It might be very risky if they don't reinvest into other businesses. This is because there's a time to bull and another time to bear. The bull time is very sweet and the bear times are very bitter. My advise is total diversification of income during bull time or else they'll be looking for the same jobs even they're broke. I maybe wrong or right in my analysis.
- Wow 4% of people in the USA have quit their jobs because of Crypto gains, and the vast majority made under 50k. Now we know why so many people quit low-paying jobs. And this was BEFORE the current runup.
Looking at the above point, the 4% was actually before the runup. Am suspecting about 10% increase by the end of December 31,2021. This movements from their jobs to the crypto world of freedom, creates an opportunity for immigrants to easily get jobs in the US. One man's food is another man's poison.
Thanks for sharing.
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