
If the 99% wants more, then they need to get out and get it like the 1% has. It shouldn't matter who owns what. People tell me I shouldn't own the amount land I do, because it will take away from someone else living there, well, I say tough titties and I dare anyone to try and take my it from me.

The thing is with the whole 99% vs the 1%, this shows that 99% of the world are sheep and isn't smart enough to take what is theirs, if they were, there wouldn't be such wealth gap. The 1% are the ones who figured out the game and are winning. Why punish them with a ton of regulations? Just because they are smarter and play the game better than everyone else? Do you think an alpha wolf shares the organ meat of the kill with the rest of the pack? Nope.

I am and always be an ANCAP and feel that governments need to be stripped to bare minimums and things need to be ran and would run so much better if the private sector were able to operate freely.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t want more regulation, in most cases I want less. I think anyone who wants to be autonomous should be able to be. If they have the land or if they find land that no one is using.

Then why have regulations showing who owns what? It's honestly none of anyone's business. Financial privacy is freedom.

Because I see a danger of more centralization of power if someone can keep secret that they own an entire city.

So the goal in my mind would be to preserve financial privacy for anyone who doesn’t stand to create a monopoly in theory or practice. And no I have no idea how to achieve that.

Dude, there are investors out there that do basically own entire cities. If not one, a small handful, so that's already a thing. Also another reason I own 64 acres of land in the country and do not live in a city. Cities are the definition of centralization, so naturally there will be a centralization of power.

I know. It’s why I have such a love hate relationship with the cities. I guess if I want to work towards decentralization, the place where I can get the most done is at the core of centralization. But when I buy land and a house you can be sure it’ll be in the country

I get you. But the internet has made living in the country so much easier than it used to be. I can literally order anything I need, including groceries and have them delivered to my doorstep. We used to be able to not even be able to get a pizza out here, lol. Hell, I even have faster internet out here than my buddy does in the city, lol.

I don’t see how that logic could be anti state though. By that logic the state deserves to control you because they figured out the game and tough titties on you buddy 😉

See what happens if you try to take it from them

please tell me how I’m wrong? Ive been trying to see how this works since I joined hive and was introduced to the idea of ancap. I agree with the idea of voluntary association, but I don’t see how a small group who end up own everything doesn’t become a state similar to what we have now.

The idea is just that that won’t happen because “free market good”? That’s it?

The problem is that the population has let it get to this point where the government and big players control everything, and they are perfectly fine with it until something effects them. It's sickening to be honest. If the population would go out and build their own wealth instead of sitting back waiting on someone else to make them rich or to give them a piece of the pie, then we wouldn't be in this situation. But it's human nature, you are going to have sleeping sheep, and then you will have wolves. The ones crying are the sheep that don't know how to do anything for themselves. Crypto was supposed to give us a way to opt out, but people turned it into a childish fiat casino and beg daddy government to pump their bags instead of doing what I am trying to do which is to build an alternate economy. I thought there would have been more people in this space that thought the same way, but most are still sleeping and only care about fiat number go up.

I don’t see myself as either. I’ll work with what I can work with.

I am for the decentralization of power. Period. I don’t think getting there will be a clear cut path. I think both sides have things to offer when you filter out the crazies whose voices get amplified by algorithms and media and who the opposing side always focuses on.

Human nature acts differently in different circumstances. Growing ecosystems that encourage both self sovereignty AND compassion is the only answer I can think of, and it’s gonna take a lot of trial and error, but I think we are on the right path (me and you).

The more experimentation and the more goodwill between people with differing views, the better. That’s all I really care about.

I basically agree with you here although I try not to look down on people (sometimes I can’t help it 😆) because I see communists, free market capitalists, and traditional moderates as equally prone to “sheepishness” in general.

I think the old capitalism vs. communism paradigm is outdated and we are living in a centralist vs. decentralist paradigm now. Both Communists and Capitalists have the capacity to be centralists, as most are now, because even individualism and the idea of competition can be manipulated into promoting centralist policies.

Yeah, you are right about that.