Well, not sure if it is fun all the time. Just came here and there was an ambulance call. A man got sulphuric acid on his knee and then smeared it on his face. I sit in the operations center and have to coordinate the actions of our ambulance and fire department.
Raygun is setting the pace for the future of the Olympics. I hope Break Dance gets featured on or before 2028. I learned a new thing today, thanks for the video
oh yes .. Although its a dance form , its a been a competitive sport for a while now . And this is the first time its being represented in the Olympics , due to this performance its getting a lot of global attraction now thanks for the memes . 😂
Sempre existe esperança... recebendo voto do leo.voter em um post depois de 3 dias kkkk, nao to reclamando, to achando ótimo que venha mais vezes kkk 😂
No meu caso, por exemplo, minha família optou por jantar em um restaurante mais bacana no sábado e depois tomar um café da manhã em uma padaria que gostamos no Domingo.
Estou dessa forma tmb, cada ano que passa dou mais valor na família e no amor com minha esposa e meus filhos. O tempo não para, então o negocio é aproveitar cada segundo com eles.
O Ricardo Nunes está pensando em faltar aos próximos debates e sabatinas. Pelo visto a equipe dele acha que ele não tem nada a ganhar.... pra mim isso diz muito sobre a satisfação com sua gestão
Datena tendo péssima performance nos debates... estranho para alguém acostumado com as câmeras. Será que ele está de fato concorrendo ou a candidatura dele serve a outros propósitos mais obscuros?
⚡️ Former Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina believes the US is involved in her resignation because she refused to hand over St. Martin Island to them to build a military base
Plenty people won't even notice the difference in packs and how many of these fake products look this different from the original?
We should all try to inspect the products and not patronize random stores or shops that we can't vouch for.
#hivenaija #rants
I actually do not understand why the increase in minimum wage isn't applicable to corpers, aren't they part of the work force or they expect them to serve their fatherland on empty belly. Tufiakpa!!!!
For context: With the increasing inflation every day, living with 33k naira as monthly allowance during national service is almost impossible. Now, NYSC corp members are raging and protesting it, especially for the failure to review it since the adjustment of minimum wage to 77k.
What's your take?
Comment on the trending topic with whatever opinion or questions you have. Check out following threads also! The best entry wins gets highlighted tomorrow at 09:00 AM Nigerian time!Share whatever photo of you or whatever is around you and tell us about it. Use the tags #hivenaija #myeyesyoursight.
The response to the corper's complaint was that they already disbursed the payment before the increment in the NYSC allowance.
We will wait and see how the month of August goes.
If you are a single female Creature in the house and any male Specie haven't say hello to you and you are happy with that, please go and meet your pastor for special deliverance with plantains leafs.
Please don't take most of my statements serious oh, its just for the fun of engagements oooh... Before person go go tell my papa say see waiting I dey talk for here ooh ... 🤣🤣
The Mets wrapped up a grueling road trip with another ugly loss to the Mariners Sunday evening. Unlike the first two games of the series, they scored a run this time, but they still got blown out 12-1. They were outscored 22-1 in the series. The sweep comes off the heels of a series win in Colorado.
The slumping Braves lost on Sunday too, though, allowing seven runs in the eighth inning of a stunning 9-8 defeat to the Rockies. That means the Mets are in the same position they were in at the start of Sunday, 0.5 games behind the Braves for the third Wild Card spot.
The Mets now get a much-needed day off before starting a home series with the A’s on Tuesday. The Braves, meanwhile, begin a road series with the Giants at 9:45 p.m. ET. It’s a matchup of veteran aces, with Atlanta’s Chris Sale going up against Blake Snell, who threw a no-hitter earlier this month. A Braves loss would give them the exact same record as the Mets (61-57), while a win would put them a full game ahead of New York.
O Manchester City abriu a temporada com a emocionante conquista da Supercopa da Inglaterra, batendo o rival Manchester United nos pênaltis.
E o primeiro jogo oficial da temporada 2024/25 na Inglaterra marcou também a estreia do brasileiro Savinho com a camisa do City. O ex-jogador do Girona atuou por 37 minutos e foi elogiado pelo técnico Pep Guardiola.
Ele teve um bom impacto, jogando pelos dois lados. E na esquerda ele tem uma qualidade incrível e pode atacar a linha de fundo, o suficiente para ser muito bom nos cruzamentos no primeiro, no segundo poste.
A ida de Damián Suárez para o Peñarol ficou difícil, mas isso não quer dizer que ele voltará a jogar pelo Botafogo. A tentativa de forçar a saída para o time uruguaio não foi bem vista internamente, e o treinador Artur Jorge comunicou ao camisa 22 que não conta mais com o atleta.
O Peñarol foi diretamente em Damián, fez uma proposta e convenceu o jogador pela transferência. O defensor foi até a diretoria do Alvinegro e alegou problemas familiares para deixar o clube. Posteriormente, a cúpula da SAF e Artur Jorge souberam da situação com o clube uruguaio e não gostaram da atitude.
O Coritiba abre a semana com um reforço encaminhado. Trata-se do meia Josué Pesqueira, de 33 anos, que disputou as últimas três temporadas pelo Legia Varsóvia, da Polônia, onde foi eleito o melhor estrangeiro.
A passagem do português pelo Legia Varsóvia teve início em 2021/2022, quando fez marcou três gols e deu 16 assistências. No ano seguinte, foram 15 gols e oito assistências.
Na temporada passada, Josué disputou anotou 11 gols e deu ainda mais oito assistências. Em três anos, foram 130 jogos, 29 gols e 32 assistências. Ele era o capitão do time polonês e optou pela não renovação de contrato.
A notícia de que Cebolinha teve uma grave lesão no tornozelo esquerdo e está fora do restante da temporada foi um baque e tanto para a torcida rubro-negra. O atacante vinha sendo um dos destaques do Flamengo em 2024 e agora vai precisar passar por cirurgia, com prazo de recuperação de quatro a seis meses. Mas o jogador evitou lamentar ao aparecer nas redes sociais:
Eu voltarei mais FORTE! - escreveu Cebolinha na legenda de duas fotos em preto e branco (incluindo uma dele saindo de maca do campo) e uma colorida de um leão.
O Athletico encaminhou a contratação do meio-campista Praxedes, do Bragantino. O jogador é aguardado na capital paranaense nas próximas horas para realizar exames e assinar com o Furacão até o final da temporada.
O jogador de 22 anos pertence ao time de Bragança Paulista e deve chegar por empréstimo ao Furacão. Ele defendeu o Vasco nos últimos meses e estava fora dos planos do time carioca desde o início de agosto.
A contratação de Praxedes preenche uma lacuna do elenco rubro-negro. O Furacão buscava um meio-campista canhoto para atuar no setor. Atualmente, Varini vem utilizando Christian e Zapelli, ambos destros.
O meia Yves Bissouma, do Tottenham, pediu desculpas por consumir óxido nitroso, conhecido como gás do riso, e ainda gravar e compartilhar as imagenes em suas redes sociais.
Segundo o jornal "The Guardian, o gás foi consumido dentro de uma limusine, após amistoso que terminou com a derrota do time inglês para o Bayern de Munique, por 3 a 2.
O Tottenham também se pronunciou, disse que o atleta será investigado e que o assunto será tratado internamente. Com uso proibido na Inglaterra e Portugal, o meia pode receber acusações penais.
O Milan anunciou nesta segunda-feira a contratação do lateral-direito Emerson Royal, de 25 anos, que estava no Tottenham. O brasileiro assinou contrato com o clube italiano até 30 de junho de 2028, com opção de extensão por mais um ano.
Em meados de julho, o próprio Emerson Royal deu uma entrevista em que considerou como "especial" o interesse do Milan. Ele estava incomodado com o pouco aproveitamento no Tottenham nos últimos meses.
1/✍️ According to the newspaper, European natural gas prices showed double-digit growth for the second week in a row amid concerns about possible disruptions in Russian fuel supplies through Ukraine.
Here is the daily technology #threadcast for 8/12/24. We aim to educate people about this crucial area along with providing information of what is taking place.
Drop all question, comments, and articles relating to #technology and the future. The goal is make it a technology center.
The technology of creating realistic pencil drawings is based on finding dark and light areas of the image and a smooth transition between them :) !VSC
I suppose the pencil was invented by Papa Carlo, before or after the creation of Pinocchio, but he could not achieve independent growth of the lead, like the nose of a wooden doll, you have to sharpen it manually :) !VSC
Today, I’m talking with Replika founder and CEO Eugenia Kuyda, and I will just tell you right from the jump, we get all the way to people marrying their AI companions, so get ready.
Replika’s basic pitch is pretty simple: what if you had an AI friend? The company offers avatars you can curate to your liking that basically pretend to be human, so they can be your friend, your therapist, or even your date.
You can interact with these avatars through a familiar chatbot interface, as well as make video calls with them and even see them in virtual and augmented reality.
They will lose their jobs. #technology is deflationary by nature. When people are replaced that is what reduces costs. It is why I think #web3 is so important.
We also need to keep pushing this as a platform where things such as #ai is built.
Look back 150 years ago. The family portraits were only the wealthy and royalty. Why? They had to be painted. When photography becomes economically viable, most could have their pics taken.
Now, it doesnt even require film, or a dedicated camera. It is why we take more than 2 trillion pics a year.
AI is mining the sum of human knowledge from Wikipedia. What does that mean for its future?
Ever notice how more people are relying on AI for answers instead of going straight to the source? It’s becoming a thing, and while AI is great for quick info, it’s causing a bit of a ripple effect. For instance, Wikipedia, our go-to for crowd-sourced knowledge, might feel the impact in the long run. Fewer people are visiting the site directly, which means fewer contributions. So far, Wikipedia hasn’t taken a hit in traffic, but there’s a bigger issue at play—AI tools don’t always give proper credit or links back to original sources. This could open the floodgates to a wave of misinformation, which is pretty concerning.
Actually that isnt how it works. This is why Friday's Lions Den will be about LeoAI.
Generative AI is not a mirror of what it is trained on. That is why it is not exactly a replacement for search. It is trained on the data and the model weighs probabilities on the next token. That is how it comes up with the answers.
Well people are confused by what it is. That is like using an image generator and expecting a film to come out of it.
The chatbots are not a direct replacement for search, at least not at this point. It is like taking to a very knowledgeable friend. Of course, the more interaction, the more the bot learns what you are looking for.
This is the problem. People get upset about AI when they have the ability to help train it but will not.
I think it's working. I seek to it even when it's not up. Sometimes I post stuff in Latest with the intention of re-threading it here later in the day.
From chatting, through ordering food, to completely replacing one’s real life with a virtual one, the internet is an inseparable part of our modern experience —whether we like it or not.
We’ve started taking for granted what has been a distant dream in the 1950s. The internet connects businesses, people, and resources across the world, with higher speed and efficiency than all other forms of contact.
We are going to see most everyone on the planet connected at some point. The big boost is going to come from the fact that many things are going to be connected as the Internet of things starts to progress.
1. The current internet population is 5.16 billion people.
The global population of internet users is growing by the minute. It boasts a 3.7% increase in the last 12 months—meaning another 178 users have been added in 2022 to the overall number.
However, there’s a stark imbalance in its regional distribution. Most internet users come from Eastern Asia—a whopping 1.16 billion—the least from Africa and the Middle East. Astoundingly, 1.02 billion Asian users are Chinese, meaning that most of its 1.4 billion population is online.
The US ranks third, after India (658 million), with slightly over 300 million users.
2. Americans’ internet usage in early 2000, about half of all adults were already online.
As of 2023, approximately 92 percent of individuals in the United States accessed the internet, up from nearly 75 percent in 2012. The United States is one of the biggest online markets worldwide and in 2022, there were nearly 299 million internet users in the country.
3. As of July 2022, global internet usage is 63.1%.
With internet penetration increasing and more businesses going digital, global internet usage is set to keep growing at such incredible speed. A lot more people have access to the internet as Wi-Fi is more publicly available than ever. So there’s only one way to go, and that is up!
4. Google gets an average of 9 billion daily searches in 2022.
Google has come a long way from the 10,000 daily searches it used to get when founded in 1998. Contrastingly, the search engine currently gets 104,895 queries every second! Meaning that in the minute it took you to read this stat, Google has received 6,278,400 new queries!
All this translates to over 9 billion searches per day! A perfect reflection of the rapidly increasing internet usage trends.
At this exact moment, there are 1,977,999,420 websites worldwide. However, the number is rising so rapidly that by the time you’re reading this, it’ll most likely have gone over 2 billion! Impressive, right? It sure is, no matter if only about 20% of them are active.
6. Global median internet connection speed exceeds 30 Mbps.
This shows a 25% increase in the download speed for the past 12 months. Nevertheless, the median for fixed connections is still twice as high at 64.70 Mbps download speed. However, as phones currently have no difficulties loading a variety of content, including 4K videos, without delays or buffering, the difference has significantly less impact on day-to-day usage.
So which country has the fastest median mobile internet connection speed? That would be Norway, with 129.40 Mbps. The top five include: UAE (124.89 Mbps), Qatar (117.61 Mbps), South Korea (106.82 Mbps), and Kuwait (104.47 Mbps).
Alternatively, what is the country with the slowest one? The answer is Venezuela, with a median sitting at 4.98 Mbps. So the median speed in Norway is currently 26 times higher than the one in Venezuela.
7. eCommerce in the US is set to break new ground by crossing the $1 trillion threshold in 2022.
With an increase of 9.4% from 2021, this year represents a significant milestone for ecommerce—crossing the $1 trillion mark! Alternatively, in 2022, the total retail spending in the US is forecast at $6.988 trillion.
eCommerce is continuing on its trend of immense growth. The current $5 trillion global market is expected to reach a whopping $7.4 trillion in 2025!
One-fifth of global sales are taking place online.
This isn’t surprising at all. People like convenience, and ecommerce grants them that. So more and more people are choosing to shop and spend time in the comfort of their homes.
That’s a trend that is sure to keep growing in the coming years. What’s more, predictions indicate that by 2025, the ecommerce segment will make up a quarter of all retail sales worldwide.
Fun fact: Brazil is the fastest-growing online retail market, with a 20.73% CAGR between 2022 and 2025.
One-fifth of global sales are taking place online.
This isn’t surprising at all. People like convenience, and ecommerce grants them that. So more and more people are choosing to shop and spend time in the comfort of their homes.
That’s a trend that is sure to keep growing in the coming years. What’s more, predictions indicate that by 2025, the ecommerce segment will make up a quarter of all retail sales worldwide.
Fun fact: Brazil is the fastest-growing online retail market, with a 20.73% CAGR between 2022 and 2025.
And not only money but time and efforts. Let’s see how businesses and customers operate there before diving into more complex stats about the internet.
10. Over a quarter of the US internet users use ad blockers.
This is terrible news for retailers, even more so as this percentage has been climbing slowly over the years. According to the latest internet traffic statistics, 27% of Americans make use of an ad-blocking service.
11. The nanosatellite market is predicted to peak at $154.9 million by 2026.
The nano market is experiencing a colossal boom, with the increasing demand for and reliance on satellite tech. Just consider that the 2020 market size figure was put at $143.1 million.
12. Dom-com is the leading top-level domain with over 154.6 million recorded as of recently.
The majority of people and brands prefer the .com domain. It’s not only the most popular but is also considered the most secure, as people are more willing to trust a brand that’s using it.
So .com boasts the higher number of domains. But who comes next?
The second place is occupied by .tk (Tokelau), with 24.7 million domains. Third comes China and .cn, with 20.7 million. The top five is completed by .de (Germany)—16.8 million—and .net—13.4 million.
14. The number of European mobile internet users is expected to reach 700.50 million by 2025.
People want to stay connected to the Web on the go. As such, they are increasingly inclined to use smartphones. Actually, the mobile market is growing exponentially, with well over half of all internet traffic now originating from portable devices.
An estimate of over 2.7 trillion blog posts will be written by the end of 2022. This means that 7.5 million new posts are published online every day! Can you imagine? That’s a staggering sum and a massive network of information accessible to practically anyone.
No internet representation is complete without the Deep Web. As it represents an enormous portion of the Web, it should be discussed at least for a little bit. And yes, there is a difference between Deep and Dark Web.
16. The Deep Web consists of 7,500 terabytes of information.
Google and other search engines don’t index Deep Web pages. This is why the latter is perceived as a mysterious term.
Nonetheless, you can find government databases, public records, academic libraries, and more about the deep internet traffic through statistics and research.
To put these 7,500 terabytes in perspective, the Surface Web (Google, Bing, etc.) offers access to only 19 terabytes of data. While there is a common misconception, the Deep Web isn’t a restricted internet area.
17. In 2017, the CIA released 12 million declassified document pages on the Deep Web.
There are even printer-friendly versions of the 930,000 documents. CIA also decided to add hashtags to their Twitter announcements - #Vietnam, #ColdWar, and others.
18. There are 550 billion individual documents on the Deep Web.
Internet statistics show they are spread across 200,000 websites. And before you start recollecting Mr. Robot scenes, 95% of that information is accessible by anyone with an internet connection.
20. The nefarious section of the Deep Web is called the Dark Web.
The Dark Web is considered, as the name implies, the darkest of the family. Users need special access software (the Tor browser, in most cases) to explore even a bit of it.
Among its most “popular” service categories are: Drugs, Fraud, Bitcoin, Black Market Sites, Hacking, Blogs, Pornography, and Abuse. However, the Dark Web is also used for activism, whistleblowing, and free speech, so it’s not all black or white.
21. Nano-satellites are now set on delivering internet connection to even more remote locations.
The Dutch company Hiber announced their plan to provide IoT-connectivity across the whole planet in the coming years. Their aim is to allow people in less developed countries access internet-enabled devices without issues.
22. Neural network computers will get a lot closer to mimicking humans.
They’re not going to start smoking cigarettes or sing in the shower, but gadgets will get smarter. Conventional computers are far from adept when it comes to copying our actions, but neural networks can change that. Internet traffic breakdown will look a lot different once these neural nets go online.
23. Both Google and Microsoft are making great progress in quantum computing.
The main selling point of quantum-powered computers is their speed and power. Using quantum-level mechanics, future machines will perform on an entirely different level compared to today’s devices.
Just a mind-boggling fact, the core of a D-Wave quantum computer operates at -273 degrees Celsius, scarily close to absolute zero temperature.
Or at least most internet stats and estimates say so. 5G networks, in essence, are way faster than 4G connections. Duh.
The crucial detail lies in just how much faster they are. An ordinary 5G connection would have an average download speed of about 1GBps. Should such connection come to us, the internet will have the needed infrastructure to finally support IoT devices on a mainstream level.
The Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers is responsible for coordinating each unique identifier on the Web. Put simply, they are the ones that ensure your IP is only one and unique.
What sounds entirely more heroic is that seven of their members hold seven keys to “restore” the internet if a gigantic crash should happen.
27. You can still visit the birthplace of the internet.
That’s among the oldest internet statistics you can hear. Tim Berners-Lee began writing the first-ever web browser in September 1990. And the oldest (known) web page (info.cern.ch) was almost finished by Christmas. In January 1991, the World Wide Web became available to the public.
It is exciting to see where it all came to life and to imagine how fast it grew to become the internet we know today.
28. There was a Garfield email service in the 90s.
I’ve reached the pinnacle of my time spent on internet statistics.
Before the official Gmail launch in 2004, Garfield fans could use the initial Gmail service at the following address – gmail.garfield.com. The oldest snapshot from the Garfield platform comes from December 3rd, 1998.
They are simple in nature but the utility in them is massively complicated. We also have the entire concept of ownership which most do not seem to truly grasp.
Meta and Universal Music Group (UMG) announced on Monday the expansion of their multi-year music licensing agreement, which enables users to share songs The new agreement between Meta and Universal addresses “unauthorized AI-generated content."
Meta and Universal Music Group (UMG) announced on Monday the expansion of their multi-year music licensing agreement, which enables users to share songs from UMG’s music library across Meta’s platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Horizon, Threads and WhatsApp) without violating copyright.
BT, the U.K.'s former incumbent telecoms carrier, is picking up a major new investor today as telecoms companies look for stronger footing
BT, the U.K.’s former incumbent telecoms carrier, is picking up a major new investor today as telecoms companies look for stronger footing in the rapidly-shifting technology and communications market. Bharti, the Indian tech and telecoms giant that owns Airtel, said it would purchase a 24.5% stake currently owned by Altice.
The valuation of Oyo, once India's second-most valuable startup at $10 billion, has dipped to $2.4 billion in a new funding round, multiple sources told The valuation of Oyo, once India's second-most valuable startup at $10 billion, has dipped to $2.4 billion.
The Gurugram-headquartered startup, which operates a chain of budget hotels, has raised $173.5 million in a Series G funding. Patient Capital, run by Oyo founder and chief executive Ritesh Agarwal; InCred Wealth, which pools capital from high net-worth individuals, and J&A Partners delivered most of the capital in the new round.
A look at some of the open-source software that offers refuge from vendor lock-ins powered by proprietary platforms.
For every yin, there’s a yang; for every action, a reaction; and for every piece of proprietary software, there’s an open source alternative. Or something like that.
The issue of “openness” in technology has rarely been so front and center in the public consciousness as it has these past couple of years. Twitter’s steady demise has drawn millions to explore alternatives, many of which are open source. And the OpenAI power struggle last year also shone a spotlight on what “open source” might actually mean in the context of the burgeoning AI revolution.
CrowdStrike's president said he'll take the trophy back to headquarters as a reminder that "our goal is to protect people, and we got this wrong."
Just a few weeks after its software update triggered a global IT meltdown, CrowdStrike isn’t shying away from the spotlight. In fact, the company’s president Michael Sentonas even took the stage at the Pwnie Awards to accept the award for Most Epic Fail.
The B2B cross-border payments platform found success after pivoting from crypto to traditional banking and is now making inroads in Africa.
Cross-border payments for businesses in emerging markets remain significantly untapped, despite small to large businesses using banks and legacy fintechs to transact trillions of dollars in transaction volume annually.
A report by Airwallex forecasts that the value of cross-border payments will grow by 60%, reaching $250 trillion by 2027. Between 2018 and 2022, the value of such payments increased by $25 trillion to $150 trillion, with business-to-business (B2B) payments making up 97% of that volume.
X, the social media platform owned by Elon Musk, has been targeted with a series of privacy complaints after it helped itself to the data of users
X, the social media platform owned by Elon Musk, has been targeted with a series of privacy complaints after it helped itself to the data of users in the European Union for training AI models without asking people’s consent.
Kazam, an Indian EV charging solution provider, has raised $8 million to expand its footprint in the country and enter Southeast Asian markets.
EV charging station startup Kazam plans to expand beyond India, where it already holds a significant share of the market, and into Southeast Asia to gain an early mover’s advantage, TechCrunch has exclusively learned.
The Bengaluru-headquartered startup, which has offices in Delhi and Pune and city managers in 4,000 postal codes across India, is set to debut in Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia.
Decentralization is not granted. It has to be fought for.
Are those involved in #crypto willing to fight for it? Will they change their actions on a daily basis or do the same thing, supporting the same entities?
The key mental breakthrough of #ai comes when people realize they are responsible, at least in part, what comes out of them. It is our feeding that affects the results.
This is especially true for small language models like #leoai.
Sad to see, its like the end of a cycle! Is the channel on TV still on air? I Dont have TV. Imean i have one, but is just a low resolution (but bigger) screen in the computer XD
TV is a mixed term these days. Traditional tv, as we knew it through the cable and satellite package, is dying. Many channels are moving to digital TV, usually through some app.
The channels are going to have to adapt and many are not. Cartoon is being, it looks like, pushed into Max, also owned by Warner Bros.
We are seeing the fragmentation of the industry. Lots of other choices.
There are still some big audiences productions but indeed it tends to a more niche content. Could be us the generation that finally watch TV die? Cable is way expensive (at least here in Argentina) the basic service cost more than internet!
A 39-year-old dad found a completely new way to feed his family – using artificial intelligence to simplify the process.
Before he became a dad three years ago, Jonathan had his meal planning skills down pat when it came to cooking for himself and wife, Farrah.
“I was actually quite meticulous with it and I had a lot of time to do it effectively, but once we had kids, we became time poor and it became chaotic,” the Melbourne father of two children, aged three and seven months, tells Kidspot.
“Meal planning was completely thrown off and having time to prepare a meal was thrown off too.”
Quantum computers have the potential of outperforming conventional computers on some practically relevant information processing problems, possibly even in machine learning and optimization.
Quantum computers have the potential of outperforming conventional computers on some practically relevant information processing problems, possibly even in machine learning and optimization. Yet their large-scale deployment is not yet feasible, largely due to their sensitivity to noise, which causes them to make errors.
Light is an excellent carrier of information used not only for classical communication technologies but also increasingly for quantum applications such as quantum networking and computing.
Light is an excellent carrier of information used not only for classical communication technologies but also increasingly for quantum applications such as quantum networking and computing. However, processing light signals is far more complex, compared to working with common electronic signals.
Researchers have proposed using a twist on quantum entanglement, dubbed "quantum telepathy," to dramatically boost high-frequency trading.
Researchers have proposed using a twist on quantum entanglement, dubbed “quantum telepathy,” to dramatically boost high-frequency trading by enabling near-instantaneous coordination between traders across different stock exchanges.
The approach could potentially eliminate delays currently limiting trading decisions, offering a significant “edge” in the fast-paced world of financial markets.
While promising, the deployment of quantum telepathy in trading raises regulatory concerns and requires further theoretical and experimental validation to assess its practical viability.
Having a dark factory in the standard that Xiaomi has, will generate great savings in both energy and finances, as you will not need to spend money on paying human employees.
I found some videos in Portuguese that show how many employees there are to create smartphones.
You might want to grab the transcripts from those videos and post them as comments under the video in the comments. It will add to the Poruguese content.
Yeah. I try to find some that have short videos so it doesnt take hours to do the transcripts. There is a a limit to the amount that can go into the thread so it takes a little bit.
This week on Decoder, I talked to author Matthew Ball, who was last on the show in 2022 to discuss his book “The Metaverse: And How it Will Revolutionize Everything.” It’s 2024, and it’s safe to say that has not happened yet.
But Matt’s still on the case — in fact, he just performed an almost complete update of the book, now with the much more sober title, “Building the Spatial Internet.” It’s out next week on Tuesday, July 23rd.
Matt and I talked a lot about where the previous metaverse hype cycle landed us and what there is to learn from these boom and bust waves in technology. We also talked about the Apple Vision Pro as a marker or symbol of where the metaverse is now and where it has to go.
For the first time, two new all-electric passenger trains are operating in the US, which is woefully behind the rest of the world in electrifying its rolling stock.
The two new trains are operated by Caltrain. California Governor Gavin Newson and House Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi were on hand to take the inaugural ride, which took place on Saturday.
It’s taken almost 20 years since the idea of electric trains was first proposed in California. But officials insisted the new trains will be quieter and faster than the diesel-powered trains in current operation while also providing a better experience for passengers.
Signal is being blocked in Venezuela and Russia. The app is a popular choice for encrypted messaging and people trying to avoid government censorship, and the blocks appear to be part of a crackdown on internal dissent in both countries.
In Venezuela, the blockage follows the disputed results of the country’s presidential election last month, which have led to protests and arrests as president Nicolás Maduro clings to power, according to MSNBC.
(The US has recognized opposition candidate Edmundo González as the winner of the election.) Internet monitoring service NetBlocks said Thursday evening that Signal had become “unreachable on multiple internet providers” in the country. Maduro has also ordered a block on X, The Associated Press reports.
Mathematical solutions to thorny quantum problems can be found more quickly by exploiting the correspondence between the statistical methods used in deep learning and techniques for implementing quantum
Mathematical solutions to thorny quantum problems can be found more quickly by exploiting the correspondence between the statistical methods used in deep learning and techniques for implementing quantum simulations, a team led by a RIKEN researcher has shown in a new study published in the Journal of High Energy Physics.
Former President Donald Trump confirmed his campaign was hacked just hours after Politico revealed it had been sent internal documents from the campaign. In a statement to CNN, Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung said, “These documents were obtained illegally from foreign sources hostile to the United States, intended to interfere with the 2024 election.”
The Trump campaign linked the hack to Iran, citing a report published by Microsoft last week that says a group run by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps “sent a spear-phishing email to a high-ranking official of a presidential campaign.”
Meta and Universal Music Group (UMG) are refreshing their licensing agreements to expand the use of the publishing giant’s content on more Meta social apps.
The new multiyear agreement announced on Monday now includes licensed media in content like shortform videos on Threads and WhatsApp as well as Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and Meta Horizon.
In a press statement, Meta’s VP of music and content business development, Tamara Hrivnak, says the partnership between Meta, UMG, and Universal Music Publishing Group will allow the companies to work together “in new ways on WhatsApp, and more.”
The hardest part about #technology is for people to change the way they think.
This is an accelerant as technology picks up speed. We are going to be faced with major questions in the future, something that will confuse people if they hold onto their old ideas.
Over the next couple years, we might add telecommunications to the industries being massively disrupted.
Cord cutting 2.0 is taking place already. What happens if we start to see "texting" and phone calls through a new medium. We will see if this rolls out before the end of the year.
So even people do not totally agree with the fact that technology is going to take over, but It would make life difficult for those who are not yet to adapt to the system.
Disruption is much slower in industries that are heavily regulated or have a safety component to them. For this reason, do not expect major changes in education or healthcare in the near-to-medium term.
Focus upon those industries which do not have that.
Chinese institutions are collaborating to use quantum computing for enhancing the precision and speed of small molecule drug design.
-Bengbu Medical University and Origin Quantum are collaborating to leverage quantum computing for enhancing the precision and speed of small molecule drug design, addressing computational bottlenecks.
The initiative aims to accurately model molecular interactions, which are crucial for developing effective small molecule therapies.
This approach could streamline the discovery process, potentially leading to faster development of new, targeted treatments.
1/✍️ Thousands of people are protesting against the government's plans for lithium mining. At a rally in Belgrade, people chanted slogans like "No mining" and "Treason, treason."
2/✍️ Meanwhile, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic claims that Russian intelligence services provided information that Western countries are allegedly planning massive riots to oust him from office.
Daily screenshot of my share in the LEO/CACAO Pool. It dropped more than $1 since yesterday's morning. Considering $HIVE's drop, it's to be expected. #freecompliments #dailydook
1/✍️ "Kamala Harris, whose "honeymoon" period is coming to an end and who is starting to seriously lose in the opinion polls, just copied my "no tip taxes" policy.
2/✍️ The difference is that she won't implement it, she only needs it for political purposes. It was Trump's idea, she has no ideas of her own, she can only steal them from me," he wrote.
#gmfrens! Here is the #threadcast for today's INLEO livestream update with @taskmaster4450. Join us here at 2 pm EST! Add your questions and comments below!
🚀 Kamala Harris rises in predictions, leaving Trump to struggle on Polymarket, the blockchain-based predictive betting platform.
#cent #dailydook #btc#crypto
2/🧵 I believe the way we express our feelings is based on our personalities and home training.
Some of us grew up with parents who believe so much in "spare the rod and spoil the child", while some of us in a more considerate home where advice is the order of the day. However, some of us grew up in both.
And this has affected us in one way or they other. It's the reason why we are who we are today.
3/🧵In this post I shared my thoughts on this topic, my experiences and how it affected me.
Not only within my family, but I've seen love being express in various ways outside my home .
I'll appreciate if you stop by, thank you. https://inleo.io/@phyna/tough-lovebalancing-discipline-and-respect--86n
This way I get much more freedom and flexibility. If LEO suddenly surge, and I want to sell some Leo's, I can start power down on a smaller stack. Plus all the delegated Hive is kept on separate account from the main LEO stake. Diversification. Nothing new invented. All Curation upvoting is synchronised, done in tandem, it's easy to do. Lots of pros, con is only 1, time required to manually move the coins time to time.
2/ Experts highlighted that in the past 3 months, central banks globally have cut rates 35 times. They compared this trend to the 2009 crisis when 76 similar actions were recorded.
3/✍️ Investors shifting to safer assets and declining government bond yields are classic recession indicators, reflecting a lack of confidence in sustainable economic growth-Bitfinex noted.
I can confirm that Belgium goes crazy about soccer. I've attended a game of ice hockey in Finland and can confirm they are REALLY CRAZY about ice hockey. Definitely a tip for anyone visiting Helsinki / Finland!
2/✍️ Catching falling knives is always a bad idea. If you missed a collapse, then why do you think you can determine the moment of return to growth? Those who rush to buy the bottom get a second bottom as a gift.
3/✍️ Try to recoup by quickly restoring all losses from the market collapse. The cry "buy in, fools" flies through the chats and you are ready to bring more into the market than you just lost. And then we go to the next round...
🧵 4. Hydro power generation dropped by 6% due to deficient rainfall in the north. Coal, nuclear, and renewable energy generation saw year-on-year growth.
I was going to say the media. I Think this is something someone needs to seat down on unearth facts and truth then they are quipped to say a thing. For that reason I do not qualify my opinion is un informed lol.
Good morning friends! It's time for another late shift. Enjoy your Monday.

#gmfrens #dailydook #cent #bbh #leo
Don't forget to keep the !DOOK nation safe lol !BBH !hiqvote
I do my best. Already got some action at work. !DOOK
Have fun :) !BBH !DOOK
Well, not sure if it is fun all the time. Just came here and there was an ambulance call. A man got sulphuric acid on his knee and then smeared it on his face. I sit in the operations center and have to coordinate the actions of our ambulance and fire department.
Holy shit man. That is not good.
Well, there are all kind of accidents in a chemical park but most times it's false alarm or harmless.
Those are the best ones.
Last time, someone had pinched their finger. You could hear the man screaming in the background when the call came in. It was bad.
@bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(8/100)@chaosmagic23! to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.
(html comment removed:
@bitcoinman, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request (2/4) and will start the voting trail.
In addition, @chaosmagic23 gets !PIZZA from @hiq.redaktion.
Discord. And don't forget to vote HiQs fucking Witness! 😻For further questions, check out https://hiq-hive.com or join our
@bitcoinman likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(7/50)@chaosmagic23! to your account on behalf of @bitcoinman.
(html comment removed:
#gmfren !DOOK
Ugh! Monday doesn't seem to have a lot of fans 🤣
#freecompliments !DOOK
hi Chris. Good morning, hope your Monday went well
First a Turkish hitman, now an Australian breakdancer 😆 .
#olympics #raygun #dance #meme #dailydook
ain't that some !DOOK wow would you look at that you getting a !hiqvote bonus for using the #dailydook tag
haaha.. Thank you so much .!! Appreciate the support 💩 💩 💩
Raygun is setting the pace for the future of the Olympics. I hope Break Dance gets featured on or before 2028. I learned a new thing today, thanks for the video
#freecompliments !DOOK
yes .. it did bring some attention to the whole sport . but sadly Breakdancing Is Getting Kicked Out Of The 2028 Summer Olympics . 😅
Brokedancer lol
@bitcoinman, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request (3/4) and will start the voting trail.
In addition, @ciskodisco.opus gets !PIZZA from @hiq.redaktion.
Discord. And don't forget to vote HiQs fucking Witness! 😻For further questions, check out https://hiq-hive.com or join our
Hahahah For me it is so confusing that breakdancing is considered a sport... and then this performance showed up and I got even more confused
oh yes .. Although its a dance form , its a been a competitive sport for a while now . And this is the first time its being represented in the Olympics , due to this performance its getting a lot of global attraction now thanks for the memes . 😂
Hidratarse es súper importante antes de correr y siempre es recomendable llevar su agua durante el recorrido 💨💪#hiverun #spanish.
Siii, porque si no el cuerpo no resiste, al menos no el mío. #hiverun #spanish
exactamente amiga! #hiverun
Espero poder invertir mas, para que las ganancias me ayuden a meterlo a mi HP en el futuro.
Embed codes removed from another 4 Music On Leo-albums. I do it in between stuff. It's satisfying work, I must admit
Ha, me too! Did a load of travel ones, now on to books. I'll also get round to editing the music I posted at some point
That's tremendous, great job! And very uplifting to hear. Gotta get that #database cleaned up, huh
Top 10 poorest country, Nigeria na number 6
What can be done to help all this countries
#threads #economy
I am in love #cent #brosonleo #olympics
So am I
I understand ;)
Dammit!!! 😍
Is that a good or a bad thing?
There is no one answer. Depends where/how you live.
What is bad for some, is
good for others.
Hmmmm… The ever changing world and its economics. How does one benefit from this?
FED is slated to cut 50 bps in September.
Or not?
super cool, just not practical this one.
Pretty cool yes.
Very Cool!
Definitely cool.
Very cool.
That's an interesting map, never thought about how big some cities are :o
That's an interesting map, never thought about how big some cities are :o
This speaks a lot to how diversified the economies of the world are, even power too.
Interesting map and way of representation
There are poor people in USA too!
Mushroom to be precise.
what a classic. A mushroom if I remember correctly
Thread Day #153
Segundou, brs!! Como foi o fim de semana de vcs? Adm acordou triste com o fim das Olimpíadas
Não é como se isso não acontecesse todo ano, mais de uma vez por ano.... data comemorativa é sinônimo de filas
Add that Portuguese to the database. We need a lot more of it.
Am happy to see the @hive-br threadcast again 🥂🥂🥂🥂..
We are making our presence felt, little by little we are coming back with full force
Thanks great 👍👍👍👍
Good day all. I hope everyone is having a good day on the other side of the equator.
A bit cold here belive it or not, but all good
Great day to you too
It is Winter for you.
And a very cold one, too... some cities had below-zero temperatures this weekend. Not unprecedented but still rare
Voltei galerinha, mas já vou sumir denovo!
Sempre existe esperança... recebendo voto do leo.voter em um post depois de 3 dias kkkk, nao to reclamando, to achando ótimo que venha mais vezes kkk 😂
Dia que não acaba logo kkkkk
hoje a produtividade foi a 0
Tenso man, aqui deu pra fazer algumas coisas mas nada de muito incrível.
O final de semana foi show, o problema está sendo a segunda feira, o google está me dando dor de cabeça logo cedo.
foda, espero que a cosa se resolva por ai
Graças a Deus, problema acaba de ser resolvido. Meu filho tinha deletado a conta da google. Meu pós presente do dia dos pais kkk.
Final de semana de boa, meu pai veio almoçar com a gente em casa e foi um momento bem legal. Não nos vemos muito pessoalmente, então foi tudo de bom.
Greetings my dear friends, how is the day going?
All good my friend, what about you?
Am doing great 👍👍, thanks alot 🥂😎😎.
Am doing great 👍👍, thanks alot 🥂😎😎.
Am doing great 👍👍, thanks alot 🥂😎😎.
Bom dia e boa semana, guerreiros!
Bom dia, boa semana mano!
No meu caso, por exemplo, minha família optou por jantar em um restaurante mais bacana no sábado e depois tomar um café da manhã em uma padaria que gostamos no Domingo.
Legal isso mano, passar um tempo com a família não tem preço.
Tenho valoroizado cada vez mais esses momentos! Conforme a idade chega a gente vai percebendo o que realmente importa
Estou dessa forma tmb, cada ano que passa dou mais valor na família e no amor com minha esposa e meus filhos. O tempo não para, então o negocio é aproveitar cada segundo com eles.
Boa segunda galera!
Fim de semana foi ótimo por aqui! Comemorando dia dos pais em família e dando uma desligada de todo o resto
O Ricardo Nunes está pensando em faltar aos próximos debates e sabatinas. Pelo visto a equipe dele acha que ele não tem nada a ganhar.... pra mim isso diz muito sobre a satisfação com sua gestão
Datena tendo péssima performance nos debates... estranho para alguém acostumado com as câmeras. Será que ele está de fato concorrendo ou a candidatura dele serve a outros propósitos mais obscuros?
Galera aqui em SP reclamando das longas filas nos restaurantes de SP no dia dos Pais.... mas será que ninguém imaginou que isso poderia acontecer? kkk
Ou aceita e encara as horas de espera pra ir no restaurante hypado nessas datas ou mude seu plano
O resultado foi duas comemorações muito boas e um total de 0 minutos em fila nos dois dias.
E o mais importante, claro: um tempo de qualidade com os entes queridos
As "bets" seguem impactando os hábitos de consumo. As classes mais impactadas são as classes D e E
A Uber lançou uma nova categoria de corrida: Uber Green. Pelo que vi por cima, é para carros elétricos.
Parece que por enquanto está disponível apenas em algumas regiões da cidade de SP. Estou curioso em relação ao preço
Nossa conta comunitária @hive-br acabou de chegar em 8k de HP! Trabalhando firme para tentar aumentar mais e mais!
Boa tarde pessoal!
Que todos tenham uma ótima semana!
Boa tarde, tudo bem ai mano?
Boa noite mano! Correria da vida hahaha...
Mas a gente não pode parar.
Não pode mesmo kkk
E o frio?
Já tô até com saudades hahaha...
kkkkk ta frio ainda e ta bom assim haha
As Olimpíadas acabaram, mas em breve chegará às Paralimpíadas.
O inverno aqui no Rio grande do Norte parece que já está dando adeus, ultimamente o calor tem se apresentado com mais frequência.
the 29 has to be a negative and we know that two minus negative is equal to positive.
29= XXIX
1= I
29-1= XXIX-I= XXX= 30
If there is a minus sign before 29.
Oopsie, my math is bad :)
⚡️ Former Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina believes the US is involved in her resignation because she refused to hand over St. Martin Island to them to build a military base
#politics #military #news #newsonleo #bangladesh #freecompliments
"I could have stayed in power if I had given up the sovereignty of St. Maarten Island and allowed America to control the Bay of Bengal," she said.
That wouldnt surprise me.
Yea, there is truth in that.
[5 LEO each for that!]And congrats to @sabrinah and @justfavour for their top-tier engagements on the last episode 🌟
Context available in comments...
Shine your eyes oo. 🤣 🤣
Before you buy, look am well o make you no go buy akụrụ akụ 🤣
#freecompliments #thread2earn #foodtalk #myeyesyoursight
Make belle sha full😂
Plenty people won't even notice the difference in packs and how many of these fake products look this different from the original?
We should all try to inspect the products and not patronize random stores or shops that we can't vouch for.
#hivenaija #rants
This one fit make belle enter marathon race oo
#freecompliments #thread2earn #hivenaija
Fill it up.
With water or what? 🙄
Her belly.
With what is up to her.
That's the most important thing but we have to be careful as well.
Exactly, carefulness is required
Hehe. Good morning, Luchyl. What is Akuru Aku?
I actually prefer Spaghettini oo.
Ask @nkemakonam89, she'll tell you 🤣🤣.
Don't come back to cry me a river oo
#freecompliments #thread2earn #hivenaija
Just tell me na.😂
I don't know it oo 😂
Is this the issue of spaghetti or spaghettini, the branding is different. One is surely fake but who knows
which one is fake?
Niger misut survive
What do you make with it?
Good morning, my people.
Ụtụtụ ọma, ụmụnne m.
Emesiere ndito ika.
Saanu de zuwa etc
The rest should go and collect theirs from their village people 🤣
#freecompliments #thread2earn #hivenaija
Good Mornijg Ma
Beautiful day.
which language is that
From my little knowledge
Igbo is the first one
Hausa the third. I don’t know the one in between
Sannu, Ina Kwana 🫣
looool. Then goes “Yaya Aiki”
Ina lafiya!
I wouldn't know which one you're asking about. There are about three there.!DOOK
From my little knowledge
Igbo is the first one
Hausa the third. I don’t know the one in between
I actually do not understand why the increase in minimum wage isn't applicable to corpers, aren't they part of the work force or they expect them to serve their fatherland on empty belly. Tufiakpa!!!!
I can actually understand!!! Ah ah! When a whole me is not chopping allowee? Then you people want to chop? 🙄
😂 this woman. Is it until you are enjoying it before it becomes effective?
yes!!! That’s how it’s supposed to be
I stopped believing that the government cares about corpers a long time ago.
@olujay my best man, I think I was checking out for my virgin Mary, so that we could go for a night vigil on Sunday night. Lol 😂
I swear you’re high 🤣
My hand is not there in this one sir. lol
Greetings my dear friends from the other side 🤣🤣🤣🤣, how is your day going?
Be like say na only japa people get this your greeting oh
#hivenaija #rants
Greetings my dear, it is what it is.....
For context: With the increasing inflation every day, living with 33k naira as monthly allowance during national service is almost impossible. Now, NYSC corp members are raging and protesting it, especially for the failure to review it since the adjustment of minimum wage to 77k.
What's your take?
Comment on the trending topic with whatever opinion or questions you have. Check out following threads also! The best entry wins gets highlighted tomorrow at 09:00 AM Nigerian time!Share whatever photo of you or whatever is around you and tell us about it. Use the tags #hivenaija #myeyesyoursight.
Ha, wahala everywhere, even corpers want allowee increase. 🤣🤣.
Make dem just dey play
The response to the corper's complaint was that they already disbursed the payment before the increment in the NYSC allowance.
We will wait and see how the month of August goes.
Please forgive me if you don't see my notifications on your notifications section on threads, but you can see it in other front end.
Its party of the ghetto lifestyle 😉😉.
Pls guys let's give her a name #meme #freecompliments
We high for a living, that's we you always sing his hymn in church.
Lord plant my feet on higher ground he has planted you in Nigeria, e get Y. 😂😂😂😂
#jokesonleo #hivenaija
Chisos! 🤣
Na una get mind buy spaghetti na. I don leave am for una tey tey
I don face “Talia”. You know “Talia”?
which one is Talia?
like spaghetti sold in Derica
Wait. Like rice?
Yes o
Spaghettini is the best.
Thank you, Hive Naija.
Congratulations to us, @sabrinah
Aww. Thank you. Congrats to you too
!DOOK #freecompliments
Yayyyyyyy! Good morning, Nigerians!!!
Congratulations 🎉
#hive naija
Good morning, handsome. Hope you are doing well?
Good Morning 🌹
you can’t just answer first?
You are shouting.🥹🥲
when did I shout?!!!
@luchyl likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(2/20)@hive-naija! to your account on behalf of @luchyl.
(html comment removed:
Good morning my fellow Nigerians.
Good morning, George.
What happened to the entry spark? This woman, na like this you be? 😂😂😂😂 Lol
which one is entry spark again?
HAhaah, That's the country for you, they just type and errors everywhere 3😂😂😂.. lol
Let us meuve!!!! 🤓
During my weekend travel, I took some #photographs. Here is one of them. #hivenaija #myeyesyoursight
where did you travel to?
I traveled to a village for away 😄..
nice shot.
i waited for this threadcast yesterday, but fortunately or unfortunately, I didn't see it . 🤣🤣🤣🤣. I guess that the threadcast when to church.. lol
i waited for this threadcast yesterday, but fortunately or unfortunately, I didn't see it . 🤣🤣🤣🤣. I guess that the threadcast when to church.. lol
Sir, but where weren't you at 9 AM on Sunday, hmm?? 👀
You no dey go church?👀
Just take a look at how my thread's keeps appearing two two.... This is why you sing in church that "every na double double" lol
Please may I ask, what about girl friend, is it double?
#hivenaija #myeyesmysight
Be like you’re on small colos 🥲🤣
This one pass colos.
please I should tag #myears too, because I don hear many things....
The other day a cock was smoking brown paper weed inside the pot.. Hmmmm, there is God oooh
#jokesonleo #hivenaija
I don’t understand 👀
Make e no be like say na only me.
I don’t get it.
My dear, its just a long story,. When you are good in night vigil, you hardly go for day things 🤣🤣🤣. Nightworkers.com
My dear, its just a long story,. When you are good in night vigil, you hardly go for day things 🤣🤣🤣. Nightworkers.com
My dear, its just a long story,. When you are good in night vigil, you hardly go for day things 🤣🤣🤣. Nightworkers.com
So you’re only good at Vigil things? Interesting
Not just a night vigil, but a vigil without prayer 🤣🤣🤣.. Vigil with music all through the night..
@sabrinah Wake up!! Sleepy head!
She’s awake o. That man is holding her down that’s why
I thought we talked about this. You are not allowed to go to that man’s house on Mondays, @sabrinah
and why not? What’s your business?
I am in charge.
Lol. What man? I am not like you guys that have babes o. I am single to stuporr. I had my Netflix all day.
I wasn't even awake by this time. This week. I am sleeping all my stress away. Don't wake me

Please here is one of your fellow in a sheep form, our new convert. Please we can welcome him as a Nigeria small lion.. lol
If you are in the country and you aren't high, you should be a joker. Lol
If you are a single female Creature in the house and any male Specie haven't say hello to you and you are happy with that, please go and meet your pastor for special deliverance with plantains leafs.
#jokesonleo #hivenaija
And if you are a male Specie here, that haven't tested your toasting ability, you should be good as the female we just talked about.. 😂😜😂😜.
Some persons will say, "I don't like having friends because they are bad".
The one you hard before, were you able to keep them?
This is my philosophy 😂😂
SOme body said am high, please ask her for me..
Who gave him the highness? 🤣🤣
She gave me some in my dreams yesterday night 😜😜😜😜..
I saw this mention a few hours ago, but I didn't see my name in the threadcast. Please na dream them call me?
Na who dey hid number they call me this early morning 🤣🤣..
#jokesonleo #hivenaija things day happen oooh
Abi person buy my position, them con change my name? 🤔🤔🤔
You are welcome to the fellowship, are you a sheep or a goat? 😜😜😜
Black man dey come with white man face, you are a hookupian 😂😂😂.
keep on playing 😜😜😜
Please don't take most of my statements serious oh, its just for the fun of engagements oooh... Before person go go tell my papa say see waiting I dey talk for here ooh ... 🤣🤣
PLEASE I need someone that I will confess to, 🤔🤔🤔 it's a public confession....
You are doing well bro, please keep it up. That's the spirit 🤣, but na you know which spirit oooh
This babe that looks like Terminator, with her slippers shape... ..... Front chest 😜.. She'v been chesting anything that comes her way..
#hivenaija for you.
Good day to all those in Nigeria. Hope everyone has a great day.
Blessings to all Nigerian community from the Caribbean
@hive-naija, thank you 🥰
Welcome to the daily sports #threadcast! Here we will discuss, follow and share all the news from the sporting world.
We want to make #inleo the premier destination for the #sports community by establishing the Leo platform as the hub for sports updates
Edition #47
August 12
I was little bit exhausted from the days before and tried to evade the #heat and still fit some sports into the day - must have! https://inleo.io/@ben.haase/actifit-ben-haase-20240812t083244043z
It's a great alternative to escape the extreme heat.
You baseball nerds, you! 😅
The Mets lost to the Mariners on 8/12/24 by a score of 12-1.
Yep. That sums it up.
From what little I understand about MLB, this score was very devastating.
It is like a 7-1 game in football.
It is an ass kicking.
So I know very well what that feeling is like. I will never forget Germany beating Brazil in the World Cup 7-1.
So you understand.
Yep, without a doubt my friend.
Morning Briefing: Well, That Road Trip Is Over
Good morning, Mets fans!
The Mets wrapped up a grueling road trip with another ugly loss to the Mariners Sunday evening. Unlike the first two games of the series, they scored a run this time, but they still got blown out 12-1. They were outscored 22-1 in the series. The sweep comes off the heels of a series win in Colorado.
The slumping Braves lost on Sunday too, though, allowing seven runs in the eighth inning of a stunning 9-8 defeat to the Rockies. That means the Mets are in the same position they were in at the start of Sunday, 0.5 games behind the Braves for the third Wild Card spot.
The Mets now get a much-needed day off before starting a home series with the A’s on Tuesday. The Braves, meanwhile, begin a road series with the Giants at 9:45 p.m. ET. It’s a matchup of veteran aces, with Atlanta’s Chris Sale going up against Blake Snell, who threw a no-hitter earlier this month. A Braves loss would give them the exact same record as the Mets (61-57), while a win would put them a full game ahead of New York.
As I imagine, a day off will be important for the players to recover.
It's trying to believe in a vacancy.
Well they had a long trip and had a cross country flight of almost 3,000 miles.
I can imagine, just like your country, this is also a continental country.
Certain trips are quite exhausting depending on where you have to go.
Yeah. That is why they had an off day. It is hard to play one day and then head across country and then play the next day.
Hello my friends sports lovers!
Estamos em mais uma edição! Sejam bem-vindos!
Flamengo empatou com Palmeiras e perdeu a chance de liredar o campeonato.
#sports #hivebr #pt
#sports #hivebr #pt
#sports #hivebr #pt #olympics
#sports #hivebr #pt #olympics
Mets vs. Mariners Game Highlights (8/11/24) | MLB Highlights
#sports #mlb
Pirates vs. Dodgers Game Highlights (8/11/24) | MLB Highlights
#sports #mlb
Tigers vs. Giants Game Highlights (8/11/24) | MLB Highlights
#sports #mlb
Braves vs. Rockies Game Highlights (8/11/24) | MLB Highlights
#sports #mlb
Phillies vs. D-backs Game Highlights (8/11/24) | MLB Highlights
#sports #mlb
Guardians vs. Twins Full Game Highlights (8/11/24) | MLB Highlights
#sports #mlb
Padres vs. Marlins Game Highlights (8/11/24) | MLB Highlights
#sports #mlb
Orioles vs. Rays Game Highlights (8/11/24) | MLB Highlights
#sports #mlb
Phillies vs. D-backs Game Highlights (8/11/24) | MLB Highlights
#sports #mlb
Astros vs. Red Sox Game Highlights (8/11/24) | MLB Highlights
#sports #mlb
Rangers vs. Yankees Game Highlights (8/11/24) | MLB Highlights
#sports #mlb
A's vs. Blue Jays Game Highlights (8/11/24) | MLB Highlights
#sports #mlb
Aaron Judge hits his 42nd homer of the season! (Went back-to-back with Juan Soto)
#sports #mlb
30 HR for Juan Soto! Yankees slugger hits 30+ for 3rd time in his career!
#sports #mlb
3 WORLD SERIES IN 5 YEARS! 2014 San Francisco Giants World Series reunion (Full ceremony)
#sports #mlb
Angels vs. Nationals Game Highlights (8/11/24) | MLB Highlights
#sports #mlb
Giancarlo Stanton reaches 20+ homers in a season for the 13th time after CRUSHING this ball!
#sports #mlb
STOP AND STARE! Juan Soto with the 🔥 BAT FLIP to celebrate his 29th homer of the season!
#sports #mlb
Highlights from ALL games on 8/10! (Matt Olson's 250th HR, O's first to 70 wins AND MORE!)
#sports #mlb
Phillies vs. D-backs Game Highlights (8/10/24) | MLB Highlights
#sports #mlb
#leoshorts #sports
Dominique Dawes e o passe proibido para a ginástica olímpica | Jogos Olímpicos
#sports #leoshorts #olympics
Manchester City
Guardiola elogia estreia de Savinho no Manchester City e projeta assistências para Haaland
O Manchester City abriu a temporada com a emocionante conquista da Supercopa da Inglaterra, batendo o rival Manchester United nos pênaltis.
E o primeiro jogo oficial da temporada 2024/25 na Inglaterra marcou também a estreia do brasileiro Savinho com a camisa do City. O ex-jogador do Girona atuou por 37 minutos e foi elogiado pelo técnico Pep Guardiola.
#newsonleo #sports #hivebr #pt
Botafogo: Damián Suárez é comunicado por Artur Jorge que está fora dos planos
A ida de Damián Suárez para o Peñarol ficou difícil, mas isso não quer dizer que ele voltará a jogar pelo Botafogo. A tentativa de forçar a saída para o time uruguaio não foi bem vista internamente, e o treinador Artur Jorge comunicou ao camisa 22 que não conta mais com o atleta.
O Peñarol foi diretamente em Damián, fez uma proposta e convenceu o jogador pela transferência. O defensor foi até a diretoria do Alvinegro e alegou problemas familiares para deixar o clube. Posteriormente, a cúpula da SAF e Artur Jorge souberam da situação com o clube uruguaio e não gostaram da atitude.
#newsonleo #sports #hivebr #pt
Série B
Coritiba fica perto da contratação do português Josué Pesqueira, ex-Porto, para sequência na Série B
O Coritiba abre a semana com um reforço encaminhado. Trata-se do meia Josué Pesqueira, de 33 anos, que disputou as últimas três temporadas pelo Legia Varsóvia, da Polônia, onde foi eleito o melhor estrangeiro.
A passagem do português pelo Legia Varsóvia teve início em 2021/2022, quando fez marcou três gols e deu 16 assistências. No ano seguinte, foram 15 gols e oito assistências.
Na temporada passada, Josué disputou anotou 11 gols e deu ainda mais oito assistências. Em três anos, foram 130 jogos, 29 gols e 32 assistências. Ele era o capitão do time polonês e optou pela não renovação de contrato.
#newsonleo #sports #hivebr #pt
Esposa posta foto de Cebolinha no hospital, e atacante do Flamengo afirma: "Eu voltarei mais forte!"
A notícia de que Cebolinha teve uma grave lesão no tornozelo esquerdo e está fora do restante da temporada foi um baque e tanto para a torcida rubro-negra. O atacante vinha sendo um dos destaques do Flamengo em 2024 e agora vai precisar passar por cirurgia, com prazo de recuperação de quatro a seis meses. Mas o jogador evitou lamentar ao aparecer nas redes sociais:
#newsonleo #sports #hivebr #pt
Athletico encaminha contratação de Praxedes, e volante é aguardado em Curitiba nas próximas horas
O Athletico encaminhou a contratação do meio-campista Praxedes, do Bragantino. O jogador é aguardado na capital paranaense nas próximas horas para realizar exames e assinar com o Furacão até o final da temporada.
O jogador de 22 anos pertence ao time de Bragança Paulista e deve chegar por empréstimo ao Furacão. Ele defendeu o Vasco nos últimos meses e estava fora dos planos do time carioca desde o início de agosto.
A contratação de Praxedes preenche uma lacuna do elenco rubro-negro. O Furacão buscava um meio-campista canhoto para atuar no setor. Atualmente, Varini vem utilizando Christian e Zapelli, ambos destros.
#newsonleo #sports #hivebr #pt
Jogador do Tottenham se desculpa por consumir gás do riso
O meia Yves Bissouma, do Tottenham, pediu desculpas por consumir óxido nitroso, conhecido como gás do riso, e ainda gravar e compartilhar as imagenes em suas redes sociais.
Segundo o jornal "The Guardian, o gás foi consumido dentro de uma limusine, após amistoso que terminou com a derrota do time inglês para o Bayern de Munique, por 3 a 2.
O Tottenham também se pronunciou, disse que o atleta será investigado e que o assunto será tratado internamente. Com uso proibido na Inglaterra e Portugal, o meia pode receber acusações penais.
#newsonleo #sports #hivebr #pt
Milan anuncia a contratação do lateral Emerson Royal
O Milan anunciou nesta segunda-feira a contratação do lateral-direito Emerson Royal, de 25 anos, que estava no Tottenham. O brasileiro assinou contrato com o clube italiano até 30 de junho de 2028, com opção de extensão por mais um ano.
Em meados de julho, o próprio Emerson Royal deu uma entrevista em que considerou como "especial" o interesse do Milan. Ele estava incomodado com o pouco aproveitamento no Tottenham nos últimos meses.
#newsonleo #sports #hivebr #pt
TIme to have more fun and do some .... 🤣🤣🤣👍👍👍👍👍...
Dylan Sprouse In THE CURSE OF THE TURANDOT - Hollywood Action Adventure English Movie | Free Movies
#moviesonleo #turandot
Its show time
Look at the beautiful nature
It looks very interesting
From the kingdom of Sara.
The king was discussing with his servants.
Please lets keep on dropping our conversations, not only watching.
Cute kid
Complete the map.
Chinese are always beautiful, mostly the kids..
They are training the kings son how to fight...
Mavial kingdom is under attack
Fighting everywhere.
they have killed the king of mavial and his wife
Oh so sad
Something is happening to the little girl
the bangle has awaking some demons..
Now you know.
Bad demon
The two kids are taking...
No just bad, it's a good and bad together..
The bracelets are from foreign land
The good was buried in the bad..
The kings son has grown up, and remember that they took that wicked king daughter to were the boy was living.
You are still behind
They went to steal some gun powder.
He is talking with kings daughter
They are fighting in love 😂😂😂.
The boy is training with the king's daughter
HE told the boy that when he is coming for her, he shouldn't come in the full moon..
They are fighting 😂😂😂..
The princess is turning to something else
SHe told the boy that she don't what to see him anymore unknowingly to her that he is the king son from where they got the bracelets..
The king has brought a man that is gonna marry the daughter..
They took the dagger 🗡️ of one of the kings son
Are you still on the roll?
Going to see the princess
SHe has magic
He wants to answer the redos
THats there last chance
HE is remembering the past
time for the second redos
He gave the answer
Second redos
He killed the wife unknowingly because of the demons..
THey intentionally damaged the fire works..
He saw the truth of his existence..
They've been following by assassin's
Prepare for execution
What happened to the fighters?
sHe can now see...
Mistake of what? Write something that they can understand...
SHe didn't know who the boy truly is...
They are creating an invisible magic power 😲😞😲.
The princess saved the boy
THe kings daughter what's to marry him, but he didn't agree.
So ttragic
Time for the fire works
A traitor among the guards..
The traitor is very strong
The princess finally died 🥺🥺
So. Bad 😞😞😞😞😞
So. Bad 😞😞😞😞😞
good afternoon my inleo friends and happy new week 💃 💃 💃 💃 please stay safe
#gmfem #inleo #freecompliment #bbn
⚡️The weekly jump in European gas prices is caused by transit risks through Ukraine
#Ukraine #russia #news #newsonleo #freecompliments
1/✍️ According to the newspaper, European natural gas prices showed double-digit growth for the second week in a row amid concerns about possible disruptions in Russian fuel supplies through Ukraine.
What should be done if a dog runs and barks towards a stranger?
If you walked into a compound and an aggressive-looking dog charges towards you, what is the best thing to do? Anyone with a good experience?
I'll have to say this is a rhetorical question, lol. 😀 😜 cuz no one should tell you to take off immediately
Here is the daily technology #threadcast for 8/12/24. We aim to educate people about this crucial area along with providing information of what is taking place.
Drop all question, comments, and articles relating to #technology and the future. The goal is make it a technology center.
This is my first meme. It is also an excellent #promptingtips
There is hope for you yet. LOL
The technology of creating realistic pencil drawings is based on finding dark and light areas of the image and a smooth transition between them :) !VSC
I wonder who invented the pencil. I am sure I can look it up but am lazy.
I suppose the pencil was invented by Papa Carlo, before or after the creation of Pinocchio, but he could not achieve independent growth of the lead, like the nose of a wooden doll, you have to sharpen it manually :) !VSC
Was there lead in the nose?
The tale is silent, but if Pinocchio could draw with his nose, he could get a patent for it :) !BEER
View or trade
Hey @taskmaster4450le, here is a little bit of from @barski for you. Enjoy it!HIVE .We love your support by voting @detlev.witness on
when people refuse to advance i smile behind, because the is advancing and technology is taking over the most part of anolog
It is happening whether people want to admit it or not. There are a few industries being disrupted before our eyes.
Entertainment and automotive are two of them.
Replika CEO Eugenia Kuyda says it’s okay if we end up marrying AI chatbots
Today, I’m talking with Replika founder and CEO Eugenia Kuyda, and I will just tell you right from the jump, we get all the way to people marrying their AI companions, so get ready.
Replika’s basic pitch is pretty simple: what if you had an AI friend? The company offers avatars you can curate to your liking that basically pretend to be human, so they can be your friend, your therapist, or even your date.
You can interact with these avatars through a familiar chatbot interface, as well as make video calls with them and even see them in virtual and augmented reality.
#technology #newsonleo #ai
Well I guess if you could train it to be how you wanted. LOL
It would be very interesting. LOL
It does highlight how we have a role in what they bots are putting out in the future.
With Leo we are dealing with the potential of AI on here which people can have a role and benefit from financially.
Factories are heading for a ‘dark’ future — and it’s not what you think
#technology #robot
I think this is something that is going to be part of our future, in a big way.
Ultimately, I dont see many humans working in factories. We will see economic productivity skyrockets as humans are removed from the equation.
I think so too and factories will be the first to use this automation method.
From this, the question will arise as to what these people who were at the factory, what they will do with their lives.
There are people who have no idea that one day they will be replaced by a machine.
They will lose their jobs. #technology is deflationary by nature. When people are replaced that is what reduces costs. It is why I think #web3 is so important.
We also need to keep pushing this as a platform where things such as #ai is built.
I understand, so there is a way for these people who will lose their jobs, Web 3.0 really can and should be the best alternative for them.
I have a feeling that will offset things. We are going to see people struggling without some assets.
When entrepreneurs realize how much savings they will have by automating their factories, this movement will be very fast for many sectors.
Major companies are well aware of this. Right now the #technology isnt quite there yet but it is working in that direction.
We are going to see a great deal of advancement over the next 24 months in both #ai and #robotics.
You're right, we will have a lot of news in these areas.
I believe a sexy robotic maid will be a big seller. It will sell like water. LOL
LOL sex does sell. So sex bots will be popular.
Before we need to wait for a photographer, but today, phone cameras are doing incredible photo shoots and videos records.
That is true.
Look back 150 years ago. The family portraits were only the wealthy and royalty. Why? They had to be painted. When photography becomes economically viable, most could have their pics taken.
Now, it doesnt even require film, or a dedicated camera. It is why we take more than 2 trillion pics a year.
Its another day for the technology threadcast, let's get more updates 🤠🤠.
I am adding more insights. Trying to get people to read and comment on #technology ideas.
Oh yeah, I really appreciate the idea behind this technology threadcast.
A true post-iPhone era? What to expect from Apple's smart glasses
By Rael Hornby published 2 hours ago
#technology #iphone
Everyone is looking for the replacement to the smart phone.
And guessing what will it be.
Good luck with the PlayStation VR2 PC Adapter — you’ll need it
/ Bring your own Bluetooth, bring your own DisplayPort cable, and cross your fingers it’ll work.
By Sean Hollister, a senior editor and founding member of The Verge who covers gadgets, games, and toys. He spent 15 years editing the likes of CNET, Gizmodo, and Engadget.
Aug 12, 2024, 8:00 AM CDT
#technology #gaming #playstation
AI is mining the sum of human knowledge from Wikipedia. What does that mean for its future?
Ever notice how more people are relying on AI for answers instead of going straight to the source? It’s becoming a thing, and while AI is great for quick info, it’s causing a bit of a ripple effect. For instance, Wikipedia, our go-to for crowd-sourced knowledge, might feel the impact in the long run. Fewer people are visiting the site directly, which means fewer contributions. So far, Wikipedia hasn’t taken a hit in traffic, but there’s a bigger issue at play—AI tools don’t always give proper credit or links back to original sources. This could open the floodgates to a wave of misinformation, which is pretty concerning.
Actually that isnt how it works. This is why Friday's Lions Den will be about LeoAI.
Generative AI is not a mirror of what it is trained on. That is why it is not exactly a replacement for search. It is trained on the data and the model weighs probabilities on the next token. That is how it comes up with the answers.
Think of it as glorified autofill.
However it comes up with the answers, people seem to actually use it more as a replacement for search and rely on these “answers“.
Well people are confused by what it is. That is like using an image generator and expecting a film to come out of it.
The chatbots are not a direct replacement for search, at least not at this point. It is like taking to a very knowledgeable friend. Of course, the more interaction, the more the bot learns what you are looking for.
This is the problem. People get upset about AI when they have the ability to help train it but will not.
Things are changing like a speed of lightning ⚡⚡
They most certainly are. The race is between Big Tech and the rest of us. What are we feeding each day?
That is a question everyone has to ask.
Feeding on tech..
GAME OVER!? - A.I. Designs New ELECTRIC Motor
It is amazing what is happening. When #ai starts creating on its own, we see how quickly things can change.
This is something that is going to skyrocket in a few years.
It is a significan change.
That sounds plausible
It is already in operation. I think they charge about $30 per hour for the entire platform.
This is going to keep growing.
I was not aware. Need to learn more about this
I just came across it. It will be the basis of an article I will do probably tonight.
A lot of cool things happening.
This is a great place to share them.
I should probably spend more time in the technology-threadcast..

That might be helpful. Can learn while also adding a lot to it since you are interested in it.
I aim to make this an epicenter for #technology related activity on here. Something people should really pay attention to.
I think it's working. I seek to it even when it's not up. Sometimes I post stuff in Latest with the intention of re-threading it here later in the day.
Internet Statistics in 2024 - How Big is the Web Today?
Our list of internet statistics will reveal the most fascinating data about the Web. Find out how big it is, how many people use it, and much more!
#internet #Technology
From chatting, through ordering food, to completely replacing one’s real life with a virtual one, the internet is an inseparable part of our modern experience —whether we like it or not.
We’ve started taking for granted what has been a distant dream in the 1950s. The internet connects businesses, people, and resources across the world, with higher speed and efficiency than all other forms of contact.
It's amazing how. internet is totally intertwined in our lives.
It's hard to imagine living today without the internet. For everything she manages to involve us all.
Of course. We use it for entertainment, payments, information, news, and communications. There is no way to operate without it.
Literally everything.
Internet Statistics To Make You Go WWWow!
These are gigantic numbers. It's amazing how things are when we organize them like I'm seeing now.
The tendency is for this to increase with each passing year.
More people will be connected to the internet from now on, regardless of their economic class.
We are going to see most everyone on the planet connected at some point. The big boost is going to come from the fact that many things are going to be connected as the Internet of things starts to progress.
May this day not take long, but I know that so that more people can be in our universe, it will not happen overnight.
No but things can change rather quickly. We can see the next 4 or 5 months really changing things.
Fascinating Stats and Facts
It’s hard to fathom the actual size of the internet, but we can at least try.
1. The current internet population is 5.16 billion people.
The global population of internet users is growing by the minute. It boasts a 3.7% increase in the last 12 months—meaning another 178 users have been added in 2022 to the overall number.
However, there’s a stark imbalance in its regional distribution. Most internet users come from Eastern Asia—a whopping 1.16 billion—the least from Africa and the Middle East. Astoundingly, 1.02 billion Asian users are Chinese, meaning that most of its 1.4 billion population is online.
The US ranks third, after India (658 million), with slightly over 300 million users.
2. Americans’ internet usage in early 2000, about half of all adults were already online.
As of 2023, approximately 92 percent of individuals in the United States accessed the internet, up from nearly 75 percent in 2012. The United States is one of the biggest online markets worldwide and in 2022, there were nearly 299 million internet users in the country.
3. As of July 2022, global internet usage is 63.1%.
With internet penetration increasing and more businesses going digital, global internet usage is set to keep growing at such incredible speed. A lot more people have access to the internet as Wi-Fi is more publicly available than ever. So there’s only one way to go, and that is up!
4. Google gets an average of 9 billion daily searches in 2022.
Google has come a long way from the 10,000 daily searches it used to get when founded in 1998. Contrastingly, the search engine currently gets 104,895 queries every second! Meaning that in the minute it took you to read this stat, Google has received 6,278,400 new queries!
All this translates to over 9 billion searches per day! A perfect reflection of the rapidly increasing internet usage trends.
5. How many websites are there in the world?
At this exact moment, there are 1,977,999,420 websites worldwide. However, the number is rising so rapidly that by the time you’re reading this, it’ll most likely have gone over 2 billion! Impressive, right? It sure is, no matter if only about 20% of them are active.
6. Global median internet connection speed exceeds 30 Mbps.
This shows a 25% increase in the download speed for the past 12 months. Nevertheless, the median for fixed connections is still twice as high at 64.70 Mbps download speed. However, as phones currently have no difficulties loading a variety of content, including 4K videos, without delays or buffering, the difference has significantly less impact on day-to-day usage.
So which country has the fastest median mobile internet connection speed? That would be Norway, with 129.40 Mbps. The top five include: UAE (124.89 Mbps), Qatar (117.61 Mbps), South Korea (106.82 Mbps), and Kuwait (104.47 Mbps).
Alternatively, what is the country with the slowest one? The answer is Venezuela, with a median sitting at 4.98 Mbps. So the median speed in Norway is currently 26 times higher than the one in Venezuela.
7. eCommerce in the US is set to break new ground by crossing the $1 trillion threshold in 2022.
With an increase of 9.4% from 2021, this year represents a significant milestone for ecommerce—crossing the $1 trillion mark! Alternatively, in 2022, the total retail spending in the US is forecast at $6.988 trillion.
eCommerce is continuing on its trend of immense growth. The current $5 trillion global market is expected to reach a whopping $7.4 trillion in 2025!
This isn’t surprising at all. People like convenience, and ecommerce grants them that. So more and more people are choosing to shop and spend time in the comfort of their homes.
That’s a trend that is sure to keep growing in the coming years. What’s more, predictions indicate that by 2025, the ecommerce segment will make up a quarter of all retail sales worldwide.
Fun fact: Brazil is the fastest-growing online retail market, with a 20.73% CAGR between 2022 and 2025.
This isn’t surprising at all. People like convenience, and ecommerce grants them that. So more and more people are choosing to shop and spend time in the comfort of their homes.
That’s a trend that is sure to keep growing in the coming years. What’s more, predictions indicate that by 2025, the ecommerce segment will make up a quarter of all retail sales worldwide.
Fun fact: Brazil is the fastest-growing online retail market, with a 20.73% CAGR between 2022 and 2025.
How Much Money Is Spent on the Internet?
And not only money but time and efforts. Let’s see how businesses and customers operate there before diving into more complex stats about the internet.
10. Over a quarter of the US internet users use ad blockers.
This is terrible news for retailers, even more so as this percentage has been climbing slowly over the years. According to the latest internet traffic statistics, 27% of Americans make use of an ad-blocking service.
11. The nanosatellite market is predicted to peak at $154.9 million by 2026.
The nano market is experiencing a colossal boom, with the increasing demand for and reliance on satellite tech. Just consider that the 2020 market size figure was put at $143.1 million.
12. Dom-com is the leading top-level domain with over 154.6 million recorded as of recently.
The majority of people and brands prefer the .com domain. It’s not only the most popular but is also considered the most secure, as people are more willing to trust a brand that’s using it.
So .com boasts the higher number of domains. But who comes next?
The second place is occupied by .tk (Tokelau), with 24.7 million domains. Third comes China and .cn, with 20.7 million. The top five is completed by .de (Germany)—16.8 million—and .net—13.4 million.
13. Denmark, UAE, and Ireland have the highest internet penetration rate in the world at 99%.
But wait, our internet usage statistics for 2022 are getting even more fascinating:
They boast a 99% penetration rate, which means that practically everyone in Denmark, UAE, and Ireland has access to the internet. Wow!
The UK, Switzerland, and South Korea follow closely with 98%. As of April 2022, the global average internet penetration rate was 63%.
14. The number of European mobile internet users is expected to reach 700.50 million by 2025.
People want to stay connected to the Web on the go. As such, they are increasingly inclined to use smartphones. Actually, the mobile market is growing exponentially, with well over half of all internet traffic now originating from portable devices.
An estimate of over 2.7 trillion blog posts will be written by the end of 2022. This means that 7.5 million new posts are published online every day! Can you imagine? That’s a staggering sum and a massive network of information accessible to practically anyone.
Deep Web - Internet Facts and Statistics
No internet representation is complete without the Deep Web. As it represents an enormous portion of the Web, it should be discussed at least for a little bit. And yes, there is a difference between Deep and Dark Web.
16. The Deep Web consists of 7,500 terabytes of information.
Google and other search engines don’t index Deep Web pages. This is why the latter is perceived as a mysterious term.
Nonetheless, you can find government databases, public records, academic libraries, and more about the deep internet traffic through statistics and research.
To put these 7,500 terabytes in perspective, the Surface Web (Google, Bing, etc.) offers access to only 19 terabytes of data. While there is a common misconception, the Deep Web isn’t a restricted internet area.
17. In 2017, the CIA released 12 million declassified document pages on the Deep Web.
There are even printer-friendly versions of the 930,000 documents. CIA also decided to add hashtags to their Twitter announcements - #Vietnam, #ColdWar, and others.
18. There are 550 billion individual documents on the Deep Web.
Internet statistics show they are spread across 200,000 websites. And before you start recollecting Mr. Robot scenes, 95% of that information is accessible by anyone with an internet connection.
19. There is up to 550 times more public information on the Deep Web than on the Surface Web.
60 of the largest sites on the Deep Web contain forty times more information by the whole Surface Web - 750 TB.
The Deep Web is the highest-growing information category, according to website use statistics.
20. The nefarious section of the Deep Web is called the Dark Web.
The Dark Web is considered, as the name implies, the darkest of the family. Users need special access software (the Tor browser, in most cases) to explore even a bit of it.
Among its most “popular” service categories are: Drugs, Fraud, Bitcoin, Black Market Sites, Hacking, Blogs, Pornography, and Abuse. However, the Dark Web is also used for activism, whistleblowing, and free speech, so it’s not all black or white.
Technology Facts and Statistics
Facts about the technological foundation of the internet.
21. Nano-satellites are now set on delivering internet connection to even more remote locations.
The Dutch company Hiber announced their plan to provide IoT-connectivity across the whole planet in the coming years. Their aim is to allow people in less developed countries access internet-enabled devices without issues.
22. Neural network computers will get a lot closer to mimicking humans.
They’re not going to start smoking cigarettes or sing in the shower, but gadgets will get smarter. Conventional computers are far from adept when it comes to copying our actions, but neural networks can change that. Internet traffic breakdown will look a lot different once these neural nets go online.
23. Both Google and Microsoft are making great progress in quantum computing.
The main selling point of quantum-powered computers is their speed and power. Using quantum-level mechanics, future machines will perform on an entirely different level compared to today’s devices.
Just a mind-boggling fact, the core of a D-Wave quantum computer operates at -273 degrees Celsius, scarily close to absolute zero temperature.
24. 5G networks еntered the scene in 2020.
Or at least most internet stats and estimates say so. 5G networks, in essence, are way faster than 4G connections. Duh.
The crucial detail lies in just how much faster they are. An ordinary 5G connection would have an average download speed of about 1GBps. Should such connection come to us, the internet will have the needed infrastructure to finally support IoT devices on a mainstream level.
25. Emotionally-driven marketing will be strengthened by AI.
High-end AI will provide brands and marketers with a better way to approach and retain customers in virtual markets.
Fun Internet Facts
Wrapping it up with some interesting and funny internet stats.
26. The internet is coordinated by ICANN.
The Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers is responsible for coordinating each unique identifier on the Web. Put simply, they are the ones that ensure your IP is only one and unique.
What sounds entirely more heroic is that seven of their members hold seven keys to “restore” the internet if a gigantic crash should happen.
27. You can still visit the birthplace of the internet.
That’s among the oldest internet statistics you can hear. Tim Berners-Lee began writing the first-ever web browser in September 1990. And the oldest (known) web page (info.cern.ch) was almost finished by Christmas. In January 1991, the World Wide Web became available to the public.
It is exciting to see where it all came to life and to imagine how fast it grew to become the internet we know today.
28. There was a Garfield email service in the 90s.
I’ve reached the pinnacle of my time spent on internet statistics.
Before the official Gmail launch in 2004, Garfield fans could use the initial Gmail service at the following address – gmail.garfield.com. The oldest snapshot from the Garfield platform comes from December 3rd, 1998.
Does the true value of decentralized, distributed, immutable ledgers lie in their simplicity?
I am not sure I understand the question. What do you mean?
Decentralized, distributed ledgers like Hive are complicated under the hood, but on the surface they are simple to understand.
They are simple in nature but the utility in them is massively complicated. We also have the entire concept of ownership which most do not seem to truly grasp.
#ai #robots #singularity #technology
Meta, Universal Music Group address AI music in new licensing agreement
Meta and Universal Music Group (UMG) announced on Monday the expansion of their multi-year music licensing agreement, which enables users to share songs The new agreement between Meta and Universal addresses “unauthorized AI-generated content."
Meta and Universal Music Group (UMG) announced on Monday the expansion of their multi-year music licensing agreement, which enables users to share songs from UMG’s music library across Meta’s platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Horizon, Threads and WhatsApp) without violating copyright.
#newsonleo #meta #music #universal #ai
Bharti will become BT's biggest shareholder after buying a 25%, $4B stake from Altice
BT, the U.K.'s former incumbent telecoms carrier, is picking up a major new investor today as telecoms companies look for stronger footing
BT, the U.K.’s former incumbent telecoms carrier, is picking up a major new investor today as telecoms companies look for stronger footing in the rapidly-shifting technology and communications market. Bharti, the Indian tech and telecoms giant that owns Airtel, said it would purchase a 24.5% stake currently owned by Altice.
#technology #newsonleo #bharti #telecom
Oyo valuation crashes over 75% in new funding
The valuation of Oyo, once India's second-most valuable startup at $10 billion, has dipped to $2.4 billion in a new funding round, multiple sources told The valuation of Oyo, once India's second-most valuable startup at $10 billion, has dipped to $2.4 billion.
The Gurugram-headquartered startup, which operates a chain of budget hotels, has raised $173.5 million in a Series G funding. Patient Capital, run by Oyo founder and chief executive Ritesh Agarwal; InCred Wealth, which pools capital from high net-worth individuals, and J&A Partners delivered most of the capital in the new round.
#newsonleo #technology #india
Does Claude have System 2 thinking? ― Epistemic conversations with Claude
#ai #technology #claude3
Open source tools to boost your productivity
A look at some of the open-source software that offers refuge from vendor lock-ins powered by proprietary platforms.
For every yin, there’s a yang; for every action, a reaction; and for every piece of proprietary software, there’s an open source alternative. Or something like that.
The issue of “openness” in technology has rarely been so front and center in the public consciousness as it has these past couple of years. Twitter’s steady demise has drawn millions to explore alternatives, many of which are open source. And the OpenAI power struggle last year also shone a spotlight on what “open source” might actually mean in the context of the burgeoning AI revolution.
#newsonleo #opensource #technology
CrowdStrike accepts award for ‘most epic fail’ after global IT outage
CrowdStrike's president said he'll take the trophy back to headquarters as a reminder that "our goal is to protect people, and we got this wrong."
Just a few weeks after its software update triggered a global IT meltdown, CrowdStrike isn’t shying away from the spotlight. In fact, the company’s president Michael Sentonas even took the stage at the Pwnie Awards to accept the award for Most Epic Fail.
#newsonleo #crowdstrike #technology
Conduit's cross-border payments expand from LatAm into Africa with $6M round
The B2B cross-border payments platform found success after pivoting from crypto to traditional banking and is now making inroads in Africa.
Cross-border payments for businesses in emerging markets remain significantly untapped, despite small to large businesses using banks and legacy fintechs to transact trillions of dollars in transaction volume annually.
A report by Airwallex forecasts that the value of cross-border payments will grow by 60%, reaching $250 trillion by 2027. Between 2018 and 2022, the value of such payments increased by $25 trillion to $150 trillion, with business-to-business (B2B) payments making up 97% of that volume.
#newsonleo #conduit #payments #technology
The next leg of #ai advancement is going to come from real world data. This means getting away from just text training.
We are going to see embedded ai become the next more forward.
Stunning New OpenAI Details Reveal MORE! (Project Strawberry/Q* Star)
#technology #openai #ai
Elon Musk's X targeted with nine privacy complaints after grabbing EU users' data for training Grok
X, the social media platform owned by Elon Musk, has been targeted with a series of privacy complaints after it helped itself to the data of users
X, the social media platform owned by Elon Musk, has been targeted with a series of privacy complaints after it helped itself to the data of users in the European Union for training AI models without asking people’s consent.
#newsonleo #x #grok #technology
India's Kazam powers up to roll out EV charging in Southeast Asia
Kazam, an Indian EV charging solution provider, has raised $8 million to expand its footprint in the country and enter Southeast Asian markets.
EV charging station startup Kazam plans to expand beyond India, where it already holds a significant share of the market, and into Southeast Asia to gain an early mover’s advantage, TechCrunch has exclusively learned.
The Bengaluru-headquartered startup, which has offices in Delhi and Pune and city managers in 4,000 postal codes across India, is set to debut in Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia.
#newsonleo #india #ev #charging
With major technological changes, we often require mental shifts as large.
This is going to be an issue going forward as #technology accelerates and people's ability to change their mental framework remains the same.
Estimates are that half of all internet traffic is generated by computers.
Think about that for a second and what it means.
OpenAI makes a lot of announcements but they really do not put things out in the world.
Like Sora, we were shown it yet people cannot use it. The same is true for many of the features of ChatGPT 4.o
Maybe they just showed us from the back end that they are working on, they haven't set it to the front end were people can use it.
20 INCREDIBLE Technologies That Will Change The World Forever by 2040
Decentralization is not granted. It has to be fought for.
Are those involved in #crypto willing to fight for it? Will they change their actions on a daily basis or do the same thing, supporting the same entities?
The key mental breakthrough of #ai comes when people realize they are responsible, at least in part, what comes out of them. It is our feeding that affects the results.
This is especially true for small language models like #leoai.
This week's The Lion's Den will discuss #leoai. It is going to be a very important show.
Michio Kaku: We FINALLY Found What's Inside A Black Hole!
#leoai is going to be more up to date than the LLM it was trained on (Llama3.1) on general stuff from the Internet if it is posted on threads.
This is going to be one of the value propositions.
The 15 Most Advanced Technologies Coming in 2024
I don't know if asking this question is necessary here but I would want to know the difference between AI and a chat box.
I was still dealing with AI and trying to get a hang of it when I heard about Chat Box. I need some clarification.
This is NVIDIA’s new GPU - Blackwell NVL72 Rack
2 MINUTES AGO: NASA Deactivated Live Stream After These Terrifying Objects Entered Our Solar System!
#technology #astronaut
Computing Software Artificial Intelligence
OpenAI is worried that ChatGPT-4o users are developing feelings for the chatbot
By Alex Blake published 2 hours ago
What happens when you forget an AI isn’t a real person?
#technology #ai
Cartoon Network is Shutting Down Its Website
WHy should they shut it down? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔.
Weird! Need to know more I check this
Nothing weird about it. The company, Warner Bros, is shutting it down and pushing it to Max. They want everything tied to that if they can.
It is the push with the Hollywood companies.
Sad to see, its like the end of a cycle! Is the channel on TV still on air? I Dont have TV. Imean i have one, but is just a low resolution (but bigger) screen in the computer XD
TV is a mixed term these days. Traditional tv, as we knew it through the cable and satellite package, is dying. Many channels are moving to digital TV, usually through some app.
The channels are going to have to adapt and many are not. Cartoon is being, it looks like, pushed into Max, also owned by Warner Bros.
We are seeing the fragmentation of the industry. Lots of other choices.
There are still some big audiences productions but indeed it tends to a more niche content. Could be us the generation that finally watch TV die? Cable is way expensive (at least here in Argentina) the basic service cost more than internet!
I asked AI to help with dinner and it took so much off my mental load
A 39-year-old dad found a completely new way to feed his family – using artificial intelligence to simplify the process.
Before he became a dad three years ago, Jonathan had his meal planning skills down pat when it came to cooking for himself and wife, Farrah.
“I was actually quite meticulous with it and I had a lot of time to do it effectively, but once we had kids, we became time poor and it became chaotic,” the Melbourne father of two children, aged three and seven months, tells Kidspot.
“Meal planning was completely thrown off and having time to prepare a meal was thrown off too.”
#technology #ai #cooking
They just want to blow off cartoons from the net, how can I and Khal survive this?
Well, we will start uploading cartoon shorts 🤣🤣🤣 lol
Age Of Tomorrow | HD | Action | Full Movie in English
#moviesonleo 3:42 pm on click
Are we ready for a secret mission 🤣🤣🤣.
Its show time
This is gonna be an interesting movie 🤣🤣🤣
If you are watching, please indicate..
Something is coming to Earth
Something larger than the sat light
fire service cool occupation
fire service cool occupation
A girl is still upstairs
Let's them go get her
She is upstairs
So we have 46 hrs left
THe dad rescued her.
do we have your attention?
he is on his way
i will be once you get back
Allow me to introduce
Thats a rugged space ship's
300 m
5 minutes to go
Already on the ship
There already on the ship
the ship is ascending
STill way to go
They just landed
Oh yes
WHat did you think about the trip?
TO me, it was a risky mission 🤣🤣🤣.
The trip is so creepy
And dangerous
They are going into a passage 🤔🤔🤔
The whole place is shaking
I know you love creepy things 🤣🤣
They entered a secret room
Thing are coming out from the rocks
I think a robot just killed a man
THats not a robot.
They are alien..
Dad thing is happening on earth..
Something happened to one of the astronaut
Straight noise
THey are robotnoid creatures..
His daughter is not beautiful 🤣, bad boy's
They transported them to another world
Is gonna take some time to charge the transmitter.
They are removing there cover.
THey are going for rescue
Is payback time
Are you there?
THey are hunting the astronaut
The are high grade aliens.
That was a crazy head shot
They are bulletproof
SHe pleaded with him to kill her 😞😞😞
One of the soldier is dead 😞😞😞.
Are you there
AM always here
Mine is 1:02:30
The daughter just disappeared
Thats pretty cool
What's your time
They are feeding the queen mother with those humans
Only one of the soldiers escaped
HIs last transmission
Time to go for revenge
He is haunting them
Struggle for the man race to survive.
They are sending revenge team from earth.
The used one of their transportation device to get in the alien world..
That's cool
They just killed on alien.
they have entered the alien home .
Eliminating them one after the other..
TAke your daughter and get out...
They have shot the daughter now
They have been trapped..
End of the movie 😞😞😞2..
This movie ended on suspense
SO interesting
Let's see how many numbers we got 🤣🤣🤣.
Great job boy 👍👍👍👍..
Threading is 😊😊😊 fun.
Was it a good film?
It was the end of the world 😂😂... Unfriendly Aliens everywhere
Some are feeding on potatoes 🥔🤣🤣🤣, but I feed on information, entanglement and new...
What about you?
Study unveils limits on the extent to which quantum errors can be 'undone' in large systems
Quantum computers have the potential of outperforming conventional computers on some practically relevant information processing problems, possibly even in machine learning and optimization.
Quantum computers have the potential of outperforming conventional computers on some practically relevant information processing problems, possibly even in machine learning and optimization. Yet their large-scale deployment is not yet feasible, largely due to their sensitivity to noise, which causes them to make errors.
#newsonleo #quantum #technology
Achieving quantum memory in the notoriously difficult X-ray range
Light is an excellent carrier of information used not only for classical communication technologies but also increasingly for quantum applications such as quantum networking and computing.
Light is an excellent carrier of information used not only for classical communication technologies but also increasingly for quantum applications such as quantum networking and computing. However, processing light signals is far more complex, compared to working with common electronic signals.
#newsonleo #quantum #technology
'Quantum Telepathy' Could Give Traders an Edge, or Push The Market Off The Ledge, Researchers Report
Researchers have proposed using a twist on quantum entanglement, dubbed "quantum telepathy," to dramatically boost high-frequency trading.
#quantum #technology
Hello technology!
Having a dark factory in the standard that Xiaomi has, will generate great savings in both energy and finances, as you will not need to spend money on paying human employees.
I found some videos in Portuguese that show how many employees there are to create smartphones.
Dark factories will undoubtedly be the future.
You might want to grab the transcripts from those videos and post them as comments under the video in the comments. It will add to the Poruguese content.
I'll do that, that will be better.
Yeah. I try to find some that have short videos so it doesnt take hours to do the transcripts. There is a a limit to the amount that can go into the thread so it takes a little bit.
That's what I thought too, Task. Because short videos are the best alternative for transcribing.
Fabrica de Celular na China, Processo de Fabricação de Telefones Celulares em Grande Escala
A FÁBRICA🏭🏢 da xiaomi | todo o PROCESSO da FABRICAÇÃO até a EMBALAGEM final
Xiaomi's revolution: The first 'dark factory' is entirely AI-powered
#technology #xiaomi
Xiaomi's New 100% Automated Dark Factory
#leoshorts #technology #xiaomi
Metaverse expert Matthew Ball still believes in the 3D internet
This week on Decoder, I talked to author Matthew Ball, who was last on the show in 2022 to discuss his book “The Metaverse: And How it Will Revolutionize Everything.” It’s 2024, and it’s safe to say that has not happened yet.
But Matt’s still on the case — in fact, he just performed an almost complete update of the book, now with the much more sober title, “Building the Spatial Internet.” It’s out next week on Tuesday, July 23rd.
Matt and I talked a lot about where the previous metaverse hype cycle landed us and what there is to learn from these boom and bust waves in technology. We also talked about the Apple Vision Pro as a marker or symbol of where the metaverse is now and where it has to go.
#newsonleo #technology #metaverse
Is the US finally getting ‘all aboard’ with electric trains?
For the first time, two new all-electric passenger trains are operating in the US, which is woefully behind the rest of the world in electrifying its rolling stock.
The two new trains are operated by Caltrain. California Governor Gavin Newson and House Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi were on hand to take the inaugural ride, which took place on Saturday.
It’s taken almost 20 years since the idea of electric trains was first proposed in California. But officials insisted the new trains will be quieter and faster than the diesel-powered trains in current operation while also providing a better experience for passengers.
#newsonleo #technology
Signal has been blocked by Venezuela and Russia
Signal is being blocked in Venezuela and Russia. The app is a popular choice for encrypted messaging and people trying to avoid government censorship, and the blocks appear to be part of a crackdown on internal dissent in both countries.
In Venezuela, the blockage follows the disputed results of the country’s presidential election last month, which have led to protests and arrests as president Nicolás Maduro clings to power, according to MSNBC.
(The US has recognized opposition candidate Edmundo González as the winner of the election.) Internet monitoring service NetBlocks said Thursday evening that Signal had become “unreachable on multiple internet providers” in the country. Maduro has also ordered a block on X, The Associated Press reports.
#newsonleo #technology
The link between fuzzy images and quantum fields
Mathematical solutions to thorny quantum problems can be found more quickly by exploiting the correspondence between the statistical methods used in deep learning and techniques for implementing quantum
Mathematical solutions to thorny quantum problems can be found more quickly by exploiting the correspondence between the statistical methods used in deep learning and techniques for implementing quantum simulations, a team led by a RIKEN researcher has shown in a new study published in the Journal of High Energy Physics.
#technology #newsonleo #physic #quantum
Trump campaign reportedly hacked by Iranian government
Former President Donald Trump confirmed his campaign was hacked just hours after Politico revealed it had been sent internal documents from the campaign. In a statement to CNN, Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung said, “These documents were obtained illegally from foreign sources hostile to the United States, intended to interfere with the 2024 election.”
The Trump campaign linked the hack to Iran, citing a report published by Microsoft last week that says a group run by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps “sent a spear-phishing email to a high-ranking official of a presidential campaign.”
#newsonleo #technology #politics
Meta’s new music deal with UMG includes Threads and WhatsApp
Meta and Universal Music Group (UMG) are refreshing their licensing agreements to expand the use of the publishing giant’s content on more Meta social apps.
The new multiyear agreement announced on Monday now includes licensed media in content like shortform videos on Threads and WhatsApp as well as Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and Meta Horizon.
In a press statement, Meta’s VP of music and content business development, Tamara Hrivnak, says the partnership between Meta, UMG, and Universal Music Publishing Group will allow the companies to work together “in new ways on WhatsApp, and more.”
#newsonleo #technology #meta
We Asked Ai How It Could Destroy Civilization
#technology #ai
The hardest part about #technology is for people to change the way they think.
This is an accelerant as technology picks up speed. We are going to be faced with major questions in the future, something that will confuse people if they hold onto their old ideas.
when people refuse to advance i smile behind, because the world is advancing and technology is taking over the bigger part of the picture.
Over the next couple years, we might add telecommunications to the industries being massively disrupted.
Cord cutting 2.0 is taking place already. What happens if we start to see "texting" and phone calls through a new medium. We will see if this rolls out before the end of the year.
So even people do not totally agree with the fact that technology is going to take over, but It would make life difficult for those who are not yet to adapt to the system.
Disruption is much slower in industries that are heavily regulated or have a safety component to them. For this reason, do not expect major changes in education or healthcare in the near-to-medium term.
Focus upon those industries which do not have that.
One industry to watch for disruption is the grocery industry. This has not changed a great deal from the basic premise over 100 years ago.
With product delivery, do we see a shift in how this is designed.
Small Molecules, Big Opportunity: Chinese Researchers Use Quantum Computers to Explore Small Molecule Drug Development
Chinese institutions are collaborating to use quantum computing for enhancing the precision and speed of small molecule drug design.
-Bengbu Medical University and Origin Quantum are collaborating to leverage quantum computing for enhancing the precision and speed of small molecule drug design, addressing computational bottlenecks.
#quantum #drug #molecular #technology
Large-scale protests break out in Serbia
#news #newsonleo #politics #freecompliments
1/✍️ Thousands of people are protesting against the government's plans for lithium mining. At a rally in Belgrade, people chanted slogans like "No mining" and "Treason, treason."
2/✍️ Meanwhile, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic claims that Russian intelligence services provided information that Western countries are allegedly planning massive riots to oust him from office.
Trying to increase my stake in AFITX for a long time. Pushing the barrier now with an order at 2 HIVE/AFITX. Some success has been generated.
⚡️ A ship carrying a cargo of lithium batteries exploded in China
#News #newsonleo #china #freecompliments
1/✍️According to local media, the explosion occurred in containers in the bow of the ship. The shock wave was felt at a distance of a kilometer.
2/✍️ No one was injured as a result of the incident, but the nearby premises will require repairs.
Daily wise words from dani-asi
#wisdom #inleo #hive #freecompliments #aliveandthriving #lifefacts #motivation #inspiration #success
Is the referral program actually paying or is it just a fancy number on the referral dashboard? ^^
#fundtheflywheel #feedback
Daily screenshot of my share in the LEO/CACAO Pool. It dropped more than $1 since yesterday's morning. Considering $HIVE's drop, it's to be expected. #freecompliments #dailydook
in the long run it should matter !DOOK
Yes, hopefully it will!
I have also invested in the pool. Patience is the key.
Hope our patience is rewarded!
You know that there is also the impermanent loss risk? Liquidity pools are cool but you should inform yourself about the risks when you invest.
Thanks for the link by the way!
You're welcome!
Yeah, I know about that. Or I think I know... It's just that I believe in the long term the loss will balance itself.
Isn't it called "impermanent" for a reason?
this getting hard !DOOK
You will be playing the long game. Here are some of !DOOK for your journey
#freecompliments !DOOK
⚡️ Trump accused Harris of stealing his campaign initiative:
#politics #trump #news #newsonleo #freecompliments
1/✍️ "Kamala Harris, whose "honeymoon" period is coming to an end and who is starting to seriously lose in the opinion polls, just copied my "no tip taxes" policy.
2/✍️ The difference is that she won't implement it, she only needs it for political purposes. It was Trump's idea, she has no ideas of her own, she can only steal them from me," he wrote.
#gmfrens! Here is the #threadcast for today's INLEO livestream update with @taskmaster4450. Join us here at 2 pm EST! Add your questions and comments below!
This starts in about 5 hours.
Be sure to join us.
Does anybody have any topics they'd like to hear @taskmaster4450 and I discuss on today's livestream?
No Livestream today afterall! See you next week.
wana go out with a friend now.
Will continue when I'm back
Life is a rose flower 🌺🌺
🚀 Kamala Harris rises in predictions, leaving Trump to struggle on Polymarket, the blockchain-based predictive betting platform.
#cent #dailydook #btc#crypto
It's been a while since I heard of polymarket !DOOK
hahajaja... !DOOK
Can this be changed?
#feedback Apparently, when uploading a long-form #3speak video via #inleo, you don't get to earn $LEO from the post even if it gets upvoted by LP holders. #lpud #freecompliments #bbh
Crypto Contest July 17: BILLION•DOLLAR•CAT (Runes) $BDC failed the setup #crypto
Good morning guys the 🌥 weather this morning seems is about to rain
1/🧵 What do you understand by tough love? Are you in support of it or do you believe in coddling?
#threadstorm #outreach #feelings
Is tough love always the answer to undesirable behaviour?
I think tough love is good when done in moderation. They key part is that it must be balanced by soft love here and there.
You've definitely got my point. Tough love can only be healthy when it's balanced with excess soft love.
you added excess soft love
What happened to hard love 😃
Hard love shouldn't be in excess 😂
the word soft is the key
Yeah, soft is important!
2/🧵 I believe the way we express our feelings is based on our personalities and home training.
Some of us grew up with parents who believe so much in "spare the rod and spoil the child", while some of us in a more considerate home where advice is the order of the day. However, some of us grew up in both.
And this has affected us in one way or they other. It's the reason why we are who we are today.
3/🧵In this post I shared my thoughts on this topic, my experiences and how it affected me.
Not only within my family, but I've seen love being express in various ways outside my home .
I'll appreciate if you stop by, thank you.
#vsc node still going strong. 41 blocks produced and counting
All advisors keep saying : Cash flow ! Get good CASH FLOW !
This is how "cash flow" looks in LEO
too smoll, my eyes can't read that.
Click on picture, and get full size
now I see...
Keep the flow....
There are obviously large fish in this river :) !BEER
It's interesting that you move $LEO between your accounts, I thought you'd put all of your LEO into the LEO account.
This way I get much more freedom and flexibility. If LEO suddenly surge, and I want to sell some Leo's, I can start power down on a smaller stack. Plus all the delegated Hive is kept on separate account from the main LEO stake. Diversification. Nothing new invented. All Curation upvoting is synchronised, done in tandem, it's easy to do. Lots of pros, con is only 1, time required to manually move the coins time to time.
Now that you explain it. It makes so much sense! If I had big enough holdings, I might do the same!!
Simply mind blowing! let it keep flowing.
They are something consistent cash flows. Purple making it look more attractive.
View or trade
Hey @onealfa, here is a little bit of from @barski for you. Enjoy it!BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.Did you know that <a href='https://dcity.io/cityyou can use
I see lots of $LEO BOOM man! :)
positive cashflow is the best, give us the opportunity to re invest and keep growing.
Bitcoin as a Safe-Haven Asset❔
#Bitcoin #News #Newsonleo #freecompliments
1/💰Bitcoin could serve as a safe-haven asset during an economic downturn, according to Bitfinex.
2/ Experts highlighted that in the past 3 months, central banks globally have cut rates 35 times. They compared this trend to the 2009 crisis when 76 similar actions were recorded.
3/✍️ Investors shifting to safer assets and declining government bond yields are classic recession indicators, reflecting a lack of confidence in sustainable economic growth-Bitfinex noted.
4/✍️ These concerns might bolster Bitcoin as "digital gold" and impact the broader crypto market.
#gmfrens Monday is a good day to be yourself, one can make a different if we stand out from the crowd. #mondaymotivation #inspiration #quote
My question on such always boils down to what could the agenda be.
That's a huge jump... It's because of the situation in the middle east?
IMHO, because of Russia
I thought Russia would affect 2023 more than 2024, though...
for obvious reasons
What could be the reason for that?
What could be the reason for that?
Archery is almost non-existent...
Cricket in Indian subcontinent.
football has some dominance, making other sports look like passion projects
I can confirm that Belgium goes crazy about soccer. I've attended a game of ice hockey in Finland and can confirm they are REALLY CRAZY about ice hockey. Definitely a tip for anyone visiting Helsinki / Finland!
How to survive high volatility 🤯What not to do when the market is falling:
#Cryptocurrency #News #Newsonleo #freecompliments
1/✍️ Panic and sell along with everyone else. Markets are cyclical and all falls sooner or later recover.
2/✍️ Catching falling knives is always a bad idea. If you missed a collapse, then why do you think you can determine the moment of return to growth? Those who rush to buy the bottom get a second bottom as a gift.
3/✍️ Try to recoup by quickly restoring all losses from the market collapse. The cry "buy in, fools" flies through the chats and you are ready to bring more into the market than you just lost. And then we go to the next round...
🧵 1. Power demand in India surged by 7% in July to 150 BU due to high consumption in rain-deficient northern states, reveals CRISIL data. #business
🧵 2. Overall demand up by 10% in the first 4 months of fiscal 2024-25. CRISIL mentions a 5% rise in power generation to 156 BUs in July.
🧵 3. Northern region sees major demand spike as Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan face low rainfall. Southern region demand up by 4%, west declines by 1%.
🧵 4. Hydro power generation dropped by 6% due to deficient rainfall in the north. Coal, nuclear, and renewable energy generation saw year-on-year growth.
🧵 5. CRISIL forecasts a 6.5-7.5% increase in power demand in fiscal 2025, citing weather uncertainties and robust economic activities.
🧵 Read more at: https://www.financialexpress.com/business/industry/power-demand-up-7-on-year-in-july/3579964/
such a beautiful weather today, took a snap this morning and want to share with all of you. #photographers
That photo is very nice, where is that?
It’s Singapore. Near the Stadium
Great, I hope to be able to go one day.
That’s for sure. Manifest 🙏
1/ 🧵

Constantly saying yes can become a burden, especially when it affects your time and well-being. #outreach #threadstorm #weakness
2/ 🧵

Balancing respect for others with self-care is crucial. Saying no doesn't make you rude, it protects your peace.
3/ 🧵
Want to know how I overcame the struggle of always saying yes? Read the full post on Hive Blockchain.
Hmmmmm… Interesting numbers, would save one well to amass a lot of it and move to an ultra cheap country to enjoy the spoils of life.
High cost of living.
Most of the individuals never meet this basic income.
I was going to say the media. I Think this is something someone needs to seat down on unearth facts and truth then they are quipped to say a thing. For that reason I do not qualify my opinion is un informed lol.
Ripple(XRP) is testing it's stablecoin on ethereum and ripple ledger. #newsonleo #cryptocurrency