This is very true. The extra income gained through engagement can make a big impact early on. A 10% return on 6000 is 50 a month. Getting that is possible with engagement. And this is a MASSIVE boost to any account. It is like saying you had assets of 6000 generating that return passively.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Without a doubt. I am not sure how much people can make. I do know that @jfang003 is a superstar in this area and is really seeing his HP growing.
He leaves a ton of comments.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
A few sensible purchases on layer 2 can also pay off. I love this blockchain! :-D
Cant argue with that. Many have used the approach to get a few HE tokens, watch them moon, and then turned around and put them back into HP.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta