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RE: Percy says why not join in HivePUD Power Up Day June 2022

in LeoFinance3 years ago

This is interesting, Teng! You are growing and before you know it, you have become a big whale. it takes a step though. I think I only entered this challenge once last year and I stopped. Do you know what? I did power up 200 hive last week I think when I got some spare cash and if I had known, I should have made an entry for this. Well, it isn´t too late. I might try doing that in July. I came in here through Dreemport.


Haha a big whale, that won't happend if at all for a very long time! But all baby steps, and I am happy enough how it is progressing!
Yeah you should try do the minimum of 10 Hive on the 1st of each month. Last month I won that 500HP delegation which was awesome and all I powered up was 10 Hive.
Thanks for commenting Busayo.