With the back and forth between Elon Musk and Twitter's Board, many are speculating whether the popular social media platform is on the decline. A lot more than Mush are questioning the bot situation.
Regardless of the outcome, there is an opening that many feel can be exploited by Web 3.0.
In this article we will delve into the way that Hive could take a large chunk Twitter's userbase. Ultimately, it comes down to detailing what Twitter is and how Hive can counteract it.
Let us begin.

What Is Twitter?
Certainly everyone knows it is a microblogging platform that allows people to send out short term text messages. Yet, to truly find the answer to this question, we should go under the hood to see what is there.
So, if we think about it in term of its core components, what is Twitter?
To me, we can sum it up as nothing more than a database. Twitter simply is a data storage system that recorded all that was done on the platform since its inception. Each new Tweet simply adds to that.
Of course, the data is formatted in such a way that it is tied to each account. Users can see the information pertaining to the individual activity, that is until the company decides to ban someone.
Basically, that is all Twitter is. Sure it has some features but, at its core, it is a database.
Of course, we still have Twitter.com. If we analyze this through the same lens, it is nothing more then the front end to access said data. The key is that it is the only one that does this. People cannot build other front ends utilizing the data.
Twitter is a closed network. The different nodes are all part of the company. If there is a moat, this is it.
Here is the opportunity. Twitter is nothing more than a database with a front end that provides some features to the userbase. Due to this, it was able to enjoy the benefits of the network effect.
Can Hive Replicate This?
As we will see, there are some advantages that Hive can offer which could make this outcome very possible.
Before getting that, let us strip Hive to its core components.
Hive is a blockchain. This means it utilizes Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT). Unlike Twitter, this is a decentralized node system which copies the ledger (dataset) onto many unrelated computers around the world. It is permissionless meaning anyone can write to it as long as they have an account (with the private key) and enough Resource Credits to access the network.
The best known network of this sort is Bitcoin, although it uses a different consensus mechanism. However, one key is the Bitcoin ledger only contains transactions. Hive allows for the storage of text, in the form of articles and comments. This enables for a more robust database.
Think of it as comparing the database of a bank to that of Twitter. Hive is more like the latter.
From this perspective, the ability exists. Of course, there will be the question of scaling but that is always going to be the case with blockchains. Fortunately, the one thing most can agree upon regarding DPoS chains is the ability to scale. Sidechains could also be of use here to remove some of the load.
Therefore, in terms of the infrastructure, the potential exists to offer a decentralized version of Twitter.
Front Ends
Now we come upon the second part of the equation, and the one that becomes the epitome of Web 3.0.
Leofinance is bringing out an update to their site which will include "Threads". This is a feature that is going to allow short form content. On the back end of things, it will utilize the commenting system. To the user, it will have a feel to Twitter which is all the individual cares about.
This is the first of a multi-step process whereby Leofinance aims to bring out an application similar to Twitter. They are looking to create this on-chain, meaning utilizing Hive as the database.
Here is the point many miss: if that happens, it could be game over for Twitter.
Let me explain.
It isn't so much the application that Leofinance brings out that is the answer. What is more important is their writing to the blockchain. Once that is done, the data is available for anyone to utilize. The Leofinance applications is ultimately just a front end.
What this means is other developers can duplicate this process. It might take a bit of reverse engineering but the capability is there. Since the data is open, they can incorporate it into whatever they build.
This is no different than how the different applications process the long form content.
In other words, Hive's solution to Twitter could a decentralized database with a number of front ends that provide different features to their userbases.
The goal is not to build one alternative to Twitter but, rather, a dozen of them.
Welcome to Web 3.0.
Why Hive Stands Out
With the Elon Musk situation, there are suddenly many trying to build an alternative to Twitter. The challenge is they are using blockchains with transactions fees.
This is ultimately a non-starter in the social media realm. It is hard to imagine where people will pay, even if it is a small amount, to utilize social media features. After all, would you pay a penny each time you went to upvote someone, let alone 5 or 10 cents?
Even with the micropayment capability, the probability that heavy users will pay for each activity is low.
The Resource Credit System on Hive makes it rather unique. The transaction fees are built into the staking one does with the main coin. This is what allows access to the chain.
What this means is there are no direct transaction fees. As anyone on Hive knows, if there are enough RCs for the activity, it can be done.
This is something that will be needed for microblogging. Most people are not going to pay money to send out a "Tweet"
In the end, Hive is in a very unique position. Naturally, it would still have to get word out and attract the users but the foundation would be in place.
What are your thoughts? Do you see how Hive has the core components to be a major threat to Twitter.
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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
To be honest, not really. It is not a threat to Twitter. Nor to Facebook. Nor to YouTube. Maybe a very small competitor, but nothing more. Nowadays most people do not even want alternatives to these websites, so probably this will stay this way for a long time.
I believe your assessment is incorrect. History is riddled with companies that ended up losing their influence and revenues.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Probably one day the above mentioned companies will also fail, but probably not in the near future. Of course I do not see the future, so this could also be in the near future. Anything can happen to any company any day. Even to the biggest companies. There is no such thing as too big to fail. Just the failure of these companies in the near future is highly unlikely, but not excluded.
Ashton-Tate in the world of databases. Borland in the world of computer language tools. Lotus 1-2-3 for spreadsheets. WordStar and WordPerfect for word processing. AIM and Y!M for instant messengers.
IBM has been around for decades, but it had to adapt as technology moved from punch cards to magnetic tape to optical media. Likewise for Microsoft.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah the computer/internet world have even a longer list.
Compuserv and Prodigy belong on the list.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
While I agree with this point, it's not what we mean... Some people I know don't even know "internet." They only know Facebook, and only because they "need" to use it. (Many people in my country provide their services through Facebook.)
For Hive to replace that, they will have to need to use Hive. But that will be hard because Hive isn't easy to use for non-tech people.
Two points here:
you are correct about the ease of use. That has to improve, it is too complicated.
Hive also needs to be that. Most do not care about the database or back end. They simply will be able to microblog (Tweet) from the different platforms they are on. The fact they are on Hive is not going to matter to them. Instead they will only know they are on Leofinance.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I hope it succeeds... Especially if Hive became less complicated to use, but I don't see a way right now.
I agree about the Leofinance bit, they don't need to know they're on Hive.
In the late 1980s, a Soviet cosmonaut from the USSR went into space for a long-term mission. When he returned to Earth, the USSR had dissolved into 15 independent nations (among them Russia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine). Also during the cosmonaut's time in space, the Berlin Wall fell; you know the rest.
For now, Twitter, Facebook, etc. are at the top of the heap. That can change. It may not seem like an immediate change, but sudden change takes years to occur. We may even be living in such a time right now.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Musk is making a fuss about Bots and Spam on Twitter with its free2use accounts and that's probably bullseye. Adding Human Bots and automated bots into the same basket will probably make a huge chunk of the overall engagement of the platform.
That led him to propose yellow checkmarks for accounts that stake at least 20$ of BTC in form of Lightning. You can withdraw anytime you're not banned for spam reasons and your yellow checkmark will desappear. Funny right, why not stake HIVE and maybe even add RC's to the mix :P
Just sain, they all come down the road eventually.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
At this point, it is questionable whether he wants the company.
We will see if the deal goes through.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think he's mocking them on the way out. That’s his kind of vybe.
To me, it looks like he has the leverage.
We will see how this all works out. I dont see how the Board has much of a leg to stand on.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It's fascinating because he does have the public trust with him and none trusts Twitter, not anymore. They lost everything when they banned Trump and Dorsey left. We can see that playing out now, Musk is the single reason why Twitter is not down 70-80% from last year. But this knowledge was only the catalyst, the reason for the conflict was the backlash vs him and the non-cooperative stance of the Twitter Leadership in the early weeks of the transition. Now he's dedicated to showing them their place, and rightfully so.
I cant speak to how much Musk is trusted as compared to the others involved. Dorsey isnt exactly pure as snow as we in the cryptocurrency world know.
However, Twitter's stock is basically flat for the past decade. That is terrible performance and the Board should be condemned for that.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It could all be a ploy for Musk to buy Twitter at a discount. Legal battles can take years, so we may be occupied with more pressing matters by the time it's all settled out of court or decided by a judge.
Since it's not over, this leaves open a scenario I proposed weeks ago: Musk buys Twitter only to shut it down.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Interesting theory.
Why would he do that? What is the incentive to drop the money, even if discounted, and then close it down?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
At the time I proposed that theory-- during the first few days of this mess-- it was 150% speculation, total gut feeling.
Why would Elon Musk want to buy Twitter only to shut it down?
People have bought the rights to certain (normally "unflattering") content to make sure it never saw the light of day; this was the main motivation I sensed.
He was acting an enforcer of the accepted mores on Big Tech culture: an example needed to be made and Twitter wasn't as profitable as the other companies. In this scenario, Elon Musk would be seen by Big Tech as a hero or ally.
He was acting as a one-man gang to clear out the toxins infecting Twitter in order to heal it, or (failing that) to replace it with his own social media offering. In this scenario-- which was unfolding before our eyes-- he was seen as a heel or villain.
Pure capriciousness-- "just because"; mercurial people are unpredictable, and more so when they are considered "eccentric".
Financially speaking, none of this makes sense. However, certain things have a value beyond money. For now, things will be handled by the lawyers.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think it is safe to say that money is not the primary motivation for Musk. However, $44 billion is a lot to toss away even for him.
Now this could end up as a much lower price and maybe worth it to him to give up 10%-15% of his net worth.
Hard to tell what he is up to.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This scenario is the one most likely to be realized. Even billionaires can appreciate buying something at garage sale prices.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I really don't see people moving away from TW to be honest. People love the status quo and, more than likely, will stay in the Matrix.
When I talk to people (offline) about Hive, they just don't get the point of decentralization, censorship-resistant tech etc. etc. They don't care ... they wanna stay on IG, TT, YT and TW because that's where folks are.
However, when I start talking about making crypto through blogging, video etc. they start to pay attention. I know Hive it's not just about that, but that's the way we should lure them in. That's the top of the marketing funnel if you will.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Epic failure.
That was done with people making videos how they got X on their first few posts. When people come for the rewards only, when they dont get them, they leave.
As yes people like the status quo, until you realize the new innovation is better. How does having one account with the following for all platforms sound? With Twitter, YT, Facebook, have to build a following on each.
One Hive it is done once.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes, of course, that makes sense. You're correct 100%.
But I was not talking about "make money easy" narrative. I am talking about build a business as a content creator.
I'll make some content about this anyway. Difficult to make my point via comments.
But yes, I totally understand your point and I agree.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Even if you sell it as hard to do, people will assume it is easy and get frustrated when you them them it will take at least a year of consistency before you start to gain traction as a content creator. This is basically what happened in late 2017/early 2018.
The good ole days of Jerry Banfield.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Those were fun days with real drama. I wonder what happened to Jerry Ban(ghimsel)field.
No clue. Med rebalancing maybe?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Doesn't matter if you go onto Web2 or Web3 platform, you have to build an audience.
I'm part of a Space on Tuesday evenings and when we're talking about Hive, we talk ab out the need to build engagement just like you have to do on Twitter, that you're going to be earning micro amounts which is more than you earn on Twitter and you have one login for multiple apps.
People are curious, some are trying it out. Not everyone is an early adopter and we're still in the early adopting stages.
That's actually a good point.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
"Come for the crypto, stay for the social."
That seems to be the major lure for bringing people into Hive and LeoFinance (or any other tribe, for that matter).
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This current generation are web2 minded. They need an overhaul of the way the use the internet to understand Hive's capabilities. I think that's why marketing rightly is very important
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Well it starts with the database. And how many operate decentralized databases on Hive?
This is the first step. Hopefully what Leofinance is doing will open us to that.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah, let's hope for the best
Posted using LeoFinance Mobile
It's more like an awareness thing:
When a cashier asks you "Cash or credit card?" and you respond with "money order" or with "traveler's check," you get looked at as if you're a Cyclops;
When someone asks you if you use Windows or the Apple Macintosh OS and you answer "Ubuntu" or "Linux" or "Mint" you get the stink eye;
Many times, people aren't even aware that other options or paradigms exist. After all, we may use Windows/Mac OS on our computers, but businesses use some type of Unix computer system to run ATMs and cash registers.
Marketing is definitely important, and it has to be handled the right way. The sooner losing marketing strategies are discovered, the sooner they can be thrown away in favor of strategies which are proven to get results.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
elon musk is more of a market speculator, but I do believe that hive is an alternative to twitter.
Everything that Leofinance touched suffered losses - I don't believe in anything that Leofinance does - my personal opinion!
We shall see.
Of course, the same could also be said about all of crypto.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
saying that it is in decline is complicated since we do not know the terms of the negotiation between the parties #Hive could take that database and use them but a question would have to have the permission of Twitter or not
I like the idea of HIVE being a decentralized alternative to Twitter! You're correct about one of HIVE's secret weapons: the fact that it uses RCs that replenish with time and staking, instead of fees, makes it the perfect choice for a high volume messaging backend. What's exciting is that the necessary infrastructure is already there for a Twitter like application to be built!
Yes the decentralized database already exists. Thus the data could be applied and then it is just a matter of front ends starting to utilize it.
This is how I see where Hive could take on something like Twitter. It would not be a single application but a culmination.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes but depend on users creativity.
Not sure I am following what you mean.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Considering she says she is in the UK her English is not great. I'm not convinced the account is genuine. 'love to write to blog', but no recent posts.
Always hard to tell.
There are a lot on here fishing now. I hear the introduce yourself is a lot of the same people simply adding new accounts.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I have a query for Brits and several who say they are in the UK seem dodgy to me. I need some evidence they are real before they get added to my #BritList.
Dodgy people on the Internet. Surely you jest. 😁👍
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
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Hey @taskmaster4450le, here is a little bit of from @steevc for you. Enjoy it!Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the
.The Elon Musk saga really 'zeroed in' on the downfall of Twitter. Things are getting worse for them now and I believe their decline is imminent.
Hive has the perfect opportunity to replace this micro blogging platform. It has all the capabilities to do it far better than how Twitter does it. With the right strategy in place, more than half of Twitter's user base can be on boarded on Hive. Web 3.0 is the future!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The company has not seen a move in its stock price in the decade it was public.
Well that was before the move down after Musk supposedly pulled out. I bet the return on Twitter stock from the IPO is negative.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Whatever apps are pre-installed on your phone will always have the advantage.
You'll notice dominant apps in the short message space, whereas longer format space rely heavily on search engine rankings, which force you through centralized control once again.
This may sound contrarian, but imho, it's easier to win the war, than it is to fight each battle since each vertical is so heavily entrenched. Rather than divide and conquer, it's time to try an amalgamated approach. Think digital personal assistant / curator, as a service. Become the funnel.
That is true although I would venture to say that we do not have many Web 3.0 related apps on any of these phones.
And the major public companies have more than just users. There is still profitability that comes into play, something Twitter is going to be dealing with.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Let's also remember that many Big Tech companies-- those we consider Web 2.0-- also receive some level of government subsidies. That explains part of their dominance of the space. This is also what Hive is up against.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is true they do. However, the money situation can change quickly especially when you consider the network effect is what adds the value, in fiat terms, to cryptocurrency.
I think this is key. Even the government could have a tough time competing with that if it explodes in value.
The next bull run ought to make things very interesting.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The capabilities of Hive are always there fitting into numerous use cases, it just requires consistent scratching of its surface and building on it.
The thought of LeoFinance developing threads to its site suitable for microblogging and having it open source is exciting, with that in place the possibilities there on for Apps with microblogging could give Twitter a good run especially with decentralization being a core component.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I am not sure what they are building is open source but the data is open and anyone can incorporate it into what they build.
So we could see other applications popping up and doing something similar.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
very helpful, thanks
~~~ embed:1548496795570802688 twitter metadata:bWdsX2Nienx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9tZ2xfY2J6L3N0YXR1cy8xNTQ4NDk2Nzk1NTcwODAyNjg4fA== ~~~
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @no-advice, @migka ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.
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Not only Hive can replace Twitter, but it can become a social platform with its own destiny if it will develop the right frontend for it. And I am speaking here about a fast micro-blogging app, which will filter out all the big posts and focus on fast-paced "tweets". I am sure things will improve also on this side and we will see such a champion app in the near future.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
We really can take over social media but with time. Thanks for the share.
To be honest , Twitter is world acclaimed and I really do not see people putting their energy into any other app with such short thread messaging feature . I mean it’s acronym stands for Think, Write Intelligent, Thoughtful Topics, Evaluate, Re-tweet.(TWITTER). Hive tends to key in into this objective really well but before the platform can seek to replace an app like Twitter I feel more effort should be focused on making more individuals come on board first off and make them see the many varieties of opportunities available in this decentralized crypto blockchain platform.
I agree that Hive can definitely replace Twitter.
Dorsey saw the writing on the wall that the era of centralised social media is on the decline and created Blue Sky to join the movement.
I've heard the 3Speak lads say that the Blue Sky team has acknowledged Hive, so definitely knows about what we have given birth to here.
Afterall, Hive is already what Twitter's Bluesky aims to be.
While the irony of one of the biggest centralised social media corporations 'decentralising' social media isn't lost on me, at least it furthered the discussion.
I just hope the irony of one of the biggest centralised social media corporations being tasked with 'decentralising' social media... but not to the point of losing control... isn't lost on anyone else.
In the end, all roads lead to Hive.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Who knows?
One day Hive can smash Twitter.
I agree with everything you say in this post, especially regarding the fact that Twitter is nothing more than a database, and little more than that. And basically, I think Twitter's strength was, as you said, providing certain features for users in their database.
And I also think that Twitter's main weakness lies precisely in its centralized nature, because the main consequence of this is that it takes away freedom of expression; when it is supposed to, as a social network, be a means of free expression, where people speak their minds without fear of being kicked off the platform.
In this sense, Hive has all the potential to take the lead and displace Twitter in the not too distant future; and its users could end up switching to Hive when they really understand the great advantages of Hive with respect to Twitter (and with respect to any other most famous and important social networks of the moment).
I think that Elon Musk's problem with Twitter is revealing just the tip of the Iceberg of all Twitter problems, because they are only focusing on the bot theme (or mainly on that).
In any case, all this benefits Hive, which, being a platform based on blockchain technology, has so many advantages over Twitter that it is impossible, as I see it, to list them all. But one of the most notable is that since Hive is a network of a decentralized nature, for the simple fact of having the possibility for developers to create various Front Ends, it is a very great virtue with respect to Twitter.
Because as we well know, the decentralized nature of Hive guarantees freedom of expression, since whoever holds the keys to an account is literally the owner of that account. This, explained in simple terms, means that Hive is a social platform of the Web 3.0 era, and all of us who are on it, with our accounts, truly own a little piece of this platform; and that little piece, gives us a great freedom of action, and of expression. So we actually have a right over our accounts, and that right means that no one can ever take our Hive accounts from us, as long as we have our private keys.
In addition, for all of the above, in Hive no one will be able to limit or block our content no matter how much they want, because it is a completely different system from conventional social networks; in such a way that in Hive, the only thing that limits us at the level of interaction within the platform are the RC, outside of that, nothing more. That is why I think that Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and all the other social networks anchored in the old model of Web 2.0, will become history as soon as Web 3.0 is established in a more important way and people start to fully realize these realities and understand the potential that Web 3.0 offers in relation to all of the above.
I am hopeful that that will happen at some point in the med to long term. It will dawn and we will see.
Excellent Post. Thanks for sharing. Greetings.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Suppose I use Project Blank to post content for other Project Blank users to see. I'm guessing that it stays invisible to Tweeters and to Twitter, is this correct?
Now suppose I use Project Blank to post a tweet for people on Twitter to see. This tweet will also be written to Hive blockchain, so as a result we will be visible to both Tweeters and Hivers using Project Blank, is that correct?
If Elon Musk and Mark Cuban tweet each other using Twitter, Project Blank is out of the loop, and therefore their tweet never gets written to Hive blockchain; therefore, it never gets made available to Project Blank, is that correct?
I'm asking these questions because I'm trying to see how Project Blank would be better than D.Buzz, the already-existing microblogging platform based on Hive. While Project Blank may be a quantum leap ahead of D.Buzz, D.Buzz isn't chopped liver, either.
As much as I want Project Blank to be a game-changer on the magnitude of Splinterlands (if not greater), I'm not finding myself as excited about Project Blank as I should be or as many Leos are. This concerns me because I don't want to be like those people who wondered how in the world people could ever go beyond 64Kb RAM or like those people who considered FAX to be the ultimate in technology; then I lose out on life-changing wealth because of that limitation on my part.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
If Leofinance implements a microblogging functionality it will get my primary posting tool since this is one thing I do daily. Posting small comments or news about stocks or crypto.
Hopefully we will see the iOS App soon too.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
There's one thing Hive can't replicate on Twitter, (or at least can't do it without years of patience,) which is the userbase... When we talk about Twitter, we usually don't talk about it as a platform or feature. We talk about its users!
Twitter is full of companies' accounts. Because their users are there. Twitter's short-form content makes it easy to give your audience short updates.
So, there need to be more active users and their friends here if we want to replace Twitter with Hive. I use DBuzz which is a microblogging platform on Hive, but other than a dozen or two, users aren't very active there.
There doesn't seem to be as much incentive as Twitter users seem to have using their platform.
He doesn’t want to be spotted.
Credit: reddit
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I think a platform built on top of Hive is good but I am not sure how things would work when Project Blank becomes too big. We can see that Splinterlands has decided to go the route of their own servers and it's not exactly the same as what I would of expected.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
with the ability to log in with Twitter accounts many from Twitter will want to try out the alternative.
Don't under estimate the value of social audio aka Twitter Spaces when wanting to replace it. Would be great opportunity for Leo Finance and Aureal to work in tandem to draw even more over.
Using Spaces Dashboard, an independently developed app, I currently see 2,367 Spaces running:
That's with them only being available through mobile phones. Add desktop and tablet to the mix and the audience expands.
Copy and paste is not innovative.
There must be a Tiktok like dapp for that.
And then hive needs to deliver a create benefit as a burden.
Build on hive means politics, high cost, low user experience and some other problems.
Hive needs to remove rewards from L1 first to become more neutral and then lower cost of everything massive.
Otherwise, it will be never attractive to the mass. And I talk about the real mass 50 Million to a billion.
I fully intend on dumping Twitter as my micro-blogging platform of choice. I get no financial value from them, nor do I know how many people are actually being shown what I post!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta