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RE: Write what you know and what you love.

in LeoFinance2 years ago (edited)

We're in the Tik Tok era now, where they want a quick hit, then out of there!

Over time as Hive continues to grow, I feel a reader base hungry for long-form content will develop.

I hope so, but after 5.8 years on here, I doubt it will happen. There are people with a large influence on hive who are actively discouraging long-form content. As to the TikTok-ers 😂 they can stick to that sht-content as far as I'm concerned.

There will always be people with the intellect to enjoy reading a good book or listen to one as an audiobook.

I have heard that Medium features long-form writers, but you have to pay-to-play over there to possibly gain any traction.

Absolutely agree with what you're saying here, medium is a pay-to-play setup for sure.
In regards to fiction (i.e. becoming a novelist) the best way is still simply to take the time, and effort (and gamble to be writing something that is in fashion) to get a full manuscript written, then send it off to various agents with a well-constructed query letter.

There was a time a while ago when I thought steem hive could disrupt the publishing industry, but the opportunity was squandered a while ago.

There have been times when I've had to chop an 1800 word post down to 600 to increase the odds of it being seen.

P.s. I get where you're coming from with this for sure. I rarely put up any post now over 750 words and stick to thoughtful photography anecdotal blog posts, despite this not being my main talent as a writer.


There are a couple of major problem that have caused this problem but we might see real solutions someday.

The centralized stake of early adopters is one problem as people flock to their votes and do what they think will catch the most attention. LEO and splinterlands being examples who use their stake to the best advantage and create free marketing. In terms of real users with large stake they mostly follow curation trails and put content at the mercy of a few select users that pick and choose what they deem to be quality.

This problem will fix itself if hive survives long enough to distribute this stage and see early adopters take profit as prices rise. Then content would be more equally rewarded by a lot of users with 10c votes rather than one whale with a $10 one. The reward pool is great for people that have stake but this would be years away and require a lot more users. What will probably happen is that Hive goes to staking rewards only and second layer tokens take over for each separate app.

I wrote this two years ago,

I would like to build a real writing platform onto hive for authors to produce long form content like on Wattpad but make rewards timeless and tokenize it with a layer 2 token.

Until we have ad revenue and evergreen content it's not going to change. The 7 day window is a killer and housing everything under one roof doesn't work. We need separate UI's for separate communities. Wattpad would be ideal to tokenize authors content and fund it with ad revenue.

I would even take it one step further over time and tie in a publishing company to work with the best authors to edit and publish their content in book form. I used to spend hours on the mobile app reading every day and commenting on people's work. It was a great place for amateur authors to build their skills and gain lots of feedback.

All in theory obviously. My mind is more active than my reality.

There was a time a while ago when I thought steem hive could disrupt the publishing industry, but the opportunity was squandered a while ago.

I remember when there was a team that did start a writing and publishing business but fell apart after their first release. I thought it could be the start of something big and bring in lots of new authors to work with them. There is always time to build something new and interesting but it's never easy.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The centralized stake of early adopters is one problem as people flock to their votes and do what they think will catch the most attention.

Yup, 100% true. And i agree with you about evergreen content, peakd tried to address this with tipping, but it didn’t really take off.

It’s why i refuse to put any more fiction up here, it’s why my agent has point blank told me if i do they’ll drop me, it all comes down to losing first publishing rights on content that will only earn you ‘so much’ for 7 days.

Now if you’re getting hit with an appreciator/rancho/heijin type combo like some people are, maybe it becomes a moot point.

The centralized stake of early adopters is one problem. In terms of real users with large stake they mostly follow curation trails and put content at the mercy of a few select users that pick and choose what they deem to be quality.

Yes, I’ve noticed this, and if I’m honest there was a glorious summer last year (i think it was, or maybe 2021) when someone decided my content was worthy of having the monster vote trail hit it lol

There are so many complexities to deal with on hive for sure. I’m not sure i agree about content types moving to a layer 2 with their own token & community. I personally think that this would simply evolve into potentially very low value tokens being distributed to the actual content creators through these community layer 2 sites/tokens, while the early adopters made even more $$$$$$ using hive as a way to make passive income leasing resource credits. I’ve already seen one of the head honchos of a major curation guild talking about resource credit delegation markets.
Only time will tell how it all goes, but i do think that there are some very intelligent people one hive who have no idea how to bring the mainstream here.

There was a time a while ago when I thought steem hive could disrupt the publishing industry, but the opportunity was squandered a while ago. I remember when there was a team that did start a writing and publishing business but fell apart after their first release. I thought it could be the start of something big and bring in lots of new authors to work with them.

I actually know something about this. They went to steemfest 3 seeking some level of support and help developing a publishing house based upon steem authors and as far as i can tell, they were told to fck off. There was an issue that one of the two people were kinda trying to make a publishing house so they could publish their own book lol, but the other guy was genuine as far as i judged it.

Anyway, some of the drama I’ve witnessed on steem/hive could make an interesting novel for blockchain enthusiasts.