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RE: Time to Change?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Lows are temporary, so when I see a 'crash' like this... my only reaction is excitement... as it means I can afford more Hive. Between being a new homeowner and having two very young kids in daycare, I don't have a lot of free fiat to drop on anything and I foolishly wasn't an early adopter of crypto so no big bags to move around, so these crashes let me stock up at a reasonable price-point and I love it.

Some folks I know think I should be dumping into btc and bnb and shit but, nah fam. I'm all in on HIVE.


I feel you on the new home and family stuff - it comes first - the crashes though, make coffee money far more valuable than for being spent on coffee.

hahaha yep! I took what would be normally earmarked for frivolous spending and dumped all of it into Hive yesterday. Didn't time it for the bottom, but got <50c so I'm fuckin happy with that! Gonna just keep doing it too until we climb back out on the other side of this mess.