Just like Bitcoin offers an alternative to traditional financial and banking systems, Hive offers an alternative to web technologies in form of social media, games, dApps, and anything people can think of.
An insightful analogy and a perceptive way to summarize the alternatives offered by Hive.
Challenges Hive faces is the lack of understanding of what the value proposition is. Not only for the ones outside of this economy, but also the ones who are within don't have a full grasp of the potential to change the web.
For those who are on the outside, that's understandable, but for us who are within, I think the minority who has a deeper understanding is doing great service by helping those who are slow in understanding Hive's potential.
In my humble opinion, the only metric that matters and should matter for Hive as a long-term goal is a user-base growth. Not only user-base growth with onboarding activities but also actions that improve user retention. . . . We are the pioneers in decentralization.
The last statement is very encouraging. I think one way to improve user retention is for those who have been on Hive for months to look for newcomers and start initiating the engagement.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta