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RE: Hypnotized .:. MyHiveGoals 2024

in LeoFinance11 months ago

It's sad how warfare conflicts have become part of human politics because it's all about power/politics but this is something one can't stop from happening so we need to keep going, in the case of the market it's funny how this events become an excuse for the market to temporarily crash when a correction was overdue, soon in a few months things will keep going as they were, I also got a bit distracted but now trying to get back on the horse, stay strong keep going 💪✌️


in the case of the market it's funny how this events become an excuse for the market to temporarily crash when a correction was overdue

Yeah, it looks like it was a "nice" ignition for that longly waited pull back... Well, it happened now... We will see if it is over or not... When the US market awakens, we will see in which direction we will go...
