Time to Change?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Time flies when you're having fun

And, it doesn't, when you're not.

And of course, time is relative to age - so 1 year for a 5 year old is 20% of a lifetime, but for a 40 year old, it is 2.5% - that makes it a very long time for the young, a very short time for the older.


Notice that I said "older" and not old

40 is the new 20.
If 20 is wrinkled, disillusioned and bitter.

I was discussing with a client today about time relativity to experience and how a bad couple years for an adult, is a bad half a lifetime for a child. With the lower threshold for what is "bad" these days - it is no wonder so many kids are struggling, since for them, so much of their life experience is negative.

And I say "low threshold" for bad, because for example, my clients parents spent from the age of seven to thirteen, in a warzone and the following years, in post-war struggle. What kind of impact on personality, resilience, skillsets and a million other things, does that kind of childhood have on the average experiencer? What does having a drunk parent, or being locked-down for months on end, growing up in abject poverty or in a violence-filled community have on a child?

But, I think this "time stretch" has an effect on how much pain people experience from the markets and since crypto hype is driven by the relatively young, the dips seem to last an eternity. And, because often the young don't necessarily have a huge amount to "buy the fucking dip" with, the dips aren't as much an opportunity to increase the stack with supplemental fiat, as it is a personal loss from the crypto highs.

Opportunity is motivating - Loss is painful

Seeing those dollars bleed out into next to nothing can be painful, especially for those who are into the hype tokens, which many of the young chase. It is all fantastic when Doge is at ATHs - but buying at the ATH, how are they feeling? Those who bought into BTC and ETH, yes, they are down too - but they aren't necessarily looking to sell any time soon - they are looking to hold well into the future.

And I think that this is part of the reason that some people experience so much pain in the downs, because they evaluate their worth in dollars, not crypto. The market value plummets 50% - the crypto held can be identical. As long as not looking to sell for anything priced in dollars, all is fine. Of course, not much can be bought with crypto directly, where people are happy keeping that in crypto form, because not much of the goods and services for daily living, are in the crypto economy directly.

One day

But, those who are not having fun in the current conditions should be questioning, why they aren't having fun and working out personal strategies to improve their mindset and position to improve their experience. Markets do what markets do, tying feelings to tightly to them and then blaming them for ruining your experience is going to lead to all kinds of personal issues and you know what - no one cares how you feel about it.

You are not a victim

You are here by choice. You invested by choice. No one forced you to buy, sell, hold, post, vote, downvote, create quality content, submit shit, plagiarize, steal, repost, powerup, stake, play, pool....

All of these decisions are yours.

So take responsibility for them and rather than lamenting about past behavior, missed opportunities or what others are doing - start recognizing that you have the keys to what you do in any given moment. You are not a robot under control - stop acting like one.

Change time.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


A person's worth is not based on money or material goods. Yes, society would like you to think so. But a person's value has to do with the inner heart and what good they offer to the world. It will never be found in selfishness or the me me me attitude, but rather in service and love to each other.

I feel like the consumer world is geared to promote the me me me attitude, as it encourages spending to satisfy desire alone.

And of course, time is relative to age

So I suppose old is a skeleton :)

At skeleton age, I think time slows down again based on activity.

Hahaha, fortunately skeleton age is accompanied by experience. I changed two internal house door locks today within an hour. So I am still a young blood :)

Lows are temporary, so when I see a 'crash' like this... my only reaction is excitement... as it means I can afford more Hive. Between being a new homeowner and having two very young kids in daycare, I don't have a lot of free fiat to drop on anything and I foolishly wasn't an early adopter of crypto so no big bags to move around, so these crashes let me stock up at a reasonable price-point and I love it.

Some folks I know think I should be dumping into btc and bnb and shit but, nah fam. I'm all in on HIVE.

I feel you on the new home and family stuff - it comes first - the crashes though, make coffee money far more valuable than for being spent on coffee.

hahaha yep! I took what would be normally earmarked for frivolous spending and dumped all of it into Hive yesterday. Didn't time it for the bottom, but got <50c so I'm fuckin happy with that! Gonna just keep doing it too until we climb back out on the other side of this mess.

My wife and I were just having a discussion about this sort of thing the other night. Not so much about the time factor, but the impact events like you mentioned can have on you. Trauma is real and it changes your brain. It's pretty much a fact. It's easy to think that kids are coddled and allowed to get away with too much these days, but that is only half the picture. My wife pointed out that sure kids might have been tougher, but they also weren't taught to deal with their emotions from trauma, so they became spouse abusers and addicts. Teaching kids now to deal with trauma is much better than dealing with the consequences down the road.

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I agree that teaching them to deal with trauma is good, but I don't think they are doing that as much as making people feel helpless in the face of it, and blame others. However, I am talking on average and there will always be a sub-group that handle things better.

All of these decisions are yours.

It seems to me that a lot of people forgot about the line "invest only what you can afford to lose".

Don't really know what happened, people got too greedy, maybe it was just lack of guidance or research. It's all quite sad really.

It's only been 6 months that I've somewhat stepped into Crypto, and I do my research like it's related to religion. Even if I have some money that I can afford to lose, I still rarely bet it on Crypto.

I think they feel they can afford to lose it, because they don't think they will. When they do, they discover they couldn't afford it after all.

I say that's spot on, that really could be the case.

Too many people don't take responsibility for their financial actions and it's just too bad. Everyone should know that there is risk in every investment and not everything will work out. Learning from your mistakes and doing better in the next run is the only thing people can do.

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It goes the other way too, where people don't take responsibility for their financial wellbeing by not investing. They don't learn risk tolerance, so never build ownership.

The #1 rule of crypto has always been to never invest more than you can afford to lose.

In my little time in this space, I see no reason to get emotional with markets' ups and downs anymore.

It's all about making your choice and owning up to them.

We chose to be here and with all the downs, there's no point in giving up now or crying over spilled beans. Instead put in the work to get the best out of the dip.

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We all hold our keys to our future that lead us through our journey in life. I know exactly where you went with this post. It's like a peer saying come with me and knowing what to expect. But I believe there is a certain time in your life when manning up becomes absoloutley critical if we want to survive in life. Good post and keep up the good work!! 😇😇😇

I thought the #1 rule was: Not your keys, not your crypto ;D

crying over spilled beans.

Is there a crypto named "magic beans"? I think it would be a hit!


A hit for sure.

I thought the #1 rule was: Not your keys, not your crypto ;

I guess it must've been #2 then, security is very vital.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

There should be a crypto book of laws :D

Yes, many people suffer because of their wrong decisions and only think about that bad moment they are living now. Anything in life has studies, but every person should appreciate the value of each currency he owns and be aware that it is subject to different circumstances at any time.

Bad decisions lead to bad outcomes. Many keep making all the same decisions again and again.

What does having a drunk parent, or being locked-down for months on end, growing up in abject poverty or in a violence-filled community have on a child?

Those all would affect the development and personality of children, which will mostly appear in their teenage or adult.

Also, people have had a very good experience from this bloody days. Their investment choice will totally change from now on.

because they evaluate their worth in dollars,

I evaluate my worth in HIVE here. I think how much HIVE you recieve is more important than their recent value nowadays.

I hope their investment choices change - but hype is a strong attractor.

I evaluate my worth in HIVE here. I think how much HIVE you recieve is more important than their recent value nowadays.

I have articles going back for years talking about it - but many don't understand what it all means. It is hard to break the "dollar" mindset.

I really liked your post in general, and it's true that we are here by choice! The following sentence was a revelation to me!

And I think that this is part of the reason that some people experience so much pain in the downs

I use to do it, and you are so right! If I look at how much crypto I have, without thinking about how many dollars that represent, everything changes.

It isn't easy to break our conditioning, but it is important to "unlearn" and recalibrate our tools for measuring risk and value.

very well said. 1 Hive is still 1 Hive. I'm hoping for lower prices for a while so I can stack cheaper.

Regarding time, that's very true. The last 2 and a bit years went by quite quickly for me, but for the children, it must have seemed like forever. It was very heartbreaking to see the insanity.

I missed the 32c by a cent... might get another go at it :)

The insanity of the ups, is only bested by the insanity of the downs.

For us, every moment is not important because it is replayed every time, but a child appreciates anything. Childhood is an important period in life or it's all periods, as capabilities of the child exceed the adult many times, he enjoys and benefits from anything.

Childhood has many first, but I wonder if there are on average, more good than bad or, bad than good - as viewed through the child's eyes in the moment.

You are here by choice. You invested by choice. No one forced you to buy, sell, hold, post, vote, downvote, create quality content, submit shit, plagiarize, steal, repost, powerup, stake, play, pool....

No one is been forced to the platform but seeing such impact the blockchain have to offer will really want individuals to be part of the blockchain to contribute as well.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The way we behave affects our experience - but it is sometimes surprising how people have quite different expectations on outcomes, even though their behavior doesn't promote that outcome.

life is short.Just be happy thet you are alive and helthy everthing else come and go.sorry for my englis its bad i know xD

My English isn't great at times either.

Happy to be alive today? :)

Time changes not because we want it to, but because that is what it is created to do. Even if we have enough of it to change sometimes, many will still have to complain over the dip market. We measure it by patience and not by the market price. Everything will be okay if we don't rush things. You made some significant points.

Change is inevitable

Well, should I say happy birthday to you? Bappy Hirthday anyway

Whatever time we have, we say it is not enough but look at those who are no longer in this world, they had done what they could, some being kings some being slaves, some being free.

If we talk about the market, it has always pros and cons, sometimes market plays with us, and sometimes players play with the market, it is how the market is being run, only people who get crushed are penny investors like us.

Time can be changed, every person can make a difference according to his approach. Thumbs up!

It's awful when so many panic in such a situation...