
I think the misunderstandings are part of the development or in art terms, misinterpretations of meaning. On Hive, there are so many perspectives an individual can take.

Yes, and ones perspective here develops over time, or mine has. Griping is a characteristic of certain humans, who will gripe no matter their fortune. I tend to avoid this type of person, they are too needy.

Neediness is a growing epidemic I think - it is in response to the "individualist" movement, when people realized that now they have isolated themselves, but still need others.

I do feel I am encountering more and more people who drain me with their neediness, not only on chain. Perhaps all the excessive money being thrown around has made many of us more dependent, increased our feelings of entitlement?

Social media has replaced human contact, irl, for many. Social media is becoming real life for them. I have relied on it in times of loneliness, yes, so that does have value. But boy do we need to get back out there and shake hands with strangers and give hugs freely. Without this direct connection with other living beings, our needs and neediness could become perverted. Hm...