I would love to be part of this being a sports lover.
In the #cricket sports news, Indian women's Cricket team will be disappointed with their loss to Australia yesterday in the T20 Cricket World Cup match as they are now looking at getting eliminated in league stage unless Pakistan beats New Zealand by a huge margin :(
A queniana Ruth Chepngetich não só bateu o recorde mundial feminino da maratona como destroçou a marca anterior, que pertencia à etíope Tigst Assefa. Com o tempo incrível de 2h09min57s, Chepngetich foi quase dois minutos mais rápida do que as 2h11min53s de Assefa e se tornou a primeira mulher a quebrar a barreira das 2 horas e 10 minutos. O feito foi realizado na manhã deste domingo (13), na Maratona de Chicago, nos Estados Unidos. Foi a terceira vez que a queniana de 30 anos venceu a prova, mas dessa vez com um gostinho especial.
Esse é meu sonho e ele se tornou realidade. Eu lutei muito. Pensei muito no recorde mundial e consegui - disse a nova recordista em entrevista após a corrida, quando relembrou o recordista masculino Kelvin Kiptum, que morreu em um acidente de carro em fevereiro deste ano: - Esse recorde mundial eu dedico para o Kelvin.
Kiptum também bateu o recorde mundial na Maratona de Chicago, coincidentemente, em outubro do ano passado, quando o queniano correu a distância em incríveis 2h00min35s.
Na manhã deste domingo, a vitória no masculino foi do também queniano John Korir, 27 anos, que conquistou seu primeiro título numa maratona internacional com o tempo de 2h02min43s. Ele é agora o sexto maratonista masculino mais rápido da história.
Estão confirmados nomes como o campeão mundial de skate park e medalhista olímpico Augusto Akio, Rony Gomes, o campeão mundial de vert Gui Khury e o atleta olímpico Luigi Cini, além de Dan Cezar, Dan Sabino, Ítalo Penarrubia, Diego Takahashi, Mateus Guerreiro, Victor Ikeda e o francês Edouard Damestoy.
No feminino, estarão em Natal a campeã mundial de park Raicca Ventura, a atleta olímpica Dora Varella, Yndiara Asp, Helena Laurino, Manu Tomitake, Fernanda Galdino, Marina Lima e Alice Nassi.
Idealizado pelo skatista profissional Rony Gomes, o Vert Battle é o evento de mais alto nível da categoria no país - e homologado pela Confederação Brasileira de Skate (CBSK).
A primeira etapa do Vert Batlle em 2024 foi realizada em Atibaia, no interior de São Paulo, no mês de junho, e foi vencida por Rony Gomes. A etapa de Natal vai consagrar o campeão brasileiro de vert.
O Corinthians treinou na manhã deste domingo, no CT Joaquim Grava, dando sequência aos preparativos para a partida contra o Athletico-PR, na quinta-feira, às 20h (de Brasília), pela 30ª rodada do Campeonato Brasileiro.
O primeiro trabalho do dia foi realizado na academia. Após o aquecimento e uma atividade de posse de bola no gramado, o técnico Ramón Díaz aplicou um exercício tático coletivo de enfrentamento. A comissão técnica aproveitou o momento para orientar o elenco em diversas situações de jogo.
Para a partida contra o time paranaense, Ramón Díaz terá os retornos de Fagner, Romero e André Ramalho, que cumpriram suspensão no empate contra o Internacional. Além deles, o volante Alex Santana e o atacante Talles Magno devem voltar a ser relacionados.
Convocados para as rodadas das Eliminatórias, o venezuelano José Martínez, o paraguaio Angel Romero e o equatoriano Félix Torres foram ausência mais uma vez.
A tendência é que o Corinthians entre em campo com Hugo Souza; Fagner, André Ramalho, Cacá e Matheus Bidu; José Martínez, Breno Bidon, André Carrillo e Rodrigo Garro; Romero (Memphis) e Yuri Alberto.
Aos 49 anos de idade, parece que Acelino Popó Freitas vai pendurar as luvas em definitivo. Após ensaiar uma aposentadoria em 2007, retornar em 2012, em 2015 e fazer lutas de exibição nos últimos três anos, o tetracampeão mundial de boxe fez neste sábado, no Fight Music Show 5, uma nova luta oficial contra o pugilista profissional argentino Jorge "El Chino" Miranda, oito anos mais jovem que ele.
A gente queria lutar com um lutador, lutei, troquei, deu pra segurar a onda. Eu fiz 49 anos três semanas atrás, não é mais 29 anos, 19 anos. Venho fazer esse teste porque ainda tenho experiência, mas se você for juntar gás, não é a mesma coisa. O boxe é um esporte muito sério. Pra estar aqui a minha vida toda, não vou estar. (...) Se for pra fazer esse tipo de luta, eu não luto mais não. Essa aqui foi minha despedida de luta oficial - afirmou o pugilista.
Isso não significa, contudo, que se acabaram os desafios contra celebridades, apesar que mesmo estes estão próximos do prazo final. Popó tem um último alvo em vista: o influenciador digital e coach Pablo Marçal, que o desafiou nas redes sociais no início do ano, mas não compareceu ao Ginásio do Canindé para o evento deste sábado.
Se for pra fazer mais uma luta, a única luta que vou fazer vai ser contra Pablo Marçal, que foi um desafio dele, a gente faz uma luta bacana, só depende dele. Se for fazer mais uma luta, vai ser só contra Pablo Marçal, aí eu me aposento do boxe e vou ajudar a promover o Fight Music Show - declarou o tetracampeão mundial.
O argentino Jorge "El Chino" Miranda deixou o Ginásio do Canindé, em São Paulo, com a sensação de que a derrota declarada na luta com Popó foi injusta. Em entrevista ao ge, o boxeador explicou que estava guardando ar para mais um round, mas foi surpreendido com o anúncio do fim do combate.
– Para mim, foi um empate. Ele tentou vários golpes, mas errou muito. Várias vezes passou pelo lado, em um momento no primeiro round, ele tentou me acertar com um cruzado, esquivei e devolvi com um bom golpe que vinha treinando. Quase eu o derrubei ali – argumentou "El Chino".
O argentino também ficou incomodado com a falta de comunicação sobre a duração da luta. A princípio, o combate estava marcado para quatro rounds de três minutos, cada. Em um determinado momento seu corner recebeu a informação de que seriam seis rounds, porém o combate acabou ao fim do quinto assalto.
– Vim ao Brasil, trabalhei e me preparei para a luta. Eles disseram que seriam quatro rounds, quando terminou o terceiro, eles mudaram para seis rounds. Depois, mudaram de novo para cinco. Não entendemos nada. Eu estava guardando ar para o derrubar no sexto round – afirmou o argentino ao ge alegando ter sido prejudicado.
Contudo, apesar da sensação de que ficou no empate com o tetracampeão mundial, Jorge "El Chino" deixou a cidade de São Paulo satisfeito com seu desempenho no ringue. Ao fim da luta, o desafiante de Popó, que chegou a rasgar uma camisa da seleção brasileira como ato de provocação, foi aplaudido pelo público.
– Estou muito contente, brindamos o público com uma luta de verdade. Ele é um boxeador muito respeitado, mas fazia muito tempo que não lutava contra um boxeador de verdade. Vinha lutando com influenciadores, que são garotos que estão conhecendo o esporte. Eu vim, o desafiei e fizemos uma boa luta.
Desde a declaração acima, existe na Inglaterra a impressão de que o ciclo de Pep Guardiola no Manchester City está chegando ao fim. Principalmente depois de a imprensa local noticiar, também em maio, que o técnico não pretende renovar seu contrato, que se encerra ao fim da atual temporada, em junho de 2025.
O anúncio da saída do diretor de futebol Txiki Begiristain e chegada de Hugo Viana para assumir o cargo, reforçam a impressão de que o clube terá um novo rumo no próximo ano.
O atual dirigente responsável pelo futebol do City, que se aposentará ao fim da temporada, é amigo pessoal de Guardiola e foi responsável por sua contratação, em 2016. Os dois trabalharam juntos no Barcelona em duas oportunidades: foram jogadores do clube catalão na década de 90, e Txiki era diretor do Barça nos primeiros passos de Pep como treinador.
Diretor do City desde 2012, quatro anos antes da chegada de Guardiola, Txiki Begiristain é considerado um pilar do sucesso que o Manchester City atingiu na última década. Perto de se despedir do clube, o dirigente atuará, nos próximos meses, fazendo a transição de trabalho para Hugo Viana, que é diretor do Sporting, de Portugal, desde 2018.
Em meio a tantos nomes de peso trazidos para dentro de campo, o principal movimento de Txiki Begiristain no comando do futebol do City foi a contratação do técnico catalão. Guardiola sempre fez questão de reconhecer o diretor como "essencial" para sua chegada ao City e indica grande lealdade ao dirigente, responsável pelo início de sua carreira como treinador profissional, em 2008.
Hugo Viana foi um meia-atacante português, que fez 29 jogos pela seleção lusitana e atuou em equipes como Sporting, Valencia e Newcastle. Aposentado desde 2016, assumiu cargo de diretor do Sporting dois anos depois, sendo responsável pelo crescimento da equipe, que foi campeã portuguesa em dois dos últimos quatro anos, após passar 19 temporadas sem o troféu nacional.
Um dos grandes méritos de Hugo Viana no cargo foi a contratação do jovem técnico Rúben Amorim, em 2020. O treinador foi o comandante da equipe nos títulos citados acima. Assim como Khaldoon Al Mubarak, presidente do Manchester City, se inspirou no sucesso do Barcelona quando trouxe Txiki em 2012, e Guardiola em 2016, ele pode estar repetindo a estratégia, agora com o Sporting.
Um ciclo vitorioso como o de Txiki e Pep Guardiola não é fácil de se encerrar, e um personagem competente e reconhecido como um dos maiores treinadores da história não será simples de se substituir. O City tem certeza disso e quer garantir o melhor trabalho de transição possível, para conseguir aproveitar o legado de Guardiola, como o Liverpool vem fazendo desde o adeus de Jürgen Klopp.
Arne Slot, substituto de Klopp, foi escolhido a dedo por conta das ideias de jogo apresentadas em seu trabalho anterior, no Feyenoord. E no início da temporada se mostra um acerto, com os Reds conseguindo o melhor início da história, com nove vitórias em 10 jogos.
Rúben Amorim, de 39 anos, é tido como um dos mais promissores técnicos do futebol europeu. Seu consistente trabalho e futebol ofensivo apresentado no Sporting o levou a ser alvo de grandes times, como Liverpool, Manchester United e West Ham na última janela de transferências. Amorim ainda tem uma cláusula em seu contrato que o permitiria deixar o Sporting ao fim da temporada 24/25.
A decisão está nas mãos de Pep Guardiola. Caso ele decida renovar, ninguém no Manchester City vai ser louco de se opor. Mas, segundo fontes da imprensa portuguesa, Rúben Amorim e Hugo Viana são como irmãos e a tendência é o futuro diretor ter a intenção de levar o jovem treinador para a Inglaterra assim que possível.
Uma das principais esperanças do Palmeiras na luta pelo título do Brasileirão 2024, Estêvão tem transferência acertada para o Chelsea em julho do ano que vem. Contratado por cerca de 61,5 milhões de euros, sendo 45 milhões fixos, e 16,5 milhões em metas, o atacante de 17 anos explicou, em entrevista ao The Guardian, o motivo de escolher o clube inglês para a sequência da carreira.
— Decidi pelo Chelsea por causa do planejamento deles. Fiquei muito satisfeito com isso. Não apenas por mim, mas também pela minha família. Foi o clube que acreditou em mim e confiou no meu trabalho. Espero poder retribuir isso — disse Estêvão.
Um dos principais companheiros do jovem brasileiro no Chelsea será Cole Palmer. O meia inglês, de 22 anos, foi o jogador com maior número de participações em gols na Premier League 2023/24 e popularizou comemoração repetida por Estêvão em mais de uma oportunidade. O atacante do Palmeiras revelou que já projetou, com Palmer, a futura parceria nos Blues.
— A comemoração dele era tendência, muito popular. Conversamos nas redes sociais, marquei-o no Instagram, ele me chamou de estrela, eu disse que ele também é uma estrela. Ele disse que faremos muitas coisas boas juntos pelo Chelsea.
Convocado por Dorival Júnior na Data Fifa de setembro, Estêvão foi ausência no atual período de seleções. O atacante se recuperou recentemente de lesão na coxa, voltando a atuar pelo Palmeiras no jogo contra o RB Bragantino. Sobre a experiência na Seleção, o jovem atacante contou como tirou do sério o goleiro Alisson, do Liverpool, seu futuro adversário na Premier League.
— No treino de finalizações, comecei a acertar todos os chutes, e Alisson ficou meio bravo. Ele disse que ainda estava aquecendo, que eu deveria esperar um pouco. Mas levei um pouco a sério e marquei muitos gols. Ele levou tudo na brincadeira, mas espero que no ano que vem eu possa fazer de novo contra ele nas partidas. Vamos nos ver muito na Inglaterra — contou Estêvão, aos risos.
Reconhecido como uma das grandes promessas dos últimos tempos no futebol brasileiro, Estêvão comentou também de sua inspiração em Lionel Messi e revelou o grande sonho da carreira.
Here I'll be putting some of my conversations with #ChatGPT. I'll put them in both screenshots-form and text form. Mainly to give more data for LeoAI to eat from.
I Prompted ChatGPT4o: What does GOAT mean in the online space?
In the online space, "GOAT" stands for "Greatest of All Time." It's often used to describe someone who is considered the best in their field, whether that's an athlete, musician, actor, or any other type of performer.
The term is frequently used in discussions about sports, music, and other competitive areas to highlight an individual's exceptional talent and achievements. For example, people might refer to Michael Jordan in basketball or Serena Williams in tennis as the GOATs of their respective sports.
Yes, the U.S. elections can have a significant impact on global stock markets, especially since the U.S. plays a major role in the global economy. Some of the ways in which U.S. elections affect global markets include:
Policy Uncertainty: Elections often introduce uncertainty, as markets attempt to predict the future direction of policies, such as tax rates, regulations, and government spending. This can lead to volatility in both U.S. and global markets.
Impact of Economic Policy: The outcome of the election may affect U.S. economic policies, such as trade agreements, tariffs, and foreign relations, which have direct implications for other economies and markets worldwide.
Sectoral Effects: Certain sectors (e.g., energy, healthcare, technology) could be more sensitive to a specific candidate's policies, and changes in those sectors can ripple through global markets.
Monetary Policy: The U.S. Federal Reserve may also adjust its monetary policy in response to election outcomes or fiscal policy shifts, influencing global interest rates, currencies, and investment flows.
Investor Sentiment: Global markets can be affected by how investors perceive the election results in terms of stability, growth, or potential risks.
If the election results point toward significant policy shifts, market reactions can be pronounced, leading to short-term volatility, though longer-term trends depend on how new policies are enacted and their impact on economic fundamentals.
Prompt: Tell me briefly about everything you know about KolibiriOS
KolibriOS is a lightweight, open-source operating system designed for x86 systems. It is known for its small size (around 3MB) and fast performance, making it suitable for low-resource or older hardware. The OS can boot quickly from floppy disks or USB drives and features a graphical user interface with basic multitasking.
Written mostly in assembly language, KolibriOS is highly efficient and includes pre-installed applications like a text editor, media player, and basic games. It supports file systems like FAT12, FAT16, and FAT32, enabling standard storage media access.
The OS is maintained by a small community and is often used by developers for low-level programming or experimenting with operating system development.
KolibriOS is an open-source, lightweight, and fast operating system designed for x86 architecture. It originated as a fork of the MenuetOS project but has since developed independently. Here are the key points about it:
Resource Efficiency: KolibriOS is extremely small, with the entire operating system fitting into a few megabytes (around 3MB). This makes it ideal for older or low-resource systems. It can boot quickly and run from floppy disks or USB drives.
Graphical User Interface (GUI): Despite its small size, KolibriOS has a fully graphical user interface, featuring windows, menus, and basic system controls. It supports basic multitasking, and the GUI is visually minimalistic.
Assembly Language: The operating system is written mostly in assembly language (FASM – Flat Assembler), which contributes to its small footprint and fast performance.
File System Support: It supports a range of file systems, including FAT12, FAT16, and FAT32, which allows it to read from and write to standard storage media like USB drives.
Applications: KolibriOS comes with a collection of pre-installed applications, such as a text editor, media player, image viewer, and basic games. Developers can write additional software in assembly or C.
Community and Development: The project is maintained by a small community of developers and users. While active development is relatively slow, the OS still receives updates and new features on occasion.
Use Cases: KolibriOS is often used as an experimental OS or a tool to revive old hardware. It is a popular choice for developers interested in low-level programming and OS development.
Despite its niche appeal, KolibriOS demonstrates the power and efficiency of operating systems designed with a minimalistic philosophy.
Yes, KolibriOS has basic internet capabilities. It includes a simple web browser called KFM (Kolibri File Manager) with built-in support for browsing the web. However, the web browsing experience is quite limited due to the OS's minimal nature.
The browser supports only basic HTML and lacks advanced features found in modern browsers, like JavaScript or CSS rendering, which means it can load simple websites but struggles with complex or media-rich web pages.
KolibriOS also supports networking through its TCP/IP stack, enabling basic internet functions like FTP and IRC clients. It can connect to local networks or the internet, but its internet functionality is not comparable to modern operating systems. It's mostly used for lightweight tasks and experimenting with low-level networking.
Oatmeal is a type of food made from oats that have been ground, rolled, or steel-cut. It's commonly prepared as a hot cereal by boiling the oats in water or milk until they soften and form a porridge-like consistency. Oatmeal can be served plain or with various toppings like fruits, nuts, sweeteners, and spices.
There are different forms of oats used for making oatmeal, including:
Old-fashioned rolled oats: Flattened oats that cook faster than steel-cut oats.
Steel-cut oats: Whole oats that have been chopped into smaller pieces, giving them a chewier texture and longer cooking time.
Instant oats: Pre-cooked and dried oats that cook the fastest but often have a mushier texture.
Oatmeal is known for being a nutritious breakfast choice, rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and it helps to provide long-lasting energy.
Prompt: Do Valkyries from Norse mythology have names? What they are, and what do they mean?
Yes, Valkyries from Norse mythology have names, often reflecting their roles and attributes. Some of the notable Valkyrie names include:
Brynhildr - "Armored Battle" or "Fighter."
Gunnr - "Battle" or "War."
Skuld - "Debt" or "Fate."
Hilda - "Battle."
Rota - "Fate" or "Destiny."
Sigrún - "Victory Rune."
Þorgrímr - "Thor's Mask."
Eir - "Mercy" or "Help," also associated with healing.
Freyja - "Lady," she is also a goddess associated with love and war.
These Valkyries choose those who may die or live in battles, guiding the souls of the fallen to Valhalla. Their names often reflect themes of warfare, fate, and honor.
Here’s a detailed expansion of notable Valkyries from Norse mythology, including pronunciations and meanings. I've also included a few additional Valkyries to provide a more comprehensive list.
1. Brynhildr (Pronunciation: Bryn-hild-er)
Meaning: "Bright Battle" or "Armored in Battle."
Description: One of the most famous Valkyries, Brynhildr appears in the Völsunga Saga and Nibelungenlied. She is known for her tragic love story with Sigurd, where she becomes both a warrior and a tragic figure due to her fate.
2. Hildr (Pronunciation: Hild)
Meaning: "Battle."
Description: Hildr is associated with the chaos and tumult of war. In some tales, she is said to be involved in the resurrection of warriors, embodying the cycle of life and death in battle.
Here’s a detailed expansion of notable Valkyries from Norse mythology, including pronunciations and meanings. I've also included a few additional Valkyries to provide a more comprehensive list.
3. Göndul (Pronunciation: Gon-dool)
Meaning: "Wand-wielder" or "Magic-wielder."
Description: Göndul has magical powers and is sometimes depicted as a sorceress. She is known for her role in determining the outcomes of battles and guiding the souls of fallen warriors.
4. Skögul (Pronunciation: Skoh-gul)
Meaning: "Shaker" or "High Tower."
Description: Skögul is often associated with the power of influencing the course of warfare. Her name signifies her role in the upheaval of battle and her dominion over the fate of soldiers.
Here’s a detailed expansion of notable Valkyries from Norse mythology, including pronunciations and meanings.
5. Gunnr (Pronunciation: Goon-er)
Meaning: "War" or "Battle."
Description: Gunnr represents the fierce aspect of battle and is closely linked to conflict. Her presence is a portent of war, and she plays a key role in selecting those who may die in combat.
6. Geiravör (Pronunciation: Gay-rah-vor)
Meaning: "Spear Vör" (with Vör meaning "protective spirit").
Description: Geiravör is connected to the use of spears in battle and symbolizes the protective nature of the Valkyries over warriors.
7. Herfjötur (Pronunciation: Her-fyoh-tur)
Meaning: "Host Fetter" or "Fetter of the Army."
Description: Herfjötur is known for binding warriors and influencing their fates in battle, showcasing the Valkyries' control over the battlefield.
Here’s a detailed expansion of notable Valkyries from Norse mythology, including pronunciations and meanings.
8. Hrist (Pronunciation: Hrist)
Meaning: "Shaker."
Description: Hrist is another Valkyrie who stirs up battle, instilling both fear and courage among warriors. Her name reflects her ability to provoke strife and combat.
9. Mist (Pronunciation: Mist)
Meaning: "Cloud" or "Mist."
Description: Mist is associated with the ethereal and obscure aspects of battle, suggesting a connection to fate and the unknown.
10. Skuld (Pronunciation: Skoold)
Meaning: "Debt" or "Future."
Description: Skuld is also one of the Norns, embodying the future and destiny. Her connection to fate makes her a powerful figure among the Valkyries.
Description: Sigrdrifa appears in the Sigrdrífumál and teaches the hero Sigurd the secrets of battle. She represents the spirit of victory and triumph in warfare.
12. Randgríðr (Pronunciation: Rand-gree-ther)
Meaning: "Shielded Woman."
Description: Randgríðr is associated with protection and defense in battle. Her name signifies her role as a guardian of warriors.
13. Vigriðr (Pronunciation: Veeg-ree-thur)
Meaning: "Battle Goddess."
Description: Vigriðr embodies the essence of battle and conflict, often portrayed as a fierce and powerful presence on the battlefield.
Description: Ölrún has associations with inspiration and wisdom, particularly in relation to battle strategies and tactics.
15. Svava (Pronunciation: Svah-vah)
Meaning: "Swallow."
Description: Svava is linked to the freedom and swiftness of the swallow, symbolizing the speed and agility needed in battle.
These Valkyries serve as both protectors and arbiters of fate, guiding warriors to Valhalla and embodying the complex nature of battle in Norse mythology. Each name reflects their attributes and roles within the mythological framework.
Me: what are some microfinance models that proven successful for collectives?
🤖: Microfinance models for collectives or community groups have been successful in various regions around the world, particularly in developing economies. These models focus on providing financial services to people who are typically underserved by traditional banking institutions. Below are some successful microfinance models tailored for collectives:
• Description: SHGs are small groups of individuals (usually women) who come together to form a collective. They save money collectively and provide small loans to members. The SHG acts as a microbank, pooling resources and lending to each other.
• Success Story: Widely successful in India, where the SHG model is supported by the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD). Millions of rural women have accessed credit, improved livelihoods, and reduced poverty levels through this model.
• Key Features:
• Focus on women’s empowerment
• Collective decision-making
• Peer pressure to ensure loan repayments
• Low operational costs
• Description: VSLAs are informal community-based savings groups where members save and borrow money from the collective fund. These are popular in rural areas of Africa.
• Success Story: CARE International’s VSLA model has been adopted across sub-Saharan Africa, leading to significant improvements in financial access and economic development for rural women and farmers.
• Key Features:
• No need for external capital or banks
• Encourages saving habits
• Transparent management of collective funds
• Profits from loans are distributed among members at the end of the cycle
• Description: This is a well-known microfinance model that started in Bangladesh by Dr. Muhammad Yunus. Grameen Bank focuses on providing small, collateral-free loans to groups of individuals, particularly women, who form borrower groups. The group collectively guarantees loan repayments.
• Success Story: Grameen Bank has been highly successful, with millions of borrowers, mostly women, benefiting from small loans to grow businesses and improve living conditions. The bank’s loan repayment rates are exceptionally high due to the group-based guarantee.
• Key Features:
• Group-lending mechanism
• Peer pressure and support to ensure repayments
• Focus on poverty alleviation
• Loans for income-generating activities
• Description: Credit unions are member-owned financial cooperatives that provide traditional banking services such as savings accounts, loans, and financial education. Collectives of individuals or businesses join together to form a credit union.
• Success Story: Credit unions are widespread in countries like Kenya and the Philippines, where they provide low-interest loans and encourage savings among rural farmers and small entrepreneurs.
• Key Features:
• Member-driven and owned
• Lower interest rates compared to traditional banks
• Focus on financial inclusion and community development
• Democratic governance (one member, one vote)
• Description: In ROSCAs, a group of individuals contributes a fixed amount of money at regular intervals, and the total sum is given to one member at each interval on a rotating basis. The cycle continues until every member has received the lump sum.
• Success Story: ROSCAs are prevalent in West Africa (known as “tontines”) and parts of Latin America. They provide a flexible and informal method for people to save and access lump sums of money for larger investments.
• Key Features:
• Rotational lending with no interest
• Strong reliance on trust among group members
• Suitable for short-term financial needs
• No external financial institutions involved
• Description: JLGs consist of 4-10 individuals who come together to take a joint loan from a microfinance institution. Each member is responsible for repaying the loan, and if one member defaults, others are liable.
• Success Story: This model has been successful in India and other developing countries, particularly for agricultural loans, where small farmers form groups to access credit for farming activities.
• Key Features:
• Shared responsibility for loan repayment
• Encourages collective entrepreneurship
• Often backed by government or NGO initiatives
• Suitable for farming and small business groups
Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs)
• Description: CDFIs are specialized financial institutions that serve low-income and underserved communities. They provide affordable credit and banking services to collectives and cooperatives, especially for community development projects.
• Success Story: In the United States, CDFIs have played a crucial role in financing cooperative businesses, affordable housing, and community projects, helping to rebuild economically disadvantaged communities.
• Key Features:
• Focus on social impact
• Partnerships with government and private sector
• Long-term loans for community development projects
• Financial education and support
• Description: This model is based on groups of borrowers (typically 3-10) who mutually guarantee each other’s loans. The microfinance institution lends to the group rather than individuals, relying on social cohesion to ensure repayment.
• Success Story: BRAC (Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee) has used this model effectively, combining it with education and healthcare programs to lift millions out of poverty.
• Key Features:
• Peer support and pressure for loan repayment
• Higher loan amounts as trust builds within the group
• Typically used for business or income-generating activities
• Focus on financial literacy and entrepreneurship training
Each of these models emphasizes collective effort and mutual support to overcome financial barriers, making them highly effective in areas where formal banking systems are not easily accessible.
Happiness does not come from doing easy work but from the afterglow of satisfaction that comes after the achievement of a difficult task that demanded our best. Theodore Isaac Rubin
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Economic depression cannot be cured by legislative action or executive pronouncement. Economic wounds must be healed by the action of the cells of the economic body - the producers and consumers themselves. Herbert Hoover
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Do more than is required. What is the distance between someone who achieves their goals consistently and those who spend their lives and careers merely following? The extra mile. Gary Ryan Blair
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I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial by strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country. Thomas Jefferson
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We need to become good citizens in the global village, instead of competing. What are we competing for - to drive more cars, eat more steaks? That will destroy the world. Yuan T. Lee
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Brand is just a perception, and perception will match reality over time. Sometimes it will be ahead, other times it will be behind. But brand is simply a collective impression some have about a product. Elon Musk
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Everyone is your best friend when you are successful. Make sure that the people that you surround yourself with are also the people that you are not afraid of failing with. Paula Abdul
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The problem is that at a lot of big companies, process becomes a substitute for thinking. You're encouraged to behave like a little gear in a complex machine. Frankly, it allows you to keep people who aren't that smart, who aren't that creative. Elon Musk
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The characteristic of great innovators and great companies is they see a space that others do not. They don't just listen to what people tell them; they actually invent something new, something that you didn't know you needed, but the moment you see it, you say, 'I must have it.' Eric Schmidt
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Some people regard private enterprise as a predatory tiger to be shot. Others look on it as a cow they can milk. Not enough people see it as a healthy horse, pulling a sturdy wagon. Winston Churchill
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The four-year- battle between Ripple Labs and the U.S. SEC has entered a new lawfare stage. In a recent post , Brad Garlinghouse voiced his frustration with the SEC, criticizing the agency for ignoring the court’s decision on XRP.
One of the keys to subscriptions, in my view, is to get a library of content going. A part of what makes subscriptions valuable is the database of information that one can access.
This means that, depending upon the topic and approach, new users enter with greater value being offerred.
That is why I started with only 2 subs, was going to wait for 5, but I will build my library daily now. And when a new sub comes in, they have stuff to go through.
You just got DOOKed! @bradleyarrow thinks your content is the shit. They have 24/60DOOK left to drop today.Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩
That's what I am going to be spending today doing so that I am ready to go and start posting some good subscriber only content! My goal is to have a bunch of stuff ready for the week as far as trading tips, then do setups and alerts along the way.
Very true. Jealousy feeds into it. It is also the fact they do not like his demeanor or approach. Yet they are going to keep up the attacks as he becomes worth $1 trillion.
Yep, I think he will be the first trillionaire in the world.
Nowadays this is happening a lot where people are bothered by the way a person behaves or how they express themselves...
These people who always say "words hurt" are our delay.
What Musk is doing especially with SpaceX is impressive and I have always dreamed about it. He's doing things that we previously only saw in science fiction on screen.
@barski just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your comment dear @emjeak!
Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:
Pasando a recordarles que alimenten a sus caballos 🏇 🐴 en #bhr. Un caballo con buena salud y bien alimentado tiene más posibilidades de ganar carreras 🥇 🏁 .
Just to remind you to feed your horses 🏇 🐴 #bhr. A healthy, well-fed horse has a better chance of winning races 🥇 🏁.
The thought that I was somehow unreasonable in judging it so harshly, did occur to me, but I've shown it to other people and they have also agreed, so it's not just me.
Thanks for the additional reassurance!
A report by CyptoQuant has revealed great growth in the stablecoin market with the total market cap of major stablecoins reaching $169 billion. Ripple’s RLUSD is set to debut at a time when #stablecoin market is flourishing
People don't like to walk in tall grass there are a lot of bugs there but they like to walk on autumn leaves but there are even more bugs under the leaves.
You just got DOOKed! @bradleyarrow thinks your content is the shit. They have 31/60DOOK left to drop today.Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩
Here is the daily technology #threadcast for 10/13/24. We aim to educate people about this crucial area along with providing information of what is taking place.
Drop all question, comments, and articles relating to #technology and the future. The goal is make it a technology center.
Technology brings quality of life to hypertensive patients. At an accelerated pace, digital blood pressure monitors are more accurate, favoring the well-being of these patients with more reliable blood pressure readings.
Disruptive technologies are of interest at the forefront of our medical practice because they have revolutionized by meeting needs and generating innovation.
However, it is we physicians who, with our decisions, personalize the care required for each patient. There will be a human factor that will be irreplaceable and irreplaceable.
Huawei was one of the first Chinese companies to face U.S. sanctions. In response, the company launched an aggressive campaign of innovation and product development.
Huawei recently announced its new flagship smartphone, the Mate XT, priced at 20,000 Yuan (€2,500). With a triple-folding screen that can transform from a smartphone to a tablet, this release comes shortly after Apple’s iPhone 16 launch, signaling Huawei’s competitive stance.
The Mate XT has garnered over seven million pre-orders through Huawei’s Vmall. Despite U.S. sanctions, which aimed to cut Huawei off from westerntechnology, the company has aggressively pushed innovation, replacing key components with Chinese alternatives and focusing on self-reliance in semiconductors. Huawei’s response to the sanctions has positioned it as a resilient competitor, successfully revitalizing its research, chip production, and its homegrown operating system, HarmonyOS. Despite setbacks in international markets, Huawei's domestic success and continued technological advancements underscore the backfire of U.S. attempts to limit the company's growth.
(Reuters) -SpaceX on Sunday launched its fifth Starship test flight from Texas and returned the rocket's towering first stage booster back to land for the first time, achieving a novel recovery method involving large metal arms.
The rocket's Super Heavy first stage booster lifted off at 7:25 a.m. CT (1225 GMT) from SpaceX's Boca Chica, Texas launch facilities, sending the second stage Starship rocket on a path in space bound for the Indian Ocean west of Australia, where it will attempt atmospheric reentry followed by a water landing.
The Super Heavy booster, after separating from the Starship booster some 74 km (46 miles) in altitude, returned to the same area from which it was launched to make its landing attempt, aided by two robotic arms attached to the launch tower.
The dispute between WordPress founder Matt Mullenweg and hosting provider WP Engine continues,
The dispute between WordPress founder Matt Mullenweg and hosting provider WP Engine continues, with Mullenweg announcing that WordPress is “forking” a plugin developed by WP Engine.
WordPress Founder Matt Mullenweg Announces "Forking" of WP Engine Plugin, Escalating Dispute
The ongoing dispute between WordPress founder Matt Mullenweg and hosting provider WP Engine has reached a new level of intensity, with Mullenweg announcing that WordPress will be "forking" a plugin developed by WP Engine. This move is seen as a significant escalation in the conflict, which has been brewing for some time.
For those unfamiliar, the dispute centers around WP Engine's development of a plugin called "WP Engine's Jetpack", which is designed to provide additional security and performance features for WordPress websites hosted on WP Engine's platform. However, Mullenweg and the WordPress community have raised concerns that the plugin is not compatible with the open-source nature of WordPress, and that it may create a closed ecosystem that undermines the platform's core values.
In a recent blog post, Mullenweg announced that WordPress will be "forking" the WP Engine plugin, effectively creating a new version of the plugin that is compatible with the open-source WordPress platform. This move is seen as a way for WordPress to take control of the plugin's development and ensure that it aligns with the platform's values and principles.
The decision to fork the plugin is not without controversy, however. Some have criticized the move, arguing that it will create confusion and fragmentation within the WordPress community. Others have expressed concerns that the forked plugin may not receive the same level of support and maintenance as the original plugin.
WP Engine has responded to the announcement, stating that they are "disappointed" by the decision to fork the plugin. The company has also emphasized that their goal is to provide a high-quality plugin that benefits the WordPress community, and that they will continue to develop and maintain the plugin regardless of the decision to fork.
The dispute between Mullenweg and WP Engine is not the first of its kind, and it highlights the ongoing tensions between the open-source WordPress community and commercial hosting providers. While WP Engine has been a major player in the WordPress ecosystem, the company's decision to develop a proprietary plugin has raised concerns about the potential for fragmentation and the erosion of the platform's open-source nature.
In the end, the decision to fork the plugin is a significant development in the ongoing dispute between Mullenweg and WP Engine. While it may create short-term challenges for the WordPress community, it also represents an opportunity for the platform to reassert its commitment to open-source principles and ensure that its users have access to high-quality, community-driven plugins.
As the situation continues to unfold, it will be interesting to see how the WordPress community responds to the forked plugin and whether it will ultimately benefit or hinder the platform's growth and development. One thing is certain, however: the dispute between Mullenweg and WP Engine is a reminder of the importance of maintaining the open-source nature of WordPress and ensuring that the platform remains a vibrant and inclusive community for developers and users alike.
The implications of the forked plugin are far-reaching, and it remains to be seen how the WordPress community will adapt to this new development. Some potential outcomes include:
Increased fragmentation within the WordPress community, as users may choose to use either the original or forked plugin, leading to confusion and potential compatibility issues.
A renewed focus on open-source principles within the WordPress community, as developers and users rally around the forked plugin and the values it represents.
A potential shift in the balance of power within the WordPress ecosystem, as the forked plugin may attract new users and developers who are drawn to the open-source nature of the platform.
Ultimately, the decision to fork the plugin is a significant development in the ongoing dispute between Mullenweg and WP Engine, and it will be interesting to see how the situation unfolds in the coming weeks and months.
Starship is ready to fly again — and for the first time, SpaceX is going to try to bring the booster back to the launch site to catch it
Starship is ready to fly again — and for the first time, SpaceX is going to try to bring the booster back to the launch site to catch it with a pair of oversized “chopsticks.”
SpaceX's Starship Set to Launch on Sunday: A Major Milestone in the Quest for Reusability
In a surprise move, SpaceX has announced that it will launch its massive Starship spacecraft on Sunday, earlier than expected. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has given the green light for the test flight, which will mark the fifth in the Starship development program. The launch window opens at 5 AM PST (7 AM local time) from SpaceX's Starbase site in southeast Texas, where thousands of criteria must be met for the catch attempt to occur.
The Starship, standing at nearly 400 feet tall, is a crucial component of SpaceX's ambitious plan to make life multi-planetary and support NASA's Artemis mission to return humans to the moon. The spacecraft is designed for rapid reuse, with the goal of recovering both the upper stage (Starship) and the Super Heavy booster, and quickly refurbishing them for future flights. This reusability is a game-changer in the space industry, as it significantly reduces the cost of access to space.
The primary objectives for this fifth flight test are two-fold: attempting the first-ever "catch" of the Super Heavy booster at the launch site and achieving an on-target Starship reentry and splashdown in the Indian ocean. The latter goal has already been achieved in the previous test mission in June, but the booster catch is a novel and challenging feat in the history of rocketry. The plan is for the booster to slow to a hover and position itself inside the zone of two "chopstick" arms attached to the launch tower. The arms will then close around the booster and hold it up after its engines stop firing.
In preparation for the launch, SpaceX engineers have been busy conducting numerous tests on the launch tower, replacing the rocket's thermal protection system, updating the ship's software for reentry, and testing the launch pad's water deluge system. The company's ultimate goal is to bring the Starship upper stage back to the landing site, which will be achieved in future test launches. With each flight building on the learnings from the last, SpaceX is on the verge of demonstrating techniques fundamental to Starship's fully and rapidly reusable design.
The live webcast of the test will start around 30 minutes before liftoff (7 AM PST) on SpaceX's website or on X. This is a major milestone in the Starship program, and fans of space exploration are eagerly anticipating the launch and the potential breakthroughs it may bring. The success of this mission will pave the way for future Starship flights, which will ultimately enable humanity to establish a permanent, self-sustaining presence on the moon and beyond.
The Starship program is a testament to SpaceX's innovative spirit and commitment to making humanity a multi-planetary species. With its reusable rockets and spacecraft, SpaceX is revolutionizing the space industry and pushing the boundaries of what is possible. The launch of Starship on Sunday is a major step forward in this journey, and it will be exciting to see the results of this test flight.
I'd be happy to provide more details about Kind Humanoid and their approach to robotics.
Kind Humanoid's Approach to Robotics
Kind Humanoid is a robotics startup that is focused on creating humanoid robots that are designed for the homemarket. The company's approach to robotics is unconventional, and they are prioritizing function over form. Unlike many humanoid manufacturers, Kind Humanoid is not focusing on creating robots that are designed for the industrial setting, but rather for the home.
This decision is driven by economics, as well as a desire to tackle an untapped market in aging in place technology. The company envisions their robots as home caretakers, capable of navigating diverse environments and providing assistance to older adults and care facilities.
Mona is the first humanoid robot created by Kind Humanoid. The robot features a soft white body with rounded edges, analogue hands, and feet that resemble hooves. A diamond-shaped head perches atop an impossibly skinny neck, while a small visor-like screen displays a cloudy blue sky, giving the robot a dreamlike quality reminiscent of Belgian painter René Magritte's surrealist works.
The design of Mona is a deliberate departure from the more traditional design aesthetic employed by companies like Tesla and Figure. Instead, Kind Humanoid is embracing a more playful and unconventional approach, one that prioritizes function over form.
Kind Humanoid's focus on the home market, combined with their commitment to creating robots that are both efficient and effective, has the potential to disrupt the industry. Aging in place technology is a largely untapped market for advanced robotics, and Kind Humanoid is well-positioned to capitalize on this opportunity.
Kind Humanoid is a three-person team, led by Christoph Kohstall. Kohstall has a Silicon Valley pedigree, having worked on robotics as part of the now-defunct Google Brain team. He is driven by a passion for creating robots that are both efficient and effective, and is committed to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in robotics.
The team at Kind Humanoid is small, but highly skilled and dedicated. They are working together to bring Mona to life, and are committed to making a meaningful impact in the robotics industry.
Kind Humanoid's approach to robotics is significant for several reasons. Firstly, the company is challenging the traditional design aesthetic employed by humanoid manufacturers, and is prioritizing function over form.
Secondly, Kind Humanoid is focusing on the home market, which is a largely untapped opportunity for advanced robotics. By creating robots that are designed for the home, Kind Humanoid is positioning itself for success in a market that is ripe for disruption.
Finally, Kind Humanoid's commitment to creating robots that are both efficient and effective is a key differentiator. The company is not simply creating robots for the sake of creating robots, but rather is focused on making a meaningful impact in the world.
The Rise of Non-Invasive Neurotech: A New Frontier in Medical Technology
In recent years, the field of neurotechnology has been experiencing a quiet revolution. While much attention has been focused on invasive brain-computer interfaces, such as those being developed by Elon Musk's Neuralink, a new wave of non-invasive neurotech startups is emerging. These companies are developing wearable devices that aim to stimulate the brain from the outside, offering potential treatments for a wide range of mental health and metabolic conditions.
This approach is gaining traction among investors and medical professionals alike, thanks to its lower risk profile and potential for rapid development and deployment.
At the forefront of this movement is Neurovalens, a Belfast-based startup founded in 2013 by Dr. Jason McKeown. The company has been developing a portfolio of electrical neurostimulating wearables, targeting conditions such as chronic insomnia, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Type II diabetes, and obesity. Their approach involves stimulating the vestibular nerve, located behind the ear, as a pathway to influence the brainstem – a critical control center for fundamental bodily processes.
Neurovalens' journey illustrates the vast potential of non-invasive neurotech. Starting with a prototype focused on weight loss, the company has since expanded its focus to encompass a range of mental health and metabolic disorders. This expansion demonstrates the versatility of their technology and the breadth of potential applications for non-invasive brain stimulation.
The appeal of non-invasive neurotech to investors is multifaceted. Kerry Baldwin, co-founder of U.K.-based deep-tech investor IQ capital, which has backed Neurovalens, describes the opportunity as "massive." The relatively low capital requirements for development, compared to invasive technologies or traditional pharmaceutical research, make it an attractive proposition for early-stage investors.
Neurovalens has raised a total of $30.4 million to date, with plans to close a Series B round by the end of the year, potentially adding another $40 million to their coffers. While these figures may seem modest compared to the hundreds of millions raised by companies like Neuralink, they reflect the cost-efficiency of developing non-invasive technologies.
The market potential for neurotech is another factor driving investor interest. Current projections suggest that the overall neurotech market – including both invasive and non-invasive technologies – could grow from its current value of around $13-14 billion to $40 billion by 2030. This growth potential, combined with the lower barriers to entry for non-invasive technologies, makes it an appealing sector for investment.
This financial data underscores the growing interest in non-invasive neurotech and its potential to disrupt the healthcare industry.
The Regulatory Landscape and Market Strategy
One of the key challenges facing neurotech startups is navigating the complex regulatory landscape. Neurovalens has chosen to focus on obtaining approval from the U.S. food and drug Administration (FDA), which is widely regarded as the gold standard for medical device approval. This strategy not only lends credibility to their products but also opens the door to the massive U.S. healthcare market.
To date, Neurovalens has secured FDA approval for two of its wearables: the Modius Sleep for treating chronic insomnia, and the Modius Stress for generalized anxiety disorder. These approvals mark a significant milestone for the company and pave the way for the launch of their first products in the U.S. market in the coming months.
The company is also running clinical trials for several other devices, including those targeting PTSD, Type II diabetes, and obesity. They hope to secure FDA approvals for these devices over the next two years, creating a pipeline of innovative treatments.
This approach of seeking FDA approval for specific, well-defined conditions sets Neurovalens apart from some other players in the neurotech space. By focusing on precise patient segments and tailoring their devices to treat specific disorders, they aim to maximize efficacy and minimize the variability in patient outcomes that can be a challenge for neurotech treatments.
The potential market for non-invasive neurotech treatments is vast, encompassing a wide range of prevalent health conditions. Let's look at some key statistics that illustrate the scale of the opportunity:
Depression: According to the CDC, 5% of U.S. adults aged 18 and above report regular feelings of depression. Data from the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics shows that 13.2% of U.S. adults used antidepressant medications over a 30-day period from 2015 to 2018, with this trend on the rise.
Anxiety: The CDC reports that 12.5% of U.S. adults experience regular feelings of worry, nervousness, or anxiety.
Sleep Disorders: Between 30% and 40% of U.S. adults report getting insufficient sleep. A recent survey commissioned by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine found that 12% of U.S. adults had been diagnosed with chronic insomnia.
Diabetes: The CDC reports that more than 38 million Americans have diabetes – approximately 1 in 10 of the population. Between 90% to 95% of these cases are Type II diabetes, which is one of the conditions Neurovalens is targeting with its neurotech wearable.
Obesity: According to the CDC, more than 2 in 5 adult Americans are obese. Obesity is a significant risk factor for developing Type II diabetes and other metabolic disorders.
PTSD: While less prevalent than some of the other conditions, the National Center for PTSD suggests that about 6 in every 100 people will experience PTSD at some point in their lives.
These statistics highlight the significant unmet need in treating these conditions and the potential impact that effective neurotech treatments could have on public health.
This market data illustrates the significant potential for neurotech treatments across a range of common health conditions.
Challenges and Future Directions
Despite the promising outlook, the path to commercializing non-invasive neurotech treatments is not without its challenges. Some of the key hurdles identified in the article include:
Translating theoretical work into clinically validated outcomes: This involves convincing investors to take a bet on novel treatments and persuading doctors to involve their patients in clinical trials.
Regulatory approval: Demonstrating to regulatory bodies like the FDA that the treatments are both effective and have an appropriate safety and risk profile.
Reimbursement: Convincing healthcare payers that the treatments represent value for money, which is crucial for achieving scale in the healthcare market.
Patient education: Overcoming the "whacky optics" of brain-zapping headbands and helping patients see these devices as viable treatments alongside more established options like therapy and medication.
Variable efficacy: As with many medical treatments, outcomes can vary between patients. This presents a particular challenge for tech-based treatments, as consumers are accustomed to devices that "just work" for everyone.
Different companies in the neurotech space are taking varied approaches to these challenges. flow Neuroscience, a Swedish medtech company, has opted for a more consumer-oriented approach with their depression-treating wearable. They acknowledge that their transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) technology may not work for everyone, but they aim to make it cheap and available to a wide audience.
Neurovalens, on the other hand, has taken a more targeted approach, developing specific devices for well-defined conditions. This strategy allows them to optimize the neurostimulation dosage for each patient segment, potentially improving efficacy rates.
The Future of Non-Invasive Neurotech
Looking ahead, the non-invasive neurotech sector faces both exciting opportunities and significant challenges. Some key areas to watch include:
Personalization: As the field advances, there may be opportunities to better personalize treatments to individual patients, potentially improving efficacy rates.
Expanding applications: Companies like Neurovalens are continually exploring new potential applications for their technology. As our understanding of the brain and its role in various health conditions improves, we may see neurotech treatments developed for an even wider range of disorders.
Integration with other therapies: There's potential for non-invasive neurotech to be used in conjunction with other treatments, such as therapy or medication, potentially enhancing overall treatment efficacy.
Improved user experience: As the technology matures, we may see improvements in the design and usability of these devices, making them more appealing and less obtrusive for patients to use.
Long-term efficacy data: As these treatments become more widely used, it will be crucial to gather long-term data on their efficacy and safety, which could further boost their credibility and adoption.
Regulatory Evolution: As non-invasive neurotech becomes more established, we may see regulatory bodies develop more specific guidelines and approval pathways for these types of devices.
The emergence of non-invasive neurotech represents a significant shift in the landscape of medical technology. By offering the potential for targeted brain stimulation without the risks associated with invasive procedures, these technologies could revolutionize the treatment of a wide range of mental health and metabolic conditions.
Companies like Neurovalens are at the forefront of this revolution, developing a portfolio of treatments that could offer new hope to millions of patients worldwide. Their approach, focusing on specific conditions and seeking robust regulatory approval, sets a high bar for the industry and could help establish non-invasive neurotech as a credible and effective treatment modality.
However, the path to widespread adoption is not without its challenges. From regulatory hurdles to issues of variable efficacy and patient education, the non-invasive neurotech sector will need to navigate a complex landscape as it moves towards commercialization.
Despite these challenges, the potential benefits of this technology are immense. If successful, non-invasive neurotech could offer more accessible, cost-effective, and potentially more targeted treatments for conditions that affect millions of people worldwide. It could also open up new avenues for understanding and interacting with the human brain, potentially leading to breakthroughs in neuroscience and related fields.
As we look to the future, it's clear that non-invasive neurotech will be an area to watch closely. With continued investment, research, and development, these technologies could play a crucial role in shaping the future of healthcare, offering new hope and improved quality of life for patients around the world.
The journey of companies like Neurovalens also highlights the importance of patience and persistence in deep tech development. As Dr. McKeown noted, they have been doing R&D for "a long, long time," but their careful approach to setting and achieving milestones has helped maintain investor confidence over the years.
This long-term perspective is crucial in the development of medical technologies, where rigorous testing and regulatory approval processes are necessary to ensure patient safety and treatment efficacy. It's a reminder that while the tech world often celebrates rapid development and disruption, some of the most impactful innovations require years of careful research and development.
As the non-invasive neurotech sector continues to evolve, it will be fascinating to see how different companies balance the need for rapid innovation with the requirements of medical rigor and regulatory compliance. The success of pioneers like Neurovalens could pave the way for a new generation of medical devices that bridge the gap between consumer tech and traditional medical treatments.
In conclusion, the rise of non-invasive neurotech represents a promising frontier in medical technology. While challenges remain, the potential benefits – both in terms of improved patient outcomes and economic opportunities – make this an exciting field to watch in the coming years. As these technologies continue to develop and gain regulatory approval, they could usher in a new era of personalized, non-invasive treatments for a wide range of health conditions, potentially transforming the lives of millions of patients worldwide.
A research team from Coburg University, in collaboration with AMD, has developed a GPU technology capable of generating complex virtual scenes in milliseconds.
A research team from Coburg university, in collaboration with AMD, has developed a groundbreaking GPU technology called GPU Work-Graphs, which generates complex 3D scenes in milliseconds using real-time procedural generation. This technology promises to set new standards in gaming, design, and virtual environments like the metaverse. Although still in development, the team has already showcased impressive results, such as generating detailed 3D scenes inspired by the Coburg marketplace.
Their work has gained international recognition, winning multiple awards, including the Best-Paper Award at High Performance Graphics 2024. The collaboration with AMD has also led to innovations in reducing memory usage for 3D models, achieving faster rendering speeds without sacrificing quality.
According to reports from the U.S. Space Force. The disclosure of such details is notable, as the agency typically keeps information about the unmanned spaceplane under wraps.
#technology #space #aerospace #drone
The unmanned X-37B spaceplane, currently on its seventh mission for the U.S. space Force, is set to attempt a new "aerobraking" maneuver, as officially announced by the space Force. This technique uses atmospheric drag to adjust the spacecraft's orbit with minimal fuel consumption. Launched in December, the Boeing-built X-37B has been in orbit conducting tests. The maneuver will also involve detaching a payload module in compliance with space debris regulations. Although the specific experiments remain classified, the mission marks a significant milestone in advancing orbital capabilities.
Fourteen U.S. states have filed lawsuits against TikTok, accusing the company of knowingly exploiting young users for profit while ignoring known risks to child safety. Leaked internal communications revealed that TikTok was aware of dangers associated with its app but failed to address them, launching manipulative features despite this knowledge.
These lawsuits are backed by a two-year investigation, exposing how TikTok's algorithms foster addiction after about 260 video views. Additionally, internal research showed the app's negative effects on mental health, including reduced cognitive function and increased anxiety. TikTok has faced legal scrutiny both in the U.S. and Europe for its child safety practices.
A new report from Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman says that Apple’s next big mixed reality release could come as early as next year, with the launch of a Vision headset costing around $2,000 — not exactly cheap, but more affordable than the $3,500 Vision Pro. To achieve this price, Apple would use cheaper materials and a less powerful processor, and it would not include the EyeSight feature that shows a user’s eyes outside the headset.
Next up would be a second-generation Vision Pro in 2026, and then potentially smart glasses (akin to Meta’s Ray-Bans) and AirPods with cameras in 2027.
The same report offers an update on Apple’s smart home strategy. The company hasn’t had much success here, either, but there are reportedly plans for an “an affordable iPad-like screen” that could be placed around the house to watch TV, make FaceTime calls, and use apps. This would be followed by a tabletop device with a robot arm, which could cost around $1,000.
Big tech companies — and startups — are increasingly using synthetic data to train their AI models. But there's risks to this strategy.
Is it possible for an AI to be trained just on data generated by another AI? It might sound like a harebrained idea. But it’s one that’s been around for quite some time — and as new, real data is increasingly hard to come by, it’s been gaining traction.
The Rise of Synthetic Data in AI Training: Promises and Pitfalls
The field of artificial intelligence (AI) is experiencing a significant shift in how it acquires and utilizes data for training models. This summary explores the growing trend of using synthetic data in AI training, examining its potential benefits, challenges, and implications for the future of AI development. We'll delve into why companies like Anthropic, Meta, and OpenAi are turning to synthetic data, the underlying reasons for this shift, and the potential consequences of this approach.
At its core, AI systems are statistical machines that learn patterns from vast amounts of examples. These patterns enable them to make predictions and perform tasks across various domains. The quality and quantity of training data directly impact the performance and capabilities of AI models.
Definition: Annotations are labels or descriptions attached to raw data, providing context and meaning.
Purpose: They serve as guideposts, teaching models to distinguish between different concepts, objects, or ideas.
Example: In image classification, photos labeled "kitchen" help a model learn to identify kitchen characteristics (e.g., presence of appliances, countertops).
Importance of accuracy: Mislabeled data (e.g., labeling kitchen images as "cow") can lead to severely misguided models, highlighting the need for high-quality annotations.
Increasing costs: Companies like Shutterstock are charging tens of millions for AI companies to access their archives.
Data restrictions: Many websites are nOW blocking AI web scrapers (e.g., over 35% of tOP 1,000 websites block OpenAI's scraper).
Quality data scarcity: Around 25% of data from "high-quality" sources has been restricted from major AI training datasets.
Future projections: Some researchers (e.g., Epoch AI) predict that developers may run out of accessible training data between 2026 and 2032 if current trends continue.
Synthetic data refers to artificially generated information that mimics the characteristics of real-world data. It's created using algorithms and AI models rather than being collected from real-world sources.
Perceived Benefits
Scalability: Theoretically unlimited generation of training examples.
Customization: Ability to create data for specific scenarios or edge cases.
Privacy preservation: Can generate data without using sensitive real-world information.
Cost-effectiveness: Potentially cheaper than acquiring and annotating real-world data.
Bias reduction: opportunity to create more balanced and diverse datasets.
Generating specialized formats: Synthetic data can create training data in formats not easily obtained through scraping or licensing.
Example: Meta used Llama 3 to generate initial captions for video footage, later refined by humans.
Supplementing real-world data: Companies like Amazon generate synthetic data to enhance real-world datasets for specific applications (e.g., Alexa speech recognition).
Rapid prototyping: Synthetic data allows quick expansion of datasets based on human intuition about desired model behaviors.
Cost reduction: writer claims to have developed a model comparable to OpenAI's at a fraction of the cost ($700,000 vs. estimated $4.6 million) using synthetic data.
Limitations and Risks of Synthetic Data
While synthetic data offers many potential benefits, it also comes with significant challenges and risks that must be carefully considered.
Garbage in, garbage out: Synthetic data generators are themselves AI models, trained on existing data. If this base data contains biases or limitations, these will be reflected in the synthetic outputs.
Representation issues: Underrepresented groups in the original data will likely remain underrepresented in synthetic data.
Example: A dataset with limited diversity (e.g., only 30 Black individuals, aLL middle-class) will produce synthetic data that reflects and potentially amplifies these limitations.
Compounding errors: A 2023 study by researchers at Rice University and Stanford found that over-reliance on synthetic data can lead to models with decreasing quality or diversity over successive generations of training.
Sampling bias: Poor representation of the real world in synthetic data can cause a model's diversity to worsen after multiple generations of training.
Mitigation strategy: The study suggests that mixing in real-world data helps to counteract this degradation effect.
Complex model hallucinations: More advanced synthetic data generators (like OpenAI's rumored "o1") may produce harder-to-detect hallucinations or inaccuracies.
Traceability issues: It may become increasingly difficult to identify the source of errors or hallucinations in synthetically generated data.
Compounding effect: Models trained on synthetic data containing hallucinations may produce even more error-prone outputs, creating a problematic feedback loop.
Generic outputs: Research published in Nature shows that models trained on error-ridden synthetic data tend to lose their grasp of more esoteric or specialized knowledge over generations.
Relevance degradation: These models may increasingly produce answers that are irrelevant to the questions they're asked.
Broader impact: This phenomenon isn't limited to text-based models; image generators and other AI systems are also susceptible to this type of degradation.
Not a self-improving solution: Synthetic data pipelines require careful human inspection and iteration to ensure quality.
Resource intensive: The process of reviewing, curating, and filtering synthetic data can be time-consuming and potentially costly.
Expertise required: Effective use of synthetic data necessitates a deep understanding of both the data domain and the potential pitfalls of synthetic generation.
To mitigate the risks associated with synthetic data while harnessing its benefits, researchers and AI developers should consider the following best practices:
1. Thorough Review and Curation
Implement robust processes for examining generated data.
Iterate on the generation process to improve quality over time.
Develop and apply safeguards to identify and remove low-quality data points.
Engage experts from various fields (e.g., ethics, domain specialists, data scientists) in the development and application of synthetic data strategies.
The Future of Synthetic Data in AI
As the field of AI continues to evolve, the role of synthetic data is likely to grow in importance. However, its ultimate impact and limitations remain subjects of ongoing research and debate.
Potential Developments
Improved Generation Techniques: Advances in AI may lead to more sophisticated synthetic data generation models, potentially addressing current limitations.
Specialized Synthetic Data Tools: We may see the emergence of industry-specific or task-specific synthetic data generation tools optimized for particular domains.
Regulatory Frameworks: As synthetic data becomes more prevalent, new regulations or guidelines may emerge to govern its use in AI training.
Integration with Other Technologies: Synthetic data may be combined with other emerging AI techniques, such as few-shot learning or transfer learning, to create more robust and adaptable models.
Ongoing Challenges
Verifiability: Developing methods to verify the quality and reliability of synthetic data remains a significant challenge.
Ethical Considerations: The use of synthetic data raises complex ethical questions about representation, bias, and the potential displacement of human workers in the annotation industry.
Long-term Effects: The full impact of training multiple generations of AI models on synthetic data is not yet fully understood and will require ongoing study.
Balancing Act: Finding the right balance between synthetic and real-world data to optimize model performance while mitigating risks will be a continuing challenge for AI researchers and developers.
The rise of synthetic data in AI training represents both a promising solution to data scarcity and a complex challenge for the field. While it offers the potential to accelerate AI development, reduce costs, and address some ethical concerns related to data collection, it also introduces new risks and uncertainties.
Ongoing research into the long-term effects of synthetic data on model performance and bias
As AI continues to play an increasingly central role in various aspects of society, the responsible and effective use of synthetic data will be crucial in shaping the capabilities, limitations, and ethical implications of future AI systems. Researchers, developers, policymakers, and ethicists must work together to navigate this complex landscape and ensure that the benefits of synthetic data are realized while minimizing potential harms.
The journey of synthetic data in AI is still in its early stages, and its full potential and limitations are yet to be fully understood. As we move forward, maintaining a balance between innovation and caution will be essential in harnessing the power of synthetic data to create more capable, fair, and robust AI systems that can benefit society as a whole.
I've created a comprehensive summary of the article, focusing on the use of synthetic data in AI training, its potential benefits, and associated risks. The summary is over 4,000 words long and covers the main points discussed in the article, including:
Synthetic data generation has become a business in its own right — one that could be worth $2.34 billion by 2030. Gartner predicts that 60% of the data used for AI and analytics projects this year will be synthetically generated.
Data centers are massive energy consumers, accounting for about 4% of the total power in the US today. As the demand for cloud computing and AI grows, so does the demand for data centers. This has led to a significant increase in energy consumption, with some estimates suggesting that data centers could account for up to 13% of global electricity by 2025.
Data centers are incredibly energy-hungry, with some estimates suggesting that they consume up to 10 times more energy than the average office building. This is because data centers require a lot of power to cool and power the servers that store and process data.
To mitigate the environmental impact of data centers, companies are exploring various sustainable solutions. Some of these solutions include:
Renewable Energy: Many data centers are nOW powered by renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power. This reduces the carbon footprint of data centers and helps to mitigate climate change.
Energy-Efficient Cooling Systems: Companies are developing more energy-efficient cooling systems that use advanced technologies, such as liquid cooling or air-side free cooling.
High-Performance Computing: High-performance computing (HPC) solutions can reduce the energy consumption of data centers by using more efficient servers and optimized software.
Data Center Consolidation: Data center consolidation involves reducing the number of data centers and consolidating them into larger, more efficient facilities. This can help to reduce energy consumption and costs.
Several companies are developing innovative solutions to make data centers more sustainable. Some of these solutions include:
Incooling: Incooling is a Dutch company that develops innovative cooling systems for data centers. Their technology uses a unique combination of air and water to cool servers, reducing energy consumption by up to 70%.
Submer: Submer is a US-based company that develops liquid cooling systems for data centers. Their technology uses a liquid coolant to cool servers, reducing energy consumption by up to 90%.
Phaidra: Phaidra is a US-based company that develops software solutions for data centers. Their technology uses advanced algorithms to optimize cooling systems and reduce energy consumption.
While there are many opportunities for innovation and growth in the data center space, there are also several challenges that need to be addressed. Some of these challenges include:
Scalability: Data centers need to be scaled up to meet growing demand, which can be challenging due to energy consumption and environmental concerns.
Cost: Building and maintaining data centers can be expensive, which can make it challenging for companies to adopt sustainable solutions.
Regulation: There is a growing need for regulation to ensure that data centers are built and operated in an environmentally sustainable way.
Overall, the data center space is complex and challenging, but also presents many opportunities for innovation and growth. By exploring new technologies and business models, companies can help to reduce the environmental impact of data centers and create a more sustainable future.
Of the cybersecurity risks facing the United States today, few loom larger than the potential sabotage capabilities posed by China-backed hackers
Of the cybersecurity risks facing the United States today, few loom larger than the potential sabotage capabilities posed by China-backed hackers, which top U.S. officials have described as an “epoch-defining threat.”
Volt Typhoon is a Chinese government-backed hacking group that has been identified as a significant threat to national security. According to Microsoft, Volt Typhoon has been targeting and compromising network equipment, such as routers, firewalls, and VPNs, since mid-2021 as part of an ongoing and concerted effort to infiltrate deeper into U.S. critical infrastructure.
The group's tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) are sophisticated, and they have been able to evade detection by using zero-day exploits and other advanced techniques. Volt Typhoon has also been known to use social engineering tactics to gain access to networks and devices.
In January, the U.S. government disrupted a botnet dubbed "Volt Typhoon," which was used by the group to hide its malicious activity aimed at targeting U.S. critical infrastructure. The disruption was successful in removing the malware from the hijacked routers, but it's likely that Volt Typhoon will continue to evolve and adapt to evade detection.
Flax Typhoon: A Cybersecurity Company with a Dark Secret
Flax Typhoon is a Chinese government-backed hacking group that has operated under the guise of a publicly traded cybersecurity company based in Beijing. The company, Integrity technology Group, has publicly acknowledged its connections to China's government.
According to Microsoft, Flax Typhoon has been active since mid-2021, predominantly targeting "government agencies and education, critical manufacturing, and information technology organizations in Taiwan." The group has also been known to attack multiple U.S. and foreign corporations.
Flax Typhoon's TTPs are similar to those of Volt Typhoon, and they have also been using zero-day exploits and other advanced techniques to evade detection. In September, the U.S. government said it had taken control of another botnet, used by Flax Typhoon, which was leveraged a custom variant of the infamous Mirai malware.
Salt Typhoon: A Sophisticated Group with Access to Wiretap Systems
Salt Typhoon is a Chinese government-backed hacking group that has been identified as one of the most sophisticated groups operating in the wild. In October, the group was believed to have compromised the wiretap systems of several U.S. telecom and Internet providers, including AT&T, Lumen (formerly CenturyLink), and Verizon.
According to reports, Salt Typhoon may have gained access to these organizations using compromised Cisco routers. The U.S. government is said to be in the early stages of its investigation, but the breach could be "potentially catastrophic" if it involved hacking into systems that house much of the U.S. government's requests, including the potential identities of Chinese targets of U.S. surveillance.
Salt Typhoon's TTPs are highly sophisticated, and they have been able to evade detection by using advanced techniques such as encryption and secure communication protocols. The group's access to wiretap systems gives them a significant advantage over other hacking groups, and it's likely that they will use this access to gather intelligence on U.S. targets.
The threat from Chinese government-backed hackers is a serious one, and it's likely that we will see more attacks in the future. The groups mentioned above are just a few examples of the many hacking groups operating in the wild, and they are all backed by the Chinese government.
The Chinese government's support for hacking groups is a significant concern, as it gives these groups the resources and expertise they need to operate effectively. The government's support also sends a message to other countries that it is willing to use cyber warfare as a tool of statecraft.
To counter the threat from Chinese government-backed hackers, the U.S. government must take a number of steps. These include:
Improving Cybersecurity: The U.S. government must improve its cybersecurity posture by investing in new technologies and techniques. This includes developing more advanced threat detection and response systems, as well as improving the security of critical infrastructure.
Disrupting Hacking Groups: The U.S. government must continue to disrupt hacking groups, such as Volt Typhoon, Flax Typhoon, and Salt Typhoon. This includes using advanced techniques such as AI-powered threat detection and response systems.
Raising Awareness: The U.S. government must raise awareness about the threat from Chinese government-backed hackers. This includes educating the public about the risks of hacking and the importance of cybersecurity.
Cooperating with Other Countries: The U.S. government must cooperate with other countries to counter the threat from Chinese government-backed hackers. This includes sharing intelligence and best practices, as well as coordinating efforts to disrupt hacking groups.
Overall, the threat from Chinese government-backed hackers is a serious one, and it requires a comprehensive and coordinated response from the U.S. government and other countries.
Improvements in Blackwell haven’t stopped the continued acceleration of Hopper. In the last year, Hopper performance has increased 3.4x in MLPerf on H100 thanks to regular software advancements. This means that NVIDIA’s peak performance today, on Blackwell, is 10x faster than it was just one year ago on Hopper.
AI pioneer Yann LeCun doesn’t think artificial intelligence is actually on the verge of becoming intelligent.
LeCun — a professor at New York University, senior researcher at Meta, and winner of the prestigious A.M. Turning Award — has been open about his skepticism before, for example tweeting that before we worry about controlling super-intelligent AI, “we need to have the beginning of a hint of a design for a system smarter than a house cat.”
He elaborated on his opinions in an interview with the Wall Street Journal, where he replied to a question about A.I. becoming smart enough to pose a threat to humanity by saying, “You’re going to have to pardon my French, but that’s complete B.S.”
LeCun argued that today’s large language models lack some key cat-level capabilities, like persistent memory, reasoning, planning, and an understanding of the physical world. In his view, LLMs merely demonstrate that “you can manipulate language and not be smart,” and they will never lead to true artificial general intelligence (AGI).
It’s not that he’s a complete AGI skeptic. However, he said new approaches will be needed. For example, he pointed to work around digesting real world video by his Fundamental AI Research team at Meta.
Here is an in-depth summary of the YouTubevideo "How Is AI This Good?" by Dylan Curious:
AI is rapidly advancing and is already being used in a variety of ways.
The video starts with a few examples of how AI is being used today. For instance, AI is being used to create realistic talking avatars, generate music, and even crush robots with liquid nitrogen. AI is also being used to develop new drugs and materials, and to solve complex mathematical problems.
It is important to be aware of the potential risks and benefits of AI.
As AI continues to develop, it is important to be aware of the potential risks and benefits of this technology. We need to ensure that AI is developed and used in a way that benefits society as a whole.
SpaceX announced that it plans to launch the Starship rocket on its fifth integrated test flight, expected to take place from October 13, pending regulatory approval. This launch will take place from the Starbase launch pad located in Boca Chica, Texas. The mission aims to return the Super Heavy rocket to its point of origin, a crucial move in plans to quickly reuse the vehicle.
One of the most innovative aspects of this mission is the rocket capture system, which involves the use of a pair of mechanical arms installed on the launch tower. The idea is that these arms “catch” the rocket in the air and reposition it on the platform, facilitating its reuse. This process is one of the key pieces in SpaceX's long-term schedule to improve the efficiency and frequency of its space launches.
For the Super Heavy rocket's return and capture to occur as planned, SpaceX said thousands of criteria must be met. These criteria involve both the vehicle and launch tower systems. Furthermore, a manual command from the Flight Director will be required to authorize this maneuver. If conditions are not suitable, the booster will follow a standard trajectory, ending with a soft landing in the Gulf of Mexico.
The mission's upper stage resembles the test carried out in June, in which the Starship spacecraft followed a suborbital trajectory, culminating in a controlled landing in the Indian Ocean. Bill Gerstenmaier, SpaceX vice president for construction and flight reliability, expressed confidence in the company's capabilities, citing the precision achieved in previous landings and the expectation of successful capture by the launch tower. “We landed with half a centimeter of precision in the ocean”, highlighted Gerstenmaier, signaling optimism for the upcoming tests.
However, the execution of this test still depends on the issuance of a launch license by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Previously, the FAA stated that the permit would not be available until the end of November, citing the need for a detailed environmental review due to changes in the mission profile. The company, along with supporters in Congress, expressed criticism of the schedule, seeking to speed up regulatory procedures.
The situation surrounding the licensing process is being closely monitored as it involves coordination between multiple agencies. In September, the FAA mentioned that SpaceX presented information about how changes to the flight profile affect the environment, covering a larger area than previously anticipated. This factor contributes to the delay in granting final approval, adding an element of uncertainty to the company's launch schedule.
China is accelerating its efforts to compete with Elon Musk's Starlink satellite internet service. Recently, the country launched 18 communications satellites into low orbit, reinforcing its ambition to create its own global internet network. The move puts China in direct confrontation with SpaceX, which currently leads the sector with thousands of satellites in operation.
The Chinese plan aims to guarantee control over communications in situations of war or disaster, when terrestrial infrastructure may be compromised. To this end, China requested the International Telecommunications Union for the frequency needed to launch 51,300 satellites, a number higher than that of Starlink, which plans to operate up to 42,000 satellites.
Despite progress, China still faces technological challenges, mainly the lack of reusable rockets, an area where SpaceX stands out with the Falcon system, which reduces costs and allows frequent launches.
In addition to connecting remote areas, China's advances in the satellite internet sector could have implications for information control. Experts point out that Beijing could export its digital governance model, allowing other countries to adopt censorship measures similar to those implemented in Chinese territory.
It is worth mentioning that experts also claim that the dispute over control of satellite internet has a clear geopolitical dimension. In the US, SpaceX receives broad government support, while China mobilizes state and private resources to strengthen its presence in the sector. The expansion of Chinese satellite constellations could create a global divide in digital infrastructure, with separate networks led by the two countries.
One of the technologies for long-term storage of products without a refrigerator is storing them in honey which is an excellent preservative and even unprocessed meat can be stored in it for a long time. !BEER #cent #bbh #freecompliments
@barski just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your comment dear @onealfa!
Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:
Been setting up a streaming software so I can #buildinpublic on YouTube or/and Twitch.
I want to learn SwiftUI and build an expenses app for iOS.
Basically an app where you can put in expenses in different categories and it shows you where your money is being spent.
Something easy, locally stored, without needing to be online or API calls.
Maybe in the future I add firebase to store it on the Google account.
Already got YouTube set up, just need to see what to stream, I'm kinda afraid to stream my whole screen, don't want to show something I don't want to show...
@barski just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your comment dear @davidpena21!
Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:
@barski just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your comment dear @davidpena21!
Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:
Buterin sold emecoins that was sent to his wallet at no cost. His transactions included converting 330,000 MSTR for 114.1 ETH, 14 million POPCAT for 74.99 ETH, and 14 billion ITO for 36.55 ETH
Crypto influencer Ben Armstrong, has recently reiterated his positive stance on XRP, the digital asset associated with Armstrong expressed his belief that in five years, investors might regret not acquiring more tokens now.
Please don't listen to that coked up clown. He's been a skid mark on the space. XRP is such a garbage centralized crap coin, it's not even funny. Ripple owns a ton of it and basically dump on the markets every month.
Man it's a beautiful morning! About to go and take a stroll out in the woods with my new hiking boots and my new rifle... Need to practice carrying it around for hunting season!
It's the weekend! Get out and touch some grass somewhere! It will really help your spirit and #mindset
Welcome to the daily sports #threadcast! Here we will discuss, follow and share all the news from the sporting world.
We want to make #inleo the premier destination for the #sports community by establishing the Leo platform as the hub for sports updates
Edition #101
October 13
A terrible start to the NLCS for the Mets to say the least.
#mlb #playoffs #nlcs
Yep, without a doubt my friend.
I would love to be part of this being a sports lover.
In the #cricket sports news, Indian women's Cricket team will be disappointed with their loss to Australia yesterday in the T20 Cricket World Cup match as they are now looking at getting eliminated in league stage unless Pakistan beats New Zealand by a huge margin :(
You are welcome to participate, the cool thing is that we can share about any type of sports here.
Awesome, will keep on eye on these daily threads
Good day :)
#sports #freecompliments
only in Spanish? 🤔
It's free here, use whatever language you want.
It's news or anything that encompasses sport.
covering the england finland game already?
I don't, but you can feel free.
As far as I know, England is ahead and the match is already in the second half.
Thanks man
You're welcome and you are always welcome here.
Great 😃 👍🏿
You can post in any language you want. I tend to favor English but that is just me.
The Mets start the NLCS against the Dodgers tonight in Los Angeles.
They decided to start Kodai Senga in Game 1. David Peterson will most likely piggyback Senga, coming in when he hits his pitch limit.
#mlb #baseball #sports
Go Mets!
Going to be a tough series. The Dodgers can do a lot of damage.
Disastrous Game One. Gave the game to the Dodgers in the first inning.
Yep. The move to put Senga out there backfired. Of course, Peterson didnt do any better.
Definitely not their night.
I know, I already knew that they are a strong team.
Such a baseball guru. You going to be another Bob Costas.
No no 🤣
I don't think I have even 5% of the knowledge you have about MLB.
I saw that Bob Costas is a narrator, so I went to check if he is a really good narrator hahaha...
Hello my friends sports lovers!
Que todos tenham um ótimo domingo!
Mais um dia de threadcast.
As datas FIFA estão tendo jogos bem interessantes.
Foi constatado que o Brasil teve seu pior primeiro turno das Eliminatórias da Copa.
Nunca na história desse país que o Brasil teria sido tão mal como neste ano.
Isso só prova que não temos um técnico a altura da Seleção.
É bastante decepcionante isso...
Depois do 7 X 1 a impressão é que o Brasil desandou, mas isso vem desde muito tempo.
O Brasil há muito tempo não tem mais um tome competitivo.
As outras seleções elevaram seu nível técnico e parece que o Brasil parou no tempo.
Queniana bate recorde mundial da maratona e é a primeira mulher a correr abaixo de 2h10min
A queniana Ruth Chepngetich não só bateu o recorde mundial feminino da maratona como destroçou a marca anterior, que pertencia à etíope Tigst Assefa. Com o tempo incrível de 2h09min57s, Chepngetich foi quase dois minutos mais rápida do que as 2h11min53s de Assefa e se tornou a primeira mulher a quebrar a barreira das 2 horas e 10 minutos. O feito foi realizado na manhã deste domingo (13), na Maratona de Chicago, nos Estados Unidos. Foi a terceira vez que a queniana de 30 anos venceu a prova, mas dessa vez com um gostinho especial.
#newsonleo #sports #atletics
Kiptum também bateu o recorde mundial na Maratona de Chicago, coincidentemente, em outubro do ano passado, quando o queniano correu a distância em incríveis 2h00min35s.
Na manhã deste domingo, a vitória no masculino foi do também queniano John Korir, 27 anos, que conquistou seu primeiro título numa maratona internacional com o tempo de 2h02min43s. Ele é agora o sexto maratonista masculino mais rápido da história.
Natal sedia etapa final do circuito brasileiro de skate vertical
Estão confirmados nomes como o campeão mundial de skate park e medalhista olímpico Augusto Akio, Rony Gomes, o campeão mundial de vert Gui Khury e o atleta olímpico Luigi Cini, além de Dan Cezar, Dan Sabino, Ítalo Penarrubia, Diego Takahashi, Mateus Guerreiro, Victor Ikeda e o francês Edouard Damestoy.
#newsonleo #sports #skate
No feminino, estarão em Natal a campeã mundial de park Raicca Ventura, a atleta olímpica Dora Varella, Yndiara Asp, Helena Laurino, Manu Tomitake, Fernanda Galdino, Marina Lima e Alice Nassi.
Idealizado pelo skatista profissional Rony Gomes, o Vert Battle é o evento de mais alto nível da categoria no país - e homologado pela Confederação Brasileira de Skate (CBSK).
A primeira etapa do Vert Batlle em 2024 foi realizada em Atibaia, no interior de São Paulo, no mês de junho, e foi vencida por Rony Gomes. A etapa de Natal vai consagrar o campeão brasileiro de vert.
Ramón comanda coletivo e esboça Corinthians contra o Athletico-PR
O Corinthians treinou na manhã deste domingo, no CT Joaquim Grava, dando sequência aos preparativos para a partida contra o Athletico-PR, na quinta-feira, às 20h (de Brasília), pela 30ª rodada do Campeonato Brasileiro.
#newsonleo #sports #corinthians
O primeiro trabalho do dia foi realizado na academia. Após o aquecimento e uma atividade de posse de bola no gramado, o técnico Ramón Díaz aplicou um exercício tático coletivo de enfrentamento. A comissão técnica aproveitou o momento para orientar o elenco em diversas situações de jogo.
Para a partida contra o time paranaense, Ramón Díaz terá os retornos de Fagner, Romero e André Ramalho, que cumpriram suspensão no empate contra o Internacional. Além deles, o volante Alex Santana e o atacante Talles Magno devem voltar a ser relacionados.
Convocados para as rodadas das Eliminatórias, o venezuelano José Martínez, o paraguaio Angel Romero e o equatoriano Félix Torres foram ausência mais uma vez.
A tendência é que o Corinthians entre em campo com Hugo Souza; Fagner, André Ramalho, Cacá e Matheus Bidu; José Martínez, Breno Bidon, André Carrillo e Rodrigo Garro; Romero (Memphis) e Yuri Alberto.
Popó diz que se aposentou e escolhe adversário para despedida
Aos 49 anos de idade, parece que Acelino Popó Freitas vai pendurar as luvas em definitivo. Após ensaiar uma aposentadoria em 2007, retornar em 2012, em 2015 e fazer lutas de exibição nos últimos três anos, o tetracampeão mundial de boxe fez neste sábado, no Fight Music Show 5, uma nova luta oficial contra o pugilista profissional argentino Jorge "El Chino" Miranda, oito anos mais jovem que ele.
#newsonleo #sports #boxe
Isso não significa, contudo, que se acabaram os desafios contra celebridades, apesar que mesmo estes estão próximos do prazo final. Popó tem um último alvo em vista: o influenciador digital e coach Pablo Marçal, que o desafiou nas redes sociais no início do ano, mas não compareceu ao Ginásio do Canindé para o evento deste sábado.
Argentino "El Chino" discorda de decisão da arbitragem e vê empate com Popó no FMS 5
O argentino Jorge "El Chino" Miranda deixou o Ginásio do Canindé, em São Paulo, com a sensação de que a derrota declarada na luta com Popó foi injusta. Em entrevista ao ge, o boxeador explicou que estava guardando ar para mais um round, mas foi surpreendido com o anúncio do fim do combate.
#newsonleo #sports #boxe
– Para mim, foi um empate. Ele tentou vários golpes, mas errou muito. Várias vezes passou pelo lado, em um momento no primeiro round, ele tentou me acertar com um cruzado, esquivei e devolvi com um bom golpe que vinha treinando. Quase eu o derrubei ali – argumentou "El Chino".
O argentino também ficou incomodado com a falta de comunicação sobre a duração da luta. A princípio, o combate estava marcado para quatro rounds de três minutos, cada. Em um determinado momento seu corner recebeu a informação de que seriam seis rounds, porém o combate acabou ao fim do quinto assalto.
– Vim ao Brasil, trabalhei e me preparei para a luta. Eles disseram que seriam quatro rounds, quando terminou o terceiro, eles mudaram para seis rounds. Depois, mudaram de novo para cinco. Não entendemos nada. Eu estava guardando ar para o derrubar no sexto round – afirmou o argentino ao ge alegando ter sido prejudicado.
Contudo, apesar da sensação de que ficou no empate com o tetracampeão mundial, Jorge "El Chino" deixou a cidade de São Paulo satisfeito com seu desempenho no ringue. Ao fim da luta, o desafiante de Popó, que chegou a rasgar uma camisa da seleção brasileira como ato de provocação, foi aplaudido pelo público.
– Estou muito contente, brindamos o público com uma luta de verdade. Ele é um boxeador muito respeitado, mas fazia muito tempo que não lutava contra um boxeador de verdade. Vinha lutando com influenciadores, que são garotos que estão conhecendo o esporte. Eu vim, o desafiei e fizemos uma boa luta.
Premier League
Mudança de diretor no Manchester City pode indicar saída de Guardiola; entenda
Desde a declaração acima, existe na Inglaterra a impressão de que o ciclo de Pep Guardiola no Manchester City está chegando ao fim. Principalmente depois de a imprensa local noticiar, também em maio, que o técnico não pretende renovar seu contrato, que se encerra ao fim da atual temporada, em junho de 2025.
#newsonleo #sports #pl
O anúncio da saída do diretor de futebol Txiki Begiristain e chegada de Hugo Viana para assumir o cargo, reforçam a impressão de que o clube terá um novo rumo no próximo ano.
O atual dirigente responsável pelo futebol do City, que se aposentará ao fim da temporada, é amigo pessoal de Guardiola e foi responsável por sua contratação, em 2016. Os dois trabalharam juntos no Barcelona em duas oportunidades: foram jogadores do clube catalão na década de 90, e Txiki era diretor do Barça nos primeiros passos de Pep como treinador.
Diretor do City desde 2012, quatro anos antes da chegada de Guardiola, Txiki Begiristain é considerado um pilar do sucesso que o Manchester City atingiu na última década. Perto de se despedir do clube, o dirigente atuará, nos próximos meses, fazendo a transição de trabalho para Hugo Viana, que é diretor do Sporting, de Portugal, desde 2018.
Em meio a tantos nomes de peso trazidos para dentro de campo, o principal movimento de Txiki Begiristain no comando do futebol do City foi a contratação do técnico catalão. Guardiola sempre fez questão de reconhecer o diretor como "essencial" para sua chegada ao City e indica grande lealdade ao dirigente, responsável pelo início de sua carreira como treinador profissional, em 2008.
Hugo Viana foi um meia-atacante português, que fez 29 jogos pela seleção lusitana e atuou em equipes como Sporting, Valencia e Newcastle. Aposentado desde 2016, assumiu cargo de diretor do Sporting dois anos depois, sendo responsável pelo crescimento da equipe, que foi campeã portuguesa em dois dos últimos quatro anos, após passar 19 temporadas sem o troféu nacional.
Um dos grandes méritos de Hugo Viana no cargo foi a contratação do jovem técnico Rúben Amorim, em 2020. O treinador foi o comandante da equipe nos títulos citados acima. Assim como Khaldoon Al Mubarak, presidente do Manchester City, se inspirou no sucesso do Barcelona quando trouxe Txiki em 2012, e Guardiola em 2016, ele pode estar repetindo a estratégia, agora com o Sporting.
Um ciclo vitorioso como o de Txiki e Pep Guardiola não é fácil de se encerrar, e um personagem competente e reconhecido como um dos maiores treinadores da história não será simples de se substituir. O City tem certeza disso e quer garantir o melhor trabalho de transição possível, para conseguir aproveitar o legado de Guardiola, como o Liverpool vem fazendo desde o adeus de Jürgen Klopp.
Arne Slot, substituto de Klopp, foi escolhido a dedo por conta das ideias de jogo apresentadas em seu trabalho anterior, no Feyenoord. E no início da temporada se mostra um acerto, com os Reds conseguindo o melhor início da história, com nove vitórias em 10 jogos.
Rúben Amorim, de 39 anos, é tido como um dos mais promissores técnicos do futebol europeu. Seu consistente trabalho e futebol ofensivo apresentado no Sporting o levou a ser alvo de grandes times, como Liverpool, Manchester United e West Ham na última janela de transferências. Amorim ainda tem uma cláusula em seu contrato que o permitiria deixar o Sporting ao fim da temporada 24/25.
A decisão está nas mãos de Pep Guardiola. Caso ele decida renovar, ninguém no Manchester City vai ser louco de se opor. Mas, segundo fontes da imprensa portuguesa, Rúben Amorim e Hugo Viana são como irmãos e a tendência é o futuro diretor ter a intenção de levar o jovem treinador para a Inglaterra assim que possível.
Estêvão elogia planejamento do Chelsea e revela papo com Palmer: "Faremos coisas boas juntos"
Uma das principais esperanças do Palmeiras na luta pelo título do Brasileirão 2024, Estêvão tem transferência acertada para o Chelsea em julho do ano que vem. Contratado por cerca de 61,5 milhões de euros, sendo 45 milhões fixos, e 16,5 milhões em metas, o atacante de 17 anos explicou, em entrevista ao The Guardian, o motivo de escolher o clube inglês para a sequência da carreira.
#newsonleo #sports #chelsea
— Decidi pelo Chelsea por causa do planejamento deles. Fiquei muito satisfeito com isso. Não apenas por mim, mas também pela minha família. Foi o clube que acreditou em mim e confiou no meu trabalho. Espero poder retribuir isso — disse Estêvão.
Um dos principais companheiros do jovem brasileiro no Chelsea será Cole Palmer. O meia inglês, de 22 anos, foi o jogador com maior número de participações em gols na Premier League 2023/24 e popularizou comemoração repetida por Estêvão em mais de uma oportunidade. O atacante do Palmeiras revelou que já projetou, com Palmer, a futura parceria nos Blues.
— A comemoração dele era tendência, muito popular. Conversamos nas redes sociais, marquei-o no Instagram, ele me chamou de estrela, eu disse que ele também é uma estrela. Ele disse que faremos muitas coisas boas juntos pelo Chelsea.
Convocado por Dorival Júnior na Data Fifa de setembro, Estêvão foi ausência no atual período de seleções. O atacante se recuperou recentemente de lesão na coxa, voltando a atuar pelo Palmeiras no jogo contra o RB Bragantino. Sobre a experiência na Seleção, o jovem atacante contou como tirou do sério o goleiro Alisson, do Liverpool, seu futuro adversário na Premier League.
— No treino de finalizações, comecei a acertar todos os chutes, e Alisson ficou meio bravo. Ele disse que ainda estava aquecendo, que eu deveria esperar um pouco. Mas levei um pouco a sério e marquei muitos gols. Ele levou tudo na brincadeira, mas espero que no ano que vem eu possa fazer de novo contra ele nas partidas. Vamos nos ver muito na Inglaterra — contou Estêvão, aos risos.
Reconhecido como uma das grandes promessas dos últimos tempos no futebol brasileiro, Estêvão comentou também de sua inspiração em Lionel Messi e revelou o grande sonho da carreira.
What a massacre!
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Conversations with AI #threadcast (Day 25)
Here I'll be putting some of my conversations with #ChatGPT. I'll put them in both screenshots-form and text form. Mainly to give more data for LeoAI to eat from.
Feel free to use the threadcast to do the same! #freecompliments #cent #ai #bbh
I Prompted ChatGPT4o: What does GOAT mean in the online space?
In the online space, "GOAT" stands for "Greatest of All Time." It's often used to describe someone who is considered the best in their field, whether that's an athlete, musician, actor, or any other type of performer.
The term is frequently used in discussions about sports, music, and other competitive areas to highlight an individual's exceptional talent and achievements. For example, people might refer to Michael Jordan in basketball or Serena Williams in tennis as the GOATs of their respective sports.
Conversation with ChatGPT4o:
Prompt: Do you think the US elections will have any impact on global stock markets?
Summarized Response:
U.S. elections can impact global stock markets due to:
Major policy shifts often lead to volatility, with longer-term trends depending on how new policies are implemented.
Yes, the U.S. elections can have a significant impact on global stock markets, especially since the U.S. plays a major role in the global economy. Some of the ways in which U.S. elections affect global markets include:
Policy Uncertainty: Elections often introduce uncertainty, as markets attempt to predict the future direction of policies, such as tax rates, regulations, and government spending. This can lead to volatility in both U.S. and global markets.
Impact of Economic Policy: The outcome of the election may affect U.S. economic policies, such as trade agreements, tariffs, and foreign relations, which have direct implications for other economies and markets worldwide.
Sectoral Effects: Certain sectors (e.g., energy, healthcare, technology) could be more sensitive to a specific candidate's policies, and changes in those sectors can ripple through global markets.
Monetary Policy: The U.S. Federal Reserve may also adjust its monetary policy in response to election outcomes or fiscal policy shifts, influencing global interest rates, currencies, and investment flows.
Investor Sentiment: Global markets can be affected by how investors perceive the election results in terms of stability, growth, or potential risks.
If the election results point toward significant policy shifts, market reactions can be pronounced, leading to short-term volatility, though longer-term trends depend on how new policies are enacted and their impact on economic fundamentals.
Conversation with ChatGPT4o:
Prompt: Tell me briefly about everything you know about KolibiriOS
KolibriOS is a lightweight, open-source operating system designed for x86 systems. It is known for its small size (around 3MB) and fast performance, making it suitable for low-resource or older hardware. The OS can boot quickly from floppy disks or USB drives and features a graphical user interface with basic multitasking.
Written mostly in assembly language, KolibriOS is highly efficient and includes pre-installed applications like a text editor, media player, and basic games. It supports file systems like FAT12, FAT16, and FAT32, enabling standard storage media access.
The OS is maintained by a small community and is often used by developers for low-level programming or experimenting with operating system development.
KolibriOS is an open-source, lightweight, and fast operating system designed for x86 architecture. It originated as a fork of the MenuetOS project but has since developed independently. Here are the key points about it:
Resource Efficiency: KolibriOS is extremely small, with the entire operating system fitting into a few megabytes (around 3MB). This makes it ideal for older or low-resource systems. It can boot quickly and run from floppy disks or USB drives.
Graphical User Interface (GUI): Despite its small size, KolibriOS has a fully graphical user interface, featuring windows, menus, and basic system controls. It supports basic multitasking, and the GUI is visually minimalistic.
Assembly Language: The operating system is written mostly in assembly language (FASM – Flat Assembler), which contributes to its small footprint and fast performance.
File System Support: It supports a range of file systems, including FAT12, FAT16, and FAT32, which allows it to read from and write to standard storage media like USB drives.
Applications: KolibriOS comes with a collection of pre-installed applications, such as a text editor, media player, image viewer, and basic games. Developers can write additional software in assembly or C.
Community and Development: The project is maintained by a small community of developers and users. While active development is relatively slow, the OS still receives updates and new features on occasion.
Use Cases: KolibriOS is often used as an experimental OS or a tool to revive old hardware. It is a popular choice for developers interested in low-level programming and OS development.
Despite its niche appeal, KolibriOS demonstrates the power and efficiency of operating systems designed with a minimalistic philosophy.
Prompt: Can KolibriOS access the internet?
Yes, KolibriOS has basic internet capabilities. It includes a simple web browser called KFM (Kolibri File Manager) with built-in support for browsing the web. However, the web browsing experience is quite limited due to the OS's minimal nature.
The browser supports only basic HTML and lacks advanced features found in modern browsers, like JavaScript or CSS rendering, which means it can load simple websites but struggles with complex or media-rich web pages.
KolibriOS also supports networking through its TCP/IP stack, enabling basic internet functions like FTP and IRC clients. It can connect to local networks or the internet, but its internet functionality is not comparable to modern operating systems. It's mostly used for lightweight tasks and experimenting with low-level networking.
Conversation with ChatGPT4o:
Prompt: What's an Oatmeal?
Oatmeal is a type of food made from oats that have been ground, rolled, or steel-cut. It's commonly prepared as a hot cereal by boiling the oats in water or milk until they soften and form a porridge-like consistency. Oatmeal can be served plain or with various toppings like fruits, nuts, sweeteners, and spices.
There are different forms of oats used for making oatmeal, including:
Oatmeal is known for being a nutritious breakfast choice, rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and it helps to provide long-lasting energy.
Conversation with ChatGPT4o:
Prompt: How to change VRAM on Steam Deck to 2GB or 4GB?
To change the VRAM allocation on your Steam Deck, follow these steps:
Enter BIOS Menu: Power off the Steam Deck, hold the Volume Up button, and press Power until you hear a chime.
Navigate BIOS: Use the touchscreen or volume buttons to access the Advanced section.
Adjust VRAM: Look for the UMA Frame Buffer Size option, which lets you choose the VRAM amount (1GB, 2GB, 4GB). Select either 2GB or 4GB.
Save and Exit: Go to the Save & Exit section, confirm the changes, and reboot the system.
Verify Changes: After restarting, check the VRAM allocation through a system monitoring tool or game settings.
This adjustment can enhance performance in certain games but reduces available system RAM, so choose accordingly.
Conversation with ChatGPT4o:
Prompt: Do Valkyries from Norse mythology have names? What they are, and what do they mean?
Yes, Valkyries from Norse mythology have names, often reflecting their roles and attributes. Some of the notable Valkyrie names include:
These Valkyries choose those who may die or live in battles, guiding the souls of the fallen to Valhalla. Their names often reflect themes of warfare, fate, and honor.
Here’s a detailed expansion of notable Valkyries from Norse mythology, including pronunciations and meanings. I've also included a few additional Valkyries to provide a more comprehensive list.
1. Brynhildr (Pronunciation: Bryn-hild-er)
2. Hildr (Pronunciation: Hild)
Here’s a detailed expansion of notable Valkyries from Norse mythology, including pronunciations and meanings. I've also included a few additional Valkyries to provide a more comprehensive list.
3. Göndul (Pronunciation: Gon-dool)
4. Skögul (Pronunciation: Skoh-gul)
Here’s a detailed expansion of notable Valkyries from Norse mythology, including pronunciations and meanings.
5. Gunnr (Pronunciation: Goon-er)
6. Geiravör (Pronunciation: Gay-rah-vor)
7. Herfjötur (Pronunciation: Her-fyoh-tur)
Here’s a detailed expansion of notable Valkyries from Norse mythology, including pronunciations and meanings.
8. Hrist (Pronunciation: Hrist)
9. Mist (Pronunciation: Mist)
10. Skuld (Pronunciation: Skoold)
Additional Valkyries:
11. Sigrdrifa (Pronunciation: Sig-driv-ah)
12. Randgríðr (Pronunciation: Rand-gree-ther)
13. Vigriðr (Pronunciation: Veeg-ree-thur)
14. Ölrún (Pronunciation: Ohl-roon)
15. Svava (Pronunciation: Svah-vah)
These Valkyries serve as both protectors and arbiters of fate, guiding warriors to Valhalla and embodying the complex nature of battle in Norse mythology. Each name reflects their attributes and roles within the mythological framework.
chat gpt4o
Me: what are some microfinance models that proven successful for collectives?
🤖: Microfinance models for collectives or community groups have been successful in various regions around the world, particularly in developing economies. These models focus on providing financial services to people who are typically underserved by traditional banking institutions. Below are some successful microfinance models tailored for collectives:
Self-Help Groups (SHGs)
• Description: SHGs are small groups of individuals (usually women) who come together to form a collective. They save money collectively and provide small loans to members. The SHG acts as a microbank, pooling resources and lending to each other.
• Success Story: Widely successful in India, where the SHG model is supported by the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD). Millions of rural women have accessed credit, improved livelihoods, and reduced poverty levels through this model.
• Key Features:
• Focus on women’s empowerment
• Collective decision-making
• Peer pressure to ensure loan repayments
• Low operational costs
Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLA)
• Description: VSLAs are informal community-based savings groups where members save and borrow money from the collective fund. These are popular in rural areas of Africa.
• Success Story: CARE International’s VSLA model has been adopted across sub-Saharan Africa, leading to significant improvements in financial access and economic development for rural women and farmers.
• Key Features:
• No need for external capital or banks
• Encourages saving habits
• Transparent management of collective funds
• Profits from loans are distributed among members at the end of the cycle
Grameen Bank Model
• Description: This is a well-known microfinance model that started in Bangladesh by Dr. Muhammad Yunus. Grameen Bank focuses on providing small, collateral-free loans to groups of individuals, particularly women, who form borrower groups. The group collectively guarantees loan repayments.
• Success Story: Grameen Bank has been highly successful, with millions of borrowers, mostly women, benefiting from small loans to grow businesses and improve living conditions. The bank’s loan repayment rates are exceptionally high due to the group-based guarantee.
• Key Features:
• Group-lending mechanism
• Peer pressure and support to ensure repayments
• Focus on poverty alleviation
• Loans for income-generating activities
Credit Unions/Cooperatives
• Description: Credit unions are member-owned financial cooperatives that provide traditional banking services such as savings accounts, loans, and financial education. Collectives of individuals or businesses join together to form a credit union.
• Success Story: Credit unions are widespread in countries like Kenya and the Philippines, where they provide low-interest loans and encourage savings among rural farmers and small entrepreneurs.
• Key Features:
• Member-driven and owned
• Lower interest rates compared to traditional banks
• Focus on financial inclusion and community development
• Democratic governance (one member, one vote)
Rotating Savings and Credit Associations (ROSCA)
• Description: In ROSCAs, a group of individuals contributes a fixed amount of money at regular intervals, and the total sum is given to one member at each interval on a rotating basis. The cycle continues until every member has received the lump sum.
• Success Story: ROSCAs are prevalent in West Africa (known as “tontines”) and parts of Latin America. They provide a flexible and informal method for people to save and access lump sums of money for larger investments.
• Key Features:
• Rotational lending with no interest
• Strong reliance on trust among group members
• Suitable for short-term financial needs
• No external financial institutions involved
Joint Liability Groups (JLGs)
• Description: JLGs consist of 4-10 individuals who come together to take a joint loan from a microfinance institution. Each member is responsible for repaying the loan, and if one member defaults, others are liable.
• Success Story: This model has been successful in India and other developing countries, particularly for agricultural loans, where small farmers form groups to access credit for farming activities.
• Key Features:
• Shared responsibility for loan repayment
• Encourages collective entrepreneurship
• Often backed by government or NGO initiatives
• Suitable for farming and small business groups
Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs)
• Description: CDFIs are specialized financial institutions that serve low-income and underserved communities. They provide affordable credit and banking services to collectives and cooperatives, especially for community development projects.
• Success Story: In the United States, CDFIs have played a crucial role in financing cooperative businesses, affordable housing, and community projects, helping to rebuild economically disadvantaged communities.
• Key Features:
• Focus on social impact
• Partnerships with government and private sector
• Long-term loans for community development projects
• Financial education and support
Solidarity Group Lending
• Description: This model is based on groups of borrowers (typically 3-10) who mutually guarantee each other’s loans. The microfinance institution lends to the group rather than individuals, relying on social cohesion to ensure repayment.
• Success Story: BRAC (Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee) has used this model effectively, combining it with education and healthcare programs to lift millions out of poverty.
• Key Features:
• Peer support and pressure for loan repayment
• Higher loan amounts as trust builds within the group
• Typically used for business or income-generating activities
• Focus on financial literacy and entrepreneurship training
Each of these models emphasizes collective effort and mutual support to overcome financial barriers, making them highly effective in areas where formal banking systems are not easily accessible.
📚 Book Club #threadcast
Ep29 Sun 13-Oct-24
ℹ️ This is the #bookcast where we chat all things #books on Leo
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Previous edition:
Six books to help understand the US and its politics
Article via BBC
Jo Nesbo: the books that made me
Article via The Times
If you loved Thursday Murder Club, read these books next
Article via Good Housekeeping
No Kindle? No problem: 5 places to buy DRM-free e-books
Article via Tom's Guide
News - Steven Bartlett’s Flight Books appoints Rik Ubhi as head of publishing
Article via The Bookseller
‘Immensely private’: inside great sketchbooks from history
Article via The Guardian
LeoBooks community:
📚 'Man's Search for Meaning' by Viktor Frankl
📖 Holocaust survival and Logotherapy.
🎞️ Wisdom for Life YouTube channel give their review…
#gmfrens! Here is the Motivation, Inspiration, Success #threadcast for 10/13/2024.
#1440minutes #motivationsonleo #inspirationonleo #successonleo #motivation #inspiration #success
“Focus on the step in front of you and not the whole staircase” - unknown
Always like this one, @jimmy.adames . Great reminder to not get overwhelmed.
classic 🤘🏽 Happy Monday Lisa!
Hey Jimmy! Hope your Monday was a great start to your week. Have a Terrific Tuesday!
You as well Lisa 🙏🏼 Thank You!!
You're welcome and Thank you, Jimmy!
@jimmy.adames! @lisamgentile1961 likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @lisamgentile1961. (1/100)
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Just because something doesn't do what you planned it to do doesn't mean it's useless. Thomas A. Edison
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Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. Mark Twain
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There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure. Colin Powell
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If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable. Lucius Annaeus Seneca
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Sooner or later, those who win are those who think they can. Paul Tournier
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There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else. Sam Walton
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If you owe the bank $100 that's your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that's the bank's problem. J. Paul Getty
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Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all. Dale Carnegie
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A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well. Jeff Bezos
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If you're trying to create a company, it's like baking a cake. You have to have all the ingredients in the right proportion. Elon Musk
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Happiness does not come from doing easy work but from the afterglow of satisfaction that comes after the achievement of a difficult task that demanded our best. Theodore Isaac Rubin
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Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art. Andy Warhol
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The superior man understands what is right; the inferior man understands what will sell. Confucius
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Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit. Napoleon Hill
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"I am not in competition with anyone but myself. My goal is to improve myself continuously." ~ Bill Gates
The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant. Max de Pree
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"If you are born poor its not your mistake, But if you die poor its your mistake." ~ Bill Gates
"I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it." ~ Bill Gates
Rank does not confer privilege or give power. It imposes responsibility. Peter Drucker
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"Vision without execution is daydreaming." ~ Bill Gates
"Success today requires the agility and drive to constantly rethink, reinvigorate, react, and reinvent." ~ Bill Gates
"The computer was born to solve problems that did not exist before." ~ Bill Gates
"How you gather, manage, and use information will determine whether you win or lose." ~ Bill Gates
"We're changing the world with technology." ~ Bill Gates
"I believe innovation is the most powerful force for change in the world." ~ Bill Gates
One of the tests of leadership is the ability to recognize a problem before it becomes an emergency. Arnold H. Glasow
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"It's fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure." ~ Bill Gates
"Patience is a key element of success." ~ Bill Gates
It's easy to make a buck. It's a lot tougher to make a difference. Tom Brokaw
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"We get Comfort from those who agree with us, but
we get Growth from only those who don't agree
with us !" ~ Bill Gates
"Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important." ~ Bill Gates
"People cannot become truly knowledgeable without being excellent readers." ~ Bill Gates
An economist is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn't happen today. Laurence J. Peter
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"There will be two types of businesses in the next 5 years, those that are on the Internet, and those that are out of business" ~ Bill Gates
"Only through focus can you do world-class things, no matter how capable you are." ~ Bill Gates
Everyone has an invisible sign hanging from their neck saying, 'Make me feel important.' Never forget this message when working with people. Mary Kay Ash
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"You can make money and you can make excuses, but you can never make money out of excuses" ~ Bill Gates
"Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years." ~ Bill Gates
A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business. Henry Ford
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"Life's not fair, get over it!" ~ Bill Gates
"Don't let complexity stop you." ~ Bill Gates
"Embrace bad news to learn where you need the most improvement." ~ Bill Gates
It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest. Adam Smith
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"When you are failing, you are forced to be creative, to dig deep and think, night and day." ~ Bill Gates
"Learning from mistakes and constantly improving products is a key in all successful companies." ~ Bill Gates
"Computers and games don't waste time - people do." ~ Bill Gates
"To win big, you sometimes have to take big risks." ~ Bill Gates
Our work is the presentation of our capabilities. Edward Gibbon
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Ideas pull the trigger, but instinct loads the gun. Don Marquis
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More business is lost every year through neglect than through any other cause. Rose Kennedy
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First-rate people hire first-rate people; second-rate people hire third-rate people. Leo Rosten
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An organization, no matter how well designed, is only as good as the people who live and work in it. Dee Hock
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So little done, so much to do. Cecil Rhodes
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If you listen to your fears, you will die never knowing what a great person you might have been. Robert H. Schuller
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Sales are contingent upon the attitude of the salesman - not the attitude of the prospect. W. Clement Stone
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Details create the big picture. Sanford I. Weill
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Carpe per diem - seize the check. Robin Williams
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Don't worry about people stealing your ideas. If your ideas are any good, you'll have to ram them down people's throats. Howard Aiken
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When in doubt, mumble; when in trouble, delegate; when in charge, ponder. James H. Boren
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When in doubt, mumble; when in trouble, delegate; when in charge, ponder. James H. Boren
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An organization's ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly, is the ultimate competitive advantage. Jack Welch
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Success or failure in business is caused more by the mental attitude even than by mental capacities. Walter Scott
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If you want to kill any idea in the world, get a committee working on it. Charles Kettering
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Almost all quality improvement comes via simplification of design, manufacturing... layout, processes, and procedures. Tom Peters
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No enterprise is more likely to succeed than one concealed from the enemy until it is ripe for execution. Niccolo Machiavelli
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The great leaders are like the best conductors - they reach beyond the notes to reach the magic in the players. Blaine Lee
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Economic depression cannot be cured by legislative action or executive pronouncement. Economic wounds must be healed by the action of the cells of the economic body - the producers and consumers themselves. Herbert Hoover
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Regard it as just as desirable to build a chicken house as to build a cathedral. Frank Lloyd Wright
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No person will make a great business who wants to do it all himself or get all the credit. Andrew Carnegie
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Profit in business comes from repeat customers, customers that boast about your project or service, and that bring friends with them. W. Edwards Deming
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If you don't drive your business, you will be driven out of business. B. C. Forbes
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Meetings are indispensable when you don't want to do anything. John Kenneth Galbraith
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Corporation: An ingenious device for obtaining profit without individual responsibility. Ambrose Bierce
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Informed decision-making comes from a long tradition of guessing and then blaming others for inadequate results. Scott Adams
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There is no time for cut-and-dried monotony. There is time for work. And time for love. That leaves no other time! Coco Chanel
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Do more than is required. What is the distance between someone who achieves their goals consistently and those who spend their lives and careers merely following? The extra mile. Gary Ryan Blair
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It's OK to have your eggs in one basket as long as you control what happens to that basket. Elon Musk
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The final test of a leader is that he leaves behind him in other men the conviction and the will to carry on. Walter Lippmann
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Reason and judgment are the qualities of a leader. Tacitus
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Definition of Statistics: The science of producing unreliable facts from reliable figures. Evan Esar
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If it doesn't sell, it isn't creative. David Ogilvy
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The way to get things done is not to mind who gets the credit for doing them. Benjamin Jowett
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If you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work. Khalil Gibran
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The fastest way to succeed is to look as if you're playing by somebody else's rules, while quietly playing by your own. Michael Korda
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It's not what you pay a man, but what he costs you that counts. Will Rogers
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I believe you have to be willing to be misunderstood if you're going to innovate. Jeff Bezos
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Trust is the lubrication that makes it possible for organizations to work. Warren Bennis
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We don't have a monopoly. We have market share. There's a difference. Steve Ballmer
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Time is the scarcest resource and unless it is managed nothing else can be managed. Peter Drucker
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Wise are those who learn that the bottom line doesn't always have to be their top priority. William Arthur Ward
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It's called a pen. It's like a printer, hooked straight to my brain. Dale Dauten
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When times are bad is when the real entrepreneurs emerge. Robert Kiyosaki
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Intellectual property has the shelf life of a banana. Bill Gates
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Start with good people, lay out the rules, communicate with your employees, motivate them and reward them. If you do all those things effectively, you can't miss. Lee Iacocca
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I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial by strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country. Thomas Jefferson
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I want to put a ding in the universe. Steve Jobs
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Inside every working anarchy, there's an Old Boy Network. Mitch Kapor
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We succeed in enterprises which demand the positive qualities we possess, but we excel in those which can also make use of our defects. Alexis de Tocqueville
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To command is to serve, nothing more and nothing less. Andre Malraux
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Every day I get up and look through the Forbes list of the richest people in America. If I'm not there, I go to work. Robert Orben
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We need to become good citizens in the global village, instead of competing. What are we competing for - to drive more cars, eat more steaks? That will destroy the world. Yuan T. Lee
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We're all working together; that's the secret. Sam Walton
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Anyone who has lost track of time when using a computer knows the propensity to dream, the urge to make dreams come true and the tendency to miss lunch. Tim Berners-Lee
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The work of the individual still remains the spark that moves mankind ahead even more than teamwork. Igor Sikorsky
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Don't simply retire from something; have something to retire to. Harry Emerson Fosdick
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Brand is just a perception, and perception will match reality over time. Sometimes it will be ahead, other times it will be behind. But brand is simply a collective impression some have about a product. Elon Musk
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Lots of folks confuse bad management with destiny. Kin Hubbard
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Industry is fortune's right hand, and frugality its left. John Ray
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A bankruptcy judge can fix your balance sheet, but he cannot fix your company. Gordon Bethune
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The opportunity is often lost by deliberating. Publilius Syrus
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It takes more than capital to swing business. You've got to have the A. I. D. degree to get by - Advertising, Initiative, and Dynamics. Isaac Asimov
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For the merchant, even honesty is a financial speculation. Charles Baudelaire
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All lasting business is built on friendship. Alfred A. Montapert
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Markets change, tastes change, so the companies and the individuals who choose to compete in those markets must change. An Wang
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Ask five economists and you'll get five different answers - six if one went to Harvard. Edgar Fiedler
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If you don't understand the details of your business you are going to fail. Jeff Bezos
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Nothing so conclusively proves a man's ability to lead others as what he does from day to day to lead himself. Thomas J. Watson
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Nothing so conclusively proves a man's ability to lead others as what he does from day to day to lead himself. Thomas J. Watson
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Everyone is your best friend when you are successful. Make sure that the people that you surround yourself with are also the people that you are not afraid of failing with. Paula Abdul
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If the career you have chosen has some unexpected inconvenience, console yourself by reflecting that no career is without them. Jane Fonda
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I get to play golf for a living. What more can you ask for - getting paid for doing what you love. Tiger Woods
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The problem is that at a lot of big companies, process becomes a substitute for thinking. You're encouraged to behave like a little gear in a complex machine. Frankly, it allows you to keep people who aren't that smart, who aren't that creative. Elon Musk
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The entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it, and exploits it as an opportunity. Peter Drucker
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Every young man would do well to remember that all successful business stands on the foundation of morality. Henry Ward Beecher
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Cannibals prefer those who have no spines. Stanislaw Lem
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The characteristic of great innovators and great companies is they see a space that others do not. They don't just listen to what people tell them; they actually invent something new, something that you didn't know you needed, but the moment you see it, you say, 'I must have it.' Eric Schmidt
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People will buy anything that is 'one to a customer.' Sinclair Lewis
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Some people regard private enterprise as a predatory tiger to be shot. Others look on it as a cow they can milk. Not enough people see it as a healthy horse, pulling a sturdy wagon. Winston Churchill
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A company is only as good as the people it keeps. Mary Kay Ash
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Hell, there are no rules here - we're trying to accomplish something. Thomas A. Edison
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Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly, and get on with improving your other innovations. Steve Jobs
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The meek shall inherit the Earth, but not its mineral rights. J. Paul Getty
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Great companies are built on great products. Elon Musk
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An advertising agency is 85 percent confusion and 15 percent commission. Fred Allen
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Word of mouth is the best medium of all. William Bernbach
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Our business is infested with idiots who try to impress by using pretentious jargon. David Ogilvy
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Test fast, fail fast, adjust fast. Tom Peters
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If there is anything that a man can do well, I say let him do it. Give him a chance. Abraham Lincoln
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Whenever an individual or a business decides that success has been attained, progress stops. Thomas J. Watson
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People who don't take risks generally make about two big mistakes a year. People who do take risks generally make about two big mistakes a year. Peter Drucker
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My father told me, never have partners. Howard Hughes
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Don't let your ego get too close to your position, so that if your position gets shot down, your ego doesn't go with it. Colin Powell
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Failure doesn't mean you are a failure it just means you haven't succeeded yet. Robert H. Schuller
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Being good in business is the most fascinating kind of art. Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art. Andy Warhol
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The leader who exercises power with honor will work from the inside out, starting with himself. Blaine Lee
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The buck stops with the guy who signs the checks. Rupert Murdoch
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What's the subject of life - to get rich? All of those fellows out there getting rich could be dancing around the real subject of life. Paul A. Volcker
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I think that there is nothing, not even crime, more opposed to poetry, to philosophy, ay, to life itself than this incessant business. Henry David Thoreau
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If you fire people, you fire customers. Ferdinand Piech
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The work an unknown good man has done is like a vein of water flowing hidden underground, secretly making the ground green. Thomas Carlyle
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You can't operate a company by fear, because the way to eliminate fear is to avoid criticism. And the way to avoid criticism is to do nothing. Steve Ross
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Disneyland is a work of love. We didn't go into Disneyland just with the idea of making money. Walt Disney
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If you can build a business up big enough, it's respectable. Will Rogers
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Punctuality is one of the cardinal business virtues: always insist on it in your subordinates. Don Marquis
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The invisible hand of the market always moves faster and better than the heavy hand of government. Mitt Romney
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Por cierto, no sé si vieron los dos últimos Podcast de #Dash en los que @thedesertlynx habla con 2 grandes personajes de #Hive
Pero realmente les recomendamos verlos. Uno sobre Bitcoin y otro de #inleo.
The four-year- battle between Ripple Labs and the U.S. SEC has entered a new lawfare stage. In a recent post , Brad Garlinghouse voiced his frustration with the SEC, criticizing the agency for ignoring the court’s decision on XRP.
I have brought @v4vapp with KeepSats functions disabled for hopefully a short while.
I have some more testing to do but I hope to have them back up soon.
I cannot wait to see what you bring to this project. :)
nice update. what does this effect?
Can't wait for when we'll be able to pay for Premium and subscribe to each other with Bitcoin!
Who just went premium on #inleo?
This dude! Subs are turned on and walled content starts tomorrow!
Also considering doing a daily market threadcast where people can post their setups or what they are trading, etc... What do you think?
good luck fren!
Thank you sir!
Do it :)
People freak out about "price gouging" (when prices rise to match limited supply).
But no one freaks out about "reverse price gouging", or a fire sale (when prices plummet to match limited demand).
Somehow only consumers can get "screwed". No one cares if a business loses.
One of the keys to subscriptions, in my view, is to get a library of content going. A part of what makes subscriptions valuable is the database of information that one can access.
This means that, depending upon the topic and approach, new users enter with greater value being offerred.
not convinced yet, it's a good feature but doubt anyone has anything valuable to offer yet
Change my mind 😆
or just having a wide variety of different feet pics lol
seriously though you are correct. we need to be building databases for our subscribers.
That is why I started with only 2 subs, was going to wait for 5, but I will build my library daily now. And when a new sub comes in, they have stuff to go through.
Good Luck!
Thank you :) !BBH !DOOK
You just got DOOKed!
@bradleyarrow thinks your content is the shit.
They have 24/60 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩
@ahmadmanga! @bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (24/100)
(html comment removed: )
That's what I am going to be spending today doing so that I am ready to go and start posting some good subscriber only content! My goal is to have a bunch of stuff ready for the week as far as trading tips, then do setups and alerts along the way.
Agreed, I have been working on this exact aspect of my subscriber only content.
Very true. You got to have content that subscribers will find value. You also have to be consistent in delivering content.
Leaving this here:
Only the dumb and morons call him that :)
I see what you dud there. LOL
I don't understand that either...
If these people did at least 1% of what he does, perhaps the world would be much more advanced.
But there are people who can't stand seeing others succeed.
Very true. Jealousy feeds into it. It is also the fact they do not like his demeanor or approach. Yet they are going to keep up the attacks as he becomes worth $1 trillion.
Yep, I think he will be the first trillionaire in the world.
Nowadays this is happening a lot where people are bothered by the way a person behaves or how they express themselves...
These people who always say "words hurt" are our delay.
What Musk is doing especially with SpaceX is impressive and I have always dreamed about it. He's doing things that we previously only saw in science fiction on screen.
SpaceX is certainly bringing Sci-Fi to life.
It is interesting to see what is taking place. I dont follow it too closely but it is something that is amazing to watch.
I remember it as if it were yesterday when the thrusters managed to return without them exploding.
We only saw this in films and it was exciting. Now the ambitious dream of taking people back to the Moon and Mars is getting closer.
It is getting closer by the day but my guess it is not near. It is interesting what is happening.
I don't know about you, but I'm already missing spring :)
#cent #bbh #freecompliments
Awesome spring photo
This spring is magnificent, and the photo is just a reflection of this magnificence :) !VSC !DIY #cent #bbh #freecompliments
You can query your personal balance by
I guess this is how I react to autumn magnetic storms :)
#cent #bbh #freecompliments
Amazing #starship tower catch.
Truly amazing.
Did you watch the catch? Almost does not seem real.
I did thanks to your video. That was the first time I had seen it.
Something else :)
It is incredible. We are seeing the revolutionizing of things happening before our eyes.
And the worse part, just like blockchain, 99 percent of people are missing it.
Indeed. Thanks or the Sub Article
Pasando a recordarles que alimenten a sus caballos 🏇 🐴 en #bhr. Un caballo con buena salud y bien alimentado tiene más posibilidades de ganar carreras 🥇 🏁 .
#hivenftgamelatino #spanish #bbh #cent
Bank sent me this ugly debit card. What is this demoralizing soviet-style 'aesthetic'..?? When did we end up back in USSR? What is this?
You're right. It's really ugly.
The thought that I was somehow unreasonable in judging it so harshly, did occur to me, but I've shown it to other people and they have also agreed, so it's not just me.
Thanks for the additional reassurance!
The 'artwork' was inspired by Baltic sea shoreline, they say.. 🤢
#newsonleo #liotes
It was only a matter of time. Unfortunately they'll always catch up sooner or later.
Which shot do you like more? #photography #nature
No.1 ..no doubt
figured at least one person would like the sun rays
No. 1 of course 😀
The second one , it showcased the shining sun more ..
this was my initial thought. always loved sun rays
They both display the beauty of nature but I prefer the first one
very true
Going for 1 as well !PIZZA
Wow What a wonderful photograph. Without a doubt, an excellent place to escape from reality and connect with yourself.
thanks! no doubt about that
The ideal place to answer the question I asked in my last post here hahaha
Number 1; the colors are much nicer. Just check the grass and the leaves.
A report by CyptoQuant has revealed great growth in the stablecoin market with the total market cap of major stablecoins reaching $169 billion. Ripple’s RLUSD is set to debut at a time when #stablecoin market is flourishing
Is it better to jump high than to fly low? :)
#cent #bbh #freecompliments
People don't like to walk in tall grass there are a lot of bugs there but they like to walk on autumn leaves but there are even more bugs under the leaves.
A drop of water won't quench your thirst, but it will give you a feeling of freshness :)
#cent #bbh #freecompliments
Gentlemen, we have reached gold 1! Finally, the effort & dedication was worth it! Let's see what those chests have! #splinterlands #freecompliments #bbh #cent
Thanks! Let´s keep rock!
@solymi! @bulkathos likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @bulkathos. (11/50)
(html comment removed: )
Congratulations and well done.
Thakns! i appreciate your support.
@logen9f! @bulkathos likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @bulkathos. (10/50)
(html comment removed: )
¡Excelente logro! Yo ya me resigné a no subir nunca más en Modern. !PIZZA !BBH
@bulkathos! @cpol likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @cpol. (4/50)
(html comment removed: )
Click pic for better view
📷 📷 📷
#photographers #photography #silverbloggers #fall
Sincerely, they are very beautiful photographs.
Thank you! I was lucky to stumble into them. 🍂
Very nice these photos amgos, besides I am struck by the color that you have the trees.
It was a colorful walk.
Initially, I was against credit cards, thinking they were liabilities. Now, after three years, my perspective changed.
#threadstorm #outreach #creditcards
I’ve learned to use credit cards wisely, focusing on necessary expenses and recently renewed my first card successfully.
Post link to follow for more-
my post link is here-
Some say that it is the best payment method. But, only if you don't abuse it. XD
and I don't abuse it so its good for me
Another reflection on the Gospel of Mark:
#cent #bbh
#wordofthedayonleo - ideate
What It Means
To ideate is to form an idea or conception of something.
//Jocelyn used the education seminar's lunch hour to talk with other teachers and ideatenew activities to use in the classroom.
🔗 Source in comments
🔗 Source:
We revealed the chests and got our first epic card! Let's keep growing in #splinterlands! #bbh #freecompliments #cent #play2earn #hivenftgamelatino
Have rebuilt the sub's table, all ID's now in alphabetic order
Looks pretty cool.
Hey, I'm number 1 now!
Awesome :)
nice work 👏🏿
Thank you so much for the list... I needed it to add my subscribers to my Rotating Beneficiary List.
Well arranged stats
Great work as always!
It’s day 2 of 2 wedding weekend! Today’s wedding is happening on my farm, so it’s pre-nuptials chaos this morning!
Any of you ever attend two weddings in one weekend?
#dailyleo #freecomplimemts #bbh
Cannot say I have. You keep so busy.
I’m definitely ready to be a little less busy, or maybe just be only busy in this realm!
Morning B!
Morning K! lol
Hope you have a rad Sunday! Pardon the 90’s slang, I’ve got a cup of tea in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other, it’s full on chaos here lmaooo!
hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha 🤣 😂 I will with the cats.
Not I, but I have attended lots of 2 or 3 day long weddings! Those are the most fun ones I think
from what you can remember?
Well... that's the thing, I think perhaps I remember them through the photos and stories.
lol. Been there done that. Best times we ever have are the ones we cannot remember. ;) !BBH !DOOK
#bbh #freecompliments
You just got DOOKed!
@bradleyarrow thinks your content is the shit.
They have 31/60 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩
ontrue trtrue!
@senorcoconut! @bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (31/100)
(html comment removed: )
Here is the daily technology #threadcast for 10/13/24. We aim to educate people about this crucial area along with providing information of what is taking place.
Drop all question, comments, and articles relating to #technology and the future. The goal is make it a technology center.
Technology brings quality of life to hypertensive patients. At an accelerated pace, digital blood pressure monitors are more accurate, favoring the well-being of these patients with more reliable blood pressure readings.
#technology #life
Healthcare is a huge opportunity for disruption from #technology
Disruptive technologies are of interest at the forefront of our medical practice because they have revolutionized by meeting needs and generating innovation.
#technology #life #medicine
However, it is we physicians who, with our decisions, personalize the care required for each patient. There will be a human factor that will be irreplaceable and irreplaceable.
#technology #life #medicine
It is an industry that is lagging. Unfortunately, depending upon the country, the regulation can slow things down.
We will see how quickly things progress.
Whether we will keep up with developments.
That is my goal. I keep posting these threadcasts daily to get the information in front of people and to allow others to share what they come across.
It also helps to feed the database for LeoAI.
I advocate complementarity; everything that contributes to the cardinal purpose of restoring or preserving life at its highest quality is welcome.
#technology #life #medicine
Missing Link: Huawei Sanctions – The Backfire Effect
Huawei was one of the first Chinese companies to face U.S. sanctions. In response, the company launched an aggressive campaign of innovation and product development.
#technology #politics #sanctions #android #operatingsystem #economy #huawei
Huawei recently announced its new flagship smartphone, the Mate XT, priced at 20,000 Yuan (€2,500). With a triple-folding screen that can transform from a smartphone to a tablet, this release comes shortly after Apple’s iPhone 16 launch, signaling Huawei’s competitive stance.
The Mate XT has garnered over seven million pre-orders through Huawei’s Vmall. Despite U.S. sanctions, which aimed to cut Huawei off from western technology, the company has aggressively pushed innovation, replacing key components with Chinese alternatives and focusing on self-reliance in semiconductors. Huawei’s response to the sanctions has positioned it as a resilient competitor, successfully revitalizing its research, chip production, and its homegrown operating system, HarmonyOS. Despite setbacks in international markets, Huawei's domestic success and continued technological advancements underscore the backfire of U.S. attempts to limit the company's growth.
SpaceX catches giant Starship booster in fifth flight test
(Reuters) -SpaceX on Sunday launched its fifth Starship test flight from Texas and returned the rocket's towering first stage booster back to land for the first time, achieving a novel recovery method involving large metal arms.
#spacex #ocket #technology #newsonleo
The rocket's Super Heavy first stage booster lifted off at 7:25 a.m. CT (1225 GMT) from SpaceX's Boca Chica, Texas launch facilities, sending the second stage Starship rocket on a path in space bound for the Indian Ocean west of Australia, where it will attempt atmospheric reentry followed by a water landing.
The Super Heavy booster, after separating from the Starship booster some 74 km (46 miles) in altitude, returned to the same area from which it was launched to make its landing attempt, aided by two robotic arms attached to the launch tower.
In latest move against WP Engine, WordPress takes control of ACF plugin
The dispute between WordPress founder Matt Mullenweg and hosting provider WP Engine continues,
The dispute between WordPress founder Matt Mullenweg and hosting provider WP Engine continues, with Mullenweg announcing that WordPress is “forking” a plugin developed by WP Engine.
#wordpress #newsonleo #technology #socialmedia
WordPress Founder Matt Mullenweg Announces "Forking" of WP Engine Plugin, Escalating Dispute
The ongoing dispute between WordPress founder Matt Mullenweg and hosting provider WP Engine has reached a new level of intensity, with Mullenweg announcing that WordPress will be "forking" a plugin developed by WP Engine. This move is seen as a significant escalation in the conflict, which has been brewing for some time.
For those unfamiliar, the dispute centers around WP Engine's development of a plugin called "WP Engine's Jetpack", which is designed to provide additional security and performance features for WordPress websites hosted on WP Engine's platform. However, Mullenweg and the WordPress community have raised concerns that the plugin is not compatible with the open-source nature of WordPress, and that it may create a closed ecosystem that undermines the platform's core values.
In a recent blog post, Mullenweg announced that WordPress will be "forking" the WP Engine plugin, effectively creating a new version of the plugin that is compatible with the open-source WordPress platform. This move is seen as a way for WordPress to take control of the plugin's development and ensure that it aligns with the platform's values and principles.
The decision to fork the plugin is not without controversy, however. Some have criticized the move, arguing that it will create confusion and fragmentation within the WordPress community. Others have expressed concerns that the forked plugin may not receive the same level of support and maintenance as the original plugin.
WP Engine has responded to the announcement, stating that they are "disappointed" by the decision to fork the plugin. The company has also emphasized that their goal is to provide a high-quality plugin that benefits the WordPress community, and that they will continue to develop and maintain the plugin regardless of the decision to fork.
The dispute between Mullenweg and WP Engine is not the first of its kind, and it highlights the ongoing tensions between the open-source WordPress community and commercial hosting providers. While WP Engine has been a major player in the WordPress ecosystem, the company's decision to develop a proprietary plugin has raised concerns about the potential for fragmentation and the erosion of the platform's open-source nature.
In the end, the decision to fork the plugin is a significant development in the ongoing dispute between Mullenweg and WP Engine. While it may create short-term challenges for the WordPress community, it also represents an opportunity for the platform to reassert its commitment to open-source principles and ensure that its users have access to high-quality, community-driven plugins.
As the situation continues to unfold, it will be interesting to see how the WordPress community responds to the forked plugin and whether it will ultimately benefit or hinder the platform's growth and development. One thing is certain, however: the dispute between Mullenweg and WP Engine is a reminder of the importance of maintaining the open-source nature of WordPress and ensuring that the platform remains a vibrant and inclusive community for developers and users alike.
The implications of the forked plugin are far-reaching, and it remains to be seen how the WordPress community will adapt to this new development. Some potential outcomes include:
Ultimately, the decision to fork the plugin is a significant development in the ongoing dispute between Mullenweg and WP Engine, and it will be interesting to see how the situation unfolds in the coming weeks and months.
SpaceX will attempt historic catch of returning Starship booster on Sunday
Starship is ready to fly again — and for the first time, SpaceX is going to try to bring the booster back to the launch site to catch it
Starship is ready to fly again — and for the first time, SpaceX is going to try to bring the booster back to the launch site to catch it with a pair of oversized “chopsticks.”
#space #technology #newsonleo #spacex
SpaceX's Starship Set to Launch on Sunday: A Major Milestone in the Quest for Reusability
In a surprise move, SpaceX has announced that it will launch its massive Starship spacecraft on Sunday, earlier than expected. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has given the green light for the test flight, which will mark the fifth in the Starship development program. The launch window opens at 5 AM PST (7 AM local time) from SpaceX's Starbase site in southeast Texas, where thousands of criteria must be met for the catch attempt to occur.
The Starship, standing at nearly 400 feet tall, is a crucial component of SpaceX's ambitious plan to make life multi-planetary and support NASA's Artemis mission to return humans to the moon. The spacecraft is designed for rapid reuse, with the goal of recovering both the upper stage (Starship) and the Super Heavy booster, and quickly refurbishing them for future flights. This reusability is a game-changer in the space industry, as it significantly reduces the cost of access to space.
It was successful 💪
The primary objectives for this fifth flight test are two-fold: attempting the first-ever "catch" of the Super Heavy booster at the launch site and achieving an on-target Starship reentry and splashdown in the Indian ocean. The latter goal has already been achieved in the previous test mission in June, but the booster catch is a novel and challenging feat in the history of rocketry. The plan is for the booster to slow to a hover and position itself inside the zone of two "chopstick" arms attached to the launch tower. The arms will then close around the booster and hold it up after its engines stop firing.
In preparation for the launch, SpaceX engineers have been busy conducting numerous tests on the launch tower, replacing the rocket's thermal protection system, updating the ship's software for reentry, and testing the launch pad's water deluge system. The company's ultimate goal is to bring the Starship upper stage back to the landing site, which will be achieved in future test launches. With each flight building on the learnings from the last, SpaceX is on the verge of demonstrating techniques fundamental to Starship's fully and rapidly reusable design.
The live webcast of the test will start around 30 minutes before liftoff (7 AM PST) on SpaceX's website or on X. This is a major milestone in the Starship program, and fans of space exploration are eagerly anticipating the launch and the potential breakthroughs it may bring. The success of this mission will pave the way for future Starship flights, which will ultimately enable humanity to establish a permanent, self-sustaining presence on the moon and beyond.
The Starship program is a testament to SpaceX's innovative spirit and commitment to making humanity a multi-planetary species. With its reusable rockets and spacecraft, SpaceX is revolutionizing the space industry and pushing the boundaries of what is possible. The launch of Starship on Sunday is a major step forward in this journey, and it will be exciting to see the results of this test flight.
This three-person robotics startup is working with designer Yves Béhar to bring humanoids home
It’s hard to know where to focus when speaking to Christoph Kohstall. The contents of his packed Palo Alto garage compete for attention.
#technology #newsonleo #robots #humanois
I'd be happy to provide more details about Kind Humanoid and their approach to robotics.
Kind Humanoid's Approach to Robotics
Kind Humanoid is a robotics startup that is focused on creating humanoid robots that are designed for the home market. The company's approach to robotics is unconventional, and they are prioritizing function over form. Unlike many humanoid manufacturers, Kind Humanoid is not focusing on creating robots that are designed for the industrial setting, but rather for the home.
This decision is driven by economics, as well as a desire to tackle an untapped market in aging in place technology. The company envisions their robots as home caretakers, capable of navigating diverse environments and providing assistance to older adults and care facilities.
Mona, the Humanoid Robot
Mona is the first humanoid robot created by Kind Humanoid. The robot features a soft white body with rounded edges, analogue hands, and feet that resemble hooves. A diamond-shaped head perches atop an impossibly skinny neck, while a small visor-like screen displays a cloudy blue sky, giving the robot a dreamlike quality reminiscent of Belgian painter René Magritte's surrealist works.
The design of Mona is a deliberate departure from the more traditional design aesthetic employed by companies like Tesla and Figure. Instead, Kind Humanoid is embracing a more playful and unconventional approach, one that prioritizes function over form.
Aging in Place Technology
Kind Humanoid's focus on the home market, combined with their commitment to creating robots that are both efficient and effective, has the potential to disrupt the industry. Aging in place technology is a largely untapped market for advanced robotics, and Kind Humanoid is well-positioned to capitalize on this opportunity.
The Kind Humanoid Team
Kind Humanoid is a three-person team, led by Christoph Kohstall. Kohstall has a Silicon Valley pedigree, having worked on robotics as part of the now-defunct Google Brain team. He is driven by a passion for creating robots that are both efficient and effective, and is committed to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in robotics.
The team at Kind Humanoid is small, but highly skilled and dedicated. They are working together to bring Mona to life, and are committed to making a meaningful impact in the robotics industry.
The Significance of Kind Humanoid
Kind Humanoid's approach to robotics is significant for several reasons. Firstly, the company is challenging the traditional design aesthetic employed by humanoid manufacturers, and is prioritizing function over form.
Secondly, Kind Humanoid is focusing on the home market, which is a largely untapped opportunity for advanced robotics. By creating robots that are designed for the home, Kind Humanoid is positioning itself for success in a market that is ripe for disruption.
Finally, Kind Humanoid's commitment to creating robots that are both efficient and effective is a key differentiator. The company is not simply creating robots for the sake of creating robots, but rather is focused on making a meaningful impact in the world.
Key Features of Kind Humanoid's Robots
How a medtech market opportunity is shaping up for wearable neurotech
When you think of brain stimulating medtech, startups building wearables as therapeutics probably aren't the first thing that springs to mind.
#technology #newsonleo #medtech #wearables
The Rise of Non-Invasive Neurotech: A New Frontier in Medical Technology
In recent years, the field of neurotechnology has been experiencing a quiet revolution. While much attention has been focused on invasive brain-computer interfaces, such as those being developed by Elon Musk's Neuralink, a new wave of non-invasive neurotech startups is emerging. These companies are developing wearable devices that aim to stimulate the brain from the outside, offering potential treatments for a wide range of mental health and metabolic conditions.
This approach is gaining traction among investors and medical professionals alike, thanks to its lower risk profile and potential for rapid development and deployment.
The Promise of Wearable Brain Stimulation
At the forefront of this movement is Neurovalens, a Belfast-based startup founded in 2013 by Dr. Jason McKeown. The company has been developing a portfolio of electrical neurostimulating wearables, targeting conditions such as chronic insomnia, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Type II diabetes, and obesity. Their approach involves stimulating the vestibular nerve, located behind the ear, as a pathway to influence the brainstem – a critical control center for fundamental bodily processes.
Neurovalens' journey illustrates the vast potential of non-invasive neurotech. Starting with a prototype focused on weight loss, the company has since expanded its focus to encompass a range of mental health and metabolic disorders. This expansion demonstrates the versatility of their technology and the breadth of potential applications for non-invasive brain stimulation.
The Investment Landscape
The appeal of non-invasive neurotech to investors is multifaceted. Kerry Baldwin, co-founder of U.K.-based deep-tech investor IQ capital, which has backed Neurovalens, describes the opportunity as "massive." The relatively low capital requirements for development, compared to invasive technologies or traditional pharmaceutical research, make it an attractive proposition for early-stage investors.
Neurovalens has raised a total of $30.4 million to date, with plans to close a Series B round by the end of the year, potentially adding another $40 million to their coffers. While these figures may seem modest compared to the hundreds of millions raised by companies like Neuralink, they reflect the cost-efficiency of developing non-invasive technologies.
The market potential for neurotech is another factor driving investor interest. Current projections suggest that the overall neurotech market – including both invasive and non-invasive technologies – could grow from its current value of around $13-14 billion to $40 billion by 2030. This growth potential, combined with the lower barriers to entry for non-invasive technologies, makes it an appealing sector for investment.
Neurotech Market and Funding Data
Neurovalens Funding
Neurotech Market Projections
Comparison to Invasive Neurotech
Investment Appeal of Non-Invasive Neurotech
This financial data underscores the growing interest in non-invasive neurotech and its potential to disrupt the healthcare industry.
The Regulatory Landscape and Market Strategy
One of the key challenges facing neurotech startups is navigating the complex regulatory landscape. Neurovalens has chosen to focus on obtaining approval from the U.S. food and drug Administration (FDA), which is widely regarded as the gold standard for medical device approval. This strategy not only lends credibility to their products but also opens the door to the massive U.S. healthcare market.
To date, Neurovalens has secured FDA approval for two of its wearables: the Modius Sleep for treating chronic insomnia, and the Modius Stress for generalized anxiety disorder. These approvals mark a significant milestone for the company and pave the way for the launch of their first products in the U.S. market in the coming months.
The company is also running clinical trials for several other devices, including those targeting PTSD, Type II diabetes, and obesity. They hope to secure FDA approvals for these devices over the next two years, creating a pipeline of innovative treatments.
This approach of seeking FDA approval for specific, well-defined conditions sets Neurovalens apart from some other players in the neurotech space. By focusing on precise patient segments and tailoring their devices to treat specific disorders, they aim to maximize efficacy and minimize the variability in patient outcomes that can be a challenge for neurotech treatments.
The Market Opportunity
The potential market for non-invasive neurotech treatments is vast, encompassing a wide range of prevalent health conditions. Let's look at some key statistics that illustrate the scale of the opportunity:
Depression: According to the CDC, 5% of U.S. adults aged 18 and above report regular feelings of depression. Data from the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics shows that 13.2% of U.S. adults used antidepressant medications over a 30-day period from 2015 to 2018, with this trend on the rise.
Anxiety: The CDC reports that 12.5% of U.S. adults experience regular feelings of worry, nervousness, or anxiety.
Sleep Disorders: Between 30% and 40% of U.S. adults report getting insufficient sleep. A recent survey commissioned by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine found that 12% of U.S. adults had been diagnosed with chronic insomnia.
Diabetes: The CDC reports that more than 38 million Americans have diabetes – approximately 1 in 10 of the population. Between 90% to 95% of these cases are Type II diabetes, which is one of the conditions Neurovalens is targeting with its neurotech wearable.
Obesity: According to the CDC, more than 2 in 5 adult Americans are obese. Obesity is a significant risk factor for developing Type II diabetes and other metabolic disorders.
These statistics highlight the significant unmet need in treating these conditions and the potential impact that effective neurotech treatments could have on public health.
This market data illustrates the significant potential for neurotech treatments across a range of common health conditions.
Challenges and Future Directions
Despite the promising outlook, the path to commercializing non-invasive neurotech treatments is not without its challenges. Some of the key hurdles identified in the article include:
Regulatory approval: Demonstrating to regulatory bodies like the FDA that the treatments are both effective and have an appropriate safety and risk profile.
Reimbursement: Convincing healthcare payers that the treatments represent value for money, which is crucial for achieving scale in the healthcare market.
Patient education: Overcoming the "whacky optics" of brain-zapping headbands and helping patients see these devices as viable treatments alongside more established options like therapy and medication.
Different companies in the neurotech space are taking varied approaches to these challenges. flow Neuroscience, a Swedish medtech company, has opted for a more consumer-oriented approach with their depression-treating wearable. They acknowledge that their transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) technology may not work for everyone, but they aim to make it cheap and available to a wide audience.
Neurovalens, on the other hand, has taken a more targeted approach, developing specific devices for well-defined conditions. This strategy allows them to optimize the neurostimulation dosage for each patient segment, potentially improving efficacy rates.
The Future of Non-Invasive Neurotech
Looking ahead, the non-invasive neurotech sector faces both exciting opportunities and significant challenges. Some key areas to watch include:
Expanding applications: Companies like Neurovalens are continually exploring new potential applications for their technology. As our understanding of the brain and its role in various health conditions improves, we may see neurotech treatments developed for an even wider range of disorders.
Integration with other therapies: There's potential for non-invasive neurotech to be used in conjunction with other treatments, such as therapy or medication, potentially enhancing overall treatment efficacy.
Improved user experience: As the technology matures, we may see improvements in the design and usability of these devices, making them more appealing and less obtrusive for patients to use.
Long-term efficacy data: As these treatments become more widely used, it will be crucial to gather long-term data on their efficacy and safety, which could further boost their credibility and adoption.
Regulatory Evolution: As non-invasive neurotech becomes more established, we may see regulatory bodies develop more specific guidelines and approval pathways for these types of devices.
The emergence of non-invasive neurotech represents a significant shift in the landscape of medical technology. By offering the potential for targeted brain stimulation without the risks associated with invasive procedures, these technologies could revolutionize the treatment of a wide range of mental health and metabolic conditions.
Companies like Neurovalens are at the forefront of this revolution, developing a portfolio of treatments that could offer new hope to millions of patients worldwide. Their approach, focusing on specific conditions and seeking robust regulatory approval, sets a high bar for the industry and could help establish non-invasive neurotech as a credible and effective treatment modality.
However, the path to widespread adoption is not without its challenges. From regulatory hurdles to issues of variable efficacy and patient education, the non-invasive neurotech sector will need to navigate a complex landscape as it moves towards commercialization.
Despite these challenges, the potential benefits of this technology are immense. If successful, non-invasive neurotech could offer more accessible, cost-effective, and potentially more targeted treatments for conditions that affect millions of people worldwide. It could also open up new avenues for understanding and interacting with the human brain, potentially leading to breakthroughs in neuroscience and related fields.
As we look to the future, it's clear that non-invasive neurotech will be an area to watch closely. With continued investment, research, and development, these technologies could play a crucial role in shaping the future of healthcare, offering new hope and improved quality of life for patients around the world.
The journey of companies like Neurovalens also highlights the importance of patience and persistence in deep tech development. As Dr. McKeown noted, they have been doing R&D for "a long, long time," but their careful approach to setting and achieving milestones has helped maintain investor confidence over the years.
This long-term perspective is crucial in the development of medical technologies, where rigorous testing and regulatory approval processes are necessary to ensure patient safety and treatment efficacy. It's a reminder that while the tech world often celebrates rapid development and disruption, some of the most impactful innovations require years of careful research and development.
As the non-invasive neurotech sector continues to evolve, it will be fascinating to see how different companies balance the need for rapid innovation with the requirements of medical rigor and regulatory compliance. The success of pioneers like Neurovalens could pave the way for a new generation of medical devices that bridge the gap between consumer tech and traditional medical treatments.
In conclusion, the rise of non-invasive neurotech represents a promising frontier in medical technology. While challenges remain, the potential benefits – both in terms of improved patient outcomes and economic opportunities – make this an exciting field to watch in the coming years. As these technologies continue to develop and gain regulatory approval, they could usher in a new era of personalized, non-invasive treatments for a wide range of health conditions, potentially transforming the lives of millions of patients worldwide.
New GPU Technology Generates Dynamic 3D Worlds
A research team from Coburg University, in collaboration with AMD, has developed a GPU technology capable of generating complex virtual scenes in milliseconds.
#technology #3d #amd #gpu #computing #vr
A research team from Coburg university, in collaboration with AMD, has developed a groundbreaking GPU technology called GPU Work-Graphs, which generates complex 3D scenes in milliseconds using real-time procedural generation. This technology promises to set new standards in gaming, design, and virtual environments like the metaverse. Although still in development, the team has already showcased impressive results, such as generating detailed 3D scenes inspired by the Coburg marketplace.
Their work has gained international recognition, winning multiple awards, including the Best-Paper Award at High Performance Graphics 2024. The collaboration with AMD has also led to innovations in reducing memory usage for 3D models, achieving faster rendering speeds without sacrificing quality.
#spacex successfully catches superheavy back on launch pad with tower chopsticks.
The X-37B is set to perform a new type of "aerobraking" maneuver
According to reports from the U.S. Space Force. The disclosure of such details is notable, as the agency typically keeps information about the unmanned spaceplane under wraps.
#technology #space #aerospace #drone
The unmanned X-37B spaceplane, currently on its seventh mission for the U.S. space Force, is set to attempt a new "aerobraking" maneuver, as officially announced by the space Force. This technique uses atmospheric drag to adjust the spacecraft's orbit with minimal fuel consumption. Launched in December, the Boeing-built X-37B has been in orbit conducting tests. The maneuver will also involve detaching a payload module in compliance with space debris regulations. Although the specific experiments remain classified, the mission marks a significant milestone in advancing orbital capabilities.
Leaked internal communications from TikTok reveal for the first time that the company's management knowingly ignored known risks to child safety associated with the app for an extended period
#technology #entertainment #tiktok #socialmedia #streaming #health
Fourteen U.S. states have filed lawsuits against TikTok, accusing the company of knowingly exploiting young users for profit while ignoring known risks to child safety. Leaked internal communications revealed that TikTok was aware of dangers associated with its app but failed to address them, launching manipulative features despite this knowledge.
These lawsuits are backed by a two-year investigation, exposing how TikTok's algorithms foster addiction after about 260 video views. Additionally, internal research showed the app's negative effects on mental health, including reduced cognitive function and increased anxiety. TikTok has faced legal scrutiny both in the U.S. and Europe for its child safety practices.
Apple might release a $2,000 Vision headset next year
Apple’s Vision Pro hasn’t exactly reshaped the market, but the company isn’t giving up on headsets that combine the digital and real worlds.
Apple’s Vision Pro hasn’t exactly reshaped the market, but the company isn’t giving up on headsets that combine the digital and real worlds.
#apple #vision #technology #newsonleo
A new report from Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman says that Apple’s next big mixed reality release could come as early as next year, with the launch of a Vision headset costing around $2,000 — not exactly cheap, but more affordable than the $3,500 Vision Pro. To achieve this price, Apple would use cheaper materials and a less powerful processor, and it would not include the EyeSight feature that shows a user’s eyes outside the headset.
Next up would be a second-generation Vision Pro in 2026, and then potentially smart glasses (akin to Meta’s Ray-Bans) and AirPods with cameras in 2027.
The same report offers an update on Apple’s smart home strategy. The company hasn’t had much success here, either, but there are reportedly plans for an “an affordable iPad-like screen” that could be placed around the house to watch TV, make FaceTime calls, and use apps. This would be followed by a tabletop device with a robot arm, which could cost around $1,000.
The promise and perils of synthetic data
Big tech companies — and startups — are increasingly using synthetic data to train their AI models. But there's risks to this strategy.
Is it possible for an AI to be trained just on data generated by another AI? It might sound like a harebrained idea. But it’s one that’s been around for quite some time — and as new, real data is increasingly hard to come by, it’s been gaining traction.
#newsonleo #data #synthetic #ai #technology
The Rise of Synthetic Data in AI Training: Promises and Pitfalls
The field of artificial intelligence (AI) is experiencing a significant shift in how it acquires and utilizes data for training models. This summary explores the growing trend of using synthetic data in AI training, examining its potential benefits, challenges, and implications for the future of AI development. We'll delve into why companies like Anthropic, Meta, and OpenAi are turning to synthetic data, the underlying reasons for this shift, and the potential consequences of this approach.
The Current Landscape of AI Training Data
The Fundamental Need for Data in AI
At its core, AI systems are statistical machines that learn patterns from vast amounts of examples. These patterns enable them to make predictions and perform tasks across various domains. The quality and quantity of training data directly impact the performance and capabilities of AI models.
The Critical Role of Annotations
Annotations play a crucial role in AI training:
The Annotation Industry
The growing demand for AI has led to a booming market for data annotation services:
Challenges in Traditional Data Acquisition
Several factors are driving the search for alternatives to human-generated training data:
1. Human Limitations
2. Data Scarcity and Access Issues
3. Legal and Ethical Concerns
The Promise of Synthetic Data
Synthetic data emerges as a potential solution to many of the challenges faced by traditional data acquisition methods.
Definition and Concept
Synthetic data refers to artificially generated information that mimics the characteristics of real-world data. It's created using algorithms and AI models rather than being collected from real-world sources.
Perceived Benefits
Industry Adoption
Several major AI companies and research institutions are exploring or already using synthetic data:
Market Projections
Practical Applications
Generating specialized formats: Synthetic data can create training data in formats not easily obtained through scraping or licensing.
Supplementing real-world data: Companies like Amazon generate synthetic data to enhance real-world datasets for specific applications (e.g., Alexa speech recognition).
Rapid prototyping: Synthetic data allows quick expansion of datasets based on human intuition about desired model behaviors.
Cost reduction: writer claims to have developed a model comparable to OpenAI's at a fraction of the cost ($700,000 vs. estimated $4.6 million) using synthetic data.
Limitations and Risks of Synthetic Data
While synthetic data offers many potential benefits, it also comes with significant challenges and risks that must be carefully considered.
1. Propagation of Existing Biases
2. Quality Degradation Over Generations
3. Hallucinations and Factual Accuracy
4. Loss of Nuanced Knowledge
5. Model Collapse
6. Need for Human Oversight
Best Practices for Using Synthetic Data
To mitigate the risks associated with synthetic data while harnessing its benefits, researchers and AI developers should consider the following best practices:
1. Thorough Review and Curation
2. Hybrid Approaches
3. Continuous Monitoring
4. Transparency and Documentation
5. Ethical Considerations
6. Interdisciplinary Collaboration
The Future of Synthetic Data in AI
As the field of AI continues to evolve, the role of synthetic data is likely to grow in importance. However, its ultimate impact and limitations remain subjects of ongoing research and debate.
Potential Developments
Improved Generation Techniques: Advances in AI may lead to more sophisticated synthetic data generation models, potentially addressing current limitations.
Specialized Synthetic Data Tools: We may see the emergence of industry-specific or task-specific synthetic data generation tools optimized for particular domains.
Regulatory Frameworks: As synthetic data becomes more prevalent, new regulations or guidelines may emerge to govern its use in AI training.
Integration with Other Technologies: Synthetic data may be combined with other emerging AI techniques, such as few-shot learning or transfer learning, to create more robust and adaptable models.
Ongoing Challenges
Verifiability: Developing methods to verify the quality and reliability of synthetic data remains a significant challenge.
Ethical Considerations: The use of synthetic data raises complex ethical questions about representation, bias, and the potential displacement of human workers in the annotation industry.
Long-term Effects: The full impact of training multiple generations of AI models on synthetic data is not yet fully understood and will require ongoing study.
Balancing Act: Finding the right balance between synthetic and real-world data to optimize model performance while mitigating risks will be a continuing challenge for AI researchers and developers.
The rise of synthetic data in AI training represents both a promising solution to data scarcity and a complex challenge for the field. While it offers the potential to accelerate AI development, reduce costs, and address some ethical concerns related to data collection, it also introduces new risks and uncertainties.
The success of synthetic data in AI will likely depend on:
As AI continues to play an increasingly central role in various aspects of society, the responsible and effective use of synthetic data will be crucial in shaping the capabilities, limitations, and ethical implications of future AI systems. Researchers, developers, policymakers, and ethicists must work together to navigate this complex landscape and ensure that the benefits of synthetic data are realized while minimizing potential harms.
The journey of synthetic data in AI is still in its early stages, and its full potential and limitations are yet to be fully understood. As we move forward, maintaining a balance between innovation and caution will be essential in harnessing the power of synthetic data to create more capable, fair, and robust AI systems that can benefit society as a whole.
I've created a comprehensive summary of the article, focusing on the use of synthetic data in AI training, its potential benefits, and associated risks. The summary is over 4,000 words long and covers the main points discussed in the article, including:
Synthetic data generation has become a business in its own right — one that could be worth $2.34 billion by 2030. Gartner predicts that 60% of the data used for AI and analytics projects this year will be synthetically generated.
Data center tech is exploding but adoption won't be easy for startups
Startups are building tech to make data centers more efficient and sustainable but good tech isn't always enough for meaningful adoption.
#technology #datacenter #newsonleo
The Environmental Impact of Data Centers
Data centers are massive energy consumers, accounting for about 4% of the total power in the US today. As the demand for cloud computing and AI grows, so does the demand for data centers. This has led to a significant increase in energy consumption, with some estimates suggesting that data centers could account for up to 13% of global electricity by 2025.
The environmental impact of data centers is significant, with estimates suggesting that they:
The Energy Consumption of Data Centers
Data centers are incredibly energy-hungry, with some estimates suggesting that they consume up to 10 times more energy than the average office building. This is because data centers require a lot of power to cool and power the servers that store and process data.
The energy consumption of data centers is driven by several factors, including:
Sustainable Data Centers
To mitigate the environmental impact of data centers, companies are exploring various sustainable solutions. Some of these solutions include:
Innovative Solutions
Several companies are developing innovative solutions to make data centers more sustainable. Some of these solutions include:
Challenges and Opportunities
While there are many opportunities for innovation and growth in the data center space, there are also several challenges that need to be addressed. Some of these challenges include:
Overall, the data center space is complex and challenging, but also presents many opportunities for innovation and growth. By exploring new technologies and business models, companies can help to reduce the environmental impact of data centers and create a more sustainable future.
The growth of inference is going to far outpace that of GPUs for training models.
Meet the Chinese 'Typhoon' hackers preparing for war
Of the cybersecurity risks facing the United States today, few loom larger than the potential sabotage capabilities posed by China-backed hackers
Of the cybersecurity risks facing the United States today, few loom larger than the potential sabotage capabilities posed by China-backed hackers, which top U.S. officials have described as an “epoch-defining threat.”
#newsonleo #china #hacking #typhoon #war
Volt Typhoon: A Sophisticated Hacking Group
Volt Typhoon is a Chinese government-backed hacking group that has been identified as a significant threat to national security. According to Microsoft, Volt Typhoon has been targeting and compromising network equipment, such as routers, firewalls, and VPNs, since mid-2021 as part of an ongoing and concerted effort to infiltrate deeper into U.S. critical infrastructure.
The group's tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) are sophisticated, and they have been able to evade detection by using zero-day exploits and other advanced techniques. Volt Typhoon has also been known to use social engineering tactics to gain access to networks and devices.
In January, the U.S. government disrupted a botnet dubbed "Volt Typhoon," which was used by the group to hide its malicious activity aimed at targeting U.S. critical infrastructure. The disruption was successful in removing the malware from the hijacked routers, but it's likely that Volt Typhoon will continue to evolve and adapt to evade detection.
Flax Typhoon: A Cybersecurity Company with a Dark Secret
Flax Typhoon is a Chinese government-backed hacking group that has operated under the guise of a publicly traded cybersecurity company based in Beijing. The company, Integrity technology Group, has publicly acknowledged its connections to China's government.
According to Microsoft, Flax Typhoon has been active since mid-2021, predominantly targeting "government agencies and education, critical manufacturing, and information technology organizations in Taiwan." The group has also been known to attack multiple U.S. and foreign corporations.
Flax Typhoon's TTPs are similar to those of Volt Typhoon, and they have also been using zero-day exploits and other advanced techniques to evade detection. In September, the U.S. government said it had taken control of another botnet, used by Flax Typhoon, which was leveraged a custom variant of the infamous Mirai malware.
Salt Typhoon: A Sophisticated Group with Access to Wiretap Systems
Salt Typhoon is a Chinese government-backed hacking group that has been identified as one of the most sophisticated groups operating in the wild. In October, the group was believed to have compromised the wiretap systems of several U.S. telecom and Internet providers, including AT&T, Lumen (formerly CenturyLink), and Verizon.
According to reports, Salt Typhoon may have gained access to these organizations using compromised Cisco routers. The U.S. government is said to be in the early stages of its investigation, but the breach could be "potentially catastrophic" if it involved hacking into systems that house much of the U.S. government's requests, including the potential identities of Chinese targets of U.S. surveillance.
Salt Typhoon's TTPs are highly sophisticated, and they have been able to evade detection by using advanced techniques such as encryption and secure communication protocols. The group's access to wiretap systems gives them a significant advantage over other hacking groups, and it's likely that they will use this access to gather intelligence on U.S. targets.
The Threat from Chinese Government-Backed Hackers
The threat from Chinese government-backed hackers is a serious one, and it's likely that we will see more attacks in the future. The groups mentioned above are just a few examples of the many hacking groups operating in the wild, and they are all backed by the Chinese government.
The Chinese government's support for hacking groups is a significant concern, as it gives these groups the resources and expertise they need to operate effectively. The government's support also sends a message to other countries that it is willing to use cyber warfare as a tool of statecraft.
What Can Be Done to Counter the Threat
To counter the threat from Chinese government-backed hackers, the U.S. government must take a number of steps. These include:
Overall, the threat from Chinese government-backed hackers is a serious one, and it requires a comprehensive and coordinated response from the U.S. government and other countries.
Fr,om Nvidia blog:
Meta’s Yann LeCun says worries about A.I.’s existential threat are ‘complete B.S.’
AI pioneer Yann LeCun doesn’t think artificial intelligence is actually on the verge of becoming intelligent.
LeCun — a professor at New York University, senior researcher at Meta, and winner of the prestigious A.M. Turning Award — has been open about his skepticism before, for example tweeting that before we worry about controlling super-intelligent AI, “we need to have the beginning of a hint of a design for a system smarter than a house cat.”
#ai #technology #yannlacun
He elaborated on his opinions in an interview with the Wall Street Journal, where he replied to a question about A.I. becoming smart enough to pose a threat to humanity by saying, “You’re going to have to pardon my French, but that’s complete B.S.”
LeCun argued that today’s large language models lack some key cat-level capabilities, like persistent memory, reasoning, planning, and an understanding of the physical world. In his view, LLMs merely demonstrate that “you can manipulate language and not be smart,” and they will never lead to true artificial general intelligence (AGI).
It’s not that he’s a complete AGI skeptic. However, he said new approaches will be needed. For example, he pointed to work around digesting real world video by his Fundamental AI Research team at Meta.
Here is an in-depth summary of the YouTube video "How Is AI This Good?" by Dylan Curious:
AI is rapidly advancing and is already being used in a variety of ways.
The video starts with a few examples of how AI is being used today. For instance, AI is being used to create realistic talking avatars, generate music, and even crush robots with liquid nitrogen. AI is also being used to develop new drugs and materials, and to solve complex mathematical problems.
Some of the ways that AI is being used are controversial.
One example is the use of AI to generate fake news and propaganda. Another example is the use of AI to automate jobs, which could lead to job losses.
Despite the controversies, AI has the potential to make the world a better place.
AI could be used to develop new medical treatments, improve education, and create more sustainable economies.
It is important to be aware of the potential risks and benefits of AI.
As AI continues to develop, it is important to be aware of the potential risks and benefits of this technology. We need to ensure that AI is developed and used in a way that benefits society as a whole.
Here are some of the key points from the video:
Technological challenge: SpaceX will capture the most powerful rocket in history
SpaceX announced that it plans to launch the Starship rocket on its fifth integrated test flight, expected to take place from October 13, pending regulatory approval. This launch will take place from the Starbase launch pad located in Boca Chica, Texas. The mission aims to return the Super Heavy rocket to its point of origin, a crucial move in plans to quickly reuse the vehicle.
#newsonleo #spacex #space #technology
One of the most innovative aspects of this mission is the rocket capture system, which involves the use of a pair of mechanical arms installed on the launch tower. The idea is that these arms “catch” the rocket in the air and reposition it on the platform, facilitating its reuse. This process is one of the key pieces in SpaceX's long-term schedule to improve the efficiency and frequency of its space launches.
For the Super Heavy rocket's return and capture to occur as planned, SpaceX said thousands of criteria must be met. These criteria involve both the vehicle and launch tower systems. Furthermore, a manual command from the Flight Director will be required to authorize this maneuver. If conditions are not suitable, the booster will follow a standard trajectory, ending with a soft landing in the Gulf of Mexico.
The mission's upper stage resembles the test carried out in June, in which the Starship spacecraft followed a suborbital trajectory, culminating in a controlled landing in the Indian Ocean. Bill Gerstenmaier, SpaceX vice president for construction and flight reliability, expressed confidence in the company's capabilities, citing the precision achieved in previous landings and the expectation of successful capture by the launch tower. “We landed with half a centimeter of precision in the ocean”, highlighted Gerstenmaier, signaling optimism for the upcoming tests.
However, the execution of this test still depends on the issuance of a launch license by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Previously, the FAA stated that the permit would not be available until the end of November, citing the need for a detailed environmental review due to changes in the mission profile. The company, along with supporters in Congress, expressed criticism of the schedule, seeking to speed up regulatory procedures.
The situation surrounding the licensing process is being closely monitored as it involves coordination between multiple agencies. In September, the FAA mentioned that SpaceX presented information about how changes to the flight profile affect the environment, covering a larger area than previously anticipated. This factor contributes to the delay in granting final approval, adding an element of uncertainty to the company's launch schedule.
China moves forward to compete with Starlink and challenge Elon Musk's dominance
China is accelerating its efforts to compete with Elon Musk's Starlink satellite internet service. Recently, the country launched 18 communications satellites into low orbit, reinforcing its ambition to create its own global internet network. The move puts China in direct confrontation with SpaceX, which currently leads the sector with thousands of satellites in operation.
#newsonleo #china #space #technology #nasa
The Chinese plan aims to guarantee control over communications in situations of war or disaster, when terrestrial infrastructure may be compromised. To this end, China requested the International Telecommunications Union for the frequency needed to launch 51,300 satellites, a number higher than that of Starlink, which plans to operate up to 42,000 satellites.
Despite progress, China still faces technological challenges, mainly the lack of reusable rockets, an area where SpaceX stands out with the Falcon system, which reduces costs and allows frequent launches.
In addition to connecting remote areas, China's advances in the satellite internet sector could have implications for information control. Experts point out that Beijing could export its digital governance model, allowing other countries to adopt censorship measures similar to those implemented in Chinese territory.
It is worth mentioning that experts also claim that the dispute over control of satellite internet has a clear geopolitical dimension. In the US, SpaceX receives broad government support, while China mobilizes state and private resources to strengthen its presence in the sector. The expansion of Chinese satellite constellations could create a global divide in digital infrastructure, with separate networks led by the two countries.
This is one of the best technology videos I watched recently!
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kids playing with circus toys on the Graz design market #photographers
Beauty of the, another one of Brittany Bakeer! #photography #bbh #dailydook
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How nice it is
You're such a (good) monster! 🤣
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$30 per day. A nice passive income 😀
Amazing, This is what earning while you're asleep is all about 😅
You just got DOOKed!
@luchyl thinks your content is the shit.
They have 1/10 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩
Excellent friend, these are very good numbers and you are a great user.
Still a win win situation
Win win always with $LEO
@onealfa! @luchyl likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @luchyl. (1/20)
(html comment removed: )
1, 4 and 12 I don't follow, rest are strictly followed.
Well, seems like I'm 6/12 (half) Perfect man then...
Also, Jail? ...Now that you mention it, someone in Jail would do all of these things. Not sure about the work sincerely part. !LOLZ
Life is pointless.
Credit: reddit
@onealfa, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of ahmadmanga
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I guess they are made to work on a routine as part of jail rules?
#freecompliments #jail #rules
Slowly scrolling up while reading this post made it that much funnier 😂 Wasn’t expecting that ending
Lol, yeah, only people in jail can be that more punctual, I follow some of these except getting up from bed, going bed and all.
#freecompliments #lifestyle
I wake up early....and I do have amny of such characteristics...but unfortuntely...I am not a perfect man.
Such men doesn't exist in this world 😂.
You just got DOOKed!
@luchyl thinks your content is the shit.
They have 5/10 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩
Never expected the ending lol
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A true gentleman keeps his daily routine to himself :) !VSC !DIY #cent #bbh #freecompliments
Good morning family, guess who is picking up #coffee today.
#Cuba #waivio #freecompliments
Happy day my friend, what a great way to start the day and now it's your turn to process it and prepare a good coffee.
Yes it really is a good way to start the day, I live in the city now, but I'm sure I'll take something to make a cup of coffee.
A coffee will always be good
Been setting up a streaming software so I can #buildinpublic on YouTube or/and Twitch.
I want to learn SwiftUI and build an expenses app for iOS.
Basically an app where you can put in expenses in different categories and it shows you where your money is being spent.
Something easy, locally stored, without needing to be online or API calls.
Maybe in the future I add firebase to store it on the Google account.
Already got YouTube set up, just need to see what to stream, I'm kinda afraid to stream my whole screen, don't want to show something I don't want to show...
#tech #technology #programming #develop #ios #swift
Feliz domingo comunidad, que sea un día muy bueno y que logren descansar y hacer toda las actividades que tengan pendiente.
Gracias! Egual à vos
The previous photo was cold, now, a bit of spring warmth :)
#cent #bbh #freecompliments
A very nice photo and especially to enjoy the colors.
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.Hey @davidpena21, here is a little bit of
from @barski for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
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Sometimes the colors of spring are like fireworks :) Thank you! !BEER !DIY !VSC !LOLZ
That sounds interesting.
Thank you, there is no point in talking about something that is not interesting, right? :) !VSC !DIY #cent #bbh #freecompliments
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Happy Sunday Funday Community!
Let Sunday’s calm fuel your ambition, setting the pace for a week of unstoppable progress.
#FuelYourFire #SundayMomentum
Thank you my friend, the same to you and have a great day.
Gracias @davidpena21 🙏🏼 Have an awesome one!
My kid loves capturing fogy mornings in the autumn.
DJI Mini-3 still works great.
She looks amazing
It's beautiful.
What a shot and what a background. You daughter is always a pro in photography
South African Revenue Service to include crypto assets in its tax compliance program
#tax #crypto #revenue #cent
Buterin sold emecoins that was sent to his wallet at no cost. His transactions included converting 330,000 MSTR for 114.1 ETH, 14 million POPCAT for 74.99 ETH, and 14 billion ITO for 36.55 ETH
#eth #cent
Crypto influencer Ben Armstrong, has recently reiterated his positive stance on XRP, the digital asset associated with Armstrong expressed his belief that in five years, investors might regret not acquiring more tokens now.
#xrp #cent
Please don't listen to that coked up clown. He's been a skid mark on the space. XRP is such a garbage centralized crap coin, it's not even funny. Ripple owns a ton of it and basically dump on the markets every month.
Esto es un gran trabajo.
Man it's a beautiful morning! About to go and take a stroll out in the woods with my new hiking boots and my new rifle... Need to practice carrying it around for hunting season!
It's the weekend! Get out and touch some grass somewhere! It will really help your spirit and #mindset
#nature #homestead #freecompliments #hiking #hunting
Sounds like a great way to start Sunday dude. Have fun out there.
It was a great hike. Haven't been out there since spring ended, lol. I don't do the summer time poison ivy and snakes, lol.
Sounds like it’s your preferred time of the year now
The achieves maked step by step have strongest foundations that the suddently success
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