It was @leofinance that showed me the light. When I was creating The Man Cave I absolutely didn't want to create a tribe at all. A strict NO from me whenever anyone brought up the idea of creating a tribe for our community.
I just couldn't see the benefits -- they gave you a standard front end, people blogged, and then they were paid for it. Why use that when you could just create a community on Hive? Just because it's there doesn't mean you have to use it. I could see no benefit to creating a community coin that Hive couldn't provide us.
That was until Leofinance changed their front end. I'll admit, I didn't even think this was possible being the non-coder that I am. I thought you had to play with the cards that you were given and that was it. And that's why I wasn't willing to take the leap from token to tribe. I couldn't see anything different that could be done with it. Tribes up until that point were done to death. I am always one for building unique stuff. I don't try and be one of the crowd. I try to lead crowds.
Anyway, after their front end was built and a series of developments started coming in every month my mind started playing with the suggestion that we should probably take that route. But men aren't a talkative sort, and no-one really wants to talk about men. Apart from the Africans, you guys in Africa really appreciate your men-folk so kudos to you guys. But I couldn't really release something that was just aimed at one demographic, that wouldn't be exactly fair, or profitable. So, I put the idea on hold for a while.
That was until @taskmaster4450 came to me with the idea that we should create our own tribe. I mean I was already thinking about it but we had to think of something completely different, and, would have to be so that everyone can take part if they wanted to. It was a bit of a conundrum because we already know that general tribes have a hard time dealing with all the content we get, and being niche was the way to go. But everyone and niche doesn't fit. So it was a bit of a brain tickler.
That was until we thought up movies and TV. What a great idea. Everyone can have a go if they want to because almost everyone that uses the internet has watched some for of movies and TV. Boom, there we go. And we begun creating the tribe, whilst keeping BRO holders firmly in the back of our minds!
The time is now if you want to be some sort of leader. If you've always wanted to start a community and reward them, then the time is now. It is roughly 5 Grand to start up a tribe but it's going to be a lot lot more in the future. If you think the price is high now -- then I am warning you. It's going to be much higher as more censorship takes hold and more creators are given the boot from centralised media.
Imagine if say Alex Jones found the value of what we're creating here? Of course we all might not agree with him but imagine if he signalled to his followers that he wanted to make a play on our platform? Boom! Hive would explode overnight. Those millions of coins on the market would be no more. Of course Alex Jones isn't likely to come here but we will see more than our fair share of individual creators that find value in our system. We only need a few to create traction. Only a few, remember that.
And I honestly feel that popular voices and thoughts like mine will be drowned out into the ether as more people come here and build rather striking opportunities for their friends, families, and even followers. I am no revolutionary by any means, there are people doing the same things I do all over the world. That is why I am staking my claim and growing big before the likes of RackaRacka come here. I'm just not that talented.
And they are coming. You bet they are. Individually, one by one, as YouTube gradually becomes a tool for corporate media they will be looking to hedge their bets on which platform is better -- and quite literally, we are the gift that keeps on giving. Not only can you freely distribute your media but you can earn from it too. Not happy with just that? Then your followers can earn from it as well. How mental is that?
You think about it. I watch YouTube streams where people are dropping hundred dollar bills to reward their favourite creators. Imagine if they didn't need to do that? Imagine if all they needed to do was buy hive and convert it into their tribe of choice and reward them that way?
Yup. An all new tangent is entering the sphere and it won't be long until everyone wants a piece of this place and you, me, and everyone else here, right now, are in prime position! Honestly. The time is now!
First it was developers that made all the money. Now it's the artists time to shine. They are coming. And it will blow you the hell away.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I agree with you so much. We have hope and future because we have a man like you. I am also into cinetv and I am writing every day. Thank you for creating the cinetv tribe.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Glad you are enjoying it :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I've really been loving the CineTV tribe. It has been a great place for me to branch out a bit with my content. It appears it is growing bigger and bigger. I really dig it over there!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'm glad you are enjoying it. We are too. You should see the team I have built. They are super efficient :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think you're doing a wise thing @raymondspeaks!
Looking beyond the internal aspects of a tribe/community, let's consider the meta-aspects and benefits — and I think @nathanmars will vouch for this, as well.
Let's consider how people use the web... not just Hive. The base level idea of "being on the Internet" is no longer a relevant thing. Similarly, "being on Facebook" barely has relevance. It's what we DO on the Internet, or on Facebook that has relevance. What people do is pursue things they are interested in. Groups, communities, hobbies, interests, sports, gaming, whatever.
As Hive continues to grow, I expect the base layer Hive will increasingly fade into the background as the focal point. Sure, people still *check Facebook," but their FEEDS are made up of what's happening in their niche interest groups.
Where am I going with this?
It's much easier to externally market a niche interest than an overall framework. As a writer, I can more readily market a writer's community to my friends and connects, than a social network. What's more, they are more likely to join a community than a new network, particularly if that niche community is dynamic, relevant and active. As a BONUS, the importance of "make money creating" fades a little, in favor of the value of the relevant content, itself.
Much success to you!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Ah, you know, this is all so true. It could be argued that I am doing this for the rewards, but it's deeper than that. Since the birth of "Hive" the content experience on here has been so much more dynamic. And, I dare say I'm really starting to love writing again. I had lost faith in it about a year ago, but I think by meeting some great folks on this platform it has brought me back to the front end and enjoying the feel of just losing myself for an hour or two again.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
So True
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Ah, Nathan, my dude. Thanks for following! - and yes :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Totally agree . The concept of tokenized community impressed me a lot.
I might start my own tribe in future related to donation and charity but you agree with you - the sooner the better .
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
As an ex charity worker I would advise against it. If you want to appeal to the masses you will need utility, and unfortunately very few charities provide that. I'm not saying you shouldn't though, you do you, but just remember that most charities only exist because people give them money not looking to see any back -- if you want the community to buy into you then we're going to want to see some form of return.
That's just the way it is, sorry man :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I get what you are saying . You are right . We gotto make something which profits people .
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Slow ... But sure ... Just got around to reading this and giving you my full 100% upvote. From all I am "hearing," sounds like you hit on a winner here Ray. Nice work! 🙂👍🚀
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Got lucky and created #pimp ( housed at ) right before HIVE went higher than a dime. The name should say something. Still a work in progress, but I have serious plans for it and you are so right! Giving the creators a welcome place to showcase their creations is key to moving forward as censrship starts rearing its head across the centralized plains.