Yes those are good points you made. I think as well they are true. I'd like to ask your opinion about a system we invented that autocurates posts. It's simple but complex in which it takes an average of posts value and the system auto votes based on specifically what you do on a post or the things you do and types of things you do.
So the algo isn't intuitive enough to value the post like a human. However the point is to create a great deal more participatory system. So i believe it can cover the other issue in which manual curation can not cover.
When you say they can't hack the system so they leave. yes i think it it goes back to what i said earlier and that is we just aren't accustomed to paying for things we been using the last 20 years for free. People on the hive blockchain want people to come in spend money and keep getting this hive power.
Most of the mainstream won't do that. The problem is they can go to mainstream sites get millions of followers.. make good money reach all families and friends. The idea of security and data won't be an issue to them until their is a major hack on twitter or facebook which has kinda occured on high profile people that still didn't stop people from using it. So it probably wont
So we do have a cryptocurrency that carries some value. I'd be wiling to give you some. if you in your spare time would evaluate if you think a system like we invented would be more appealing to these users as a second layer solution.
I fully understand why people with positions in hive would probably want to reject it because if you've worked hard for years on these dpos systems. You have put in the work and i completely understand that. However this new wave of people coming in won't wanna do that. My opinion they want it easy understandable and usable and opportunistic as possible.
So here's a video of it. no rush take your time. if you get a chance let me know if you think a system like this would be more appealing and helpful to hive as a second layer solution. I"m a person who loves systems like this that work. However i can't 100% pinpoint it.. Well i can but i don't wanna write longer about it. It's something about hive that rubs me the wrong way. it's also i think a shared opinion with many people. However i also think it's many things that work for hive and can be promising. So i'll leave this video thanks in advance but i'd love your opinion of it good or bad.
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