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RE: Value transferred, not lost

in LeoFinance3 years ago

They show up thinking they're working or providing for 'a platform', rather than their own platform.

This is THE killer truth. I read so many newbie posts that finish with the words 'working for' Hive. They genuinely think that all they need to do is turn up, post 'The 5 health benefits of Apples' and then sit and wait to be handed cash.

In Grics case, he is an entitled prick who thinks he simply exchanges his pictures for rewards. He has NO interaction with anyone else's posts and is too arrogant to look further than his own payout.

Then he gets abusive when people downvote him. You think he'd understand the mechanics and economics after 5 years here.


A large market on the outside means nothing here, on the inside. Over the years I've noticed several members with large markets on the outside all have one thing in common. Often there's very little interest in their work here on the inside when compared to what's available to them on the outside. That's not a problem with 'this platform', it's a problem with how they approach using 'their platform' and proof a large market on the outside has little to no value here, on the inside.

Enabling someone with a large market on the outside to sit here and collect rewards with virtually no actual audience/viewership is a fancy way for those stakeholders to shoot themselves in the foot. All they're doing is contributing to 'money out the door' rather than encouraging 'money in the door' by teaching those with large markets about the opportunities available to them here. I was stunned learning that one had such a large fanbase all while struggling to get views here but at the same time there's always been far too much focus placed on attracting content creators and absolutely no interest in attracting content consumers (a problem I've been pointing out for years).

People here could onboard 1000 of the biggest names in the game streaming/content creation field as example, but that would do nothing to increase the size of the actual market of consumers here. Zilch. Could bring 10000; no change in the size of the consumer base here as a whole. Those 'big names' are nothing without those people enjoying their work. Those people spending their money throwing tips at these content creators nonstop are wasting their money when compared to what's available here. Here, those consumers do not spend the money, throw it away, or burn it on a good time.

No need for a new frontend or fancy new code. Everything needed is already in place. All a 'big name' needs to do is teach supporters the benefits of this system, and do it for themselves, their platform not 'the platform'. This has the potential to be incredibly disruptive in the entertainment/news and information industry. Turns it on it's head and shakes out the greedy middleman.

Anyway obviously I'm rambling about this shit again and should probably stop.

I appreciate the reply and again..

no interest in attracting content consumers

This is the key as a consumer myself, and as a consumer, I consume based on personality and content, I like nice people but as the focus is always on rewards, rewards, rewards it makes Hive a shithole of z list creators with a smidgeon of cream who happily do rise to the top. Yourself as a perfect example.

I don't know the answer, there probably isn't one but the contemptuous attitude of the grics and world travel twats is sickening.

There are however, enough decent folks with integrity to keep me consuming.

Best wishes and thanks again :-)

I agree with you. That specific personality type is a tough one to navigate. I've yet to find a way to enjoy those experiences.

I doubt anyone on this planet pays attention to and supports things they don't naturally connect with somehow.

I too enjoy playing the role of consumer here and enjoy supporting the random things I stumble into. And even when someone is graciously spending time leaving a comment under my own work, that is also content I'm consuming, enjoying, rewarding.

Have a good one Nathen.

I wish I had more time to consume here lately but I feel my side projects on Hive need to get done as their effect may help us get where we need to be, where the people need us to be for them and their centralized chains.