
Após a queda de Antônio Oliveira, mais um técnico do futebol brasileiro é demitido. Essa cultura particular do Brasil mostra que não vai terminar tão cedo isso.
As pessoas precisam entender que demitindo um técnico não é a solução do problema que muito das vezes pode ser identificado pelos jogadores e pela má gestão do futebol.
#newsonleo #sports #sportsonleo #futebol
#newsonleo #sports #sportsonleo #olympics
#newsonleo #sports #sportsonleo #futebol
#newsonleo #sports #sportsonleo #futebol #euro24
#newsonleo #sports #sportsonleo #futebol
#newsonleo #sports #f1
Começa a partida do Brasil!
vamos Brasil!
Terminou Brasil 1 X 1 Colômbia.
Price $HBD #hive #threads #cent #freecompliments
Man when build so many haters on Hive come out.
It is actually funny
Yeah. Some have a specific worldview and nothing can alter that.
Yeah it is crazy. They spend all this time in the space and then want to do everything then can to keep it niche
Yep. Just build in spite of it. Do not look for help, just take the bull by the horns and go.
I keep pointing to Elon...even step of the way the Presidential administration is trying to sabotage him.
Yet he just keeps plugging along. Success is the best form of revenge.
Success is the best revenge is the best thing I have heard all day.
I read it on a bumper sticker...or on the stall in the men's room. I cant remember which.
Oh wait, it was a bumper sticker. I got a good time off the bathroom stall.
I must say, he didnt look like a Rosie. Oh well.
100 percent.
I am just going to keep building.
and providing a community for gamers
Yep. We simply need people to put their head down and just plow forward. If enough people do that, the tide will turn in a big way.
Nature abhors a vacuum as they say. It also doesnt stand still. Stagnation is always the pathway to decline.
Build and ignore.
Yeah I was trying to explain how in the future game developers can mint items in game and store on chain.
How our goal is to turn a database of nothing into a database of something with "digital ownership"
they said "what you are doing is the same as every one else and it is not a database of nothing"
Also they said " you can't have digital ownership if your game servers are not open source"
The NFTs arent tied to a game.
The future of multi-chain NFTs is here. You can now Bridge your WAX NFT to Base Blockchain (Ethereum L2). Endless possibilities!

interesting! Thanks for sharing. Didn't know this was coming out
good evening friends have some tea, #life #hive #leo #tea #tuesday
Tesla Q2 deliveries beat expectations!
Though deliveries were down 4.8% year over year, the 443,956 were ahead of analyst estimates for 436,00.
Stock is up on the news #tsla #stocks
LOL typical Wall Street. Focus upon deliveries of cars.
How many books did Amazon sell this quarter? Is that of concern to anyone.
The vehicle deliveries arent even the story.
9.4 is the story.
Indeed true sir! I'll take the ripple effect from it as my call options needed the pump.
A good play obviously. The stock is on a run.
Movie: Inception
Great watch 😌

I can't remember if I saw that.
Wrote a review yesterday, might help you determine if you did, here's a link:
It was. I will have to watch it again now that you remind me. It has been a while.
I guess it does appeal to a wider audience, wrote a review(link in parent thread reply) yesterday on the movie featuring how some people found the concept challenging when to me it felt very real and original.
It was a great one. You are right it was a bit of a challenge to follow along.
Here's a review for those interested in learning more: https://inleo.io/@badbitch/inception-or-review-exceptional-and-flawless
Today is tuesday Isnt there INLEO AMA today?
should be …
Dont think so ain't seeing nothing
That is what we were led to believe but so far, no word. It is after 12 eastern time.
Ohh too bad and feedback what happened? Was anticipating for it
No idea. There hasnt been a word about it.
Ohhhh ok let's hope chain chatter hold tomorrow as well though
Yeah. That is also in the cards. We will see what the story is. No like them to have no word.
A word from Him and Team will clarify our doubt.
We need more information.
let's make Threads to get their attention
Exactly the point
Try to think what you wanna fill LeoAi with? Is it that @taskmaster4450le = superman? Or is it some other fact you think is more relevant?
All information entered helps. It is simply a game of more data means better outputs.
But can't ai be manipulated if its only a data game?
#newsonleo #cent
124 million, that's the value of the entire Hive blockchain and its 2nd tier tokens and communities... Think about that!
we need to grow much bigger, onboarding new people and monetise hive front end throu ads are one of the keys i think.
Good Morning Sir.
as a beginner and broke, i am only focusing on number 6 right now Alfa :)
Long-expected Hamster Kombat airdrop is coming 🔥
#cent #ton
Tomorrow will be a date of Test for this project..
Hopefully, it will be successful like Notcoin!
Here is the threadcast below 👇
#cent #inleo
A wonderful day for the whole hive. #freecompliments #liotes #hive #cent
INLEO AMA | Architecting the Future of Web3
#ama #web3
In general I use butter, but also olive oil frequently. so your map fits quite well. :P
Go for Olive Oil. Healthy and you can afford it.
I definitely prefer oil although I live in Belgium!
I have scrolled for 1 minute on the #photographers hashtag and I was done... no new photos. I know you can do better than that.
True that!
People are really falling behind :D
What's your goal for this month?
Personally I want to earn a buzzy bee badge, and I want to consistently post every single day.
I got my inspiration from @fokusnow #askonleo
With a good content plan and dedication, am sure you will achieve this goal
#aiart #aiimages #aiartonleo
It does help to make me feel better
Good message
Speed increases from center to right and center to left
Do you make custom thumbnails for your posts?
#polls #askonleo
No, although I think it's better to build your brand to do so. Just such a hassle to create them in canva on mobile..
apart from brand value, if attracts eyes more on your content at first glance. !pimp
You must be killin' it out here!
1.000 PIMP@mango-juice just slapped you with , @stekene.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.
Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District
make sure to keep learning and gaining knowledge
#quotes #inspiration #liotes #gmfrens
Make Knowledge the Sun that lights up our entire life
#quotes #inspiration #liotes #gmfrens
#feedback Adding a "Like" button that doesn't add to the upvote count/value is amazing!!
A reaction slider :D I want to laugh at memes
#photographers community has reached 44 members already.
We invite all #photography lovers to be a part of our partner community ✌️
We are still a small community but mighty and on growing #photographers
M👁’s Nature M👁ments
Water Skater & Friends
1 shot 4 bugs
#waterskater #bugs #insects #nature #photographers #photography #amazingnature #mnm
Rate this Photo:
All the WEEDS WEEDS WEEDS! #homesteading #gardening #farming #diy #darts #weather #nature #gmfrens #ecotrain #life https://peakd.com/hive-114308/@flemingfarm/rain-cooler-euros-ifs-so-much-weeding-weather-trailer-aim-monday
Hoy entrenamos bajo la lluvia, nada nos detiene fueron 6.5k #hiverun #spanish
sabroso correr bajo la lluvia
#gmfrens This is a #threadcast for the #freecompliments #mentalhealthinitiative for July 2nd, 2024. Please post links to distressed users/Threads and ideas here, and check in during the day to see whether something has been added. All members answering the roll call below will get curated.
Mental Health Ambassador Team: @alessandrawhite @bitcoinman @caleb-marvel @ckole @crazyphantombr @fantagira7 @fashtioluwa @FoneStreet @forkyishere @goingcrossroads @gregscloud @ibbtammy @jongolson @juva @laurapalmerr @lorennys @luchyl @manclar @pepetoken @solymi @thebighigg @wongi Answer this daily roll call to get curation! Check the comment above for our public flowsheet and pinned post, to which you can add suggestions/links.
How is everyone today today
It’s 5:05 pm and it rained so heavily today
Occasional rain is great! It's been drier on my end the past couple of weeks, which is welcome after 2 months of very frequent rains!
Hey everyone!DOOK
Happy Tuesday, bitcoinman!
Hello my friends!
Hive a nice day!
The same to you, Wilian, happy Tuesday!
Henlo frens! Habbi July, gettin' hot out there some places, stay cool and hab fun! :D
Hey yooo good day to all
Same to you, my man!
Right here!
Glad to have you, always!
Use this pinned post to post links in case the InLeo Ul isn't working well for you: @freecompliments/a-bimonthly-post-for-our-mental-health-ambassadors-to-post-links-to-distressed-users-6162024-cmu Google Docs action flowsheet: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1bLjnR0W3Rp2LQ0aNkZkP3EY5NqtVIgtkh0GTCjmU4kM/mobilebasic
Whatever is being done... is NOT working! New users need to feel that the platform will succeed for them to succeed. Forced positivity doesn't do that. #feedback
You're not using that chart right lmao
It shows what it shows
Also, keep showing arrogance with new users and continue to shoot yourself in the foot
This is web3, you're an "Owner" not a "User"
Learn more 👇
Full Read: https://inleo.io/@badbitch/the-concept-of-being-owners-and-not-users-is-still-foreign-in-web3-and-thats-a-problem-cmd