I stick to my little corner of Hive, folks who post stuff that interests me, and those who find interest in what I post. Like in real life.
Any group of people is going to have members who try to game the system, members who contribute to it, and members who just go along for the ride. I don't think there is any way to stop those who want to game the system in some way. They will find a way no matter what we do to deter them. Like in real life
What I find interesting, and to have value to me, will be of no interest or value to others. That's the way the world turns. So determining which content is deserving of rewards is a personal choice. There are plenty of accounts here who are producing reasonably good content but are, essentially, circle jerked by their friend and family so that they earn preposterous rewards.
I am unfamiliar with any of these accounts that produce shit (different from shitposts, which I believe, in their purest form, have tons of value) because I don't follow them at all. Why waste my time? I understand there is concern that these posts take too much of the rewards pool.
unless there is pushback against the behaviors we don't want to see, they will persist.
Time does pass, and eventually a natural purge of these accounts and their earnings will take place. We don't have to step in force their leaving in most cases. When we do that, we do harm in return.
This actually happens to all. Nothing lasts, right? So, for one reason or another, all accounts will eventually fail. However, that doesn't mean that we should let people treat the place and the community badly.
It is interesting with the good large accounts, because they tend to support content that they themselves might not be so interested in, but they see that others might be interested in it.