That's a good question. It must have something to do with finding the right niche - your content is definitely worth it!
Good to hear the counter view, but the fact that we don't know how you make it on Publish0X is a bit annoying!
This place is far from perfect of course!
Use whatever works I say, some 'who voted for me' analytics would be nice too on Publish OX.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
My main issue with Publish0x is that it is not really scalable. While I get thousands for views with most articles, I still only make 2$-3$ which is nice, but no way near what you can make on LeoFinance.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Have a read through of fkynmaym's views on the comments to this article - we should both be counting ourselves lucky!
The normal model for blogging is to post for free and use that to sell your premium products!
Earning anything for just writing - that's pretty amazing!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta