Not really sure what to say about the google stuff. I get links up nice and high at times but that's because I'm creating something new; one of a kind.
I asked because there's a lot of cult-like behavior happening in crypto, especially when combined with social media. Just thought someone with experience would be able to shed a little more light on how things start and what to look for, in general. That could be a series on it's own but again, in general, people get lured into that stuff, and don't even know it until it's too late.
I'm curious to know which group or crypto you are referring to?
I think a lot of survivors became de facto cult experts, because we all went through this weird denial phase where everyone began consuming as much literature as we could on cults, especially the ones with bullet points with like ten or twenty things that all cults do, to try to convince each other that we were or weren't just in a cult.
Just in general. Look how many got burned by charismatic 'influencers'.
It's funny that you mentioned this, because, a few years ago, I actually made this same comparison about Ned and I think this was probably one of the funniest post that I had ever written, here is a link to it.
I remember that. Even voted. Some the best satire coming out of the time period. That's a good memory. Now I'm chuckling at the thought of the time I wrote this. Sun basically owned the top trending slot so I showed up outta nowhere and bumped him down to number 2 with that post. I know this is off topic but, that's life sometimes.
That was a good one, I especially liked the image of you fan-boying over Ned only to be so disillusioned that you tore down your posters made me laugh.
Back then, I made a bunch of parody accounts, like @neds-intern and @justins-butler, here is a list of Tron rules that were really funny.
Not too shabby. I see I voted Ned's intern as well, once. This was my first Hive post. Introduced 'myself' to everyone. Couldn't be bothered to make more accounts for different characters.
Humor is a good way to test those who've convinced themselves they hold positions of power or influence over others, as well as the crowd. If you joke about 'master' and instantaneously find yourself shunned; might want to leave, fast.
That was really funny, Sarah is sleeping right next to me and I accidentally woke her up laughing and I'm not sure why but this line:
Made me laugh way too hard.
Btw would you be interested in joining my discord channel: Punk Legends?
It's mainly for investing into NFTs like Punks, Splinterlands, Rising Star and other NFTs, but now it's turned more into hang out spot.
I have brain condition that messes up my vision, so I tend to miss a lot of posts so this channel is an easy way for me to keep in contact with all my friends and you're welcome to come hang out anytime and to promote your posts in there, so I can see them.