3/🧵 As Per J J Rousseu, natual inquality and conventional inequality are two different things. Gender inquality is a product of convention and culture.
4/🧵 Therefore, such inequality should be questioned and removed as and when they are found objectionable. Gender equity and Gender justice are paramount in a just society.
2/🧵 The status and role of women are determined by social custom, traditions, culture-- not by Nature.
3/🧵 As Per J J Rousseu, natual inquality and conventional inequality are two different things. Gender inquality is a product of convention and culture.
4/🧵 Therefore, such inequality should be questioned and removed as and when they are found objectionable. Gender equity and Gender justice are paramount in a just society.
5/🧵 Let's take a pledge to ensure gender equity in our day to day endevour and make it a habitual disposition.