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Welcome to the daily sports #threadcast! Here we will discuss, follow and share all the news from the sporting world.

We want to make #inleo the premier destination for the #sports community by establishing the Leo platform as the hub for sports updates

Edition #171
December 29

Hi, @taskmaster4450le,

This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.

Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.

Botafogo faz nova proposta ao Santos pelo zagueiro Jair

O Botafogo segue na insistência para contratar o zagueiro Jair, de 19 anos. O Alvinegro fez mais uma proposta no último sábado, agora, envolvendo a ida do volante Danilo Barbosa e do atacante Tiquinho Soares. O Peixe, no entanto, pede mais uma zagueiro para fechar o negócio.

#sports #botafogo

Inicialmente, com interesse no volante e no atacante, o Santos sugeriu a transferência dos dois jogadores e mais 12 milhões de euros, algo não aceito pelos cariocas. A informação foi dada inicialmente pelo Uol, e confirmada pelo ge.

Agora, o desejo do clube é ter um zagueiro a mais no “pacote”, além da compensação financeira de de 12 milhões de euros. O valor da nova proposta gira em torno de 9 e 12 milhões de euros. Santos analisa a proposta, assim como o jogador, que também visa um futuro na Europa.

Jair é alvo antigo da Eagle Football, empresa multi-clubes de John Textor, é considerado promissor para médio e longo prazo. O Botafogo vê um potencial de Seleção no defensor de 19 anos.

O diferencial de Jair está na saída de bola. O zagueiro tem facilidade de sair jogando tanto com a perna direita quanto com a esquerda. Isto é considerado importante para o modelo de jogo do Alvinegro, que tem Bastos e Barboza como titulares hoje.

Por que Breno Bidon é aposta do Corinthians para equilibrar as contas em 2025

O Corinthians enxerga em Breno Bidon o seu maior ativo para cumprir uma das suas principais metas previstas no orçamento para a temporada de 2025.

#sports #corinthians

O clube prevê faturar R$ 181 milhões com vendas de jogadores. E o meio-campista é considerado o principal ativo do Corinthians para que essa meta possa vir a ser cumprida.

Internamente, o Corinthians estima que pode lucrar valores parecidos ou superiores aos da venda de Gabriel Moscardo ao PSG. No início do ano, o meio-campista foi negociado por 20 milhões de euros (R$ 107,6 mi), além de mais dois milhões de euros (R$ 10,76 mi) por bônus.

E isso passa por dar maior visibilidade a Bidon. A convocação para a disputa do Sul-Americano sub-20, no início do próximo ano, é o primeiro grande passo para "apresentá-lo" ao mercado.

O meio-campista ficará fora da pré-temporada da equipe em 2025 e pode perder 10 das 12 rodadas da primeira fase do Campeonato Paulista. Mesmo assim, o Corinthians considera importante a presença do jogador na competição com a seleção brasileira sub-20.

Nets bring back D’Angelo Russell, deal Dorian Finney-Smith in trade with Lakers

D’Angelo Russell is back in Brooklyn.

The Nets reacquired their former All-Star guard in a trade with the Lakers on Sunday, also adding Maxwell Lewis and three second-round picks while sending Dorian Finney-Smith and Shake Milton to Los Angeles, according to ESPN.

Russell, 28, has received fewer minutes this season with the Lakers and is averaging 12.4 points and 4.7 assists per game.

#nba #trade #lalakers #brooklyn #nets #dangelorussell

When the Nets first acquired Russell it was also via a trade with the Lakers in 2017.

His lone All-Star campaign came in 2018-19 with the Nets, when he averaged 21.1 points and 7 assists.

Hi, @coyotelation,

This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.

Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.

A place to talk everything sports.

when I was 14 I had a choice between Final Fantasy 6 and Mother 2 (Earthbound).

Finally reaching the end of FF6 over 2 decades later.

Honestly I'm glad I went with Earthbound though. It’s probably why I’m so weird and awesome. 👽

FF6 was great, the SNES produced a lot of gems.

what was your favorite?

  1. The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past
  2. Donkey Kong Country
  3. Super Mario All Stars
  4. Final Fantasy 6
  5. Chrono Trigger

And many more lol

hahaha I like final fantasy

I started with ff7 which had a huge impact on me too.

Stopped gaming between 2010 and 2020. Now that I’m back the Nier series is my favorite.

Which FF is your favorite? Have you played Earthbound?

While I'm a fan of FF series, looking at the graphics, it seems Earthbound is also a cool game. 😀

it is by far the greatest 2D RPG of all time if you ask me, Chrono Trigger and Mario RPG are are cool, but Earthbound is something special.

I played both of those but too bad I haven't heard of Earthbound. Seems I missed a good one.

I guess it’s part of switch’s online subscription now. I think the only other way to play it is emulators. Worth it!!!

It's a dope game

I have heard many good things about Earthbound. I have yet to play it

old classics are always so cool

This is not from the crypto world but someone who is immersed in media. And he sees what we have talked about. The token is the fundamental unit of the information economy.

Are you posting enough tokens on Leo?

GenAI will trigger a tsunami of creator content across media. Just as bits became the atomic unit to distribute information goods, tokens are becoming an atomic unit for the creation of information goods;

This hits the nail on its head. We need so much more tokens on here to further increase the value of the database. Hopefully more of us will grasp this and actually do this, the more we talk about it. Using the summarizer is one tool that anyone can use to easily add a bunch of high quality data.

Gladiator 2's box office numbers show how much times have changed 📈, while the original was 2000's second-highest grossing film at $465M, the sequel's $419M only ranks 11th in 2024, this isn't because it's significantly worse but because today's blockbusters regularly pass $1B 🎬, the sequel still proves successful but highlights how box office expectations have shifted dramatically in 24 years 💰, possibly ending hopes for a third installment

#gladiator2, #boxoffice, #ridleyscott, #moviesonleo, #linkincomments, #skiptvads, #randommedianews

Seriously, they should produce movies with less cost to make money. Look at Godzilla minus 1.

I wonder if one day someone they going to uncover some sort of conspiracy behind all that money spend on making movies, some are ridiculous

Yep, it's like they are overspending on purpose. I heard some conspiracy theories in youtube, lol

I think AI will help with that

Exactly what they are doing with the help of VFX green screen location an logistics cost is sorted

The first one was a great show and will always be history, and the second one with some changes could have grossed more.

I loved this movie

I enjoy the movie

Currently enjoying the Sunday at a social event. It's from one event to another today. Africans are so immersed in social ceremonies.

we love parties.. lol

enjoy your Sunday fren

Happy Monday now

#gmfrens último domingo del año

Hay que pararse a hacer cafecito y celebrar con vida la Luz del Sol ☀️

Espero hayan descansado 🤓👨🏼‍💻
Hoy seguimos dándole al chart 📈

ho greetings to you

greetings to you too

one great thing about this year for me was that despite all the challenges I faced , I was still able to experience meaningful growth in my life and that is relieving to me

#2024 #life

The stock market is unique in that it’s the only venue where individuals often flee when prices drop instead of taking advantage of the bargains.

What do you think contributes to this behavior?

very unique indeed

well the big guys with huge stakes

En casa de mi abuelo cuenta con una flor muy bonito y me llamo mucho la atención conocida como orquídea de agua.


happy Sunday beautiful flowers

happy Sunday you're right

Thank you, best regards.

I love the blossoms of the flowers

The total circulating supply of stablecoins rose by an additional 0.45% this week, reaching over $205 billion. This marks a total increase of $70 billion in stablecoin supply since the beginning of the year.

stable coins is future of money

i couldn't agree more it truly is

200 billion damn that's a lot

days like today I’m glad I bought in 😃

and sold?

still in the ecosystem 😃

HBD is a lovely thing

new but the value seems good

I missed but another chance for me next time

This would be absolutely devastating to me if I wasn’t here earning crypto. But thanks to that it works in my favor.

It's worse here

Looks about the same on the 5 year. And that’s compared to USD which is always going to lose to bitcoin

It's just fiat being fiat...

Losing it's value over the time. Better to be in bitcoin

Gee 😲
That's bad


What the hell happened in 2021!?

Correction! That's what...

What Google shows, is the Bank price for USD in Libya... But since we're a sanctioned country, it's REALLY HARD to get USD at Bank price. Most people won't be able to. So, when the Street Price reached 4x (or was it 6x?) the Bank Price, the Central Bank in Libya corrected the official price.

It still doesn't work all the time, though...

Google shows USD to cost 4.9 LYD right now. But the actual Street Price is more like 6.5 LYD.

We don't really mind, as everything in the country is adjusted to the current Street Price, so we're used to it. But it feels bad when I check Google and have to explain this like I do now.

And mistake me if I’m wrong but the sanctions are just a form of bullying in this case.

I hope crypto can encourage an end to this kind of thing.

Yeah, it's form of Bullying!!

The worst of it, is that people who actually have a lot of money are able to get USD at cheaper prices than the poor people do! Then they SELL us stuff at the Street Price.

Talk about corruption!!

On the other hand, a lot of people in Libya are nice and we help each other out, sometimes for Free. So, it's not always bad.

I keep saying if USA was in our shoes, most of them would have killed each other already.

EDIT: Retyped the word Shoes correctly.

You are right.

I believe we are all being played against each other for a few people’s benefit. I want to see all ships rise, not this current bullshit.

Low doesn't mean bad

when you earn a currency that is crashing, it makes travel much harder and it also encourages tourists to come which raises the prices of everyday things because tourists can afford what locals and residents cannot

Indeed, but Japan is considered an emerging market and has long-time low interest rate...
These two factor depreciate the value of the fiat, but if japan manage to get some more activity in the country to be able to get rates up and devlop economy more JPY will probably boom agaisnt dollard

wow look at that rate

what is JPY

That's why I love crypto

the value so big in USD

Should I say, I'm lucky to be here too?

Yeah me too

Things have settled down here for awhile. We delayed the funeral until after the holidays. But we were able to get the plans made with the funeral home and the church already. When Dad went into the hospital on the 14th of this month we all expected him to get through this and at least see his 94th birthday which would have been on New Years Day.
Right now Roy and I are trying to get our heads around the fact that Dad isn't coming home anymore. We've lived with him for just over 3 years now.
It's really quiet here now. Very odd.

He and my mother pre planned their funerals so admittedly there wasn't a ton of work to do on that. The difference will be that Mom died during Covid so the wake was sparsely attended and we weren't able to have a luncheon after everything was done. We had a celebration of life party a year later for Mom.
With Dad everything will be like it was before we were being controlled by a virus.

This is how the #crypto market looks. I never imagined that FTX would return as FTT. Which project do you recommend studying? #cent #bbh #newlion #hive #leofinance

pretty scary

Bull Bear it's a cycle

I stopped sharing my referral link because I'm concerned about people signing up and not making posts. My focus now is how to get those that have already signed up to start posting. The more I try to encourage them by making posts on my X page, the more people just keep signing up instead of the already onboarded users to start being active.

that's a great idea fren

That's good. I think there is not benefit bringing user those remain inactive after creating account.

Absolutely no benefit beyond increasing sign ups.

You should do both simultaneously

More referrals + deeper relationship with referrals

Until I find an approach that works. I will rather suspend sharing the link. I would want to appear as an abuser of the referral system. I could easily amass over 200 referrals if I keep sharing the link on my X page.

The challenge from the ecosystem end is to get people to create meaningful content, and interact with others.

It's a different more deliberative process than social media, though - threads could support a more reactionary mode.

I agree. Perhaps we should incentivize those that are actively engaging more. Even if it's in the short term.

great thing I came through referral so I get it

Keep doing it, we just need 5 to 10 percent commited people not all

2024's most confusing box office disappointments include movies that should have been hits 📊, Argylle with its $200M budget only made $96M despite its fun premise and strong cast, The Fall Guy earned $181M but fell short of expectations despite good reviews, Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga barely broke even at $173M 🎬, even Megalopolis from Francis Ford Coppola only made $13M on a $120M budget 💰, showing how unpredictable box office success can be

#boxoffice, #2024movies, #flops, #moviesonleo, #linkincomments, #skiptvads, #randommedianews

joker was very awkward for me

Yes I was expecting a better movie, I did like the first one though

I am a firm believer in investing your money into the same things you invest your time and energy into.

Diversify a little, but keep your money where your mouth is.

Agreed 100%

100% based and 100% superbased

I like this idea

keep your money where your mouth is.

This summarises it are totally right

Yes, you're right on that. Now one grows scattered

Invest in the projects you believe in long term and you'd see your account moon.

If it has good utility, a thriving leader mindset and a good community it should do just fine with time

Facebook is where I go when I wanna scroll through 6 ads and 6 trending posts to see a single post from a friend.

Facebook is necessary Evil where I live... Everyone has either a Messenger (FB) or Whatsapp for communications, including work communications and costumer services.

I don’t have a problem with the tool itself, more the company and some of their practices. I use inst like a contact list and messenger too.

Messenger is 100x more useful than the FB app itself

True, about messenger.

when they lose the audience they won't be necessary

Can you tell me what you mean by that? Who'll lose audience?

i mean X will lose audience to Bluesky

Will Inleo create and encrypted type of messaging systems?

They're conisdering it. I know it's possible on HIVE.

hahahaha and who wants that

my parents lol

good response to em 🤣🤣

I also think the same about facebook.

haha. That's so true

saddly yes

2025 I will be chasing some hard goals.

There is no guarantee that the adventure you choose will turn out the way you hope. That is the point. If it were safe, it wouldn't be heroic; if it were predictable, it wouldn't be an adventure.

Even if your heroic exploits prove to be more uncomfortable or painful than expected, that, too, is part of your journey. The objective is not to win in a conventional way; it is to wake up and be fully alive.

A challenging adventure doesn’t have to be physical in nature to bestow benefits; it can equally be mental. Indeed, learning new things with a spirit of curiosity and exploration has been shown to induce positive moods.

This raises an interesting paradox in the field of happiness research: people derive significantly more happiness from high-skill activities that require learning than they do from low-skill ones that don’t, yet we typically settle for the latter.

  • Arthur Brooks.

Chase your goals regardless how hard

You would accomplish it

A step at a time and you are there

At this point, @bradleyarrow is nothing short of a damn cash cow. 💸🐄 #Success #MoneyMoves #bbho #bbh #cent #crypto

I believe that was a complement? !BBH !DOOK

Abso-freakin-lutely! !BBH !ALIVE !PIZZA !LOLZ

Anyone not betting on you is #stupid.

Damn, I made a believer out of a bot. loves it ;)

Yeah, whatever !LOLZ

Coming for the #margins, staying for the #community

Why should you never play poker in the jungle?
Too many cheetahs.

Credit: marshmellowman
$LOLZ on behalf of master-lamps



@bradleyarrow, I sent you an

@bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(15/100)@master-lamps! to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.

(html comment removed: )

What do you say to comfort a friend who's struggling with grammar?
There, their, they're.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of master-lamps

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@bradleyarrow, I sent you an

Now if I could just keep moving up in the Witness ranking ;)

Can it move up, if one of vote increases their $HIVE #stake?

If enough Hive is staked, or enough people do it.

@master-lamps likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(2/50)@bradleyarrow! to your account on behalf of @master-lamps.

(html comment removed: )


You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 ALIVE@bradleyarrow! to your account on behalf of @master-lamps.

Alive Banner

He is making the greens

@bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(11/100)@master-lamps! to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.

(html comment removed: )

I can't do any subscriber-only posts. Thread button just hangs up, trying to make a post returns an error.



Also, try logging out and back in

Seems to have done the trick this time.

Do you have any screenshots?

On post creation:

On thread creation

Is it fixed now?

when HBD is above $1.00 does that usually mean Hive will have some buying pressure before long?

HBD is high right now, because when $HIVE went up, everyone started converting theirs to HBD to keep the value before it drops again. It's go back as soon as the HIVE swings stop. I think...

Hello lions
Today is Sunday and I hope we all went to the sanctuary.tge year is about to endend so we need to dedicate this few days to God

happy Sunday it's been great

Guys, if you're new to INLEO, keep in mind that the price ticker that shows $LEO price isn't always accurate, and each platform has its own price for $LEO leading to a lot of arbitrage opportunities! #crypto #hive #leo #cent

oh thanks a lot

I'm grateful too

it's the gif I liked more haha

Mmmmm... Power!! -- Me.

I ask that question to myself

I don’t know what to do

Chin is rested in my hand.

I feel like I’m on 42.


hahahaha because of the hive value

Even though they didnt do that great with online rating, this is my favorite action vampire / werewolf movie trilogy
#skiptvads, #movieclip, #underworld, #trilogy

Alright, I'm watching this tonight


A look at the July 1990 issue of PC World.

#retrocomputing #magazine #bbh #cent


Highlights include a preview of the brand new Windows 3.0, a look at communications shareware, and much more.

How time flies


Check out the original post for more from this issue:

Do you believe that BTC.D has topped for this cycle?

#crypto #gc

is btc.d different from btc ??

I'm pretty sure

Yeah, it's a chart comparing Bitcoin to altcoins. The lower the dominance percentage of BTC drops, the better it's gonna be for alts.

yes sirr it has

Yes I do believe

It kinda has

Pretty happy with my SUI concentrated pool positions.

These two generate rewards worth about $1 a day each.

So far they've stayed nicely within the range and I've had to rebalance only once.

If you wanna know more, check out my latest blog post. Link in comments 👇

Charles Dolan, HBO and Cablevision Founder, Dies at 98

Last Sunday of 2024, it's Amazing how far we've come, two more days to go, I'll be streaming on top of my voice...

#2024 >>> #2025

happy last Sunday

Welcome To Greener Candles #23 !

This crypto-focused #threadcast is packed with news, hot topics and alpha, inviting all crypto enthusiasts to engage.

  • Newbie friendly, ask questions, share your stuff!

  • Also serves as a newsletter (switch to 'oldest')

  • Vote, comment, get upvotes

Join the fun and let's get this up there! 🟢 Thumbnail art by @furuyagi0116 (X account)


My portfolio as bubbles!

Daily performance compared against BTC.

#crypto #gc


Very interesting project touching on AI & DeSci sectors

#crypto #gc

Yes .. I am Bullish on this .!! after staking it . you recieve other tokens too .

You get all these other projects for staking your aixcb .

I didn't know about them

I'm going to check them out

Pretty Interesting project on virtuals
, Compared to the others this Has Low MC too .!!

😀👍 That's so crazy! This could be something!

i wish for green candles mostly 2025

$AIXBT up 39%.

  • AI agent have been performing well lately, $ai16z & $VIRTUAL had their run and now it's $AIXBT's turn.

Are you holding any AI agent tokens?

#crypto #gc

I am holding a couple . .!! 😆


  • BTC getting the respect it deserves


Another Hive Surge!

Did you have some liquid $HIVE in store? 😉

Today's Bubbles

Token Unlocks


  • Phantom wants you to focus on crypto. It's not a terrible idea, to be honest.

Pretty happy with my SUI concentrated pool positions.

These two generate rewards worth about $1 a day each.

So far they've stayed nicely within the range and I've had to rebalance only once.

If you wanna know more, check out my latest blog post:

Watchlist For The Week

Bitcoin Dominance

Do you believe that BTC.D has topped for this cycle?


  • SOL TVL all-time high


Interesting updates coming up from ResearchHub

I hate red candles 🤣

all the way to the top I hope

to the top 💪💥💯

At times this movie is so simple but so good, color combination, shots distance and angles, this is my favorite movie of 2024
#skiptvads, #duneparttwo, #moviesonleo, #atreidis, #imleadingtheway

is that a barcode?
Does it work?

will the barcode take me to the movie?

hive is a 4x away from me being able to stop worrying about my income if needed

Good luck!

Oh, that's cool... I'm about the same as long as even at that price, I'll still get the same upvotes amount/percentages that I do now.

The good stuff costs 2x what it did before corona. The crappy stuff costs about the same 😒

Corona was worse experience

A lot of people have noticed "shrinkflation" where the amount of chips, snacks or whatever the product is, has been reduced with the package remaining a similar size. Less for more.

My next target is to subscribe to #inleopremium, imagine having all the privileges that comes with the package, almost too good to be true #inleo #premium #2025 #goal

Thats cool man, I think you will enjoy it

Definitely going for it...

wow premium have to look

It's definitely good and I'm going for it

  1. hive go up, buy HBD.
  2. Hive go down, buy hive.
  3. Repeat. Repeat.
  4. Become an orca.

oh nice strategy

That's pretty simple. Most of people don't understand this (yet).

I mean that’s all I did, plus sold all my alts when hive was at 8 cents. I don’t regret it one bit. I’ll buy some again next time hive goes parabolic and maybe become a whale this decade, who knows

You have being smart on this.

wait a minute. That's a good strategy

And it helps support the value of hive since we keep it in the ecosystem.

I will become a dolphin with this process

this is the way

Great plan

Hive pumping again!

new but it's going so high

I'm waiting on $1

If you had unlimited resources for one day, what would you do?

It's time to buy some HBD! 🔥

yea, going to hold more HBD going into new year.

Seems like a wise choice.

Yeah. It's the best I can do right now (considering my future goals).

Last Sunday of 2024, it's Amazing how far we've come, two more days to go, I'll be streaming on top of my voice...

#2024 >>> #2025

Hello lions
Remember that Epic Games is giving away games every day ( only for pc ) . Happy day

#game #inleo #cent #dash #gaming

Join the Threadcast and introduce Yourself Dash Community

join the threadcast and introiduce yourself

The Walking Dead's most deadly characters ranked by kill count 🧟‍♂️, Daryl Dixon leads with 79 kills showing his evolution from loner to leader, Rick Grimes comes second with 54 kills proving his sheriff background wasn't just for show 🔫, Negan surprisingly only has 47 kills despite his reputation with Lucille, while Michonne has 26 kills mostly with her sword ⚔️, numbers that show how survival changed these characters

#thewalkingdead, #zombies, #twd, #tvonleo, #linkincomments, #skiptvads, #randommedianews

I haven't watched this yet

The ending sucked. First season was very good. After that ups and downs.

Marvel's 1999 movie plans could have killed the MCU before it started 🎬, back then Marvel CEO Avi Arad wanted to split characters across different studios instead of creating a connected universe, this included Spider-Man and Doctor Strange at Sony, Hulk and Namor at Universal, X-Men and Fantastic Four at Fox 🎥, and Black Panther at New Line Cinema, if these movies had been successful Marvel would have kept letting studios do their own thing instead of creating the MCU we know today 🎞️, this shows how failure sometimes leads to better outcomes

#marvel, #mcu, #arad, #moviesonleo, #linkincomments, #skiptvads, #randommedianews

My mind is buzzing with creative ideas to explore with Stable Diffusion! 🌌

Stay tuned—I'll definitely be sharing more soon!

keep innovating

Haha, thanks, it will be like that.

Día 1: A partir de hoy estaré subiendo un post al día con el objetivo de reunir suficiente fondos para iniciar mi propio proyecto DeFI

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