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RE: The Notorious T.H.I.N.G

in LeoFinance4 years ago

You really do have to try and distinguish yourself. I like to think I try my best to be myself instead of putting on a front and I think that shows with a lot of the individuals that stand out. They do precisely what a lot of fresh young scamps don't. All too often people join up and copy others style and they wonder why there is such dearth of interaction on their posts. Why would someone read one mans article about the price of ETH or the health benefits of turmeric when there are a hundred posts that are copying the exact same original article that you have from elsewhere on the net :OD.


I like to think I try my best to be myself instead of putting on a front and I think that shows with a lot of the individuals that stand out.

Yes it does.

They do precisely what a lot of fresh young scamps don't.

It requires experience to be able to rely on who you are - most whippersnappers don't have much and Googling a personality doesn't yield great results.

or the health benefits of turmeric when there are a hundred posts that are copying the exact same original article that you have from elsewhere on the net :OD

You didn't like my tumeric post I copied from Instagram, which was a copy from Cosmo, which copied ....?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oooo. I am off to google a personality. I wonder what delights await... POB :D


Number 2, Sheer class!

There must be a lot of ugly people googling this, as, who else would want to be a radio personality?

Ginger folk? :OD

OH, I shouldnt really. My boy is a flaming red haired Scotsman (to be)

Has he started drinking yet?

OH, I shouldnt really. My boy is a flaming red haired Scotsman (to be

He deserves a good life.

after surviving the attempted bucket drowning at birth and all...