Well i actually do think Jack Dorsey is a legit okay guy. I think Jack has fallen into what's up till now been the unavoidable trap of ceo of a company with shareholders. This is why Henry Ford wanted out and Elon Musk wanted out. It's not anything like people imagine that they are at the head. They are in the capacity of employee to those shareholders and they have to act in their best interest namely money. What Donald Trump did was totally unexcusable i think a ban permanent was extreme for a President of the United States. I believe maybe they held trump to standards they hold any other member to maybe under the circumstances Trump should have been a special case and maybe a bright yellow tag should have appeared on his account and posts saying.. Our president is insane he says harmful crazy stuff that may be harmful to your life. Similar to how we get the prescription drug label this may result in death. I would have been okay with him with that yellow tag. Still letting this outrageous ridiculous info go out. The only reason i'd agree to that because i do feel people should hear even crazy information provided there is a waiver put up and warning message given. Then people can make their own decisions.
I think twitter and facebook just follows a protocol to deal with bad actors effectively and it would violate the basis of the rules if they treat others different even if a president of the united states i suppose. So i dont think Jack is the problem.. I think he's mislead like many and he thinks btc is going to bring this freedom we're after i dont think it is. I think btc is just allowing for more tracking of people than cash. So i dont necessarily believe its working in our best interest. Sure it may not be able to be printed but it certainly can be manipulated and controlled by a small few even worse than cash. I think Blackrock is part of the Cabal and that's why they'd do that..or like Jack Dorsey they may be in the dark.
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