Just wondering and asking myself is SL is fun 2 play game for masses?
Many things will depend upon this also.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Just wondering and asking myself is SL is fun 2 play game for masses?
Many things will depend upon this also.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Indeed, I have been wondering this myself also pretty much since the start. I know for me, the game itself would become a lot more fun if there ware a game mode that removed all the pay2win aspects (pretty much 95% of the actual card game now) making it pure skill & luck.
From what I am seeing, many are really enjoying the game and they for sure have a lot more than 99% of play2earn 'games' that are out there. The most fun for me comes from optimizing the economic side and the community around the game. I'm quite sure I wouldn't play splinterlands in the pay2win state it is now if it wasn't for those 2 aspects.