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RE: The Way Hive Can Replace Twitter

in LeoFinance2 years ago (edited)

It's fascinating because he does have the public trust with him and none trusts Twitter, not anymore. They lost everything when they banned Trump and Dorsey left. We can see that playing out now, Musk is the single reason why Twitter is not down 70-80% from last year. But this knowledge was only the catalyst, the reason for the conflict was the backlash vs him and the non-cooperative stance of the Twitter Leadership in the early weeks of the transition. Now he's dedicated to showing them their place, and rightfully so.


I cant speak to how much Musk is trusted as compared to the others involved. Dorsey isnt exactly pure as snow as we in the cryptocurrency world know.

However, Twitter's stock is basically flat for the past decade. That is terrible performance and the Board should be condemned for that.

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