Why Hive Blockchain Needs a Rebranding (imho)

in LeoFinance3 months ago

Greeting everyone, today Im gonna talk about why I think the Hive Blockchain need a rebranding ASAP, I have studied the effects of color in the human psyche for a long time, specially since I love markting, photography and digital art in general. I know every color has a particular effect on the viewer.

So I made a video with a deep dive into the problem of the Hive Logo in my humble opinion, according to my study on the psychology of color in marketing.


Summary of the video

The video is 12 minutes, I know some people doesnt have the time to watch it, so I made this straight to the point summary with the main ideas.

Im a member of the Hive Blockchain since the steem days in 2017, with another account, and I have seen projects come and go, and I stayed in this chain because I think its a project with incredible potential, innovative technology always improving, a beautiful dedicated community, and it also has a clear vision. Yet, despite these strengths, I have always wondered why it hasnt take off yet? why it hasnt reached its full potential? This is intringuing to me and after a deep analysis, I realized a factor that stands out on its own and that is the branding, particularly the color red in the logo.

The color red in the science of the psychology of color is often associated with caution, with danger, with high risk and other things, specially red candles particularly in the financial world, so I think this may unconsciously make investors,devs, project partners, and even users doubt about becoming a part of the community.
This effects of colors are well studied in the science of the psychology of color. Each one has its own particularity and the effects on the perception. I think we have to take a look at other options, later on the post I am going to give you a good option in my humble opinion and a possible solution.



I feel like subconciusly its giving the investors a bad vibe, red is the color of danger, we have to think, what message are we giving with this color? Are we unknowingly saying:
be careful with this project!
watch out!
stay away!

I think so...

Take a look at other projects with red logos, such as TRON, they all show a consistent trend of underperformance. It cant be just coincidence, dont you think?


Dont get me wrong I love the color red, I just think that is not the right color for a project involved in the crypto world, I think it works awesome on entertainment like Youtube for example, or specially in Food like Mac Donalds, but for finance I think its not the best choice, to be completely honest its literally the worst, because its associated with downtrends, red candles and everything like that.
Possible solution


To unlock Hive's full potential, I think that rebranding is important, we need a new logo and color.
In the video I show a possible solution, maybe we can change to a color blue, that is often associated with security , and other reasons like for example the color blue is also often associated with a global theme, since Hive is global I think this could be a good option.

https://www.sciencelearn.org.nz/images/655-our-blue-planet https://www.zekagraphic.com/psychology-of-color-in-logo-design/





This is not my usual content since Im a visual artist and a musician, this is my first financial post ever in this account, but I tried my best to make it because I think its important to reflect on these things once in a while, and make my opinion be known.
Anyways, I hope it was a good food for though and I hope you enjoyed my work, Im starting a crypto centered youtube channel. This is my first video ever for this channel, its been a while since I made a video with my voice, so it was a good practice for my rusty english, since its not my first language.
Well, thanks for visiting to mny blog and until next time.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I have always wondered why it hasnt take off yet? why it hasnt reached its full potential?

Because of the bad approach of most of its users.

What Hive actually needs is not rebranding, but a proper marketing to have a good outside visibility to reach actual content consumers.

Steem had one of the possible worst marketings ("post, vote, earn"), and this attracted mostly selfish and greedy people, and some people continue doing the same marketing for Hive.

Nowadays most Hive users focus on their own posts. Most Hive posts are ignored/overlooked.

And the so called curators often do not even see the content they curate (upvote), because their upvotes are automated.

Most people are so focused on the monetary aspect that they forget (do not care) about the content.

The natural usage is rare.
Actual interest in the content is rare.

This is how most people socially ruin an otherwise technically revolutionary platform.

I agree with you, but I think in a practical way, both rebranding and addressing user behavior are both important for Hive’s success.

A multi-approach that includes:

Rebranding from scratch
Proper marketing
Encouraging genuine community engagement
These three points together could help Hive finally reach its full potential. So, I admit it’s not just about ONE thing only, the ideal would be taking a multi-faceted approach, in my opinion.

Encouraging genuine community engagement?

This is another wrong approach.

Because if you have to encourage genuine community engagement on a so called social network, then that platform is already lost.

On a properly working social network the interactions are natural and genuine. People are actually there for the content.

You do not have to encourage genuine community engagement on a properly working social network.

Because it is naturally there.

True organic engagement comes with time, you have to start somewhere.

True organic engagement comes with at least two people having actual, real mutual interest in at least one topic.

Nowadays this is the rarest thing I see on the Hive blockchain.

Most Hive users care mostly about their own posts.

That's true, we have to change that mindset somehow.
By "encouraging", I don't necessarily mean monetary incentives, but perhaps introducing some kind of interesting dynamics to get people more excited and engaged, we have to be creative on that regard.
I think this will come naturally when more people join.

no bro, because it's shit!

because it's a scam bro

I agree. The name is horrible and the color is horrible and the logo is horrible lol. I think we are already in too deep to change everything, but the color should be the easiest to change. I don’t even think it needs to be something people all agree on, we just stop using the red logo.

Hive projects generally suck at aesthetics.i don’t understand why everyone is branding hive like a 1990’s failed tech company.

Of course another reaosn hivenisnt great at growing…people acting like a cult while doing outreach and post promoing to an X algorithm that punishes link dropping was a waste of energy too. I don’t want to complain anymore. Let’s just stop using red.

Blue is nice. I like turquoise.