Decentralization is the process by which the activities of an organization, particularly those regarding planning and decision making, are distributed or delegated away from a central, authoritative location or group. wikipedia
That is how Wikipedia defines decentralization. If you google the word you may even find definition that don't really represent what decentralization represents today. When talking about decentralization two names come to my mind Satoshi Nakomoto - creator of Bitcoin and Rod Beckstrom - an author of The Starfish and the Spider and a founder Beckstrom's Law.
Of course there were others who talked and contemplated about the concept of decentralization and its benefits before these two folks. Satoshi's Bitcoin came at the right place and the right time to gain traction and attention of people. Bitcoin is a brilliant idea and implementation for the alternative financial system that challenges the global financial status quo. For it to become a global phenomenon it was important to have right conditions and be presented at the right time.
As Rod Beckstrom states in his book - "Decentralization is not a new concept, it has just been dormant for many years. Creation of the internet unleashed its force." Rod wrote and shared his ideas on decentralization even before Satoshi did about Bitcoin. Established internet infrastructure and connection among people globally made Bitcoin possible. Not only the widespread phenomenon of internet but also massive failure of global financial system caused people to pay attention to the alternative solution. These two combined, Bitcoin has become a global movement for change. A change for better financial system. At the very least preservation of wealth and property rights.
So what does Bitcoin offer and what is its value proposition? It offers people an alternative to the traditional financial system. Traditional financial systems rely on banks to process transactions, store wealth, and provide various financial services. This process is powered by Central Bank policies, their fiat currency, and laws of the land that grant massive authority to Central Banks over monetary policies.
Bitcoins has revealed to masses the corrupt nature of the fiat currencies and monetary policies instituted by Central Banks and governments. It has demonstrated that trust put into these institutions by the participants of these economies was misused in form inflations and other policies that diluted peoples wealth. In short these policies served and still serve the few in power at the cost of ordinary participants of these economies.
What Bitcoin offers is a removal of trust from centralized entities to a programmable code and decentralized network where not a single entity can single-handedly make monetary policy decisions on behalf of all participants. This in return transfers trust from entities to code that can't be corrupt as long as decentralized system is in place.
Remember the internet made decentralization to wake up by connecting us all globally and providing technologies to move away from centralized systems and relying on trust? While internet inspired innovation and competition, it has also brought forward tendencies to monopolize services. While internet's nature is decentralized, brilliant corporate minds figured out ways to monopolize and centralize the internet. Amazon dominates e-commerce; Google dominates search, video sharing, mobile phones, etc; Facebook & Twitter dominate social media; Apple dominates mobile phones and apps built on them.
One common thing these monopolies share is that they make money off people's creativities. The art, videos, knowledge, social interactions, and other content they create and share on their platform. Not only they exploit people's talents and social interaction but also they monetize on their digital footprints by packaging the eyeballs and selling to the advertisers. Occasionally they even go further violating people's privacy.
In a free market nothing is wrong with innovating and profiting from innovations, providing services people need and would like to use. Just like Central Banks and governments these services may prove to be useful. However when too much power is concentrated and centralized, these entities have a tendency to take actions that do not necessarily benefit the participants of these networks and end up causing harm rather that serving the participants.
For these reasons decentralized solutions will play a vital role as a competition and an alternative to traditional monopolized systems. This is why Hive matters. Hive has proven to be a decentralized platform that is innovating when it comes to web, social media, games, communities and dApps. Just like Bitcoin offers an alternative to traditional financial and banking systems, Hive offers an alternative to web technologies in form of social media, games, dApps, and anything people can think of.
Hive has a solid technology that provides a secure and easy to use wallet powered by decentralized blockchain. Decentralization is super important when it comes to keeping wallets secure. Not only it provides security and ownership of ones wallet but also transfers responsibility to keep it safe. The wallet holder is the sole responsible party to keeping keys secure.
Decentralization is a goal in a long journey. It journey is not in a straight path, it oscillates between points of centralized and decentralized. Hive matters in the space to decentralized web, because it provides working solutions no other project comes even close to address. Decentralization has become a marketing word that anybody can throw around to attract people to their projects. Even scammers use it with zero substance to back their claims. Hive has always been true to this claim and direction it is going.
Challenges Hive faces is the lack of understanding what the value proposition is. Not only for the ones outside of this economy, but also the ones who are within don't have a full grasp of the potential to change the web.
It has always been a good time for participants of Hive economy to take long term investment position versus short term token gains via various reward systems. Any reward systems that Hive provides are short term and do no necessarily translate into long term significant gains that can be shown in the form of price appreciation of the Hive coin. The only real and significant investment return on Hive investment can be through Hive coin increasing in price. While prices are usually at the mercy of speculation, the real use case also matter. Of which Hive can offer in abundance.
In my humble opinion, the only metric that matters and should matter for Hive as a long term goal is the user-base growth. Not only user-base growth with onboarding activities, but also actions that improve user retention. For this it will always require a collective effort by all Hive stakeholder, users, and participants to focus on this one mission, making this platform home for all. Because it has a lot to offer to all users of the internet. If we continue to improve in this matter and have greater focus on users, the valuation fo the coin will follow, investors will follow, network offer will follow. We have always had something revolutionary here. We always had something important here. We are the pioneers in decentralization.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
In a world where we tend to ask if you're a Windows user or an (Apple) Macintosh user, there is room for Unix (or any of its variations).
In a world where we tend to ask if you're mobile phone runs iOS or some form of Android, there is room for non-Android Nokia.
In a world where we tend to ask if you will pay cash or charge, it's still possible to pay with travelers' checks.
It's OK if Hive doesn't achieve the popularity of other social networks as long as it remains available as an option. If Hive hadn't come to existence as it had, it may not even be Hive as we know it today.
Even if some companies receive venture capital funding, that doesn't guarantee their success; it just means that if they win, they win BIG.
Then there is the matter of how certain companies end up being chosen the winners. It's one thing for FB and Twitter (among others) to be leaders in social media, but how did they become so popular to the point where we're forced to use their plugins to display their content? Why isn't a screen capture enough, or just simply copying and pasting text or links into our posts? I don't remember this being the case with MySpace. Legacy media is involved in popularizing these platforms, and it looks as if they were ready from Day One. How did that happen? Beats me.
Back to Hive....
Whatever success Hive is having, it has it while doing it the hard way. Its very existence took place the hard way. The spread of the word came about the hard way. It's value was acquired the hard way. Given that on any day it is considered a Top 1% token in terms of market cap, it's amazing how far Hive has come along while doing it all the hard way. It would be nice for Hive to get some favors and advantages, but that's out of character for Hive.
When people are ready for Hive, Hive will be there for them. Just as with Unix.
Retention is more important - unfortunately, We do not have a lot to offer to short form content - that is where the Web 2 platforms are taking advantage. There is no money involved there, but people barely understand that they are the product.
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No money? Many people make good money with Google Adsense by blogging and/or making videos (YouTube), or by livestreaming on Twitch. Some people make a living. A few people became millionaires on these platforms.
People do make money using Google's AdSense, but at what cost? And there is a cost for them to make money via Google's AdSense. The question then becomes: Is it a cost they are willing to pay? It's not always about "dollars and cents" when it comes to cost.
This varies from people to people. Many people make money with Google Adsense, while having fun, and they are also entertaining others, so practically they are not paying anything to earn money. Mostly this is the case with YouTube. They put a little time in it. But other than the recording (and often more or less editing) of the videos, they are not doing much else. The case is different with websites. People often put a lot of time into that, and they are often not even enjoying it. They are doing it simply only for the money.
Well, I am talking about people in general who are so called viewers.
Well those that are making money there have an incentive to keep those who don't make money but enjoy content to stay in that network, gosh how is this not obvious?
It is obvious there, but as soon as they land in our hive verse they see money (Do you ever see how much an youtube video earns ?), so they will definitely expect to earn something - may not be big, but a little incentive. And they are not creators, so they will not be able to create a lot - a short form would be nice to give them a little share, so that they too are happy.
and what has seeing the money got anyone? HIVES market cap is a joke, there are people on Youtube who have made more money than the entire liquid float so whats your point?
Do the viewers really pay attention to market cap ? Its not about who is making more money, its about getting the public onboard which is missing here.
Leofinance is working on this and I predict their short form platform will be pretty good. Surely better than any previous HIVE short form dApps.
I am hopeful and waiting :-)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's why I have emphasized a lot on the importance of project blank
Posted using LeoFinance Mobile
Yes, Project blank is the need of the time.
That is good point. Retention is a billion dollar question.
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There is something that I thinking of quite a lot. Hive provides the backbone for all the dapps to run on. Crypto exchange, social media and even develop your own apps. Do Hive earn any commission on all this !
The idea is as network grows the value of the network grows as well, and this should increase the value of Hive stakeholders.
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Not really. At least not in my country (in Hungary). Most people use Android smartphones, and Android is made by Google. Apple products are overpriced, and many people financially cannot afford them. Android smartphones are affordable in general.
I just meant in general and as an example. But you are right Apple doesn't dominate all of the mobile phone space.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
But they do make a majority of the mobile phone money :-)
It really is magical and so smart (and exploitative -- some would say).
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What Google did with Android is similar to what IBM did with personal computers over 4 decades ago: Both made their specs open and available so that anyone could build products compatible with their standards. To a lesser degree, Microsoft allowed this with its version of Disk Operating System and BASIC programming tool. On the other hand, Apple kept everything proprietary.
this is an apt and in-depth article appraising the prospects of decentralization . In my opinion, I feel the road to decentralization is a narrow one . That being said platforms such as Hive which try to incorporate decentralization into its operation will surely act as a blueprint to other platforms aiming to follow suit.
The need for decentralisation is we talk about fear and greed as eemotions that determine people's behaviour towards investing in crypto. People's desire to Control and dominate fights the fabric of decentralisation making it hard to flow and archive the desired results fast
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Decentralization is really tough and even here on Hive, there is a lot of stuff that is centralized. I feel like there isn't much we can do to avoid the centralized stuff until everything is built out and I tend to believe that centralized stuff will still have a place in the future.
If anything, I think the applications/platforms can come out way faster because they have more control over the system but decentralized versions can come up as an alternative.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes, decentralization is a difficult and long journey. But Hive is lightyears ahead of many other attempts, with only exception being Bitcoin.
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But the problem of decentralization especially the digital field, remains great with regard to money laundering and penetration due to the anonymity and confidentiality of the encryption system.
I would argue the opposite is true. Because most of the time decentralization is possible with transparency and open network. Even with anonymity laundering money or engaging on any other unlawful activities is more difficult on blockchain rather than traditional systems.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Money laundering takes place right now in view of national or regional treasuries. It's also a bogus problem; meaning it's not really a problem, or it's a problem only because "someone" said it was.
Many naysayers will say otherwise, but I for one happen to believe that decentralization and privacy will both come to the forefront over the next few decades.
More and more people are becoming populist politically over the last 10 years and I think that trend is just beginning and not near the end. Will centralized entities fight the trend? Yes. Will they win? I don't think so. Just as technology is replacing workers on the employment lines, it will replace banks, governemnts and corporations to some extent.
This will not come easily, but when it does people are gonna prefer decentralization.
Hive is not a household word right now and may never be, but I bet the number of people using it is higher in 5 years vs. now. Hive really only needs 3-5 relatively popular dApps that solve problems people have or caters to their desires to build Hive into a stable entity. We are almost there :-)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Im only 4 months on Hive, but I really love the power of having my own account. Such a new and refreshing experience!! Good bye WEB2!!!
I agree with u.. it's all about the user base.. as long as it's there and growing.. nothing else to worry about..
An insightful analogy and a perceptive way to summarize the alternatives offered by Hive.
For those who are on the outside, that's understandable, but for us who are within, I think the minority who has a deeper understanding is doing great service by helping those who are slow in understanding Hive's potential.
The last statement is very encouraging. I think one way to improve user retention is for those who have been on Hive for months to look for newcomers and start initiating the engagement.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
HIVE will remain a niche internet community the same like 4chan and tumblr and that's okay every network has their own unique place in the internet ecosystem, but these calls for we will get user growth eventually and go mainstream is just hopium
Traditional social media and blogging platforms already have the network effect and that cannot be replicated easily, espeically when the barrier to entry (getting a HIVE account, managing keys and acquiring an obsucure native token) is so high.
It's far easier for lets say Twitter to just bring bitcoin into their network, it's far easier for 3rd party plugins like alby to create a bitcoin overlay across multiple social networks and make it interoperable
It is old fashion thinking though. People are used to some genius founders and killer apps, and give their trust to them. But the traditional system is all about making as much money as possible, and participants end up being used and abused. lol.
Web3 approach is ownership. I don't think Hive will end up as a niche corner of the internet. It has a lot to offer for people. Question is how will they realize this potential.
I do understand your point. It is not easy to see masses to turn to decentralized solutions when centralized ones are easier to use and understand.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I would disagree with you, where do you think most of the growth of social media apps comes form these days? Developing countries like my own where we are far removed from who the founders are nor care, the only thing the user cares about is low barrier access to the network
Web3 is oversold as an idea, to have ownership, you need to be running your own node, otherwise you're just trusting a 3rd party and on the flip side of that NO one cares about ownership of their data, if they did we would haven't set up the internet the way we do. Web 3 is a narrative looking for a problem to fix, but can't offer a viable solution
As for realising the potential if a product is good enough you don't need to market it, did whatsapp ever have to advertise in 3rd world countries? No, its a good product and it went viral
The process of building apps or platforms for eventual profit purposes is done easier the traditional way in a centralized fashion seeking funding from private investors. This give decent amount of funds to support development and provide high quality product. There is no doubt about it. But in the end these product do not necessarily serve the interests of people who use them. Hence, they are just users.
Even the example you showed proves this. Yes, whatsapp was successful and what happened to it? Was bought by a bigger company. Developers of the app clearly had skills but also financial motivations. When it was time to make money, they didn't care about their userbase. They sold their users to FB without thinking twice about it. lol.
FB didn't pay a lot of money for some app or a platform. They paid the money for its users. This keeps happening over and over. Recently Coinbase bought BRD wallet. Not BRD wallet can't be used, its users need to migrate to Coinbase wallet. I doubt Coinbase wanted the BRD technology, but rather its users.
It is matter of time for people to realize that their are bing used as products, and when they find alternative solutions that let them do all the things they do elsewhere but as owners, that's when masses will turn to solutions like Hive.
It will be a slow process, because you can't just build apps on Hive and in the end sell your users to a bigger companies for a lot of money. Because Hive people are owners of their accounts. That's why financial motivations for building apps are lower than doing the same thing by seeking funding from VCs.
I would compare it to open source movement, where people just come together in building something because it is a good idea, and not necessarily to make profits.
You're making way too many contradictions here
Someone wanted to expand the value of the network with Justin sun through the acquisition of STEEM, but HIVE forked which is a dilutive action. Whenever you split a userbase you render yourself a niche application. Here's an example Bumble is a fork of Tinder, Tinder chose acquisition by MTCH companies and has more users and a 7x the market cap, Bumble has lost 75% of its value and still has a PE ratio of 13, its failing instead of remaining in the MTCH ecosystem.
The only reason HIVE has seen any growth, is Splinterlands, so does Splinterlands not care about their users, because they raised capital
To think that crypto is not about launching and be acquired by bigger companies because decentralised is niave. The days of someone spinning up an app or network on his home computer ended with satoshi, all applications in crypto come from VC money. You think Dan Lirmar pulled BTS, STEEM and EOS working at Mcdonalds? No he raised capital.
All crypto are loss-leading networks, looking to scale and then acquired, A16z, Cummberline Jump Crypto, Coinbase and Binance own half the shit you use through back hand deals
You are not realizing that your arguments prove the main point of the post. Everything you are saying is true in overall crypto world, and that is the problem. Hive is a solution, or at least an alternative. It offers clear path for decentralization, while everybody else is still trying to centralize things.
I am really bad at convincing anybody about anything. So I wouldn't even try convince you or anybody else. But doesn't mean we can't have a conversation.
The main point of the post is decentralization and why it is important. If people are fine with traditional ways of doing things, that's fine. It is their choice. Decentralized solutions like Bitcoin and Hive offer an alternative way, that some may find more interesting and beneficial.
Yes, Hive top witnesses make up the consensus on which code to run, what changes to implement, etc. It is 20+1, not 30. But since it is DPoS protocol, any of these top witnesses can be replaced by backup witness at anytime if the stakeholders decide so. In other words 21 witnesses do no make up the decentralization of Hive, it is the ability of stakeholders to appoint or replace any witnesses as they choose. Most of the time stakeholders would prefer to protect their interests and interests of the blockchain and vote in relying and skillful candidates. If any of the witnesses for some reason go rouge and do something that may harm the chain, it is up to the stakeholders to act promptly and replace the witness with their votes.
In a decentralized system like Hive, I have the full ownership of my account and wallet. Nobody else but I have full control over the account. Which is not the case anywhere else.
Blogging is only one of the features Hive offers. I understand not many enjoy blogging. They don't need to. They can use Hive just like any other social media apps they use. Better yet be part of building new ones.
Games like Splinterlands have demonstrated how successful building game and a gaming community can be on Hive. More and more games and apps will continue joining Hive network. For participants, the ability to use the same account/wallet to use various other games, apps, projects and build their digital equities can be beneficial too.
Maybe we should stop thinking about Hive as a product, but rather a network that puts people in charge. Decentralization is not easy. Perhaps it is easier to just use ready products that companies offer. But it is good to have options.
The financial global system itself is a failure anyway. People have looked for an alternative solution, where the generated wealth might be delivered among majority, not only minority. Thanks to blockchain and cryptocurrencies, a person in Africa or in the highlands of Latin America might have benefit from this common wealth.
I like that Hive is so forward thinking. Decentralisation is a difficult one. Will it forever live side by side with all the centralist stuff, yes. But how the percentage will shift over time, will be interesting to see. As it will…
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Maybe one day when we're gonna have a decentralized government to, the world might get to perfection.
Posted using LeoFinance Mobile
Haven't heard of Rod Beckstrom so far, might want to take a closer look now.
I'll listen to this now
Very powerful words for a close-out. We are the pioneers. We're all at the ground floor.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
@geekgirl para mi descentralizacion es no depender de un entre central sino una transacción per to per y que que no se involucre mas nadie, su articulo me parece excelente muy completo
Capitalism and centralism are the exploitation of people's efforts and a means of control and restriction in various intellectual, financial and managerial fields
The term
is itself a creation of Karl Marx himself, a perennial debtor. When we allow ourselves to use their terms, we already lost.As for
, this is neutral; it's what happens afterward which determines if it's good or bad. Since centralization is with us to some degree or other, I choose to see it this way:Decentralization
is the lowest level possible at which centralization is allowed. Sometimes it's at the level of the individual, sometimes it's at the level of the family, or the clan, etc.What you said about scammers using decentralized as a marketing tool got me thinking about one I witnessed on Discord. Basically they set up a masternode / pos coin, with the use case of having an exchange purely via discord for various currencies. When someone pointed out that they could do it, and yet have it be trustless, they abandoned the whole thing and disappeared within months. They already had a listing, and presumably more lined up!
Unfortunately, there is no shortage of scammers in cryptospace.
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Exactly... My friend and I were in the room despite feeling something was off, and tried in private to help get other friends away from it. Sadly some believed in it, because of the solid usecase - which was being developed, until they got called out about the necessity of having access to the funds. Much better that they pulled out before people really started using the exchange. Last I heard, some new group inherited the blockchain. Hopefully they did something for the investors.
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I was about to say this:
User retention is important. In fact, the fact that the market melts will be a good test case scenario to see whether it works fine (or better than in the past), won't it?
Decentralization to the people!