Hypnotized .:. MyHiveGoals 2024

in LeoFinance11 months ago

After everything that I saw in my life, after everything that I read in the history books, after everything that I experienced, I thought that certain things CAN'T be repeated... We can't allow ourselves to repeat the same mistakes over and over again... It's hard to believe that we are living in the 21st century and that we still have wars that use religion (and faith) as a tool for creating conflicts... After tons of materials, online books, that are available to everyone to read, to research, and educate them, we are still drinking the Kool-Aid...

How the heck is even possible that anyone can believe that any religion is based on destroying the other one, that is based on HATE, and not on LOVE and UNDERSTANDING... I had a theory (and not just me), that we as humans are going backward regarding intelligence and that we are "more stupid" year by year... Not sure if that is because of all the brainwashing that comes from the media, or it is because of our laziness to do the work, research, and raise our voices against the stupidity...

Anyway, that wasn't the idea of this post, but I had to vent out as it's always hard to see human sacrifices because of 2 to 3 hot heads with huge egos and money appetites...

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The topic is the current state of Hivians that I know... In most cases, we EXACTLY know what we must do and WHEN we have to do things... The problem comes when we have to take action and do the work! Lately, I have found many of Hivians (including myself) de-motivated to continue doing the job, creating content, engaging with others, etc. It is easy to explain that kind of behavior in the BEAR market as rewards are not big, and it's demotivating to work for pennies (in the hope that one day they will be more valuable)...

From my perspective, it is much easier to create content and do the work in the BEAR, as I don't expect too much, just doing the work, accumulating without thinking and speculating about price... Heads down and doing the work...

On the other side, in the bull markets, I got so many times distracted by things in crypto... It is more volatile, the whole market is more active, and new coins are coming every day (even hours!), and all that distracts me from doing the job... And not just that, it distracts me from doing a PROPER research! There is no time for that as there are so many things happening... It doesn't help when "crypto-comebackers" are coming back asking 1000 questions about the same thing that they asked 4 years ago...

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Combine all that with additional uncertainty about inflation, which makes our lives more uncertain, and all the bad news (war) from the media, and you get the perfect storm... The perfect complot for a mental breakdown... Those who were the strongest, those who were pushing in the hardest times, become hypnotized, stunned by things happening when they should have taken profits, and collected the fruits of their hard labor...

That's what I see around me... That's what I see in my behavior even if I don't want to accept and admit it... Somehow, we have a feeling that we are manipulated (which we were and are), but at a deeper level, that we didn't even realize before...

... and that stupid feeling... that I could do better... It's not greed, it's just a feeling that you could do more... and you fall into the trap of making stupid moves, buying a meme coin, exchanging your blue-chip token into some shitcoin, chasing a higher yield, chasing an additional 10%...

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Back to the #MyHiveGoals numbers... I was doing these stats every second week, but as I will not be available next weekend, let's do it today!

screenshot from hivestats.io

Another abbreviation that I learned recently is NGU (Number Go Up), and this chart shows that my HivePower number does go up... Could it be better, it could... Maybe if I were less hypnotized by dozens of distractions, it would... 😃 Luckily for me, I have built a nice HP stack in the past years, and through curation rewards, that HivePower generates more of it! A bit less than 130 HP per week is generated through my staked HIVE, which is awesome!

If you have some stake, it works for you in these "blackouts" as it is almost like a passive income... If not, you are f... 😃


In the last 7 days, I have added 259 HivePower to my account, which is almost double my curation rewards... As I was doing daily power-ups of liquid HIVE, that means that my author rewards were lower than curation rewards!! I can't remember that was the case in the past!

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Regarding my SWAP.HIVE:LEN shares, I'm closer to my monthly goal than ever before! I bought some cheap LENM tokens, swapped them in the pool, and got LEN tokens cheaper than the market price... Some of those tokens were added back to the pool that I follow with this goal... It is expected to see people dumping tokens that they have not researched and they don't fully understand how they work... That is a perfect moment for you (the person who understands how it works) to step in and grab them for a cheap price! NFA!

Rising Star goal is moving forward nicely... Not only that I have more cards than last week, but also it's nice to see that the game is developing and new features are added month by month... If you are in the Rising Star Discord, you have probably noticed a great vibe where the community genuinely cares about the game and discusses, giving ideas for further improvements!!

I have added over 700 cards to my Rising Star goal and I'm less than 5K cards to my yearly goal!

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These were my initial numbers and goals for 2024, created on January 7th, 2024...

MyHiveGoals 2024 Edition - The Beginning!

Join me in this awesome #MyHiveGoals and let's grow together! It is fun, motivating, and will keep you focused!

Thank you for your time,


PS. None of this is financial advice of any kind...

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👉 Vote for Liotes HIVE Witness HERE 👈

Don't forget to follow, reblog, and browse my Hivepage to stay connected with all the great stuff!

You can also find me on InLeo .:. Twitter .:. LBRY

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Beware the lure of NGU! Some say it is also a religion and you start wanting it every day! It is very sad all the wars used to divide and rule people. Hopefully calmer heads come and we move into a more peaceful phase.

Like that meme! The global "fear" was fading so the "human/emotion market" needed a new threat... so, here we are...

It seems to have been very prophetic..

It's sad how warfare conflicts have become part of human politics because it's all about power/politics but this is something one can't stop from happening so we need to keep going, in the case of the market it's funny how this events become an excuse for the market to temporarily crash when a correction was overdue, soon in a few months things will keep going as they were, I also got a bit distracted but now trying to get back on the horse, stay strong keep going 💪✌️

in the case of the market it's funny how this events become an excuse for the market to temporarily crash when a correction was overdue

Yeah, it looks like it was a "nice" ignition for that longly waited pull back... Well, it happened now... We will see if it is over or not... When the US market awakens, we will see in which direction we will go...


The bear market is the best time to make content and accumulate. People need to stop being so fixated on the high prices being the best time. Less competition means you will stand out more.

Great progress on your goals.

Agree with you on doing the most work in the bear market... For me, it is easier to focus in such markets, compared to what is happening at these moments...

You're doing well, man, that's for sure, but you're so right about everything else you said this week. We're all less active than usual and the world is moving in a very strange way. They don't really let you focus on anything. Economic problems, wars between countries (and very close to my country), everyday worries, you don't have any motivation for anything. But we have to keep doing what we can. ..

Steve's comment with that meme was "on-spot"... We had a "calmer" period after the C19, so they had to bring up another big-global threat... And hypnotize people even more...

And you are right, it's always the best to reduce the noise and keep building!

The market is full of distraction friend. I would prefer a focus to stack and earn rewards rather than pursue hypes. The assumed bull seasonbis always times where medium investors loose the more. One liquidation is enough for that.

Oh, yes... It's interesting that everyone is talking about gains, multiple Xs, and such, while many fall on just 1-2 pull backs and lose what they were creating for years... just because of the hype...

I did have some thoughts about the plans I made in the event of a "crash", but in the end, I felt the dip was just too mild. So it's status quo for me over the weekend, continue to hodl, didn't buy/increase or sell/decrease my exposure.

Maybe you will get your second chance if we dip even further... :)

Hehe I am waiting! ;)

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History is nothing but the same things repeating over and over again, its human nature being hungry for Power, Money, and so on

True... History is repeating, and we are also repeating the same mistakes we made...

Whoa man, you are doing great(259hp in the last 7 days). That's something I might achieve in 2 months, lol.

Ah, sad thing that sometimes one feels demotivated from content creation (specially the newbies). Because someone having a good hp has many ways to earn but if someone is new he/she only has the content making way to earn on hive... Which in the end pays out the fourth part. Efff

Btw, more power to you 👍

@tipu curate 2

But you can always invest in the eco system by buying hive to stake. Not an advise though

That's true! I got this message from Hivebuzz 3 days ago...

Screenshot from 2024-04-15 00-40-14.png

I have received 35K HP for my content and curation, so I bought the rest of my stake... Tbh, I got some when a hard fork from STEEM happened, but still, I did buy a big chunk of my HIVE...

So, buying is a valid way to grow your stake too... ;)

After being away for so long here, one of my come back moves is buying some hives later this month. It feels good to be back.

Someone who joined three years ago with 0.some hive in their account saying so? Lol

Don't forget that I was in the same position as you when I began my HIVE journey, and as anyone else that begins on the chain now... It takes a lot of patience, time, and maybe money (if you invest in HIVE and buy it... which I also did), to build up your HIVE... If it would be easy, everyone would do it and succeed... On the other side, if I did it, you can do it too... ;)

Just be realistic, "listen" to your vibes, and do the work... Often, demotivation doesn't come from the lack of money or stake, but rather from big expectations of getting rich quickly...

Thanks for your curation!

Yup, have heard so many lessons. Acting upon them, have made some progress and looking forward to continuing...

It's only 8 months, a long journey is waiting...

That's something I might achieve in 2 month

To me, it seems like an excellent result.
For now, without buying, with pure natural growth and constant presence, it can exceed that amount in two months.

Thank you for that... Be consistent, engaged and the good results will follow you

To follow up on the beginning of the post...
Just for peace in this crazy world. Nothing can be more demotivating than the suffering of another human being, and today there is a lot of suffering.
I only hope that it will not escalate.
It will be a sad and dark period, if hot heads allow such a thing. Unfortunately, I live in the rest of the country that went through such a period 30 years ago.
It happened, I hope it never happens again.

I had a theory (and not just me), that we as humans are going backward regarding intelligence and that we are "more stupid" year by year...

Very likely, unfortunately. ANd nowadays religion serves as an excuse for a ton of stuff... there's always a hidden agenda, and normally has a ton of $$$ behind it. We should be better than this by now. Cheers! !BEER

The truth is that religion served as an excuse for MOST of the bad things that happened in the past... Astonishingly, we didn't learn anything from the past...

Maybe it's not related, but I saw an interesting meme today...


That's how shortsighted we are...


Let's hope humanity comes to its senses, preferably sooner than later.

I like to be an ant and work less but constantly. It gives less profit and does not feel cool, in addition to needing patience and time.

I see a lot of publication to publish, of worse quality or empty/false content. It’s sad when they receive better rewards than the good quality works that I also find, there are many great authors! That's why I try to support within my possibilities. Not just say, but do.

Anyway, I have said it many times. Hive is like real life, it is composed of people. Always a small part wants to dominate the rest and uses everything it has at its disposal to achieve it. What links to the beginning of your publication.

Thank you for writing your opinion. We need to know the voices of those who have more power, because you are the mirror in which we look at each other, those who go from behind. 🤗

I like to be an ant and work less but constantly.

I'm also a creature of habits, but when I go out of my routine, I have problems getting back into it... That's why I'm not good at solving unexpected issues... It takes too much focus and I always lose valuable time on stupid things... lol

Thank you for writing your opinion. We need to know the voices of those who have more power, because you are the mirror in which we look at each other, those who go from behind. 🤗

Thanks for your kind words, but my voice is equal to anyone else's voice... I know that people like to follow others rather than lead, but HIVE could make a change about that... There is place for everyone and for many different views... We just have to nurture them!

had a theory (and not just me), that we as humans are going backward regarding intelligence and that we are "more stupid" year by year...

I think on average things have degraded when it comes to the capacity to understand and analyze things critically (not necessarily IQ) and the ability to focus for longer periods. I'm not sure about EQ (emotional intelligence) and the capacity to adapt to new technological trends.

It is a bit ironic, don't you think (pun intended 😃)? We have the Internet, and all the knowledge at the click of a mouse button, and we have issues with understanding and analyzing things... It's too easy to do it, so we don't do it... The irony...

Unfortunately, it is. Brainwashing, good times that "create weak men", whatever it is or their combination led to where we are. But it appears hard times are ahead...

It's hard to see and hard to watch... Sometimes I just don't want to care about anyone, but then I look at my son and I try to educate him to think, to stay (out of the loop), but the influence of surroundings is too big...
Anyway, I did what I could... As he is almost 18, now he has to learn, from his mistakes, bad moves, and maybe from certain things that are engraved somewhere in his brain... 😃

We all know that teenagers are the wisest part of the population... 😂 They know everything the best! 🤣

I don't have children of my own, but I see these influences in my nieces. Their parents do their best to guide them well, but they have a mix of inputs now and take what they like from different sources, as all children. They are still more malleable than your son because they are younger and still don't have desires for independence yet, but that time will come, soon for the older one.

Make a good play and follow the plan. Without further ado.
Clean mind and keeping it simple always gives the best results.

You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ yeckingo1. (1/20)@ph1102!

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

I agree... and I suppose that most of us know the "theory", but life happens and hits from every side... :)
Keeping it simple is a good move!

Just like that we learn only after making mistakes in life and if we make the same mistakes again then we never succeed in this world.

Indeed... If we don't learn from our mistakes, we made them for nothing...

Yeah I totally agree with you.

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Powering up 259HP in seven days is a great motivation and a lot of hardwork
Keep it up!

Thank you very much... I could do better... 😃

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