
'We Cannot Afford Inaction': Biden Unveils $1.9 Trillion COVID-19 Relief Plan
So apparently people are mad that Biden isn't proposing $2000 stimulus checks, but rather $1400.
He has described recent $600 coronavirus relief checks as a "down payment" and said he would push to see Americans receive an additional $1,400 payout.
Funny how that works.
It should be obvious about now that the FED can actually afford to bail out the American people several times over, but the push and pull of politics does not allow that kind of thing by design. Not that I care about these handouts. I certainly won't turn my nose up to free blood-money but I'm not going to complain if it doesn't show up.
The plan also calls on Congress to invest $170 billion in K-12 schools and higher education, including $130 billion for schools to safely reopen.
Call me crazy, but going by what I've read this money is going to be used to further turn schools into indoctrination prisons. Now they'll be fully equipped with facial recognition, body scanners, and whatever else. Got to prepare them young so we can push this New Normal through without a lot of resistance, amirite?
While we're at it, lets teach our kids to believe falsities on purpose like Santa Claus. That way they won't question the invisible prison all around them. That's just the way it's supposed to be.
Core memories and personality traits are permanently embedded into children at a young age. What kind of programming did you receive as a child, I wonder?
Furthermore, Biden has proposed raising the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour, as well as providing billions for child care assistance, federal nutrition programs, rental assistance and tribal governments' pandemic response. The package also includes $350 billion in emergency funding for state and local governments.
Increasing the minimum wage sounds nice, but that socialist tactic has a way of crippling free-markets and further attacking struggling small businesses trying to compete. If only companies too big to fail can afford their employees, then all small business will die and insane monopolies will be forged. And I say this as someone who considers themselves a radical-left socialist.
Rather than bandaid the problem we need actual solutions, and that means building real value, actual communal ownership of business, and a return of work ethic. Even the concept paying people hourly is offensive and promotes wage slavery and feeds time vampires.
Can't say I have any real solution at the moment.
Only problems.
More than 385,000 Americans have died from coronavirus-related illness, and as many U.S. hospitals once again have reached crisis levels in capacity for aiding those affected by the virus.
Blah blah blah, 0.1% is such a huge number.
"This emergency means I can impose whatever measures I want."
The president-elect has also said he will urge the country to wear masks for the first 100 days of his presidency. Wearing masks is a practice public health officials advocate in slowing the spread of the virus but one that had become a political issue during President Trump's tenure in the White House.
Yep yep sure sure... keep politicizing wearing masks so that the other side hunkers down even more. Got it boss.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce in a statement said it welcomed Biden's economic recovery plan. "Specifically, we applaud the President-elect's focus on vaccinations and on economic sectors and families that continue to suffer as the pandemic rages on."
"I know what I just described does not come cheaply," Biden said on Thursday, "But failure to [act] will cost us dearly. The consensus among leading economists is we simply cannot afford not to do what I'm proposing."
Does it not come cheaply? What's the cost? Seems like you guys are just printing money "for free". Tax hike incoming.
I can't wait to airdrop my enemies for billions of dollars in fake crypto with zero liquidity so I can report them to the IRS after they impose unrealized capital gains tax. Get wrecked, suckers.
U.S. Says Rioters At Capitol Aimed 'To Capture And Assassinate Elected Officials'
Looks like I finally figured out that NPR is a propaganda machine for the left. Took me a while but I got there. Did you guys watch videos of the "mob" that "stormed" the capitol with zero resistance. Tell me, did they really look like they were in the killing mood? As someone who experiences manic bouts of extreme energy... I'm gonna go ahead and say no. Yet there were gallows and even IED bombs on the premises. Hm, where did those come from?
Give a mouse a cookie, they want a glass of milk. People hear "$2000 stimulus check" and when they get $600 and $1400 they complain. Math is hard.
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"We aren't turning the schools into prisons...
We are just adding razor-wire and taller fences all around the school to protect the children.
And those towers are so we can watch for bullies and stop harassment..."
I saw a story online several years ago (details are fuzzy) about an artists’ collective (performance artists, pranksters, whatever) that went into toy stores and bought talking G.I. Joes and talking Barbies. They went home, removed the microchips from the dolls, switched them, repackaged the dolls, and then surreptitiously replaced them on the store’s shelves. The next part is fuzzy for me. Did one of them have a friend who worked in the store? Because the artists/pranksters found out what happened later. The boys got G.I. Joes that said things like “Let’s go shopping!” and “Math is hard!” while the girls got Barbies that said “Commandos! We attack at dawn!”
The parents were incensed, wanting to return the defective dolls and dish out complaints. But the kids would have no part of it, they wanted to keep the dolls as is.
That's exactly what I would have guessed.
That's basically a rare commodity :D
People like weird stuff like that.
Kids are people too :D
Rare commodity indeed. Trading and Economics 101. Every kid understands this stuff intuitively. :D
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The mood of a mob is a funny thing though.
Mobs are chaos.
A Qanon mob of zealots is... whatever the hell we just saw.
Some where. A mob is a group of individuals. You can watch the video of one group beating someone to death. Beating someone to death would require a "killing mood". Pointing at that some weren't there to commit violence doesn't mean that none were. The world is made of probabilities. Not binary switches. Imagining things isn't a valid form of reasoning
Getting information from "trusted sources" doesn't seem to be working too well either.
Perhaps people would be less skeptical if every crisis wasn't capitalized on.
then stop trusting sources and learn to evaluate evidence and apply logic. Might take a few years of practice, but it's way better than imagination or "follow the leader". Humans have spent thousands of years examining truth and how we can recognize it... paranoia is not a good teacher. Confusion isn't evidence of truth
I have evaluated the evidence and I am not confused:
Conspiracy theorists were right.
Patriot Act 2.0 incoming.
Doesn't really matter how we got here using top-down global thinking.
This is the endgame that everyone warned about.
Leaders are forced into the Trolley problems over and over again.
Will they let people die from COVID?
Or will they lockdown and get people killed in another variant?
Will they crack down on all freedoms in exchange for safety?
Or have we already tried that?
Apparently public opinions matter quite a bit on these topics,
or they wouldn't go to such great lengths to sway them.
bit of a sharp turn there. I thought the claim you were insinuating was that nobody was in a killing mood. That the attempts to commit death or violence where some magic space alien government ghosts doing it to trick us all. I mentioned the evidence that contradicts your claim. It's available from multiple sources, at multiple angels, the people involved have been identified, and they're communications from years back are available. Seems like good evidence to me. Why do you think it is not?
I think I should edit the post to add this to the list of evidence.
I say a lot of crazy shit.
No one said I was a reliable narrator.
Of course Qanon zealots at the capital fighting against the Great Satan and liberal pedophiles were amped up to 110% on the day electoral college votes were getting certified.
You know who else knew?
Capitol security.
We need to come up with a longer sequence for full comedic impact tho 😅
You got so much evidence then link to one instance someone died as a result of a beating. I will come back with the evidence that they did not.
Can do in a few hours, but his name is Brian Sicknick if you have a canned conspiracy theory your like to use
These videos are pretty grotesque, which part is it that you think is fake? The beating, the death or both?
I s'pose it doesn't matter. Go ahead and share your evidence that Brian Sicknick wasn't beaten to death. Hopefully you restrict yourself to sharing with internet strangers. I got a dose of that whole "your brother didn't really die! this is fake!" when my brother died. It's really shitty as a family to watch a loved one die and then be told you're fake
Not a single person was beat to death.
Welcome to the 21st century Orwellian state!
what he has to do than trump.As I commented on a @taskmaster4450 post recently, I see Biden as some sort of a George Bush Jr, way easier to get him do
I would wish to see other countries start printing money like the US does. My shitty one hasn't gave me any stimulus check and will never do that. They increased taxes though.
When I see how people are digesting totally unchewed this corona shit it makes me sick. We're really a planet full of dummies lead by mentally ill people.
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Interesting how I can't relate with these abnormalities, what's even more interesting is that while these may seem abnormal, the govt in my country is doing the worst to aid the citizens, here we have price hike of commodities, owing of salaries of public servants, price hike of electricity tariff, hike of fuel price, even bills to reduce minimum wage, loool...which is abnormal or perhaps paranormal. Insanity everywhere
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Free money is free money.
Get that money, buy Bitcoin. Easy peasy. 😁
Orwell's "1984" just gets scarier and closer with each day that passes IMO.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
People are funny. Though I don't blame them as $2600 in free money sounds better than $2k to me too. :)
That being said it will be interesting to see how easy this is to get through Congress. It turns out giving away money isn't always as easy as they made it look in April of last year.
x= 5, NOT 7
therefore it has no connection to 1400+600=2000
you need a comparison with vectors
I've been all your posts for two weeks now and I can't tell of any sign that you're on the left side of the spectrum. Where's that coming from?
Oh he is, I would have never guessed until a few weeks ago. Now it's highly likely he will reap what he sowed. In the proposed great reset, if materialized, all cypto's will be banned as the new money system is installed.
You can ban them all day long, they still will come out at night.
....they'll keep running after them day or night. Now that they are decriminalizing a lot of crimes, and legalizing marijuana in many states they'll need new crimes to chase after. lol. Military intelligence will more than likely be involved, rumor is they been considering going after crypto's because they are used in funding terrorist activities.
Anything of value can be used to fund bad acting, just look at Hollywood.
Nearly $2 trillion!! I spat my cheese toastie out when I heard that earlier on the news. Now I need the money for a new TV, great... Got a spare $600... Or $1400??
By the time they get done with negotiations it be another $600, to match the same amount from the payout last year. Why would they want to give the masses anymore than the average they give retirees to survive on. I doubt anger boiling over is going to change their minds any, it didn't work when they decided to send out the last six hundred and give billions to other countries.
This money stuff grows on trees doesn't it :D
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I seen a video a few weeks ago someone posted, it was bit out there but the guy was saying that to keep the economy from collapsing they have to keep stimulating it, like a revolving door, out one into another. If true I think the six hundred is their already established mark.