I once again hate to sound pessimistic. I try to move more in the realm of being realistic. So don't take what i'm saying in a negative way. I just try to assess the situation to the best of my ability. These coins you mention as everyday use coins don't really feel like that to me.
This feels more like rebate coupon gimmicks if i'm honest. Thus far i have yet to see any significant use cases in cryptocurrency that are solid. There is potential for the technology i just don't think we're even close to what that is yet. Now granted some of the debit card conversion services are good and i see use in those to a degree. However i feel like right now we still just use bitcoin to buy altcoins.
Unfortunately the only market dynamic there is speculation to no end. The i can get rich overnite hope". There is no real substance. So i'd say to this article i'll note the debit card services as useful to get money out of crypto or maybe in. However only to get money back or in crypto to speculate.
I'd not think much of travel companies use of crypto. That would seem more gimmicky to save a business or remain competitive or relevant. I'd conclude by saying there is one project that maybe should be on that list and it's a project i'm involved with bitcoin myk. I don't say it out of some type of shameless promotion but because it's fundamentally more solid.
So i would move to say crypto is a one way payment done well. As to say you can send a crypto payment some place fast and cheap.. The problem is you can't get it back. There is no chargebacks.. if you're a vendor or customer you run into a vehicle that works not the best to exchange for goods and services. So it becomes inferior in that way.
Bitcoin Myk is a ubi program that inherits the btc ledger. There is no need to worry about receiving anything back. It only needs to do what blockchain tech can fulfill. Now of course various smart contracts are in the mix and there will be all sorts of agreements for various things in a possible future in some possible product. Thats not what people are using now. UBI you only need ot send the payment one way to transfer the value. It's better done on chain outside of government hands so it can't be controlled.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I can understand some of your points but you lost me completely when you started to mention that Bitcoin Myk. How can you say that's 'fundamentally more solid' lol?
Seeing that you're the issuer, now I can understand...
I don't want to judge you, but using the 'bitcoin' brand alone to try to promote your 'product' it's a scam in my eyes... Don't know about your real intentions and in someway I appreciate your comment... but... BUT!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta