
I think tough love is good when done in moderation. They key part is that it must be balanced by soft love here and there.

You've definitely got my point. Tough love can only be healthy when it's balanced with excess soft love.

you added excess soft love
What happened to hard love 😃

Hard love shouldn't be in excess 😂


the word soft is the key

Yeah, soft is important!


2/🧵 I believe the way we express our feelings is based on our personalities and home training.
Some of us grew up with parents who believe so much in "spare the rod and spoil the child", while some of us in a more considerate home where advice is the order of the day. However, some of us grew up in both.
And this has affected us in one way or they other. It's the reason why we are who we are today.

3/🧵In this post I shared my thoughts on this topic, my experiences and how it affected me.
Not only within my family, but I've seen love being express in various ways outside my home .
I'll appreciate if you stop by, thank you.