And mistake me if I’m wrong but the sanctions are just a form of bullying in this case.
I hope crypto can encourage an end to this kind of thing.
And mistake me if I’m wrong but the sanctions are just a form of bullying in this case.
I hope crypto can encourage an end to this kind of thing.
Yeah, it's form of Bullying!!
The worst of it, is that people who actually have a lot of money are able to get USD at cheaper prices than the poor people do! Then they SELL us stuff at the Street Price.
Talk about corruption!!
On the other hand, a lot of people in Libya are nice and we help each other out, sometimes for Free. So, it's not always bad.
I keep saying if USA was in our shoes, most of them would have killed each other already.
EDIT: Retyped the word Shoes correctly.
You are right.
I believe we are all being played against each other for a few people’s benefit. I want to see all ships rise, not this current bullshit.