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RE: How Much HUAHUA do I Need?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

4M is honestly more than I want to have lol, but yeah, I've been swapping the daily yield over into ATOM / JUNO / CMDX / UST for opportunities to buy dips.

I think aiming for enough to pay the daily rent is more than enough, especially if you're compounding daily.

Evmos is going to be very interesting - we're aiming to validate that one too (although we won't be in the genesis set).

Another potential one to catch (comparable to $HUAHUA most likely) will be $CRBRUS (Cerberus). Goes live on 3/15, and there's a big airdrop coming (71% of entire supply) to $HUAHUA / $ATOM / $OSMO stakers, I believe.

Might be a 2nd chance to catch a memecoin with high yield right at the beginning / on the cheap. We'll be a genesis validator there as well.