I had minor texts written by the AI but all the time, they were just an inspiration and a starting ground to write about some topics.
I never just copy-paste them. I always insert my evaluations, my perceptions, my pro-cons thoughts, my experience and much more. All things that an AI is not yet ready to provide.
I think that Hive bloggin must be personal and even if we can have some tools to facilitate work, we cannot forget that we are here to interact among PEOPLE and bringing VALUE.
Besides, what would be the difference between an AI and an automatic voter?
Isn't it the same like "do you want to curate or get passive income?" Do it by yourself (I am provoking with the smile on my face. I am interested in getting your perspective here)
Some people are using them as the base, but it is a slippery slope - how long until the base is the entire post?