How A Smaller Accounts Can Make An Impact Upon Hive

in LeoFinance3 years ago

The power of the smaller accounts on Hive is truly underappreciated. When dealing with influence, it is easy to get overwhelmed by the raw numbers. The focus is always upon whales, major upvotes, and their behavior. However, there is another set of numbers that can equally be as powerful.

It is due to this that we can see shifts happen if people would understand and apply a few simple concepts. When concentrating on growth, situations can be changed in a stark manner. This is something we need to highlight.

Have you ever noticed that, when discussing financial matters such as APR, it is always expressed as a percentage? Why is that? How come we see people talking about the percentage that Warren Buffett and Bershire did last year instead of how much money it was?

This is a vital point to understand. We will delve into this in a bit.


Varying HBD APRs

Let us conduct a thought experiment for a moment.

How much different would things look if we established varying APRs on the Hive Backed Dollar (HBD) based upon account size? Wouldn't that be an interesting way to make things "fair"? After all, those large accounts do not deserve to make that much money, or so the thinking goes.

Consider how this would look. If an account has over, say 250K HP, that would only earn 15% APR on HBD in Savings. Anything from the 50K-250K level could receive 20%. Now is where things gets interesting.

We could set the 10K-50K level at 30%. After that, 5K-10K gets 35%. Those with 1K to 5K might get 40%. And what the heck, let us give those with under 1K 50% APR.

Now, let us take this thinking one step further. What if we really boosted the lower levels?

How about a system where 500-1000 paid out an APR of 300% and anything under 500 was granted 500%?

Imagine if this system actually existed. How would it function? Certainly, something like this would change things over a period of time. After all, those with little can get outrageous returns as compared to the larger accounts.

Here is the most surprising part: this system already exists on Hive. Instead of focusing upon HBD, we need to look at Hive Power.


380% Return

Would anyone like to get a 380% APR? How would that make you feel? It is reasonable that any of us would love to have this.

There is one who started monitoring her progress based upon the above-linked article. She noted what took place since February 1st of this year. As of yesterday, her account experienced a return of 380% in a quarter. On an annualized basis, that is over a 1,500% return.

Here is the progression @littlebee4 made:


We have an account that had 265 HP at the start of February and it opens May with 1,275. That is some serious growth.

Over the last month, this is what we see:



Can you imagine having an account that goes almost 5x in a quarter. That would be 20x growth for the year. Obviously, the next 9 months will be more difficult to experience a similar growth rate since the numbers are larger.

And that is the crux of the entire discussion.

Smaller accounts can gain a much higher APR as compared to their larger counterparts due to the raw numbers. It is near impossible for a 1 million HP account to have a 5x in a quarter without a lot of money entering. The idea of a 20x at that level is absurd for most.

Yet here we have a rather obscure account doing it.

Going back to the thought exercise, why do we not apply this same principle to HP as we were doing to HBD? Part of the answer might come from the fact that the achievement here was due to effort. It was the activity that caused the HP to increase. It is not a completely passive situation.

The second reason is simply that people are not thinking about things in these terms. With HBD we see the APR and go crazy when it was changed to 20%. Yet, when it comes to Hive Power, people look at it simple as raw numbers.

That is akin to us ignoring the 15% return Buffett made and instead, focusing upon the fact he made $15 billion or whatever. If someone else has a portfolio of $10,000 and earned 60%, that would crush Buffett. Using the raw numbers, however, would lead to a different conclusion. Buffett making $7K on his portfolio would be a total failure for the year.

Nevertheless, that is how we like to compare HP on Hive.


The Power Of Smaller Accounts

The reality is smaller accounts can far outpace the large ones in ROI. As shown, a 5x can happen rather quickly. This account, if she continues over the next 9 months could see a 800%-1000% growth rate for the year. Would anyone complain about that?

We have another factor to consider. HP on Hive carries influence. Since it is the governance token as well as being used for the distribution of the reward pool, when a move like this is made, it gain a great deal more influence as compared to where it was before. This is another overlooked situation.

Here is where the power of numbers come in. Isolating a single account means very little in the overall picture. That said, what if there were 1,000 accounts that made this same move over the past 3 months? We would have 1K more Minnows as compared to the start of the process.

It is through this that we can see the collective change. Let us look at this account again to see where it might be in 3 months.

Since there was an increase in HP of 1,010 over that period, we will presume a similar added over the next 3 months. That would give the account 2,285 by August first. This from a start of 265 on February 1st.

For the quarter, it would be a 79% growth rate, far lower from the previous timeframe. Here we can see how it gets more difficult as the raw numbers grow. Nevertheless, that is still more than an 8x of the account. This is a very good return for 6 months.

If people would focus upon Hive Power and concentrate on the return one can get there, it is easy to see how the 20% payout on HBD can be dwarfed. The key is that the increase in HP can come most from activity. People are able to concentrate upon building both at the same time.

This is the power of smaller accounts. They can grow at a much faster pace than their larger counterparts. Where the question comes in is with numbers. If there were 10,000 accounts experiencing a quarterly growth rate of 50% or 60%, the change in just 24 months would be enormous.

What are your thought? What type of growth rate do you have on your Hive account? Are you ready to increase it and follow what @littlebee4 did?

Let us know in the comment section below.

If you found this article informative, please give an upvote and rehive.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There are 2 pages

Without entering a wrong versus right debate, differentiated APRs based on the size of the account could make sense in a system with one-account-one-person. Or at least where account associations are known or verifiable.

On Hive, this isn't the case. A person with a huge account can break it down in as many alt accounts as desired to take advantage of the higher APR.

That is true and many have a variety of accounts. But how many are breaking it up into 30 accounts and posting out of them?

So you are saying that someone with a lot of accounts could break them up and get the APR by working the multitude of accounts?

How would that work?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You were proposing differentiated APR for HBD in savings, based on the amount of HP the account has, and that doesn't require any work apart from splitting the HBD in alts.

For HP, not sure how differentiated APR would work. Based on what? But I agree (from the experience of working with only a few accounts at most, and for different purposes), that if one has to grow each account actively, this isn't working, because time is finite.

Ah yes. For the HBD that is true. That is why it was just a thought exercise. It is an absurd approach and not one being advocated.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I was thinking the same, It has already been seen in the past, it would be a possibility, I don't know, if a verification option was added to the accounts, but I think that had to be done before everything

Yes, it would be easily exploitable. And where there's an invitation to abuse, people will do it.

if a verification option was added to the accounts

Didn't Dan Larimer try that with that Twitter-like platform on EOS? I haven't heard anything else about it - it was an obvious failure. And that's at app level not at blockchain level.

And that's at app level not at blockchain level.

Yes, i know that.

And you are totally right

Without entering a wrong versus right debate, differentiated APRs based on the size of the account could make sense in a system with one-account-one-person. Or at least where account associations are known or verifiable.

I go with this point and I'll also add that proof of stake can also influence the APRs when people don't maintain one account per individual.

A person with proof of stake has a competitive advantage in terms of making decisions in matters concerning the APR variations.

Thanks for this unique point.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I wasn't pleading that such a system would be good for Hive. In fact I don't like KYC and I try to avoid it as much as possible.

Yes, votes are stake-weighted, both for governance and for rewards, and I believe it's good that they are so. But unlike simple POS, DPOS is more flexible in my opinion.

I talked in the past about one-account, one-vote model. You might want to see what I had to say about it.

I'll visit your post as soon as possible to get adequate information on the subject matter.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

He'd risk getting caught and flagged, permanently destroy his reputation. Makes very little sense atm, financially, he'd just transfer his assets into savings and leave it there.

How would you know if someone has a network of alts if that person knows what he's doing and doesn't link them to his public / main account(s) through Hive?

I'm not saying this is right. This would obviously be abuse. But the differentiated APR would incentivize it.

Plus, in this case, I think many would do it in the open, as a disagreement to the differentiation introduced that is against their interests.

Voting Cycles, just follow the money and then check the accounts. We have tools for that. They often get lazy and start upvoting comments of each other and all those accounts are basically swam active. It's fairly good to detect.

Yes, if they move the accounts 'on-grid' and activate them. Those who are careful won't do that.

But, as mentioned in my reply, in this case, I believe many would simply do it in the open and it would be an acceptable practice, at least among high-stakers.

I wouldn't be so sure :)

We had some vicious downvote fight considering this behavior on Chain two years ago and a lot of huge stakeholders know the game now.

Well, let's look at things this way. Over the past whatever number of months (I don't remember how many) the total stake of whale accounts grew from around 43-44% to 49-50%. All other categories lost in total stake percentage. Do you think they would allow someone with nearly no involvement or track record around here to earn a higher APR on HBD than they would? Differentiated APR on HBD based on stake will either not exist (most likely), or it will be abused in plain sight.

I agree with you, if it was as proposed in the example any whale could create an alternative account to get a better APR (ie 50%)

So you are saying a whale, with more than 500K could break it up, say 100K, and get 50K off that second account?

Of are you saying the whale could make an account of 5000, and get another 2500? That certainly could happen but what does that do for the overall ROI?

2500/500K is not very large.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, perhaps you are right and maybe that doesn’t worth the efforts of a whale

It's still depends on the target of the whale if the whale is calculating his earning in terms of percentage or the amount of money that comes into his wallet within the said period of time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think it depends on ty perspective you're coming from. 2500/5000k isn't large when compared with a smaller account that can make a 100% in this period of time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Small accounts are essential because users are essential. We need more and more active users on Hive, playing their games or posting. We are a relatively small chain that needs to grow and become much more viral.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hope we grow… a lot, and can add more active users.

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We will, with time. Time, consistency and hard work is key.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Good… I’m confident in it…
Exactly, those are the KEYS!

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It sure is. Add a lot of engagement and some optimized content to the mix and we're off to something wonderful.

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I don’t have anything optimised yet. Still need to look into that and what is possible.
I still curate myself. But I like that as that is where I engage, meet new people, gather knowledge in other posts.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

No worries, most people aren't optimizing their content (yet). We're going at this thing from all sorts of angles and we're all needed. :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree. We need 10K more small account immediately.

There was a challenge to get the Minnows over 10K. Sadly, that didnt succeed since there were a lot who powered down.

We need about 25K Minnows to really be seeing a difference.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

At least from my end I can bring in about 100 active users before the end of the year and I think if everyone puts efforts in preaching about hive, then we can achieve the 10k small accounts as you suggested.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I have probably brought in something around those numbers as well, in the past. I think 2 or 3 of them are still active. The others gave up after one or two weeks. Things where different during those times though, but still..

As long as you educate them well, and they understand the importance of putting in effort, hard work and time, they'll reach some sort of success with time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Of course you're right, it takes greater patience and carefulness to keep such people on the blockchain. I'll do my part and I expect others to do their own part.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'll do my part and I expect others to do their own part.

That's very important but also something that many people seems to miss out entirely, unfortunately. They expect the world for nothing.. It's unfortunate, but it's the reality.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

They expect the world for nothing.. It's unfortunate, but it's the reality.

We're actually living the reality and there's nothing we can do about it except to continue to encourage the system.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That would have helped a lot, couldn't it be re initiated?

We need about 25K Minnows to really be seeing a difference.

We have tools and knowledge to bring people in. What I'm most curious about is if we actually have what it takes to keep them here.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

not that easy 🫠

Totally correct, from my point of view, small accounts make the largest part of hive. Therefore it is arguable that their the main part of the block chain. Developing them inevitably promotes hive.

To an extent most small account holders are usually discouraged with probably less upvotes, but they don't know the power they carry on the hive blockchain.

I think what I and other small account holders need is to be patient and live a consistent lifestyle in the hive blockchain.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's also true, nice insight.
Patience is the key.

More patience my dear is key

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

True talk my friend, we truly need more active users in the blockchain, and small account holders can take the blockchain to its expected height.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We are a relatively small chain that needs to grow and become much more viral.

With growth like this, I am sure more people would join. The sad part is that most of them would give up and leave if they didn't have that much success. We've seen it many times in the past.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think smaller accounts can easily grow if they put in the effort. Just relying on the network, we can spread the wealth to various different accounts and I think that this is a great thing. My own growth is more or less constant each month and I think that is good enough for me. It's growth either way.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Have you ever sat down and figured out the rate you are getting in HP?

That would be interesting to see.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I have not really been checking but let's say I get about 175 HP per month (power up, rewards and curation). This gets me about 70% APR at the current rate I guess.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is very powerful on an account your size. It is not as if you are a small Red Fish.

You might make Dolphin with your HP by the end of the year.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think a Dolphin might be hard but it's possible if I increase my post count.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The growth of @littlebee4's account has been amazing and a clear example of how commitment on Hive as anywhere else brings great returns.

Another example of big growth in Hive is the account of my friend @ifarmgirl, who in one year has achieved some numbers in HP and a reputation not negligible and has been a great inspiration to start my journey in Leofinance.

I for one have made it a priority to grow my HP since I started on Hive. And until last month, I focused on powering up all the rewards. However in April for the first time, I saved something in HBD savings.

But I agree that small accounts have the highest growth potential in relative terms, and it would be important for redfish to understand this. It makes a big difference. As well as having an engagement. And join the power up initiatives that can also give us delegation prizes that I at least, benefited from and that helped my growth.

I intend to continue consolidating my account as much as possible in the coming months. So let's see what the future hold.

Have a good week!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you so much @coquicoin 😊 your words are always so nice to read. I appreciate your support. We talked for the last few days a bit already but I can thank you again 😉

Let’s grow together and show the others what can be done.💪🏻🦁🐝👍🏻

Yes @ifarmgirl has achieved so much too. Beautiful to witness and see.

It’s all because of engaging. Thinking beyond the obvious.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You are very welcome, Jackie. You deserve the compliments you have done amazing.

You are right, let's grow together, engage and also have fun 🦁🐝😄😊

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Yep, that is also important; to have fun at the same time 🤩 and we will!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yep, the fun is a huge incentive to keep on. So let's go 😉😊🤩

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is… 👋🏻😁🤩

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Just checked it took me 6 months to achieve 250HP and one year to achieve 3500 HP so you are doing exceptionally well. You just have to keep going as once you start that is it I am afraid lol.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I will continue… don’t worry 😉Thank you so much @cryptoandcoffee 😎

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If 5,000 redfish doubled their accounts in the next month, on average, that would be a powerful starting point. We could see that as a basis for building.

However, few look at that.

And congratulations on getting into the HBD savings game. A smart move. Nothing wrong with setting a baseline return and 20% is nothing to snicker at.

Thank you for highlighting @iamfarmgirl. She is doing well from what I can see based upon her commenting.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If 5,000 redfish doubled their accounts in the next month, on average, that would be a powerful starting point. We could see that as a basis for building.
However, few look at that.

The problem is that many of the people who come to Hive come with the idea of earning extra income immediately, so many get frustrated and leave. Few see it for what it is - a medium to a long-term project that offers endless possibilities and can make a huge difference to our finances in the future.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, few do see that and give up to easily.

The problem is that many come with the misconception that they can make easy money and are not willing to put in the necessary effort. That's why they quit because it's easier to give up.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Maybe those we don’t want to join… just a thought 💭

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think I agree with you ;)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's why they quit because it's easier to give up.

Giving up is very easy, especially if or when you compare yourself with more established users and the rewards they earn.. Which unfortunately, many, many new users are doing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

compare yourself with more established users and the rewards they earn

This is a big mistake. Comparing ourselves with others only leads to frustration in most cases. The years have taught me that the best thing we can do is to challenge ourselves to better ourselves.

And on the other hand, looking at the accounts of more established users and comparing them to those of someone new, although many do it, makes no sense at all as they are ignoring all the effort and dedication that established user has put to get where they are. So it is to be expected that someone who intends to compare themselves in this way from the outset will end up giving up. And perhaps that's the best thing for all of us that see this as a long term project.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I cant argue with this. It is true that is the mindset of most unfortunately. However, if they have 20 HP, try to get to 30 then 40.

This can be done with commenting alone.

Sadly, few look at it like that.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Somehow some people seem to think that less is more when it comes to engagement.. lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It does appear that way doesnt it?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Haha yup. It's truly awesome to see the engagement spreading like wildfire on LeoFinance though. It feels like it's increasing so it will be cool to see the next report.

I think we'll reach 10K comments this week.

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If 5,000 redfish doubled their accounts in the next month, on average, that would be a powerful starting point. We could see that as a basis for building.

That would be an amazing achievement for the entire blockchain. One would need a lot of curators putting in time and effort to reward both posts and engagement for that to happen.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes it would be. It is also unrealistic because we both know that many people are not going to take the dedicated approach.

Alas, that is why some who now has smaller accounts like @littlebee4 are not going to be there forever. She is going to keep growing it, at a strong rate and end up scaling higher. Most will not do the same.

The point of this is what she is doing is nothing special. She just shows up and engaged. The results speak for themselves.

Everyone who does this will get similar results. Growth is guaranteed. The only difference is the pace of it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, that’s it. Showing up everyday. Be dedicated and think of the long term.

I understand not many can (due to many other factors) or will want to do just that. But that is ok.
If you (accounts small or large) are here and will engage, you will grow, and everybody will do that at their own pace.

Growth is guaranteed as long as you put in time and effort. The pace of the growth will vary from one user to the next, but actual growth is definitely guaranteed.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

And that’s the fun part of it… and so many don’t see that. Or give up to quickly when it doesn’t go quick.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Everyone who does this will get similar results. Growth is guaranteed. The only difference is the pace of it.

This. That is soooo true. Would be the perfect bumper sticker.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

But I agree that small accounts have the highest growth potential in relative terms, and it would be important for redfish to understand this.

The smaller accounts is what can- and will have the most impact overall, so they are vital for growth in general.

Imagine 1000 users with 100 Hive teaming up, upvoting and making comments compared to having one larger account with 100K Hive making comments and upvotes..

The lesser accounts are able to "spread the wealth" far wider and can increase the overall engagement immensely.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

As for your example; They sure will… as have also combined so much more time than just one account. Their reach is enormous compared to just one. “It floods instead of a drip.”

Exactly! That's where the true power lies.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Completely agree, that small accounts are key for the future of blockchain growth. As more small users have engagement, there will be greater growth in general, and that is what we have to bet on. Therefore, inviting new users that we think can add value, should be a good goal to have.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

As more small users have engagement, there will be greater growth in general, and that is what we have to bet on.

I like how you see things. Goes well in hand with my own vision. It's literally the same with optimized content, the more we will have the more we will grow. That's why I can't stop talking about the importance of it. lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's amazing how @littlebee4 grew her account within the short period of time! That's the best example and I appreciate TM for having it out here. Your account too, si,s is doing really well so congratulations and let's keep growing.

I wish more people would see Hive not as an easy way out but more for the long-term.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We all would like to see that.Thank you so much @ifarmgirl 🤩

Pleasure :) And yes, we do. Anyway, let's keep rocking, lol!


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree. It would be good if more people who see it as a long-term project and add value would join. Let's hope so :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes sis. This actually made me think about sharing it more on Read hehe. I have been postponing writing about the things I would want to share there.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I should try to take up writing on Read once or twice a week and maybe sharing all the options we are looking at over here is a good idea.
Good evening, sis!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Good morning sis and that's a good plan hehe. I feel most are afraid to try the waters here probably because of it is a bit tough to start.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hello, sis! It's scary for many, but it's proven that what it takes is a bit of dedication. It is also important to generate content for Hive and not just republish, that's a key factor to having success here in my opinion.

That variable HBD interest would get abused by people creating lots of accounts, but I understand it was hypothetical. Small accounts can grow quickly if they make use of the various ways to earn. A few good votes could make them much more than they earn on HBD in a year. I think they should look to power up at least part of what they make. Bigger accounts do get more respect as it shows you care about and have faith in Hive.

My own account is growing fairly slow, but I can still hope for 15% over a year even without HBD savings. That excludes what I make from the games, which mostly gets compounded. I do plan to take some out to fiat to pay for a few treats. I think I deserve that.

Small accounts should not be too focused on getting whale votes as those are rare and there's a lot of competition. If you can build a loyal following of smaller accounts the votes will add up. I always say engagement is key.

All good suggestions and yes it was an absurd hypothetical to drive home a point.

It is a good idea for people to focus upon gaining a following which they can start to build a "brand" around. That is how growth takes place.

Engagement in the form of commenting is a great way to gain that.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wow! Never knew that HP has such great potentials. It time I looked into how to utilize it to my advance.

HP is the core of Hive. This is something that often gets overlooked. It is governance (witness/proposal voting) along with directing of the reward pool.

All smaller accounts should look at 2x-3x their account if possible. That should be a minimum.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Definitely this is something to tap in to.

Thanks alot for sharing this!

I always talk about the importance of HP and I had not had this perspective. I think it's great to see it this way. We always focus on profit and overlook the great growth that we have. Thanks for this reading

Smaller accounts can look at this from the growth perspective and really outpace larger ones. This is going to make a radical difference if thousands of them do it.

We will see how many decide to look at things in this manner. My guess is that it will show up in the amount of commenting done. If it increases significantly then we know we hit home.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is a very powerful approach. If all small accounts published at 100% HP, it would be more impressive, because they would ultimately be earning the same in net total and a hell of a lot more in percentage.

Do you think the curation at Hive is centralized? This would make it more decentralized

If all small accounts published at 100% HP

That might be true but there are advantages to doing 50/50 and getting oneself some HBD. I never fault anyone for going that route.

However, the point of your comment holds. The emphasis on smaller accounts needs to take place. We need to show them that others are, as a percentage, massively increasing their stake. This gives them, as a whole, a larger say in what goes on.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Let’s wait and see if we see an increase…

I think getting attention as a small account is not an easy thing. I got randomly discovered many times while I was posting in multiple communities. I feel that content discovery is a difficult thing in the decentralized community. But I feel that with time, eventually new users can find their tribe. I have yet to find one for myself though.

It is getting easier over time. There are now communities along with Hive Engine tokens. None of that was around 4 years ago.

We are now seeing the time when people can really engage at levels that were difficult before.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree with you and I think most of us have experienced such difficulty, but with consistency and effort, we can get discovered and rise above too. And I feel you of not being able to find your tribe, truth be told, I'm still trying to find mine as well, lol!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

@littlebee4 contribution to the blockchain have been tremendous and I appreciate every of her effort in the blockchain which I believe many can learn from in keeping that dream going to achieve more success with determination, hardwork and consistency.

Let’s continue to grow together! 💪🏻😁
For the entire community.Thank you so much @emeka4 I’m proud of what I achieved in 3 months. As I just joined Hive last December… so much to learn still. I just love engaging with others, share my travels, photography and art with the world. My thoughts and adventures.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Keep up the good work

I sure will 💪🏻🦁🐝

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She is a busy bee, that is for sure.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's a true fact. She's

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hardwork pays in blockchains like hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I didn't count, but I felt it in my spinal cord, the strength of the hive, the most powerful driving force.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is very true. The extra income gained through engagement can make a big impact early on. A 10% return on 6000 is 50 a month. Getting that is possible with engagement. And this is a MASSIVE boost to any account. It is like saying you had assets of 6000 generating that return passively.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Without a doubt. I am not sure how much people can make. I do know that @jfang003 is a superstar in this area and is really seeing his HP growing.

He leaves a ton of comments.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

A few sensible purchases on layer 2 can also pay off. I love this blockchain! :-D

Cant argue with that. Many have used the approach to get a few HE tokens, watch them moon, and then turned around and put them back into HP.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I was looking at the APR to Hive power at 2.86% the other day and was curious on its growth rate but I ended putting the thought aside, I do however notice the rate at which my HP is growing and it is fascinating, my conclusion was because of the delegations, curations and author rewards.

It is interesting to see 380% growth in 4 months littlebee4 must be doing exceptionally well in putting in the effort for such growth. This I think should be taken as a motivation for us all to keep putting in the effort.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Let’s grow together… for everybody.Thanks a lot @joetunex 😊

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You're most welcome, do not relent on your input towards growing your stake, very inspiring 👌

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

Thanks!I won’t @joetunex

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is interesting to see 380% growth in 4 months littlebee4 must be doing exceptionally

Evidently. That is might an outlier, I dont know. But it does show what is possible.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

@littlebee4 is one of my inspiration in recent times and I want to be like her. Lol.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Lol she's an inspiration to us all, let's demand more from ourselves.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

We all can do it… 💪🏻 Let’s keep building and engaging!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm stretching myself on a daily basis to attain greater height on the blockchain.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

!PIZZAThat’s so nice to hear @faquan 😎

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

All what we need is that you continue showing those coming behind the reasons to remain in the blockchain and the fact that hardwork pays on the hive blockchain. Thanks @littlebee4

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I so will continue doing what I’m doing… just having too much fun 🤩

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's super amazing my dear, I can see that you're enjoying yourself in doing what you know best to do. Someday I'll love to be like you.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I honestly never thought about these comparison but you’re right about that. We totally ignore the amount of return we get In Hp when we put in hard work on acccout.

However, I think if the mechanism you suggested for the Hbd Savings is implemented, lager accounts would have alts accounts to benefit in the High payouts. This can’t happen when we reason it for Hp because hard work is needed to earn it.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

I wasnt suggesting that as an alternative for HBD. That is why it said "thought experiment". It was to drive home a point.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

'thought experiment' Got that.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

True fact

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That idea is never going to be implemented. He was only giving it as an example.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ok, thanks for the redirection

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It was an absurd example meant to be absurd.

There is no way that makes any sense. Why would you wish it so?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

In a hope of minimizing financial decrimination.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

These are very interesting thoughts, not because I'm still a redfish, but because it makes sense. Growing 1000 redfish will really be more effective in attracting new users than a couple dozen whales...
!PIZZA for these thoughts!

Great thoughts indeed, let’s put the word out there!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is easy to create a thousand minnow then 100 new whales.

The opportunity is there. It always comes back to what are people willing to do. Obviously @littlebee4 is putting in the effort and reaping the rewards. How many others are doing the same?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, of course, I'm not counting those who do nothing, want upvotes for empty posts at $10+, we're talking about people like @littlebee4, he's definitely good!

he's a she.

And yes, there are many who fall into the category you mention. That is the problem. We need 1,000 more like her and less like the other. Alas, that is human nature especially in this era. We live in an instant gratification world.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

he's a she.

My mistake, I hope she will forgive me).

Otherwise, yes, it's a time of fast things, when no one cares about the future... Fast money, gratification of desires and the like right now, and tomorrow, whatever happens. But there are those like littlebee4, but there are really few of them even offline

I forgive you @stdd ;)

🙏 Cool! You're really good! ❤️

I think the APR analogy should be reserved for situations when you let your HP do the work ( inflation + curation via a voting trail ) without any input whatsoever. If you grow your account by actively posting, commenting, etc then it's more like getting paid for your time than a return on an investment.

I disagree. It is actively managing an investment. Many people think passive investment means doing nothing.

Dont people have to research and eventually decide to make moves. Isnt that time and effort being put in that they hope to be rewarded for?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If I choose to put my money into 3 big investment funds for example, I do some research and that's it I don't have to write posts about it at least a few times per week :)))

Those numbers by Littlebee are really enormous. I have not experienced that much of growth but then again I did also not put in that much effort. This one should be an eye opener for every small fish in our big lake!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I did also not put in that much effort

Perhaps this will motivate you to change that. It shows what it takes but the possibilities are there for people.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If I hadn't read this I would never have known about it.

and I thought the system was unfair for only rewarding those who have more, it turns out that small accounts have the same chance of winning as a large account, it just goes unnoticed.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

But if you are engaging a lot… it so doesn’t go unnoticed. People do notice (me)
If they see your name popping up everywhere. It will stay.

Everything is possible with the right mindset, effort and engagement.

I’m glad you read this post and it made you rethink of what is possible.
Have a great day @fabian98

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It seems you learned the secret. You didnt let bias or bullshit thinking get in your way. That is why it is worthy of highlighting what you accomplished.

This is a prime example of what is possible.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Of course, that's a very good point too, because if a small account doesn't interact with anyone, no one will ever know who it is.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Many seem to fail to understand because of their biases against those who "have more".

Sad because there are opportunities right in front of them that they ignore.

This account did almost 5x in a few months. How many accounts can say that, especially larger ones? I bet there isnt even a Dolphin that did that let along Orca or Whale.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Smaller accounts can gain a much higher APR as compared to their larger counterparts due to the raw numbers.

I was about suggesting that if the APR % of curation reward was higher it would be different. It dawned on me that, if the APR % is higher it will also significantly affect the smaller accounts, so any way you want to analyze it, you are right.

I will have to analyze my account next and create a post on it to see how much my account has grown.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That will be interesting to see. I would like to know.

As you can see from some of the rest of the comments, people are already at 75%-85% for the years in many cases. Some are did that in the last month.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I've been trying to increase the HP on both of my accounts. Although I think I did a decent job in my first year on Hive, I believe I can do a lot better this year.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

What was the growth rate? Did you ever figure it out on the two accounts?

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I guess people don't see the real picture tho.@littlebee4 growth is so enormous.

Well, I guess, this is another way of really looking at it.

HBD just looks safe but I guess the real deal is staking more hive power.

Well a lot of her growth came from activity so it is a bit different from HBD. Yes we have to decide whether to go after HBD or HP especially in the reward payouts. So it is a matter of focus.

But HP should not be overlooked at all.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

But HP should not be overlooked at all.

I totally agree


I’m beyond proud 🤩 but you got that bit already…
Hope many see it as inspirational.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Good :)

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

Certainly this should motivate others to try and copy her approach. She achieved a great deal of success which she deserves.

Hopefully many others are motivated to learn from what she does and follow suit. Sadly, experience tells me otherwise.

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We just have to remember that the smaller accounts now are the whales of the future.

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They have to become Minnows first and that should be the first goal.

Get to that 550 HP or whatever it requires. Then look to add 10% or 20% per quarter to it.

That will help it grow steadily over time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

How much different would things look if we established varying APRs on the Hive Backed Dollar (HBD) based upon account size? Wouldn't that be an interesting way to make things "fair"? After all, those large accounts do not deserve to make that much money, or so the thinking goes.

From an analytical standpoint, most people (hivers) measure their progress on the blockchain with the total amount of money they make as well as upvotes they get and not in proportionate to the percentage it covers, so if we want to follow this paradigm, then I think big accounts are envied by small account holders.

This is the power of smaller accounts. They can grow at a much faster pace than their larger counterparts. Where the question comes in is with numbers. If there were 10,000 accounts experiencing a quarterly growth rate of 50% or 60%, the change in just 24 months would be enormous.

You're completely right in your analysis and smaller accounts are making significant progress more than larger when calculated by their percentages when placed side-by-side.

Thanks for sharing this revelation.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree that people do look at things in raw numbers, at least when it comes to HP. But isnt it interesting the APR (percentage) of HBD got everyone excited. So they apply one to HBD while looking at raw numbers on HP.

It is vital to always look at the percentage and the growth/ROI. If it is large enough, for long enough, eventually small will become large.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is vital to always look at the percentage and the growth/ROI. If it is large enough, for long enough, eventually small will become large.

This is a perfect explanation, truly small will become large in the nearest or long future.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

What type of growth rate do you have on your Hive account?

115.84 Hive Power and $96.28 HBD in the previous 30 days. Probably not bad for a smaller account (nowadays I have around 1630 Hive Power), but also not huge.



Based upon the HP, that is almost 7.6% growth in a month. That is outstanding when you think about it.

Keep that up for the next two years and you will be very happy.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am trying to be consistent. This is the first time, when I participate in the Hive Power Up Month (HPUM), and probably I will participate in it in the future too.

That is a great thing to have people focus upon their Hive Power. This is a great thing to do. I find the project to be highly succussful.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Makes me even more proud to be part of HIVE / this community.
Up to the next 3 months 💪🏻😎🦁🐝
Let’s do this…Thank you so much @taskmaster4450le for using me as an example and inspiration for others.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well you did take notice of the last article and buy into it so you were a likely candidate. The fact that you took it to heart and actually tracked what you did is outstanding.

Here we have an example of what can be done.

Obviously, as your account get larger the growth rate is not sustainable. However, what you proved is that, in the early stages, it is possible for an account to massively blossom in terms of growth rate.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I keep building my account, learning as much as possible and engaging.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

A sound approach in my opinion. It seems to work well.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I've been growing faster on Hive now than I did years back. But I have gone from 313HP at the start of the year to 560HP right now.

That growth from one account is crazy.

I also have a group of brand new people that I am teaching how to Hive. And yes, people have the potential to grow fast quick. I believe that Hive needs as many users as possible!

I’m new… not even 5 months old on Hive.
Before that I knew nothing about blockchain…Thanks @zakludick 😎

Great growth as well, keep it up 😁

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Now you are not learning but rather experiencing blockchain and cryptocurrency.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, I jumped right in at the deep end 😎

Well no reason to hang out in the shallow end with all the kiddies.

They pee in the pool anyway. LOL

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That’s a true valid point 😎
Hahaha lol 🤣🤣

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is always good to observe.

Have to know the surroundings.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is crazy awesome! I am going to be using you as an example for my students!

Thanks! That’s cool… keep me informed if it makes any change to your students. Or you need to know more.
Happy to help.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

247/313=78.90% growth rate in 4 months.

That is nothing to sneeze at. Keep pushing forward at that rate for a couple years and you will be very happy.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Indeed! I am very happy with my progress. Sure, there will always be someone that might do it better or is just luckier with the support they get, but I think I am doing well!

And on that note, I want to get others to do the same!

You are very well. The numbers show that. Keep active and consistent with it to keep it growing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Will do! I should visit your page more often! Plenty great articles. A lot of my students say they do not have time to read everything I send them but it is good to highlight all this good information and concepts.

Yes well time is usually a question of priorities. The fact that you are growing your account is an inspiration. That is what will help to attract others.

Hopefully you can reach the 500 level soon and then start your march towards 1,000 HP.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh indeed I am on 565HP right now. So legit a Minnow haha.

I did some calculations. It took me 3 months to go from 313HP to 400HP. It then took 30 to 31 days to go from 400HP to 500HP.

With my current pending payouts I will reach 600HP for a total of 18 days between the two.

So yeah, I do think I am doing something right!

Now, I do NOT expect this to grow at the same rate but if I just keep adding 100HP each month from here forward then I will reach 1300HP by the end of the year! Phenomenal!

I'd really appreciate your positive reply.That's a wonderful initiative, @zakludick I would like to join your group to learn how to hive like a pro.

Hey @ponmile22222, you want to learn alongside my other students? Sure thing! Why not?

I see you are on 20HP at the moment. Let's connect up and get busy!

Where are you from? I am from South Africa.

Thanks a lot, I'm from Nigeria.

Cool. Do you use Discord? Are you in any of the Discord Servers?

No, not yet.

How do I go about it?

Go to there is a web app and a phone app depending on what you use.

A lot of Hive communities have their own dischord channels.

I would reccomend that you join The Terminal because they are on 24/7 and help the newbies learn.

If people would focus upon Hive Power and concentrate on the return one can get there, it is easy to see how the 20% payout on HBD can be dwarfed. The key is that the increase in HP can come most from activity. People are able to concentrate upon building both at the same time.

Before now, I never really paid attention to HP,I have always been fixated on HBD, that I never bothered to power up since joining Hive. This article makes me see things differently now. Thank you for such an enlightening post.

A lot can stem from having HP.

For example, you could, if desired, accumulate HP and delegate to @leo.voter for a 16% APR.

Or you could use to curate yourself.

On Hive, HP is the starting point in my view.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Smaller account having high APR won't it affect the system because I believe many people may create double accounts because of the high APR.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

How would that do that? How would that change anything?

A person with 200K in HP is not going to do better by setting up 10 accounts with 20K in them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I haven't calculated my growth since I returned but I can say it is huge. I understand this article well. If that scenario exists, what stops larger accounts from creating a small one? Or breaking down the larger one.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

I dont have a number either because I dont follow it that closely.

However, the fact that someone like @littlebee4 tracked it shows the potential.

I bet many who are active with small accounts are realizing triple digit growth rates.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I’m sure there are some very active small accounts like me, that don’t know what their growth is or even their impact.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I figure that is most. A few are starting to take a look and realize how things are changing. I am glad you monitored this and I hope you continue to do so. It is a very telling story.

Now we get a few thousand following your lead.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I will continue to monitor and let you know… @taskmaster4450le

It’s good to see some stats. It can be a good promotion too for Hive outside of it.

Let’s hope so, I gained a lot of followers yesterday.
So let’s see if they will engage with me. (And more in the community) Just a few would be already great… more will follow.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That would be pretty awesome if you're example were to be true. I would just open a secondary account with very little HP and move all of my HBD into that account. With what I have in savings right now I could quit my day job at 300% interest. I get what you are saying though. Growing my account has always been my priority. It is the smart thing to do if you plan on being on the Hive blockchain for any amount of time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes obviously with the HBD example it is absurd. Most would do that. However, it is there to stress a point of who HP actually works. The different is people have to put in effort.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is real interesting! And yet another good reason to invest time in to growing this Hive platform.
Thanks for the insight.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes there are a lot of reasons why one should invest time into Hive. I am not sure how many see it but that is the goal. To keep spreading the word.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

At the begin of the year I was at 110 HP, now I´m at 192. And soon at 205.

74.5% in 4 months. That is outstanding. That will be a tripling of the account this year.

Hopefully you are now motivated to try and push that even higher.

It is great that another 13 HP are soon to hit your account.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wow, this is an amazingly inspiring story for me, I post usually chess stuff once a week, which now I think is very slow. Hopefully I'll try to follow the @littlebee4 way in upcoming days:) !PIZZA

Consistent activity can really make a difference.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Let me know if you ever have any questions, happy to help.Thanks so much @deadleaf, great to hear it inspires you 😁

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If this motion can be agreed on ,this will be another good opportunity for newbie and smaller account because I won't lie ,it ain't easy to compete with rewards,I can say everything always favour bigger account,and it's always takes months to build bigger account,if this suggestions is agreed on this will also reduce smaller account abandon thier account ,this is another reason to stay

It is possible… I’m still a newbie, just 144 days old. Before that I knew nothing about blockchain.
It can be done as a newbie or a smaller account that is older.
Engaging is the key. Don’t give up too, when it gets hard. Being consistent.
Have a wonderful day @ajanaku

Sure I believe and I always engage other post also

It is a process. People who come on expecting instant rewards tend to be frustrated. However, there is a lot more than just posting articles. Those who engage via comments get rewarded. Just look at someone such as @jfang003. He is here each day leaving dozens of comments.

For that, he is often upvoted on a fair number of them. Plus when he does post, he tends to get more upvotes than he would otherwise.

It is how he got on people's radar.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I do all this ,I always comment and engage in other people post also

That is good. It will pay off over the long run.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

wordle.pngFrom the noob, this was a good read. I am highly motivated influencer looking for growth in these buzz of an ecosystem. #HivePowerUp #SmallHiveMatters

Just focus on being active, engaging, and showing up consistently. Couple this with a long term view and you will see how things expand.

Keep your HP growing. It is crucial for you and the ecosystem.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm also one of those small accounts and i may be growing slowly now but i don't intend to stop. Seeing the growth of my friends account always inspires me that pushes me to do more. So yes, I'm to growing my account just like how they did. Thanks for sharing this it inspires me more

"Growing slowly" is a relative phrase. Compared to what? The growth in a savings account in the local banking system? Compared to that, even a few HP per week will be considered high growth.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Then I'm having a high growth 🥰😍

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

Very thought-provoking scenarios laid out here although that's not what we want is it?

And very true what you said that smaller accounts can grow so much in a bit of time with consistent work and effort of course and imagining a couple of thousand accounts doing the same on a consistent basis means a massive growth of Hive too.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Very thought-provoking scenarios laid out here although that's not what we want is it?

I am not sure what you mean by this?

Yes the power of numbers of small accounts can certainly come into play. Those who realize it will start to focus upon growth as opposed to instant rewards.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh, sorry about the confusion. I was referring to the part where you talked about higher APRs on smaller accounts etc.

I sincerely hope more will realize that sooner than later and be consistent with their effort to grow.
I think those who are properly oriented about Hive will understand and perhaps start better.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

We certainly do want smaller accounts growing at a faster rate. That is how it should be. If people follow @littlebee4 example, and get hundreds of percent growth, that is going to give them more influence.

It is impossible for a larger account to grow anywhere near the same pace. An account with 200K HP is not likely to get to 400K.

Yet an account with 500HP can reach 2000HP in a year. That is a 4X.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh, yes we do want that and is really doable as Jackie has done. And it is the best opportunity to take advantage of because like you said, we can grow at an enormous rate and at a faster pace compared to large accounts.

It's awesome if more smaller accounts will realize this and start working at it. The more accounts that will grow exponentially, then the whole ecosystem will blow up too.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hive would grow so fast if more smaller account would do this 😎
Something interesting to watch @ifarmgirl

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Most certainly, Jackie :) I hope more will follow your footsteps.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is all the power of numbers.

Get 1,000 accounts actively focused in this area and they could easily triple where they are at.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's awesome if more smaller accounts will realize this and start working at it.

Without a doubt. They do need to understand how much they can improve their standing as a percentage of where they are now.

Doubling or tripling an account is show to be possible when it is small.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes and that's what got me excited when I set a goal to grow my account. I had 288HP on January 1st and it grew to 1200+ on March 1st and to what it is now.

But one of the challenges that newer and smaller accounts face is when our posts don't get curated then our accounts' growth will be very slow. I think that is one factor that discourages some to keep on.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

It’s fun, I saw yesterday a few new posts pop up with their April growth rates. Looking at Hive Stats.
Some are seriously looking at it. Even larger accounts. We did move something @taskmaster4450le 😎

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

What type of growth rate do you have on your Hive account?


Pretty decent I would say. From 454.9 Hive 4/4 to 731.8 3/5. I have also used all my HBD earnings and bought LEO tokens, so I'm up to 4000+ LEO now, heading towards my first milestone of 5K LEO Tokens.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

61% in a month.

That is outstanding. Here is a simple example of how big a move that can be made.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, it's nothing to sneeze at. I'm satisfied with the pace. I'm most proud over the LEO growth, but I'll be growing my Hive in the near future as well.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The cool thing is both can be added due to multi-token rewards.

You can delegate your HP to get more LEO. It is a nice way to approach things.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You can delegate your HP to get more LEO. It is a nice way to approach things.

Yeah, I've been thinking about doing that in the near-ish future. I want to delegate nice round numbers, so I'll probably wait until I've earned ~300 more Hive or so before I do it.. The first goal is to reach 5K LEO though, so I need ~700 LEO more.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is all worth it. The payout is nice when it comes in each day.

Plus we now can take 100 LEO from Khal each week. That adds to the pool also.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Fact is, Hive needs more users, and I am sure Ragnarok will bring in a lot. But most of them will only be here for the game. So this kind of idea isn't that bad at all. In my opinion, this could be implemented easier into the curation curve, where smaller accounts get bigger curation rewards for their vote. Percentage wise of course... This would be a lot more interesting for them, and would encourage them to stick around more.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The problem with that is most will end up setting up multiple accounts. The fact is that we already have a system with Hive Power whereby, as a percentage, the smaller accounts can experience faster growth rates.

Yes we need more users which then could shift things a great deal if many are getting HP rewards. It all comes down to how they enter the ecosystem.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

After all, those large accounts do not deserve to make that much money, or so the thinking goes.

In crypto space, I hope that this kind of mindset will change.

As far as % growth of a particular account is concerned, smaller accounts have an advantage over bigger accounts. However, when it comes to returns in terms of actual amount, there is no way for small accounts to surpass those with bigger accounts. That is why long-term perspective and gradual capital accumulation are very important in wealth-building. I remember a popular saying in the stock market that goes something like this: "I would rather have a 1% ROI of 1M shares rather than a 50% ROI of 1,000 shares of the same stock."

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

However, when it comes to returns in terms of actual amount, there is no way for small accounts to surpass those with bigger accounts.

On an individual basis this is true. However on the collective, it is not. If there were 100K people posting daily to Hive, we would see a massive shift where the Red Fish and Minnows would be acquiring a ton of stake.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Point well taken.

Thankfully there are no shortcuts on HIVE and this is what brings the true value. HIVE is only going to get harder to earn as the years tick by which is a good thing really and why smaller accounts need to be busier than anyone else. We all started here and HIVE is easier to get traction now than 4 years ago.
I think the smaller accounts need to understand the growth potential they all have and to break the growth down. The first 12 months is the hardest but also the most rewarding time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is all true. The difference now is we have a lot of options in terms of rewards, something that did not exist a few years ago.

While it is terrific, it can also shift the focus away from HP. This is still crucial to the operation of the ecosystem and smaller account need to not overlook it. As @littlebee4 showed, it is possible to grow one's account very well.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You so need the HP to grow, just to be able to move around freely. Without it, you can’t do much.
So the best thing for the newbies and small accounts is engaging in all ways, to grow their HP.
So they can post, comment and do everything else here.

At the same time… help the community to grow.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I just started my journey on hive 2 days ago. Luckily I found this post.
Simple question from me, How can I make my account grow fast like @littlebee4? What do I need to do?

Thanks in advance

Welcome to Hive.
I did write a post about it. You could read and also do not skip the comment section.
How to grow your account fast!Hi @ekads

Also have a look at my power up post from Sunday, plus the comment section.
My Power up post!

And here… in the post you commented on, there is also a lot of info.

And engage… that’s the key. Follow @taskmaster4450 too, he has so many great posts with loads of info. Prepare to read a lot. Learn.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wow.. Many thanks to you for your warm welcome. Will check those posts one by one.

The only problem is my account run out of energy so quickly. Because I have only small amount of HP.

You are welcome @ekads 😎👋🏻

I know what you mean, had the same problem. I talk about it in my post about how to grow your account fast… get ready to read. It tells you what I did.
You do not need HP for that. 😉

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I see you been here before… and took a break. You must know a bit how it works, right?
So it is more, a welcome back.

Yeah I know a little bit how it work.
The former post from 2018 are from my steemit account. Those are the last post on my steemit account before I stopped. Lucky me, I still keep my steemit keys so I can login to hive.

Cool… lucky you indeed.
Have a great day @ekads☀️

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You are starting in the right area. Engage and get involved. Make sure to stake the Hive that comes into you account (power up). Consistently post content that is deemed of quality by your followers and other readers.

There are a lot of suggestions of how to become successful on Hive and Leofinance.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

OK so I went and looked at littebee4's account. It's all reblogs. I don't understand at all how reblogs give you rewards. Is there a place I can go to read about that?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Engagement is the key for the growth. ~500 comments in a week and so on. Many of the comments are being rewarded.

It's a superb "trick" for rapid growth.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I probably voted on about 40 in the last hour.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think the growth is like almost 9 Hive per day, on average. Based on the ~140 day old account.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Reblogs do not get one any rewards in terms of the ones reblogging. She is doing that as part of her involvement in the community.

But she does engage a great deal. That is the key to her success. Look at all the comments she put in this article alone.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I post 1 quality post a day/ every day and after that I start commenting, really everywhere… and I truly engage with my followers!

The reblogs don’t do much, they are just nice to share in more communities as I have so many disciplines at the same time in one post.
It is just everything combined.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

They are nice and they also help to get you on the radar of come people at times. Plus it does help out your following if it is valuable information you are passing around.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, they really appreciate it. And I’m sure they would tell me if it was otherwise.
I choose wisely where it can be done.

Btw. Not all my posts I reblog of course… just some.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I understand. Reblogging should be used prudently.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yep. I didn't click on the comments. It's like I'm learning nothing sometimes !LOL

That's an impressive amount of engagement. Definitely deserving of at least that much account growth.

It is the key to filling the bags.

As people are join in, we will see a lot more activity which should help all areas.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is so much combined that got me that growth… still growing everyday.
I work hard for it and love it at the same time. 😎

Thank you @imno

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm learning from you. Hopefully others will too and we'll build some more value on this chain together.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That’s the spirit!
Let’s grow together and built… 😁

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I post 1 post a day/ every day and after that I start commenting. On other peoples posts, on their comments to my posts and comments to their posts.
It is my overall activity on so many levels that gained me my growth rate. The reblogs don’t do much, they are just nice to share in more communities as I have so many disciplines at the same time in one post.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh ok. I've seen people say that reblogging other people's content is a great way to get rewards but I've never seen anyone clarify how. It seems like that's probably just a misconception or I misunderstood something along the way.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

When you reblog somebody else’s post it doesn’t get you extra rewards. But it helps the community (a larger audience) see good posts.
People that reblog, tend to think those posts are worth it, have a good quality and more should see it, it pops up in new again or your friends list. It helps everybody.
If I do it with other people’s posts, they are more likely to do it with mine. If they are good posts of course. And you are engaging with them. Comment on comments etc etc.This is how I understand it @imno 😊

It is not only take take take… you have to give too.
As it is one community.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

What about the "welcome interest"? Newcomers have higher APR for HBD for a limited time.(Let's say for one or two months) It is an efficient method for acquiring new users. If we combine it with the different tiers you mentioned, it can be more powerful and thus more cost-efficient.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The idea about higher interest with HBD is an example, it wasnt a serious proposal.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Man, my growth rate sucks compared to that person and I have a really small hive account. Headed over to check out their account now !LOLZ

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Consistency is key. It's often easier to make several comments instead of an article, and engagement is often rewarded by larger accounts, so it's a superb way to grow.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great advice. I've been trying to up my comment game. Haven't noticed any major increase in growth but maybe I'm still just not doing enough. My follower count has increased but somehow my posts are getting less attention than ever.

Maybe I'll shoot for 200 per week. 500 is great but I think I'd burn out after a few days !LOLZ

Not knowing you personally, I would recommend setting a goal of like 15 comments per day or something like that. It's usually a better idea (in my opinion) to set lower goals and hit them rather than setting high goals and miss them.

Once you consistently hit your goal of X amount of comments per day, increase them slightly for another 2 weeks or something.

Also, a good idea is to engage with users who actually responds to comments. Unfortunately, not all content creators on Hive replies back, so your comment might end up being "meaningless" in the sense that it's not giving you any type of recognition. As a smaller account, a new user etc. one of the best ways for growth is to put your name out there for others to see.

While an article can work really well, it's often being overlooked due to how much content there is being published. By creating comments on other people's content instead, you'll slowly build your reputation, audience and stake as well, due to the rewards you'll earn.

Oh, and "nice post" type of comments obviously doesn't work. You need to add something meaningful to the content, ask questions about the content so it shows that you've actually read the content or things like that.

Do those things and you'll quickly see great results. :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

haha yeah. I'm a personal trainer and coach. You're dead on with the lower, but still meaningful, goals. I read you and others saying 500 so I just chopped that way down to 200 but right after I hit send I did that math and realized that's way too much for me too. 15 sounds like a possible and meaningful starting number.

I think my biggest problem is that I often just disagree with the popular narratives which means my comments are often counter-narratives. I always shoot for respectful but after a few back and forths with someone, even when we are both sides respectful, I often notice my comments on their future articles are ignored (even if I agree with that article) and they also stop coming around to my content.

Thanks for taking the time. I don't see a lot of people with member since 2016 in the profile


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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How often should you tell chemistry jokes?

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(6/10)@hitmeasap, I sent you an on behalf of @imno

I often just disagree with the popular narratives which means my comments are often counter-narratives.

That's what leads to great discussions though, hence more engagement. I know there are a bunch of authors out there who wouldn't ignore such comments, you just have to find some of them. :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Exactly, some love to engage with disagreements.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Start slow and built it up, until you are comfortable with it.

And disagreeing does make commenting more attractive. I think. Be different!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well I won't disagree with that at least.

I'm going to start with 15 comments per day for a month. I'm writing a post on the personal challenge now.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great advice about commenting on other people that actually do reply and engage.
Otherwise your efforts are not going far.

I soooo experienced just that a lot.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Why doesn't Voldemort have glasses?
Nobody nose.

Credit: mimismartypants
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(1/10)@hitmeasap, I sent you an on behalf of @imno

Compare your account now to where your account will be. The focus should be on your activity and how it can be increased.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Here you go again with the good advice.

I find that I use Peak'd for most things because I like the notifications bell better. It's a small drop down I can choose to go look at rather than a page change. It also gives me fewer errors. I often end up writing most of my comments on there so I'm trying to remember to stay on the leo front end more because I want to compete on that engagement list.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I use the notifications on Leofinance.

So I understand where you are coming from. It makes it easier to keep up engagement.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 104 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


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