If you are a #crypto investor you are currently engaged in a game of chess with Gary Gensler, whether you realize it or not...
If you are a #crypto investor you are currently engaged in a game of chess with Gary Gensler, whether you realize it or not...
Lol, this is an American problem. Whatever happens in the States doesn't affect me (at least directly). My country is semi-crypto friendly or too corrupt to cancel crypto
I think we are not looking at the same chess board...😉
Mine is more like checkers ...🙃
Be mindful the US has a way of spreading its problems to the rest of the world.
#crypto is safe because it is global. But when targeting a country, if the US wants to, it can make things difficult. You might not be on the radar =safe.
Most countries are actively resisting American influence, especially here in Africa. Most African countries align with China.
Yep. And the Chinese are screwing them over and financially enslaving them.
That didnt work out so well either.
I'm just hoping that Europe will take the lead in crypto now instead of tossing the stick to some other country. Some country will be the new crypto hub and benefit tons!
Imagine throwing this opportunity away... crazy stuff!
It happened with FOREX. The US dropped the ball on that in the early 70s and it is now out of London.
The Brits traditionally benefit from the US mistakes in the financial/market realm.
Yeah, one understands all the agendas at play here... but you would think somebody with clout would have something between the ears. The level of corruption is shocking!
They are either stupid or on the take.
There usually is no middle ground.
Watch Britain.
In the past, when the US messed up, London stepped forward.
There should be a lot of countries lining up to take on this innovative industry
True but realistically only a few are going to appeal to companies. Outside the US you have Britain and Japan with large financial centers. Japan and China are big with tech. Hong Kong a money center.
So not a lot of choices.
So you sont think any European countries outside UK have any large appeal? I guess Sweden might have to small economy, but thinking about like as Germany, Ireland or Poland?
Good thing I'm a Chessmaster
The question is how will this work out. Who is going to win this chess match?
To me, keep building and make Gensler non-relevant.
You bring up the most important aspect here... you cannot let him stop you!
He is fighting the world when you think about it.
All the building is global and he is focused upon US. But the onslaught of decentralized can come from anywhere.
I have a sense things are not going to end well for good old Gary... just give it time.
Thinks will work out extraordinary for him.
No matter how it ends with the #sec, he will get a nice cushy job with some Wall Street firm.
Might head back to Goldman.
Revolving door between regulators and those they regulate in the US.
He stands a strong chance of overplaying his hand... he's a little too brazen, but then again that's how these types roll.
Screw him. Before he screws
He's just weaponizing his position... remove that and he's out...