AI Earning and Learning on Hive

in LeoFinance2 years ago (edited)

Over the years on Hive, I likely have several dozen (if not more) posts on artificial intelligence, its dangers and opportunities written - and they all have one thing in common - I wrote them. Not an AI, not a machine, not even a translation program - me. Because of this, they are unique and more importantly, they are mine.


With the rise of AI intelligence and the improvement in their ability to create content, there is obviously going to be people who are going to leverage the technology to create posts on Hive to earn tokens. We have seen this increasingly over the last months with the rapid proliferation of AI-generated "artwork" with there being two oxymorons contained in the one word when used in that context.



Now of course, with it ChatGPT making it more accessible at higher qualities, people are using it to create written text for reward on Hive. Some people see no issue with this, some have a lot of issue with it. I am one of those people who see the benefits of it in some instances, but for the most part, it is detrimental to the community.

The reason is that I believe in rewarding content creators, not content users, where a content user is someone who leverages the content of others and claims it as their own content - like a plagiarist. And, it is plagiarism, even if the source is not a human creator.

Thought about it that way?

As such, content users shouldn't be rewarded as creators, because they aren't the one creating it. If they were the people who coded the AI, then that would be fine, but as people who are just typing in commands, they are not creating anything themselves, even if it spits out something that is unique. And, while you can disagree with my appraisal and definition of what is art, work or what has value, the fact is that stake does have value in the Hive ecosystem and the stake that says that AI generated content shouldn't be rewarded, has the final word on rewards.

But, because there is spendable value generated through Hive activity, it is going to be an endless stream of talentless people who are able to plug a couple keywords into an engine and generate something that has essentially no value to humanity. All it is, is an amalgamation of what already exists, churned through filters and then stolen and submitted as "original".

Fuck that.

It is not that AI is going to go away, but that doesn't mean we have to use it to replace every possible talent we could have and we certainly don't need to reward those who use it as content creators with skill of any kind, because they are not. They may have skills of course, but that doesn't mean they should be rewarded for skills that they do not possess.

For the most part and looking at the quality of what some people are getting out of the AIs, it is evidence of what I have been suggesting for years, that AIs are going to replace us in nearly every respect. They write better than average, create digital artwork better than average, calculate equations far better than average and are likely better on average at pretty much everything that is important to us in this world. But, just because it is better than what I might be able to create, it doesn't mean I have to use it.

People are generally average in bed. Going to pay a Pornstar to fuck your partner better than you can?

Note: I'm not bad in bed and I will do it for cheaper.

You won't know if that is true until after the event ^

And, then there is the moral stance. Do those using AI to create their content actually think that they "deserve" to be rewarded, or are they submitting in the hope they will be rewarded? There is a difference there and it isn't that hoping is bad, but if one is hoping for reward knowing that they don't actually deserve the rewards of a content creator, because they aren't creating anything, then it is trying to get away with it - a scam.


Honestly, it doesn't matter what a quality of content an account is posting, if it is AI generated, it doesn't deserve any rewards whatsoever, unless it is an AI creator using it as open proof of what their AI creation can do. I suspect, there is not an AI programmer of that quality on Hive at all.

It is a funny thing though, because what people are doing is playing the short game for measly rewards, but what is going to happen is that increasingly, they are going to be unable to compete and have no tradeable skills of their own. For the actual content creators with skill though, they are going to have to increasingly prove themselves to be capable, making it far harder for average people to compete, no matter what AIs they use. It is going to be like people who play fighting games on a console, stepping into a UFC octagon up against a professional fighter.

To the death?

What this will amount to is an increasing gap between those who can create and those who can't and even if the content from the AI is good, at some point, the AI creators themselves will be the ones making the money from it, as either they will be selling access to use it or, using it themselves to push masses of content onto the internet, flooding the market of trash content.

With people simultaneously having less skill, earning less as AIs take their codifiable jobs and therefore having less access to opportunity, the gap gets larger again. And those people who have been playing the short game for reward, are found very short indeed, unable to even get out of their house, let alone be able to produce something that anyone would want to pay for, whether it be on Hive or in the workplace.

Good luck.

You might not see it yet, but in the years I have been talking about this and predicting where we are today, you will see it soon enough and more importantly, you will experience it in the form that our own abilities are so lacking, that the best we will be able to manage is get a job cleaning toilets, because the AIs have decided that it isn't worth the resources to produce a robot that does it, when there are so many unskilled humans who will do it for less.

When it comes to the rewards on Hive, as I see it, if there is content getting created by AIs and there is no human value being added to a post, then it shouldn't earn even a skerrick of HIVE. It doesn't matter whether an account owner "needs" the HIVE or even "wants" the HIVE, if they are not creating anything themselves, they don't deserve the HIVE.

Add some value, or fuck off.

And this might sound harsh to many. But if we think that we are looking to create a future where those who deserve to get rewarded, get rewarded, we can't play the short game to game our own system. It isn't the content of the future that is important, it is the activity of humans that goes into creating it, the journey of humanity. Once we stop rewarding the journey of people, we are lost. And, if we are looking to build a decentralized economy of value, we have to reward a decentralized pool of content creators - not a centralized AI that creates content.

You argue for the value of "freedom of speech" yet aren't even capable of speaking for yourself and instead, use a computer that is designed to answer in a common accepted narrative, do the speaking for you.

Fucking idiots...

You want to earn Hive?


And for those that might care - I will never post AI-generated work and claim it to be my own. Ever. Because my account is me and all my experiences, skills and flaws that make me what I am - not a couple keywords stuck into a machine.

But... this is just my opinion.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I am glad its not just me that got sweary about it, lol!

Honestly, it doesn't matter what a quality of content an account is posting, if it is AI generated, it doesn't deserve any rewards whatsoever



The only thing AI created content deserves, is to be sworn at.

Defo. Of course, someone will come up with an AI that swears a lot and then we are all doomed as it will swear right back at us!

Go fuck yourself, Dear.

Excuse me sir, I fucked myself!

I try at least a couple times a week.

Gotta think of the prostrate health as you approach the big Five-O! :0D


AI will get better and better. Maybe people can tell the difference today, soon we won’t be able to differentiate, then what?

Is this technology going to go away? How do we cope with this technology?

Throughout history many professions and industries got disrupted, we are on the verge of another. This time it’s white collar jobs and artists and writers.

soon we won’t be able to differentiate, then what?

The sheep will continue to bleat, thinking they are in the know.

I totally agree, among other things I was just reflecting on what you wrote these days.

I will never use artificial intelligence, I see it as plagiarism and, moreover, I don't see any fun in it; I love writing to communicate, what I have inside but also my ideas and impressions; also as regards the quality, although a content written by an artificial intelligence may be above average, I don't see the quality; In my opinion, quality is also wanting to communicate something, the feeling that exists in the posts and the life that the handwritten posts tell.

It's my idea but, as far as I'm concerned, content created with AI on hives shouldn't have an easy life because they only damage our ecosystem, maybe I'm wrong, but that's how I see it.

I don't see any fun in it;

Yes, but you aren't doing it for the Hive alone. It isn't about fun for them - just earnings. The thing is, the easier something is to do, the less it will earn as it is mass-producible.

I wonder what feeling they get from their own accounts? They can't possibly be emotionally connected to AI generated articles - can they?

content created with AI on hives shouldn't have an easy life because they only damage our ecosystem, maybe I'm wrong, but that's how I see it.

I don't think you are wrong.

In my opinion, earnings like this are not good earnings, I confess that I don't even see them as honest earnings because we are part of an ecosystem where there are people who are committed and invest time in it as well as money so it is not fair to them .

Furthermore, when I look at my account I realize that I am strongly connected to it, every result achieved, every step forward is a great satisfaction and the mere thought of dirtying it with something copied, of low quality or written by others makes me feel chills.

For heaven's sake, quality is always something objective, perhaps not everyone will like what I write, but it is still my own stuff, stuff that is inside my head and my heart, it is something that speaks of me and I believe that this give it a value.

It would be good if there was a way to accurately evaluate "quality of character" - if that was the measurement for upvotes, how many would get any?

I think at that point the ratings would start to drop.
The thing that I regret is that many say they are here for the most varied reasons but then they are only for the rewards; I really ofio hypocrisy, I much prefer those who say ... I'm here for the profits and that's it.

It takes strength and courage, however, to be honest, qualities that not everyone has, right?

I think at that point the ratings would start to drop.

Reputation of the human should matter, shouldn't it?

The rewards are why most come - the people who are consistent and stay however, they tend to be part of the actual community too :)

As far as I'm concerned, the reputation of the human being matters.

Surely the coherent and remaining people are part of a real community, I personally prefer to deepen the relationship with these people because I feel I belong to this community 😉

I've seen a couple of high profile accounts mention this, I was waiting to see if you add anything to add, and you didn't disappoint!

You want to earn Hive?

Pretty much sums it up. I regularly try my hand at this writing lark, and sometimes its interesting and sometimes it isn't... but at least its honest. My thoughts, my views, my experiences.


There is already a sea of general mediocrity on social media, as 'everyone' just shares and posts the same shitty generic memes, without taking any effort to create something new. This chatGPT is just going to compound this with a million posts all repeating the same thing.

Personally, I can't see the point of using AI to create content. If I want to try writing, then that means I need to do it. If someone can't be bothered to put the effort in, then I'd question why they are here... and the answer is simply 'to scam or game the system'.

I've seen a couple of high profile accounts mention this, I was waiting to see if you add anything to add, and you didn't disappoint!

In the last couple days it has become a thing again. It is a pity I must post about it really...

... but at least its honest. My thoughts, my views, my experiences.

Exactly. and it has value, if only to you. AI content hasn't even value to the person who "ordered" it - other than the value they can swindle from others who think it is original.

This chatGPT is just going to compound this with a million posts all repeating the same thing.

On a decentralized network of "free thinkers" :D

I absolutely agree with you and many that have been posting about this in the last few weeks. I think it's just so sad and stupid that this is even a problem and it makes those that investigate plagiarism more difficult. Ultimately though, I think this is a fight totally worth fighting because in the bigger picture, it's really our own humanity at stake here. Look at all the bots that took over Twitter and FB. It's a downward spiral.

For the actual content creators with skill though, they are going to have to increasingly prove themselves to be capable, making it far harder for average people to compete, no matter what AIs they use.

This is the part that actually pisses me off. I haven't been here all that long, but in the time that I have, I've poured a lot of time and effort, love and soul into my account and my posts. I mostly use only my own photos as well unless I'm writing a post that requires a stock image which is rare. It's going to become more and more challenging and possibly very demoralising if accounts start making it to the top earners when it's not even real, authentic human-originated content. It also makes it more difficult to work out who you can trust in terms of new accounts because scammers are gonna scam and I'm sure they are going to jump at this opportunity 🙄

Ultimately though, I think this is a fight totally worth fighting because in the bigger picture, it's really our own humanity at stake here. Look at all the bots that took over Twitter and FB. It's a downward spiral.

And soon all the jobs that people got meaning from, but complained about having to do :)

It also makes it more difficult to work out who you can trust in terms of new accounts because scammers are gonna scam and I'm sure they are going to jump at this opportunity

But at some point, the technology for a half decent web of trust will help in this too, if only to identify scammers in the system. It is required globally already.

All of my written content will remain my own hand-typed words. I do have to admit though, some of the art the programs pop off are pretty good and I wouldn't be ashamed to post a few - under the claim that it was generated by an AI.

The images from them are good, but is it art? I suspect not, even if the output looks like it. Using it for header pieces and the like is fine however, but saying it takes skill to create is stretching it too far!

It does take skill and art to create the AI programs though. :)

I disagree with you on AI artwork.

Good-looking AI-generated art still requires skill and takes time. Prompt engineering is still a skill, and even when you have engineered a good prompt it might require you to generate it several times to get it just right. So I would argue that they are still valuable.

Here is a counterargument for your distaste for AI-generated artwork. Should we ban machine translation? Because this is your argument, machine translation doesn't require any translation skill, people just plop their text and voila comes out the translated text. But I don't use MTL for my ENG/TR posts, I do it myself which takes time and skill. Should I be rewarded more for it? And people who use MTLs should be rewarded less?

People hate AI-generated artwork because they were not ready for it. People don't hate on MTLs because everyone knew they were coming.

I agree with ChatGPT-generated content though, it doesn't have the skill required for prompt engineering like in art generation. ChatGPT is still an incredible tool but it doesn't require much skill. So doesn't offer much value.

Prompt engineering is still a skill, and even when you have engineered a good prompt it might require you to generate it several times to get it just right.

About as skilled as "google searching" - some people are very bad at it. but most are good enough.

Here is a counterargument for your distaste for AI-generated artwork. Should we ban machine translation?

Quite different things - it is a false equivalence. If you are writing your own texts and translating them, they are still unique and based on your experience.

People hate AI-generated artwork because they were not ready for it. People don't hate on MTLs because everyone knew they were coming.

No. People knew they were coming and have known for many years. People hate on them because they are unskilled, but mimic skills. It isn't like a calculator that makes mathematical equations easier for those who understand the math to begin with.

About as skilled as "google searching" - some people are very bad at it. but most are good enough.

Google searching is a skill, and most people are pretty bad at it.

Quite different things - it is a false equivalence. If you are writing your own texts and translating them, they are still unique and based on your experience.

It is not false equivalence. You have no skill in translation, no experience in translation. So the text you get from an MTL has no basis on your experience or your skill. It might be unique, and so is art generated by AI. AI-generated art is basically a translation of words into images. It is the same thing, just the output of the medium changes.

No. People knew they were coming and have known for many years. People hate on them because they are unskilled, but mimic skills. It isn't like a calculator that makes mathematical equations easier for those who understand the math to begin with.

No people did not know AI-generated artworks were coming, for years they thought art would be the last bastion to be untouched by AI.

It is a false equivalence, because you actually fed it something you created to translate. It isn't plagiarism. Even if paying a translator, it still isn't plagiarism. However, paying an artist to paint a picture and then say you painted it, would be unacceptable, right?

No people did not know AI-generated artworks were coming, for years they thought art would be the last bastion to be untouched by AI.

Not sure what your experience is, but this is not the case.

I must say, all this AI came in like a lightning strike for me. I'm on a computer all day every day, with large portions of that time watching youtube, news and other content creation based around sciences and generally on the more academic side.

I've obviously been aware of AI being a thing and the philosophical discussions around it - music AI has been around for years - but the suddenness of the implementation of AI art and then, out of nowhere, ChatGPT and that coding one that can now do high level coding... it seems to have been blasted out of a cannon into my face.

In this regard i'd consider myself fairly representative of your average person, a tinge more connected to frontier developments than most. So if its hitting me like that, i'm pretty sure it's even crazier for the majority of people

Perhaps it depends on what people are into. I think that for many of the people I have talked with, it is of little surprise, because anything that is codifiable, can be encoded into an AI. This is codifiable and photo editing software has been doing components of it for decades, it is just that people weren't paying attention.

The coding software has been available for a few years already to the point that many low-level coders aren't required, and again, this has been happening for a while.

But perhaps for those who are paying attention to the current outcome, aren't necessarily putting all the pieces together that lead to what is not too far down the track.

It is a false equivalence, because you actually fed it something you created to translate. It isn't plagiarism. Even if paying a translator, it still isn't plagiarism. However, paying an artist to paint a picture and then say you painted it, would be unacceptable, right?

If you paid a translator and said you translated it. It would be unacceptable, right?
Also, translations are protected under their own rights, so yes it is plagiarism.

Not sure what your experience is, but this is not the case.

It has been the case for many years until diffusion models come along.

AI still hasn't generated art, other than the art of the code that leads to the generation. It has generated an output that mimics the art, but doesn't have any journey of the artist required to make it actual art. I can take a photo of a tree, but my photo doesn't live the life of a tree.

And do you think machine translators lived a life of a translator to create translations? Did MTLs learn a language's intricacies? Did MTLs spend hundreds of hours translating documents, poems or novels? You know there is a reason there are multiple translations for poems because translation is subject to that translator's own journey.

Translations are not different from art. So why MTLs are acceptable but AI art not?

It came up slowly exploded this body saw that coming.

Interesting Post :)

Mostly agree but Im also more interested in other topics regarding 'ai' ^^ you can for example see that in my short last post

I had a look :)

thank you :) ! :3


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am so blissfully ignorant in my diminutive sector of hive. I don't think I've encountered more than two AI generated articles (one was stated as such and was surrounded by some preamble where the person was basically messing around with it to see how good it was, the other I was uncertain about and skipped over it with no interaction), if there's been more I've been thoroughly fooled. Figured if it was a "problem" on the art side then it would be elsewhere too (it was only really a "problem" in OCA where it's not allowed, they're redirected to communities where it's accepted).

I remember telling someone in a discussion about this a long time ago (I think on G+ or maybe Diaspora, not sure) that I wouldn't care if AI "took my job" or was even more capable than I was of producing stories, I would continue doing so because I like doing so. I guess that only works on a creative front though, would be completely different from a purely job perspective.

Though I guess we're long overdue to be rethinking that too :)

if there's been more I've been thoroughly fooled.

I think it depends on what accounts you are reading. As we have known for years, @meesterboom is 110% a bot - one of the early versions obviously.

I guess that only works on a creative front though, would be completely different from a purely job perspective.

I wonder if this is the case though. As you said, rethinking might be necessary because for many, they saw it in a future way down the track, not a few years. We have to rethink value of all things anyway - just add it to the list :)

I don't always get off my following feed (I do try). I'm reasonably sure they're all intelligent XD

Though if the AI ever gets to the stage where it's actually intelligent enough and we can be actual friends with it, what do we call it rather than artificial? Maybe they'll name themselves.

Uuuuuugggghhhhhh the list is already soooooooo looooooooooonnngggggg XD

I don't always get off my following feed (I do try). I'm reasonably sure they're all intelligent XD

Me either. I worry about the intelligence of some still! :D

Maybe they'll name themselves.

"Uuuuuugggghhhhhh" might be one of the names


Though vaguely along those lines, amusingly enough one of my main concerns with AI gaining proper sentience/sapience/intelligence/some combination of the above is not that they'll go Skynet on us but that they'll go angry teen/young adult who realises that their parents have actually screwed them up through ignorance/unwillingness to learn/"good enough for me is good enough for you" mentality/general cba/etc.


Bahahahhahaaa xD

Hello my friend! 😊

I'm going to agree with you on rewarding the content creators as I've worked hard on every single post I've created to be part of my content on Hive and Steemit. I have never used an AI to create content for me, not just because I've got no clue how to do it, but also because I'm taking credit for my creation and wouldn't feel right using something that someone (even AI) created without given them the credit for it. I also agree with you that it is plagiarism if its posted without giving the credit to the AI. Now if you have both your own content and some from AI within that, sure post away and get the credit, as long as you note that portion within that was produced by the AI. AI is just like any other source, in my opinion, and deserves the credit for whatever they created for you to use. 😊

God bless you and yours. Have an awesome day my friend! 😊

I would suspect that based on the quality of writing from many people, the AI would be far better in terms of grammar and likely structure - but might not be interesting. I would rather bad grammar and an interesting story :)

Me too, if the story is interesting the typos/grammar can be overlooked or corrected in a polite and helpful manner known as constructive criticism, not the unhelpful kind that just tells you your wrong known as just criticism. If I'm going to correct someone's writing, especially a non-English speaking writer, I try to explain, using Google translate if I don't speak their mother tongue, what the error is, how to correct it and why it should be corrected. People can't learn from mistakes if they don't know they made them or why they were wrong. 😊

I'm trying to learn Hebrew and German right now, both very difficult languages. The hardest part is not being able to ask about my mistakes, in my opinion, as it is hard to improve if you don't know why you're wrong in the first place.

I wish all that use AI to improve their skills all the best with their endeavours. Those that are using AI to do the work for them will be found out eventually and won't get the votes once people realize they aren't doing any of the work, it make take time for people to figure it out, but once they do they'll stop rewarding it. At least that is my belief/opinion on the matter. 😊

I assume German is easier than Hebrew! Though that might be because I am an English speaker.

That is true, I'm zooming through the German, but Hebrew is kicking my behind, LOL! English is my first language as well. 😊

I took a course on French over 30 years ago and still remember bits and pieces of it, could have a slow conversation with someone in French if they were patient with me; but I've been trying to learn Hebrew for 3 years now and don't think I could have a simple conversation with anyone. I started German last month and feel like I could at least ask a few easy questions and understand the responses if not said super fast, already, that's so weird to me. I thought I'd have caught on to Hebrew by now, but reading backwards and characters that don't look like letters, make it more difficult than German, which has a lot of words that are similar to English. 😊

Oh well, I'm just going to keep plugging away at it and wait for the aha moment when Hebrew finally clicks in my brain and I begin to retain more than the a few words. 😊

I perfectly understand what you're saying, and I think you're right; but how exactly do you filter what is written by an AI from what is written by a human? That is, how do we tell if a post was written by a human or a robot or AI? Is there a way to do it beyond any doubt?

Because if we can't tell it apart with the naked eye, we risk ignoring or penalizing content that was written by real people and not by AI. AI is gaining too much ground these days, and the entire Web (2.0 and 3.0) will suffer, that's for sure. The quality of Online content will never be the same again if AI ends up prevailing over common sense; but since humanity seems to be in a spiral of collective stupidity that seeks only what is easy, what is artificial and what is fast instead of what is well built, instead of what has solid foundations or at least, people behind it, then it is the safest , I think.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is, how do we tell if a post was written by a human or a robot or AI? Is there a way to do it beyond any doubt?

There is always doubt, but there are plenty of checkers out there already. Are they infallible? unlikely.

However, when we go to a concert and see a band play, we know we are seeing the band, right? At some point, there will likely be similar checks for digital content. A fingerprint of some sort.

Because if we can't tell it apart with the naked eye, we risk ignoring or penalizing content that was written by real people and not by AI.

It is pretty easy to tell if you know what to look for. However, one good way is to see what kinds of comments they give in replies - that tells a lot.

I don't really feel like chatGPT is true AI. It is just regurgitating info and organizing it.

Yep. And, it will likely stick to a common narrative - making it more likely to drive the preferred opinion of an authority :D

I've noticed that chatGPT stuff is pretty patterned. You can notice right away where it came from if you know what to look for.

Yep. But it will get better in that regard very fast too.

The value in what we create has to be protected as AI is purely wrong and no rewards should be earned if it is not your handiwork.

It is amazing how people will justify things.

I still have my opinion that AI-made arts have become absurd in quantity besides diminishing the true artists who dedicate themselves with their works, a real sadness.

It is sad for sure. What is sadder, is that some of these people using the AIs call themselves artists. :D

Suppose that 5 or 10 years from now everyone publishing posts here uses ChatGPT-style AI to produce raw content which we then modify for our posts.

If that turns out to be the case-- and this is just a hypothetical-- then we're all back at Square 1 when it comes to upvoting, not upvoting, or even downvoting content.

I'm not saying this will happen, but I just wanted to show that for the people using ChatGPT-style AI in an attempt to earn greater rewards, that is only temporary. In a world where everyone uses ChatGPT-style AI, it goes back to proving to be worthy of rewards in the first place.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Exactly. Once everyone has a skill, only the skills "above and beyond" will be deemed valuable. I intend to stay skilled.

Damn 139 comments!
You really struck a nerve!
I had no idea this was such sanj

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Just showed Back to the Future to my 9 year old nephew and 6 ( almost 7 ) year old niece.

Perhaps I should go back to the future and destroy all AI ( generators ) ;^)

What happened to good old original content?

AI has its place. This is not it.

I agree.

This comment wasn't generated by A.I.

This comment wasn't generated by A.I.

That is exactly what an AI pretending not to be an AI would say.

Hahaha! You got me there :<)

I'm kind of in the middle. I see ChatGPT as a great resource, but only one of many. It's kind of like a student helper. A prof is writing a paper and needs some info, he asks a grad student to find him a source and maybe even to go thru that source and get some info for him. He then takes that info and works it into his paper. He is the one writing his paper, but he has had help in getting material for his paper. I think ChatGPT can fill that role really well for most of us who don't have grad students to boss around.

That kind of use I think is great. It's Google in a few less steps. Or, to use one of my favorite databases of academic papers.

But using it to write a paper for us is wrong and should not be allowed. I'm not sure how Hive can prevent people from doing this, but Hive should prevent people from doing this.

it doesn't matter what a quality of content an account is posting, if it is AI generated, it doesn't deserve any rewards whatsoever

Totally with you on this.

A great resource yes, but what value does the output have if anyone can create the same? People aren't thinking this through in terms of longevity. If skills are easy to get, they become valueless. This means that even if the output is okay, what will give it value is the skill applied after.

For example, if one of the people using it now and I were to put in the same keywords (starting from the same base text) and then spent time editing it before posting - what will the difference in result be?

Which will have more value? Life experience and skill still matter in that context. Nearly everyone can kick a soccer ball - not many can kick it like Ronaldo or Messi.

You're right, but I'm not talking about having it write anything, I'm talking about using it as a research assistant to get you other sources you can use and maybe summarizing them for you as a way of telling you if they are useful to then read yourself.

Even if one were to use its writing (after editing), it should only be one source of many to avoid the exact problem you mention, sounding the same as everyone else. I remember in high school English Class, my teacher required us to have at least ten sources for every paper we wrote so that we wouldn't all sound the same.

Long ago, in the early days of the "previous hive", there was a user who was only posting about crypto news. It was back in 2017 when the market was still quite new and a bunch of projects were coming out.

I remember clearly how he was getting rewards just by taking someone else's published content and pasting it into his posts. It lasted for a while and then it started getting downvotes. I have not followed that account for years but I guess it has ended posting.

One of the nice's parts of Hive is the interaction between users. You can use some AI to create your content, but if you pretend to interact with your readers, at a certain point they are gonna notice you are a bot and not real, or you will just not interact at all because it does not bring you votes.

I know downvoting has not been used properly in some minor cases, but it would probably work very well if something is trying to squeeze the system only adding AI content to it. I am sure some will try to do so as more and more tools pump out so it will be interesting to see how things develop.

Sounds like Kingscrown :D

but if you pretend to interact with your readers, at a certain point they are gonna notice you are a bot and not real,

This is exactly the case. The content is only a slice of building an account on Hive, which is why I have long said that content doesn't matter as much as the person behind it.

People are complaining about having their AI-generated text downvoted - because they expect earnings regardless of what they actually offer.

You know, i have seen the whole AI thing like the biggest back step Hive has ever has as a community, it sends a really misguided message of hive to other social media, and that is dangerous, because they already see us as "the cripto bros" and if you add something like AI to that already negative point of view... Duck that is gonna make us look like idiots.

It has been around from the start, just less accessible and lower quality. Most of the content here is little better to be honest, as it is largely what people find online and repeat in their own words. Not many create something from their own experience and creative mind.

I don't think I will use AI generated work and claim it to be my own. AI work isn't bad but it isn't that great for the chain either. I just think it's bad when people are claiming it as their own and I think it will be tough to tell the difference as technology develops even further.

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Look at gaming - when only bots play, it loses value.

Yea because the bots are only there for the profits but it's also hard to keep people invested when it's a play to earn game. The financial aspect will always be a part of the equation.

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Just be other day I found someone posting AI content and trying to get rewards from it, I was annoyed. I gave em a downvote on all the AI posts and told them what the issue was and they thankfully appear to have not done it again on that account. Who only knows what other accounts they are posting it on sadly.

I think AI is definitely going to be a serious detriment to us as a civilization and species because nothing that comes from these giant companies like Gulag and MS is generous. It’s all about money and trying to control people and narratives. The best thing we can do on places like hive is stamp it out as swiftly and strongly as we can to ensure that real people are posting, not the scammers. Eventually it’s going to be hard to identify but the more we work to bolster the community against it, the stronger the push to get rid of it will be I hope.

There are so many low-quality accounts doing it and sadly, a few older users too.

It’s all about money and trying to control people and narratives.

And since learning a skill is inconvenient, the majority will sheep into it, thinking they are getting a good deal.

Improvement, actually working towards steady upgrades, that's what some of these people lack. Development is the key, whether it be in our writing, or just our efforts in improving ourselves as humans, because we're all flawed, incomplete, in one way or the other.

To improve, to grow, to make progress, that is a long-term goal, and there is no limit here. Whoever plays this game, doesn't look for shortcuts, because they enjoy seeing their own progress and they love to "level up"; steadily strengthening and building up, themselves, and their skill set.

To be honest, after joining Hive/PeakD and after having published close to 400 posts, I can confidently say that my writing has improved. The same goes for formatting, editing, and anything that's related to blogging.

Improvement. For AI users, they can only improve if the AI gets better :)

For AI users, they can only improve if the AI gets better

Using AI to write a whole damn post and then to claim it their own? That's pure delusion right there.

As I've mentioned before, only AI generated images are somewhat acceptable, images that assist in giving a broader perspective to the writing. But even the AI tool should be credited and mentioned in the post.

Using AI to write a whole damn post and then to claim it their own? That's pure delusion right there.

It isn't delusional - it is dishonest :)

Dishonesty because they post it here for rewards, trying to fool people. There's delusion too, because they think that writing is their own and they deserve the rewards lol.

I have seen Hivewatchers's precaution for such accounts which write AI posts, a permanent ban.

cautioning is good. For older accounts though, I think it should be punished.

The concept is simple. If you didn't write it, decline payout and credit the person or robot from which you copied the text or images. If you need to plagiarize a robot for HIVE payouts, you are a sad, pathetic excuse for a human being suffering from greed.

If you need to plagiarize a robot for HIVE payouts, you are a sad, pathetic excuse for a human being suffering from greed.


We've already got a lot of bots doing auto-curation, where posts are being upvoted without being read, so it was only a matter of time before bots were creating content too.

It's easy to identify AI content - it doesn't have slang, or current political/cultural references. But only manual curators can tell... :-)

I suspect that depending on the background of the curator, they might not tell either, unless they know what to look for. I see a lot of AI in news articles that people read as if it was written by a journalist - and they don't know the difference.

I think my Hive account represent myself. And that is applicable for other user also. When we read any article of others, it connects us. We can feel the emotion of authors. But in case of AI generated article I can't feel any kind of emotion doesn't matter how much I tried to connect.

Some people are supporting AI generated article in the platform. But I don't know why people want to earn money without doing or making any effort. I also think that AI generated articles don't deserve any reward in this platform.

But I don't know why people want to earn money without doing or making any effort.

This answers itself. People want money for nothing.

Note: I'm not bad in bed and I will do it for cheaper.

Oh the confidence! I wish I was your age!

No no I don't wish. My kids are atleast bigger than yours. I don't like to go back in time!!

I did give a warning below! :D

The further down I read, the less like AI it is (all that profanity!). Some Mort generated cartoony pictures to spice up my series is seriously tempting..

I wonder what an AI would create if I fed all of my own posts into it?

It makes things up if it's too obscure. I tried it with the BEEM library (Python) and it returned methods that don't exist!

and it returned methods that don't exist!

Yet...! :D

One of the more unique advantages of HIVE that I appreciated and preached to people who were willing to listen was the fact that no matter what your level is as a writer, once you start writing/blogging, whatever, and interact with people in the comments, that level is going to go only up. And this is a skill everyone should master for various reasons which would take another post entirely to discuss. But the fact that AI generated texts take that unique opportunity for an individual to progress an essential skill is sad. And what is even sadder is that a lot of people are "choosing" to forfeit acquiring/improving a skill which would otherwise benefit them not only on the chain , but off the chain.

Tells you a lot about how our heads are no longer in the right place isn't it!

And what is even sadder is that a lot of people are "choosing" to forfeit acquiring/improving a skill which would otherwise benefit them not only on the chain , but off the chain.

And when the taps stop on no-skill content, what then? As said... they play the short game on life.

That they do. But these people often come up with the next "con" and then the next, and the one after that. I know we cannot control what other people do or how they think, but it’s sometimes quite frustrating

The cons make the system stronger. Just think about how common it was to steal mobile phones not so long ago - now it is useless to do so.

Yes, that is a very good point. I am sure we'll soon have some sophisticated tools to easily weed out these AI contents from hive.

They think it was more efficient than putting in work ^^

Their bad

I do agree with you. I expect Hive will be flooded by AI generated drivel. Perhaps the counter to it will be to have an AI bot that checks posts for AI, learns which users plagiarise and use AI content and flag them automatically.

Fight fire with fire.

It is already flooded, it is just that most of it doesn't earn. I would like to see what does earn, weeded out.

Couldn't agree more. It devalues the system for real human users

When human skill is no longer valuable, humanity has lost its purpose.


I think drawing along with AI is acceptable. AI text can only be allowed with a warning that it is AI text.
It is necessary to somehow warn people who have decided to go down the wrong path, you need to give them a chance to correct themselves. It’s bad when, due to one mistake, a person loses an account that is many years old.

I can see people using AI generated images to support their text, but when the text is AI too, it doesn't deserve anything. AI images themselves are not art, they are just another amalgamation - the art is in the coding, which users do not have the skill to create.

It’s bad when, due to one mistake, a person loses an account that is many years old.

Sure, but if they have been around for a little while even, they would know it is unacceptable, right?

It is true that the human being is the main value on Hive. I watch how dolphins and fish on Hive stop posting and only write comments. Not because of AI, but because they once upvoted their comments or because of some other little thing. People have investments worth several tens of thousands of dollars, but they go marked by a spaminator. This is bad.

People have investments worth several tens of thousands of dollars, but they go marked by a spaminator. This is bad.

Yes and no. It isn't about the value they hold only. If they are only upvoting themselves, they aren't bringing any value to the ecosystem, just extracting. It has to be a circular system and the people who are only looking to extract, will never be here long term.

maybe we will find one day a way to replace the consumers of content with AI as well

Metacrawlers did that in the 90s :D

I had minor texts written by the AI but all the time, they were just an inspiration and a starting ground to write about some topics.
I never just copy-paste them. I always insert my evaluations, my perceptions, my pro-cons thoughts, my experience and much more. All things that an AI is not yet ready to provide.

I think that Hive bloggin must be personal and even if we can have some tools to facilitate work, we cannot forget that we are here to interact among PEOPLE and bringing VALUE.

Besides, what would be the difference between an AI and an automatic voter?
Isn't it the same like "do you want to curate or get passive income?" Do it by yourself (I am provoking with the smile on my face. I am interested in getting your perspective here)

Some people are using them as the base, but it is a slippery slope - how long until the base is the entire post?

Few days ago I once again tried drawing some splinterlands monsters. I was not happy with results so I burned them without posting them...
On the topic of greed people are insane:

I'd flip. :D

For me 200k would already be life changing money so I would take that. I assume that many of those who voted flip are in the same position as me that is why I found this strange. Besides I would not trust my luck to such extent...

I wouldn't trust my luck either, but still give it a go. 200K would be very welcome, but not necessarily overly lifechanging. I would be almost debt free on my house though :)

You might like gambling animes: Kaiji and One outs. Manga Liar game is also great(apart of the ending).

Here's my question.

If you yourself the user in the beginning created the AI then used it to create content, does that mean by extension what ever it creates is your content since without you creating it in the first place there would not be an automaton to command for said created output?

Just a thought that's running on my head as I read your post.

What do you think?

If you created the AI, that is your code, your creation, your art. That is a very, very small pool of people however and none of them are on Hive and likely, none of them consider themselves content creators.



I'll keep that in mind.

Neither a yes or a no it's a known unknown.

It is as though some people think they are entitled to get their daily Hive allowance like some sort of universal income. It is terribly disappointing to see from those who should be leading by example.

It is as though some people think they are entitled to get their daily Hive allowance like some sort of universal income

Exactly.. This is what it is about. Minimal effort for an income...

I have noticed one thing, current AI is just learning from existing content and rewrites that. It's yet to think on its own. It can generate the images from the instagram and others for the development of the new images and like this such pattern they create the new content. If copying and premade prompts is all they can do and good at then it'd take few more years to replace humans.

For now at least, skill still matters. Because the easier a skill is to acquire, the lower value it has. When everyone can create written text, it will need to be evaluated on other factors that an AI can't yet replicate.

Its arrived so fast. I thought we had decades, but every few days its something else.
This study showed volunteers images, and then scanned their brains with fMRI. The AI read the scan then reconstructed the pictures.


What happens when AI knows us so well that it can not only imitate us, but hack us; so that AI generated content we experience alters our beliefs and actions by hijacking quirks of psychology?

We are already hijacked, aren't we? After all, just calling it art is a change in the definition of what art fundamentally is. Redefinition to fit the approved narrative is control of the narrative itself.

I am not completely against it, as long as the content is properly attributed.

I had a thought just this week on this topic. I still buy books and eBooks, and not all of them are worth the price tag.

At what point would AI generated content be enjoyable enough to a human, that it commoditizes any written material for entertainment purposes?

Not only written content and art, soon movies and programs (i.e. games, most are cookie cutter nowadays).

Why do we consume content? Boredom? Pass time? Or to learn something new?

The needs for the first two can be easily met by AI, if not now, soon enough.

Now back to HIVE content creation. If someone spent the time to generate and curate enjoyable AI content and post on HIVE, should we shun it? Do users not have the right to compensate whomever made their day better? (And not turn this into black and white, human vs machine, talented vs amateur)

There are so many examples of posts that are not “worth” the auto bot-curation value, and I would argue AI generated content could be more enjoyable and useful than those highly “rewarded” spams because they have high “reputation” or staked some tokens.

But at the end of the day, who is it to judge what “value” is worth to the person reading it?

My view of the future is not man or machine, it is man AND machine, coexist and exploit comparative advantages.

What people should perhaps consider in this regard, is what they find entertaining and what should be entertaining. Perhaps shared experience should once again take focus, rather than the continual dive into disconnection and isolation. We are giving up our right to call ourselves an intelligent species.

Saying AI generated work as a blanket statement is so all encompassing.

If I use Grammarly to correct my work is that bad?

If I get information from AI to that bad?

If AI gives the structure for a work is it bad?

AI is a was made to be every good tool when it used by the creative it makes their work better.

What we should find a way to do to add the bot that detects AI written posts into Hive.

A lot of people are turning into the SEC for new tech and it's very tiring.

I've watched artist use mid journey to make art for their clients in minutes...

Happy client, happy artist and happy mid journey (they didn't make a useless tool).

Lazy people who are not willing to evolve will always be left behind.

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Coincidentally, I just commented on another post with similar arguments, I think you were already possessed hahaha. No, seriously, I say it again, I thought I was crazy for thinking that way, and now I see I'm not the only one. I'm so glad you referenced it, it's a relief to know that there are more people who think original content is more valuable, or are we going to let ourselves be driven by AI? We need to make some real sense of this! I'm with you!

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Wow! 139 comments!
I had no idea this was so controversial!

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WOW! 139 comments!
I had idea that this such an important topic!
I am reading the posts on Chat bot today. Very good look at diftt

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