I saw a story online several years ago (details are fuzzy) about an artists’ collective (performance artists, pranksters, whatever) that went into toy stores and bought talking G.I. Joes and talking Barbies. They went home, removed the microchips from the dolls, switched them, repackaged the dolls, and then surreptitiously replaced them on the store’s shelves. The next part is fuzzy for me. Did one of them have a friend who worked in the store? Because the artists/pranksters found out what happened later. The boys got G.I. Joes that said things like “Let’s go shopping!” and “Math is hard!” while the girls got Barbies that said “Commandos! We attack at dawn!”
The parents were incensed, wanting to return the defective dolls and dish out complaints. But the kids would have no part of it, they wanted to keep the dolls as is.
That's exactly what I would have guessed.
That's basically a rare commodity :D
People like weird stuff like that.
Kids are people too :D
Rare commodity indeed. Trading and Economics 101. Every kid understands this stuff intuitively. :D
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