Or write what is valuable?

Content creation on Hive is funny. People who come here and write top quality informative posts don't tend to get much attention.
People who constantly write about how good Hive is get lots of comments and support. We are living in a bit of a fishbowl on the chain and while we know that it's a great place to be. If we ever are to see more users and expand towards a million users then that will have to change at some stage.
At the moment the incentive is all about shilling hive to hive users. That is where the votes are and where the smart users try to built their accounts.
Myself fully included in that comment. My biggest rewards come form writing for the Daily LEO and my two splinterlands posts every week. That is where the big votes are and how i grow.
This content however is not very valuable to the blockchain or to external users.
Hopefully LEO are are first team to change the game with their new UI and with the ad revenue that they are generating. Without an incentive to bring in external eyes to our content then people will keep aiming internally for the rewards.
With LEO the hope is that they use the ad revenue that they are generating to reward the users bringing in the views through their content and that this adds value to the LEO token in turn benefiting the community as a whole.
If the LEO users think that they will earn more money by creating content for external eyeballs then they will create more content for external eyeballs.
If splinterlands weren't giving out big upvotes for their weekly challenges then the amount of splinterlands content would probably drop by 90%. It's a very smart way to use their stake to rewards the community for creating more content and sharing it on other platforms. I'm not sure how effective it is to bring in new users but the theory is very interesting.
I have said it many times in the past and i will keep saying it until we see some changes but not having ads on peakd is criminal. The amount of money that could be generated would really help the price of hive over time if it was used to reward hive users that are creating good content or by buying and burning hive to help the whole community.
Content is valuable and users are giving it away for free.
This would be a huge plus for onboarding more content creators and getting them to share their content across multiple platforms. Putting Hive in front of thousands of new eyeballs and incentivizing new users to get active and grow the platform as a whole.
Until then I will try to mix in quality content with the content that I like to write and hopefully over time i will be able to focus fully on the content that i love.
I try to write about crypto and finance at times.
I know about life, sport and about Hive.
I love fantasy and creativeness.
Maybe some day we will have a platform that allows me to write what i love that will be high quality and valuable.
We still have along way to go before we see users come here to earn a living from their content until we have revenue streams for each hive based platform.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Truthfully you've hit on some major points that are spot on in this post. I've been telling people that steem/hive is an echo chamber for over 4 years... the result, I lost support from many people because they didn't like what i was saying. But the truth is that when i was writing what i love (genre fiction) and what i have the best chance at making a name for myself mainstream writing, in most cases I made less than minimum wage for time spent writing/editing 😂
If Leofinance & Splinterland content is the way to best earn on hive we are well and truly fckd.
Because the echo chamber is getting bigger and bigger, and the interested parties aren't increasing.
Here's a prime example that proves my point. If Steven King turned up on hive tomorrow writing under a pseudonym, without linking his socials, or giving any indication of who he was, he'd earn jack sht. But if he made a splash announcing himself and linking verifiable mainstream soc media accounts to e.g. his new peakd account, every whale, witness and 80% of hive users would be all over his account commenting, voting and generally welcoming him.
Why would it happen this way?
Because despite the efforts of some curation groups, for the most part rewards on hive have nothing to do with real world qualative elements. By which i mean content that most people outside the echo chamber judge to be quality!
People on hive would flock to a verified Steven King account for the most part due to the hope he'd bring his fans along with him and that this would increase the userbase and the token price.
It's this type of behavior that drives away future successful mainstream writers from hive, i know of three personally who used to write here and no longer do. I personally don't put fiction up here anymore, and have been advised by my agent not to do so.
If you like dark fantasy fiction check out the final 4 part short story i put up on here over 6 months ago (that post has links to all parts at the end of the text). Bearing in mind that the full manuscript came to around 5k words, and it's pretty standard to submit between 4-10k word short stories to literary or genre specific journals, which pay per word, but more importantly gain you exposure to literary agents and other publishing professionals.
I specialize in long-form content but realize there isn't much of an audience for it here. I usually do one a month with the rest being much shorter in order to hopefully give them a better chance of being read.
There have been times when I've had to chop an 1800 word post down to 600 to increase the odds of it being seen. Others I refuse to cut at all. I have heard that Medium features long-form writers, but you have to pay-to-play over there to possibly gain any traction.
We're in the Tik Tok era now, where they want a quick hit, then out of there!
Over time as Hive continues to grow, I feel a reader base hungry for long-form content will develop.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I hope so, but after 5.8 years on here, I doubt it will happen. There are people with a large influence on hive who are actively discouraging long-form content. As to the TikTok-ers 😂 they can stick to that sht-content as far as I'm concerned.
There will always be people with the intellect to enjoy reading a good book or listen to one as an audiobook.
Absolutely agree with what you're saying here, medium is a pay-to-play setup for sure.
In regards to fiction (i.e. becoming a novelist) the best way is still simply to take the time, and effort (and gamble to be writing something that is in fashion) to get a full manuscript written, then send it off to various agents with a well-constructed query letter.
There was a time a while ago when I thought
steem hive could disrupt the publishing industry, but the opportunity was squandered a while ago.P.s. I get where you're coming from with this for sure. I rarely put up any post now over 750 words and stick to thoughtful photography anecdotal blog posts, despite this not being my main talent as a writer.
There are a couple of major problem that have caused this problem but we might see real solutions someday.
The centralized stake of early adopters is one problem as people flock to their votes and do what they think will catch the most attention. LEO and splinterlands being examples who use their stake to the best advantage and create free marketing. In terms of real users with large stake they mostly follow curation trails and put content at the mercy of a few select users that pick and choose what they deem to be quality.
This problem will fix itself if hive survives long enough to distribute this stage and see early adopters take profit as prices rise. Then content would be more equally rewarded by a lot of users with 10c votes rather than one whale with a $10 one. The reward pool is great for people that have stake but this would be years away and require a lot more users. What will probably happen is that Hive goes to staking rewards only and second layer tokens take over for each separate app.
I wrote this two years ago,
Until we have ad revenue and evergreen content it's not going to change. The 7 day window is a killer and housing everything under one roof doesn't work. We need separate UI's for separate communities. Wattpad would be ideal to tokenize authors content and fund it with ad revenue.
I would even take it one step further over time and tie in a publishing company to work with the best authors to edit and publish their content in book form. I used to spend hours on the mobile app reading every day and commenting on people's work. It was a great place for amateur authors to build their skills and gain lots of feedback.
All in theory obviously. My mind is more active than my reality.
I remember when there was a team that did start a writing and publishing business but fell apart after their first release. I thought it could be the start of something big and bring in lots of new authors to work with them. There is always time to build something new and interesting but it's never easy.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yup, 100% true. And i agree with you about evergreen content, peakd tried to address this with tipping, but it didn’t really take off.
It’s why i refuse to put any more fiction up here, it’s why my agent has point blank told me if i do they’ll drop me, it all comes down to losing first publishing rights on content that will only earn you ‘so much’ for 7 days.
Now if you’re getting hit with an appreciator/rancho/heijin type combo like some people are, maybe it becomes a moot point.
Yes, I’ve noticed this, and if I’m honest there was a glorious summer last year (i think it was, or maybe 2021) when someone decided my content was worthy of having the monster vote trail hit it lol
There are so many complexities to deal with on hive for sure. I’m not sure i agree about content types moving to a layer 2 with their own token & community. I personally think that this would simply evolve into potentially very low value tokens being distributed to the actual content creators through these community layer 2 sites/tokens, while the early adopters made even more $$$$$$ using hive as a way to make passive income leasing resource credits. I’ve already seen one of the head honchos of a major curation guild talking about resource credit delegation markets.
Only time will tell how it all goes, but i do think that there are some very intelligent people one hive who have no idea how to bring the mainstream here.
I actually know something about this. They went to steemfest 3 seeking some level of support and help developing a publishing house based upon steem authors and as far as i can tell, they were told to fck off. There was an issue that one of the two people were kinda trying to make a publishing house so they could publish their own book lol, but the other guy was genuine as far as i judged it.
Anyway, some of the drama I’ve witnessed on steem/hive could make an interesting novel for blockchain enthusiasts.
What was it? A couple of months ago, I swore I saw a post or announcement that LeoFinance was now opening up as a general-subject tribe. No longer constrained to just the finance niche, it was now open to all.
Then I heard no more about it...
And have had no conformation when I've asked about it. I think we can do both, but I agree that the navel-gazing can become obsessive, and not at all constructive to attracting new users to the platform (LeoFinance and Hive).
One change I'd like to see is a limit to only one post by an author trending at the top of the LeoFinance page and at Hivestats.com) at a time.
Hivestats features 15 posts, and at times I've seen multiple posts by the same author being featured. They can do what they want to with their websites, but while it inspires me, it can discourage others when they see the same names at the top over and over again. It might be time to let somebody else have a ride on the merry-go-round.
Just a thought.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
They're pushing the "twitter"/thread aspects, the only way to fully embrace that is to open up and let everyone play. it's an interesting transition period, it will be exciting to see where things lead.
You're interesting.
I just read your post: Why is writing a comment on someone else's post so difficult? You have a breezy, perky, conversational style that "reads" fast. So I'm puzzled as to why someone like you who seems to be a decent writer would have any trouble generating thoughtful comments by the boatload. Perhaps the subject of a future post? :)
Thanks for the comment, I find myself with those words most of the time when I get around to replying to someone, or thanks for the content....most of the time I hit backspace, and leave the conversation...surely there's something more...more...I can say!
It could indeed be a great theme for another post, another to add to my list!
The new UI has launched yesterday and will be worked on over the next few months to bring out the final version.
It will be focus on short threads with blog posts an the back end for users who want to do more. They will be adding a lot of cool new features over the next while so it will be interesting to see what happens next.
I think that it will also have a featured page so hopefully we can use that to feature lots of interesting authors and not just the same faces over and over again decided by stake.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It's not what you know it's who you know, as is life. Most of the "big upvoters" don't even read content, most is done via bots to ensure curation rewards.
How to shift the balance back towards promoting quality content? That is something we're looking at in sloth.buzz, taking a step back, slowing things down and just inspiring quality content.
Along with the cryptoradio.fm, we hope to bring something a little novel and different to Hive, allowing more users to get involved.
Of course there will always be a bit of that. I've spend six years here building up my followers and reputation which should have some benefits over brand new users.
What we do need however is a new way to determine quality content and reward users who are creating it regardless of when they joined. It would be great for users to turn up on day one and be able to get seen and rewarded straight away if they deserve it.
Doing this in a sustainable way is the hard part. 7 day rewards need to go first of all if we are going to see people generate content that will want to be seen after more than seven days. Otherwise people will keep producing throwaway content to earn those quick upvotes.
Sounds like you have some interesting plans coming down the line.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah the 7 day period does make a lot of throw away repeat content, at the same time keeps things balanced and fair. How else would you suggest a payout model?
We at sloth.buzz are actively supporting quality content, regardless of new or old users, bring us good content and well help promote it! It’s definitely a hard thing to achieve throughout hive, but with many niche front ends, there’s a place for everyone to get involved
II agree write about content that interests you firstly as you will be surprised others may also enjoy it. The occasional Hive post is fine as long as it is informative as we have many new accounts.
Hopefully we will have a scenario someday where we have proper communities for all types of content like sports, movies ect... that are self sustainable and can reward their own users from revenue and other sources.
Then these communities can be ran and moderated properly to encourage more content and more users to take part.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
In general here Hive tend to write about what I like, often they are my personal reflections.
I write on various communities, not many I have my favorites but I read articles from many other communities other than my reference ones.
I believe that approaching Hive solk to earn is not the right way to do things, if you do it from scratch.
Obviously if you see it as an investment and you also put money into it, it's different, but you have to make big investments, just like in everything... you can earn either by investing a lot of money or a lot of time... in the first case you could have returns faster but you need to be in possession of large capitals.
In the second case you won't be able to see your returns unless you dedicate yourself above all to writing what you like simply because there will come a point where you will abandon not being supported by the passion that allows you to support the great expectations.
If you do what you love, you'll get what you deserve
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The reward system makes it sensible to focus on the ones with a stake since they can indeed give you rewards. Getting outside eyes on your content is a less direct and longer term game but should help all since it grows the ecosystem and in the end help the price.
Something like posh token is a great incentive I think, although not specifically aimed at content more for getting the exposure.
To my understanding the ad revenue would just be distributed to leo stake holders or has that been updated? Or was part of it always reserved for the specific content bringing in the revenue?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta