If a "full set" involves rings to commemorate births of children that's a ridiculous amount of rings for some people XD
unless only the firstborn counts, poor subsequent kids XD
Though having said that even the wedding bands was one too many for me, both of us have lost ours (and are really dirty about it). The bands have hopefully ended up together somewhere somehow. I'm going to get a tattoo done instead, I just haven't finished designing it yet partly due to lack of time and mostly because the thought of the price is scary.
I feel like I might be the only person who doesn't think there "needs" to be "something to open on the day" (whether it's a birthday or Christmas) XD
Good luck, did you manage to find a jeweller?
Well, for us it is the ring - as planned - but there is a tradition of diamond jewellery for each child :)
You lost them? :D I would be in trouble if I lost mine, I would be upset if she lost hers... though they are small enough to go down the sink.
Nah, I don't care either - for myself :)
Not yet. but they are all only open weekdays it seems, which is a challenge...
Yep, I lost mine after two years (which was a record for me), I don't even know when it slipped off, I had it while gallivanting around, pretty sure I had it on the bus home but not 100%, and then I got home and didn't have it.
J had a few near misses (his slipped off at the beach a few times) but in the end it came off when he was gardening of all things and he couldn't find it.
Guess you'll have to take a sickie or a long lunch :)