Self study #threadcast
I will be using this thread to take notes while I am studying. Feel free to do the same or to share something you learned recently.
Repetition and recollection helps us remember things so having any extra chance to write things down helps tremendously.
I’ll be studying Japanese and guitar.
Awesome, man. This is off topic but also important 👍.
Hope you didn't get any inappropriate DM from me on discord. My Discord account was hacked but I've set up a new one.
Can you send me an invite to Crossculture Community?
Hope you took care of the hack 😔 see you soon!
Thanks 👍
I'm still in crisis management for the hack. I checked and the hacked account is still in the discord server you shared with me.
I will send you a DM with more details so you can ban that account.
The Japanese, Speaking or written?
interesting take on a threadcast :)
王族 royalty おうぞく
人気取り publicity stunt にんきとり
致命的 fatal ちめいてき
醜聞 scandal しゅうぶん
救済 relief /aid きゅうさい
司る to govern つかさどる
聖職者 clergyman せいしょくしゃ
司教 bishop しきょう
補弼 advising the emperor ほひつ
腹を割って話す speak frankly はらをわってはなす
what do you mean?
60 words sounds like a lot to learn in one day but it’s really not. just them up into 5 like this! Then it’s 12 lists. And maybe do 4 lists in one sitting
I am at 30 words already! I will do some review with the app and be back for another 30 words after that!
I hope someone else shares some study notes or tips or experience!
円卓 round table えんたく
別命 separate orders べつめい
内示 unofficial announcement ないじ
お近づき making someone’s acquaintance おちかづき
統括 unification とうかつ
I’ll make sentences for the words that I think are most important after I have about 100 words to study here
it takes me many times repeating the same thing to remember so I’m glad I have an extra place to repeat every word again.
After I play an hour or two of the game in Japanese, I go to YouTube and find dialogue videos in Japanese and rewatch, this time making a vocab list.
Then I do digital flash cards in the same app.
Then I watch one last time. Then I’ll review a few times a few days or a week later
さぞや certainly
勘ぐる to be suspicious of かんぐる
しばし for a short while
客室 guest room きゃくしつ
整う to be prepared ととのう
長雨 long rain ながあめ
氾濫 overflooding はんらん
水位 water level すいい
祟り curse たたり
寝言 nonsense (sleep talk) ねごと
Writing everything out on threads first and then sifting through the thread to find my notes and writing them down on a physics notebook will give me an extra 2 times to review everything
実体化 actualization じったいか
実在 actual existence じつざい
司祭 priest しさい
不束 incompetent ふつつか
末長く everlasting すえながく
Anything you are studying these days?
I have been playing RPGs to learn Japanese. Most recently I am studying from Tales of Zesteria. Far from my favorite game but a decent chance to learn vocabulary used in fantasy.
feel free to use this thread as a place to talk about your studies or give tips too
不可欠 indispensable ふかけつ
手間 time/labor てま
微力 little influence びりょく
王宮 royal palace おうきゅう
内務 domestic affairs ないむ
I was playing Tales of Vesperia and it also wasn’t my favorite game but the Japanese was awesome for studying. So many great idioms and expressions. This game isn’t as great but I’m already in the middle of it.
the Persona series is also great for studying but it’s such a huuuuge game. I played 5 for 2 years and only got halfway through so I decided to finish it without studying
I will go back and review some vocabulary from Vesperia and Persona 4 and 5 as well!
the vocabulary below is from a scene in Zesteria where an evil spirit has cursed a lake so it’s overflowing. Blah blah blah 🤣
辛苦 hardship しんく
見張る stand guard みはる
限りない eternal かぎりない
王位継承者 heir to a throne おういけいしょうしゃ
親密 intimate しんみつ
Study hard and learn the more you can
Come share what you are study or some experiences about it. Take notes or strike up a conversation about your studies
求める to request/demand もとめる
低俗 vulgar ていぞく
有効 valid ゆうこう
単刀直入 get to the point たんとうちょくにゅう
配下 subordinates はいか
士気 morale しき
高揚 enhancement こうよう
厭世観 glass half empty えんせいかん
便宜を図る suit your convenience べんぎをはかる
義理立て doing one’s duty ぎりだて