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RE: Another day: Another black kid killed during a routine traffic stop.

in LeoFinance4 years ago

I watched the full body cam video, this is a pretty serious topic. Racism is not an epidemic because it is a constant burden for as long as human writings go back, therefore it has to be taken on as what it is - part of our failed nature. It goes in all directions and is not limited to skin color alone.

We are fallen creatures in the urban jungles of the 21th Century, all people are! All shades of brownish-grey skin-colored hairless asylum seekers of this earth. I hate this black/white nonsense talk and it is pure evil. The opposite of racism is not anti-racism, it's compassion. Accept that suffering is part of life for everyone and treat each other with respect and dignity. But how do 'young' people of today even explain the value of each and every human life if they don't believe in a divine soul anymore?